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1、 大四國外留學經(jīng)典申請書2022 大四國外留學經(jīng)典申請書 A graduate from a management program who has worked in sales and promotion for four years, I now would like to pick up my academic career as an economist. By so doing, I hope that I can eventually play a leadership role in Chinas ongoing economic reforms. I did my underg

2、raduate studies at the Beijing-based Northern University, one of the countrys top institutions of higher learning. I entered into this university in 1990 on the strength of my performance in the National University Entrance Examinations, held once every year to screen high school graduates for post-

3、secondary education. My scores in these exams were so great that they constituted the highest total in my county, which made me something of a celebrity in my whole province. With my education at the Northern, I was solidly grounded in the fundamentals. Studying industriously, I had an overall GPA o

4、f 3.3, the fifth highest in our department. My GPA in the courses of my major was even higher, standing at 3.7. I was granted the “Excellent Studies Prize” in 1991 and the “Outstanding Undergraduate Student Scholarship” by the Dept. Of Management in 1992 and 1993. I did not limit myself to academic

5、studies at the university. Campus life was colorful, an I made full use of all the opportunities to enrich myself. As a freshman, I worked for the Information Department of the universitys Student Union. My performance was such that I was appointed the head of the department for a term of two years

6、between 1991 and 1993. The position gave me a platform from which I founded two periodicals, the “Management Brief” and the “Future Entrepreneur”. In these periodicals, I wrote profusely about topics relating to the economic reforms and general business management. To fund these publications, I led

7、a group of students in offering computer training programs to the unskilled, which was unique on our campus then. All this not only enriched my student life but also helped me to improve my ability in many ways. One of the benefits is that I became an effective writer. In a 1992 composition contest,

8、 I was awarded the first-class prize for my essay. Thanks to my reputation as both a distinguished student and a student organizer, I was offered a job at the university in 1994 after obtaining my bachelors degree. I first worked at the Sales Department, responsible for product sales and advertiseme

9、nts. Now , I am the directors assistant, responsible for wage management, bonus management, drafting regulation and so on. Four years of working experience has taught me how to put textbook skills and knowledge into practice. All the while, I have been improving my academic qualifications. I now wis

10、h to study abroad to further my academic career. Knowing that computers are essential for doing sophisticated research, I made special efforts in mastering computer technologies. I trained myself in a host of programming languages, including the BASIC, Pascal and FoxBASE. Using my programming skills

11、, I have designed a “Personnel Management Information System” and a “Sales Management Information System”, which have markedly improved efficiency in my office. Building on the computer skills I learned as a student, I have in recent years made myself versed in FoxPro, Access, and Visual Basic. Mow

12、I am planning to design a comprehensive management system for my institute to improve management efficiency. Taking part in various academic activities to hone my ability to do research is an indispensable part of my strategy to improve myself. In the past four years, I have taken part in a number o

13、f research projects, including the “External Economics for Research and Technology (R&E) Development” project at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the “International Business Management Bibliography” at the Tsinghua University and the “Washing Machine and Refrigerator Market Research” project for the

14、 International Consulting Ltd. The more I take part in these activities, the more I feel I need to study further. My interest in economics was first ignited in my undergraduate years, when I was listening to a lecture “Planned Economy ad Market Economy” by the preeminent Chinese economist Li Yining

15、,a professor of the Beijing University, a few blocks away from my university. The thinking he displayed in that lecture on the Chinese economy was so sharp and intriguing that I have focused my academic interest on economics ever since. To pursue my this interest, I took a number of economics-relate

16、d courses, such as Political Economics, Industrial Economics, Technological Economics, Management Economics, Economic Law, Marketing and Market Research Finance. I also took the care to train myself in mathematics fundamentals, such as Liner Algebra, Probability and Statistics, Industrial Statistics

17、. Books like “Western Economics” and “Comparative Economics” have been my favorite reading materials. By taking these courses, I learned new economic concepts and theories, and thus broadened my perspectives and sharpened my insights. New perspectives and insights are what China needs as it continue

18、s its reforms and modernization drive. Unlike developed countries in the West, which have practiced market economics for several hundred years, Chin has been trying to adopt market principles for only twenty years. The problems waiting to be solved are so many and so complex that even the bravest of

19、 the brightest can feel daunted. As the country tries to restructure and rejuvenate its larger, state-owned enterprises, a host of challenges, not the least of which are financial crisis, unemployment, inflation and so on, are rattling the nation. Nobody seems to be sure what China will face a few y

