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1、 外國碩士2022留學(xué)申請書格式 外國碩士2022留學(xué)申請書 Dear _, Brought up in a shabby and cramped small apartment, I was fascinated in my childhood by the exquisite houses and condominiums I watched on TV in images that had been shot in the developed countries. It has since been my dream to build up in China the same kind

2、of quality human habitat. I believe that this dream can come true if I get to undertake advanced studies in architecture at your university. I am now erecting fundamental building blocks towards the realization of my dream at the Harbin Institute of Technology (known as HIT), from which I am schedul

3、ed to graduate next year. This elite institution accepted me in 1995 in recognition of my strong performance in the National University Entrance Examinations, held once every year nationwide to screen high school graduates for higher education. Here, I have received vigorous training in structure en

4、gineering, an area of study that is essential to the countrys frenzied construction industry. Deeply in love with my chosen area of studies, I have turned my mind into an engine of creativity during three years of disciplined learning. Courses of my major, particularly structure mechanics, architect

5、ure material, and survey of engineering, fascinate me so much that I am sometimes completely enthralled in studying them. Looking now at the reinforced concrete structures around me, I not only detect the configuration inside easily but also arrive at some preliminary assessment of its strengths and

6、 weaknesses quickly. Everything that comes into my sight presents itself in the framework of some form of structure. Carefully groomed as the only child in my family, I cannot stand being the second best in any group and situation, especially when it comes to a contest of intellectual caliber. At HI

7、T, I beat the odds and excelled all most of my fellow students in academic studies, making myself the undisputed academic leader of the class. Students and faculty alike are so accustomed to my academic excellence that everybody would be surprised in class if I happen not to be able to answer a ques

8、tion better than others even once. My motto is : one either comes out the first, or he is a failure. The university has awarded me a string of scholarships and other accolades in praise of my academic achievements. But I am no bookworm. In fact, I am constantly engaged in a host of extracurricular a

9、ctivities, for which I have been conferred a Special Commendation for Participation in Social Activities. I have run and won the position of monitor in my class during my first semester, which made me a natural student leader. Active on campus, I was then appointed the recreation officer of the Stud

10、ent Association, in charge of organizing entertainment and other recreational events for the benefit of the students. I now also serve as the president of the Society of Student Architects and Engineers. Such involvement in the student affairs has tempered my skills in leadership, organization and c

11、ommunication. But more importantly, it has broadened my horizon and deepened my insights in terms of what constitutes beauty, grace and strength, which I believe will always help me in my engineering designs. I would like to mention here my passion for a uniquely oriental sport called weiqi, known a

12、s the go in the English parlance. An intricate chess game, it is challenging to even the best and brightest minds. One usually has to be a full-time player to play it well. Not to be daunted, I not only joined the Weiqi Club on campus but also taken part in a national contest, in which I won the 12t

13、h place and the HIT team I led won the 3rd place. My achievement in the weiqi sport testifies to my superior mental power and intellectual resourcefulness. To tap fully into my intellectual resources, I would like to take up the greater challenges of helping to design my countrys skylines in the 21s

14、t century. For that, I need better training that what I have received. An American education will expose mw to new perspectives and endow me with new inspirations. When I get to combine my Chinese perspectives with those of the West, I should have no trouble fulfilling my ambition of cutting one of

15、the best structure engineers in the world. With that, I want to design and build the most beautiful structures in China. To ensure both my future and that of my countrys construction industry, I sincerely hope that I could be admitted into your university. I am confident that, if I can be lucky enou

16、gh to study under your seasoned guidance and with your kind financial assistance, many people in China will never have to endure the kind of shabby and inconvenient apartments that I endured as a child. Yours sincerely, 奧地利碩士留學(xué)優(yōu)勢與申請條件 一、奧地利碩士留學(xué)優(yōu)勢 1、入學(xué)門檻低 在國內(nèi)完成了本科或者相同學(xué)歷的學(xué)習(xí)的學(xué)生,都擁有遞交申請的平等權(quán)利,大家只要能夠提供真實的

