



1、Unit 7 How much?導學案(一)Story time一、復習導入.交際語匹配:( )1. Would you like some noodles? A. No, thank you.( )2. What would you like? B. A glass of milk,please.( )3. What about some rice? C. Yes, Id like some noodles.( )4. Id like an egg,please. D. Would you like a cake?( )5. Im hungry. E. Here you are.新知鏈接看圖

2、寫單詞。 預習Story time,聽錄音,跟讀磁帶,注意模仿語音語調。預習Story time,根據對話填入正確的價格。1. How much is the umbrella? .2. How much are the shoes? .3. How much are the socks? .4. How much do the twins have? .聰明屋把下列句子排成一段通順的話。( ) Id like these socks. ( ) A pie, please.( ) Theyre four yuan. ( ) Im hungry, Dad.( ) How much are the

3、y? ( ) Anything else?( ) Can I help you? ( ) What would you like?( ) OK. Here you are. ( ) No, thank you. Unit 7 How much? 導學案(二)Cartoon time復習導入根據中文提示完成句子。那些香蕉多少錢?18元。How the bananas? yuan.你有多少香蕉?二十個。How do you have? .漢堡多少錢?5元。How the hamburger? Yuan.那把扇子真漂亮。 is very .干得真棒。 .學完Story time以后,你知道這些句子的

4、意思嗎?請把意思寫下來。Can I help you? Id like these shoes. How much are they? The socks are very nice. This umbrella is cool. How much is it? Its only nineteen yuan. We have twenty-eight yuan. 新知鏈接聽磁帶,預習Cartoon time,理解故事含義,并給下列圖片排序。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )預習Cartoon time,理解一下句子的意思。How many would you like? Theyre for m

5、y sister, Tina. Her tail is long. How beautiful! Does Tina like the gift(禮物) from Bobby? .Unit 7 How much?導學案(三)Sound time一、復習導入(一)小小翻譯家我的襪子 2. her long tail 四十個男孩 4. How beautiful! 這些鞋子 6. near the river 二十五元 8. a cool umbrella 干得好。 10. only nineteen yuan 連詞成句,注意句子字母大小寫和標點are, socks, much, your, ho

6、w(?) fan, very, that, beautiful, is(.) many, pens, how, you, would, like(?) much, is, the, umbrella, how (?) are, my, the, shoes, brother, for (.) 二、新知鏈接1. 聽磁帶,跟讀Sound time,注意發(fā)音準確。Vv Vv,Vv for / v /, / v / / v / fivefive give live love very river very 2. 比一比,讀一讀,看看誰讀得有快、準又響亮。Five men live near the r

7、iver. They love to swim in summer. 聰明屋(改錯)( )1. Id like a umbrella. A B C( )2. How much is your shoes? A B C( )3. Id like some rices. A B C( )4. Do you have some bananas? A B C Unit 7知識匯總語音 Vv Vv,Vv for / v /, / v / / v / fivefive give live love very river very Five men live near the river. They lov

8、e to swim in summer. 詞匯三會:how much多少錢 yuan元 umbrella傘 only只有,僅僅 twenty-eight 二十八 well done好樣的;干得好 fan扇子 forty-five四十五 her她的 tail尾巴 long長的 四會:shoe鞋子 sock襪子 twenty 20 thirty 30 forty 40 fifty 50詞組:how much 多少錢 2. these shoes 這些鞋子five yuan 五元錢 4. very nice 非常漂亮only nineteen yuan 只有十九元 6. well done 干得好a

9、 long tail 一條長尾巴 8. How beautiful!真漂亮?。er socks 她的襪子 10. near the river 在小河附近11. Here you are. 給你。 12. twenty fans 二十把扇子句型Can I help you? 我可以幫助你嗎?Id like these shoes. 我想要這些鞋子。How much are they? Five yuan,please. 它們多少錢?五元錢。The socks are very nice. 這雙襪子非常漂亮。This umbrella is cool. 這把雨傘很酷。How much is i

10、t? Its only nineteen yuan. 它要多少錢?它只要十九元。We have twenty-eight yuan. 我們有二十八元了。How many would you like? 你們想要多少?Theyre for my sister Tina. 它們是給我?guī)妹玫倌鹊?。Her tail is long. 她的尾巴很長。Id like these,please. 請給我這些。Five men live near the river. They love to swim in summer. 五位男人住 在小河附近。他們喜歡夏天在那游泳。小知識How much.?這是詢問價格的常用語。物品是單數:How much is it?Its five yuan.如果物品是復數:How much are they?Theyre twenty yuan.Well done. 干得好。 常用來贊美別人某事做得好。數詞的表達: 112one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten,eleven,twelve;13-19 thirteen, fourteen, fifteen,


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