利用JUnit及STC進行單體測試二 (2)_第1頁
利用JUnit及STC進行單體測試二 (2)_第2頁
利用JUnit及STC進行單體測試二 (2)_第3頁
利用JUnit及STC進行單體測試二 (2)_第4頁
利用JUnit及STC進行單體測試二 (2)_第5頁
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1、Beyond TechnologyJUnit及STC進行單體測試(二)(Ver1.0)1目的與目標StrutsTestCase for JUnit介紹STC提供的兩種測試方式STC的配置使用STC示例2課程概述實際項目需要JUnit的不足STC的優(yōu)勢3StrutsTestCase for JUnit4StrutsTestCase提供的兩種途徑采用模擬對象途徑采用Cactus來真實的運行Struts的ActionServlet5Cactus測試框架的配置修改web.xml文件建立perties文件 指定日志文件配置strutstest包6修改web.xml文件a. 增加一個filter Filt

2、erRedirector org.apache.cactus.server.FilterTestRedirector 增加相應的filter mapping FilterRedirector /FilterRedirector b. 增加兩個servlet JspRedirector jsp- ServletRedirector org.apache.cactus.server.ServletTestRedirector 增加相應的servlet mapping JspRedirector /JspRedirector ServletRedirector /ServletRedirector

3、7建立perties文件在當前工程文件夾下的src下,新建文件:perties,內容如下:# Configuration Cactus.# Each project using Cactus need to have such a in the client side# CLASSPATH (Meaning the directory containgin this be in the client# side CLASSPATH, not the of course . :) )# Defines the URLs that will be used by Cactus to call it

4、s redirectors.# You need to specify in these URLs the webapp context that you use for your# application. In the example below, the context is test.# Web app Context under which our application to test runscactus.contextURL=1# Default Servlet Redirector Name. Used by ServletTestCase test cases.cactus

5、.servletRedirectorName = ServletRedirector# Default JSP Redirector Name. Used by JspTestCase test cases.cactus.jspRedirectorName = JspRedirector# NOTE: Some servlet 2.3 containers need to map the filter to a valid# resource (Orion 1.5.2 for example). Others, like Tomcat, are happy# with just any map

6、ping.# For example, the following would work with Tomcat (and this is what I would# have expected !) :# cactus.filterRedirectorName = FilterRedirectorcactus.filterRedirectorName=/FilterRedirector# Enable Cactus internal loggingcactus.enableLogging=true1 端口號應寫實際你所使用的端口號。8建立log_perties文件在當前工程文件夾下的src下

7、,新建文件:log_perties,內容如下:# Properties for configuring Log4j# This is the configuring for logging on the JUnit side (i.e. the client side)log4j.appender.cactus = org.apache.log4j.log4j.appender.cactus.1log4j.appender.cactus.Append = falselog4j.appender.cactus.layout = org.apache.log4j.PatternLayoutlog4

8、j.appender.cactus.layout.ConversionPattern = %dABSOLUTE %t %-5p %-30.30c2 %x - %m %n# Any application log which uses Log4J will be logged to the Cactus log filelog4j.rootCategory=DEBUG, cactus# By default we dont log at the DEBUG level for Cactus log, in order not to generate too# many logs. However

9、, should a problem arise and logs need to be sent to the Cactus dev team,# then we will ask you to change this to DEBUG.apache.cactus = WARN, cactus.apache.cactus=false1 指定日志文件的位置與名稱,如果指定的文件夾不存在,則會自動創(chuàng)建。9建立log_perties文件在當前工程文件夾下的src下,新建文件:log_perties,內容如下:# Properties for configuring Log4j# This is t

10、he configuring for logging on the server sidelog4j.appender.cactus = org.apache.log4j.log4j.appender.cactus.1log4j.appender.cactus.Append = falselog4j.appender.cactus.layout = org.apache.log4j.PatternLayoutlog4j.appender.cactus.layout.ConversionPattern = %dABSOLUTE %t %-5p %-30.30c2 %x - %m %n# Any

11、application log which uses Log4J will be logged to the Cactus log filelog4j.rootCategory=DEBUG, cactus# By default we dont log at the DEBUG level for Cactus log, in order not to generate too# many logs. However, should a problem arise and logs need to be sent to the Cactus dev team,# then we will as

12、k you to change this to DEBUG.apache.cactus = WARN, cactus.apache.cactus=false注:2、3、4所用的文件可以直接復制strutstest例子下的文件,然后進行修改。10配置strutstest包配置strutstest包 11CactusStrutsTestCase的繼承關系CactusStrutsTestCase - ServletTestCase - AbstractTestCase -TestCase12一個簡單的例子Public class LogonAction public ActionForward ex

13、ecute( ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) LogonActionForm actionForm=(LogonActionForm) form; String userName = actionForm.getUserName(); String password = actionForm.getPassword();if (AppLogic.doLogon(userName,password) return(actionMapp

14、ing.findForward(“success”);else return(actionMapping.findForward(“failed”); 13對應的actionformPublic class logonForm private String userName; private String password; public String getUserName() return this.userName; public String getPassword() return this.password; public void setUserName(String userN

15、ame) this.userName = userName; public void getPassword(String password) this.password = password; 14相對應的測試類public class LogonActionTest extends CactusStrutsTestCase /* 構造方法參數是必須的,在用TestSuite進行集合測試時需要*/ public LogonActionTest (String testName) super(testName); public void setUp() throws Exception super.setUp(); public void tearDown() throws Exception super.tearDown(); 15 /*以下為實現一條測試用例的方法*/ public void testLogonSuccessful () setRequestPathInfo(/logonAction); addRequestParameter(“userName, “zhangq”); addRequestParameter(password, “zhangq


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