17、學(xué)歷和合格的成績,都有機(jī)會進(jìn)入到中開始正式的學(xué)習(xí)。 雖然語言有德語和英語可以選擇,但是不論是哪一種語言的學(xué)習(xí),都是需要認(rèn)真對待的,要求雖然不低,但是學(xué)校會有語言中心提供專業(yè)的培訓(xùn),能夠幫助大家順利達(dá)到要求。 2、環(huán)境優(yōu)越 奧地利為學(xué)生提供了很不錯的生活環(huán)境,這里的社會安定,環(huán)境優(yōu)美,大家還可以享受留存下來的文化熏陶,和本地人的相處也是比較和諧的,去周邊國家旅游也方便。 學(xué)校內(nèi)還會提供專業(yè)化程度很高的教學(xué),而且還安置了不少興趣課程,大家可以選擇的內(nèi)容是很多的,在生活方面,學(xué)生服務(wù)也很齊全,大家可以進(jìn)行相關(guān)的咨詢。 3、費用合理 在課程學(xué)習(xí)的收費方面,有著比較嚴(yán)格的標(biāo)準(zhǔn),并且政府在這方面的監(jiān)管也是

18、很到位的,收費需要在一定的范疇內(nèi),制定高于標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的費用,需要額外提交申請,通過以后才可以實行。 而日常的支出中,住宿雖然貴但是也在可承受的范疇內(nèi),吃飯的話可以去食堂還能自己做,出行選擇公共的方式并且還能辦卡打折,其他開銷適量控制也不會很多。 4、兼職就業(yè)易 在讀的學(xué)生可以進(jìn)行兼職的工作,打工在這里是很容易的,并且還有專門的法律進(jìn)行保障,大家只要通過正當(dāng)合法的方式求職,然后開始工作,既能夠賺錢,又可以積累經(jīng)驗。 而在學(xué)校內(nèi)的教學(xué),不僅可以幫助大家進(jìn)行理論的積累,還會提供實習(xí)的機(jī)會,進(jìn)入到正式的崗位中工作,這樣可以讓大家在正式求職的時候多一份技能上的優(yōu)勢。 二、奧地利碩士留學(xué)申請條件 1、學(xué)歷要求

19、至少需要完成國內(nèi)受認(rèn)可的本科或者大專三年的學(xué)習(xí),目前還放寬了標(biāo)準(zhǔn),國內(nèi)成人高校畢業(yè)的學(xué)生也可以提出申請,在讀的研究生則可以提出轉(zhuǎn)學(xué)分的申請,不會耽誤大家的學(xué)習(xí)。 當(dāng)然還是遵照基本的要求來,完成了本科四年的學(xué)習(xí)以后,在提交正式的留學(xué)申請,這樣不需要再額外的進(jìn)行其他材料的準(zhǔn)備,可以很好地完成自己的留學(xué)申請,通過硬件審核。 2、專業(yè)要求 是國內(nèi)本科就讀專業(yè)的直升,這樣大家有著比較豐富的專業(yè)學(xué)習(xí)經(jīng)驗,在入學(xué)以后可以比較快的適應(yīng)自己的專業(yè)學(xué)習(xí),跟得上授課的進(jìn)度,可以更好地完成自己的留學(xué)學(xué)習(xí)規(guī)劃,要求提交課程學(xué)習(xí)證明。 最直觀的展示大家的學(xué)習(xí)能力的憑證,就是在讀期間進(jìn)行階段考核,大家考試的成績,要展示的是GPA成績單,要求碩士階段入學(xué)的學(xué)生的專業(yè)考試平均成績,在3.5分以上。 3、語言要求 由于這一階段的國際化程度會更高,所以大家在進(jìn)行語言選擇的時候,大部分都是集中在英語上的,即授課采用的語言是英語,這對大家來說會更有優(yōu)勢,因為有著英語學(xué)習(xí)的基礎(chǔ),考試拿高分更容易。 IELTS和TOEFL的考試對大家來說并不會很難,目前對國際學(xué)生的英語要求,雅思總分必須要拿到6.5分以上的成績;而托福則需要有90分左右的成績,才可以保證大家的順利入學(xué)。 出國留學(xué)簽證辦理指南 第一、了解申請國家的留學(xué)簽證申請條件 無


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