20、ears down the road. Can China keep growing? Or will it suffer irreversible setbacks? On top its domestic problems, how will China cope with the international competition? To help answer these questions, I need to further refine my expertise in economics. I hope to become one of the countrys own econ

21、omists armed with a sophisticated understanding of both the complex reality in China and the general market principles and theories that apply throughout the world, like it or mot. Your institution, with a highly qualified faculty, is the university I have long admired. I am confident that, under yo

22、ur seasoned guidance, I can give full play to my potential and realize my career goal. 出國留學住宿應該如何選擇 一.校內(nèi)宿舍 各個大學基本上都會有宿舍公寓的配置,但是這個配置基本上都是僧多粥少的情況,所以很多大學都只將校內(nèi)宿舍預留給每年的大一新生。這樣能夠讓國際留學生更加方便地辦理住宿手續(xù),省去一開始就要尋找可靠中介或房東的繁瑣過程。 加上國際學生通常也無法在開學前提早進入留學國家親自看房子找房子。校內(nèi)學生宿舍離校內(nèi)職員和其他學生都比較近,這樣對剛來到新國家的留學生來說,交通和學業(yè)上都比較方便。 然而校內(nèi)住

23、宿需要提前申請,很多童鞋可能在簽證下來才想到去訂住宿,那很大可能性都是訂不到的。并且到了大二,學?;旧隙紩髮W生搬出去,給新生騰位置。加上有時候,你的室友可能還是來自異國他鄉(xiāng)的,英語可能有練習,文化沖突也是比比皆是。因此,校內(nèi)宿舍對很多留學生來說都是暫時的選擇。 二.寄宿家庭(homestay) 隨著現(xiàn)在留學低齡化趨勢明顯,相對大學生來說,更多的高中生選擇出國留學,但是對于能接收國際生的高中來說,能提供校內(nèi)住宿的則非常少,并且對于未成年的管理,各個國家法律都還是比較嚴格的,所以很多高中生和大學生留學都會選擇寄宿家庭(homestay)。在學校安置下,和當?shù)厝艘黄鹕?,夢想能夠快速晉升自己口

24、語能力和近距離接觸異國家庭文化。 然而現(xiàn)實總是骨感的,近年由于留學人數(shù)的暴增,往年可愛親切的異國寄宿家庭,也漸漸應付不過來。寄宿家庭逐漸形成商業(yè)鏈,變成一種商業(yè)模式。近年關(guān)于寄宿家庭各種負面反饋已經(jīng)不單單是體現(xiàn)在文化不同上。 寄宿家庭疏于管理,對學生不論不問,食物準備只是敷衍應付等等,已經(jīng)讓很多留學生對寄宿家庭及寄宿家庭家長有了排斥情緒。并且很多學生回到家中,就是關(guān)門進自己房間,讓原本的提升英語口語都只是空談。 三.校外自主租房 學校宿舍的奇貨可居,寄宿家庭的種.種不適,很多留學生都選擇了自己在校外租房。留學生可以直接自己單租一個公寓(apartmentflat),或者和三五好友一起合租一個房

25、子(house)。 有些學校會推薦一些能夠為學生提供比較好的住宿的中介或房東。在這個信息時代,網(wǎng)絡和社交媒體能夠幫助你尋找到各種房源(囊括照片和簡介)。這種既培養(yǎng)自己的獨力能力,又有同學和自己一起學習和生活,相對寄宿家庭更加自由舒適,也是很多留學生選擇自主租房的一個重點。 對于有自控能力,且成年的大學生來說,自主租房確實是一個不錯的選擇。然而對于未成年的高中生或初中生來說,自主租房是不可行,也是不被允許的。如加拿大法律規(guī)定,19周歲以下未成年人必須有成人陪同居住。所以很多留學生家長選擇了陪讀,放棄了國內(nèi)的事業(yè)和另一半,漂洋過海陪伴自己的孩子到一個陌生的國度一起生活,犧牲和付出都是不可估量的。

26、英國留學優(yōu)點 英國留學,英國留學申請的同學們選擇英國是沒差的。因為,英國留學特點太多太多了,英國留學每一項優(yōu)勢更是足以使大家蠢蠢欲動。 1.高的教育水平: 英國的教育制度歷史悠久,已有700多年的發(fā)展歷史,具有很強的實力和堅實的基礎(chǔ),學風十分嚴謹。高水平的教育,使英國在世界上享有聲譽,發(fā)生在許多國家的買賣文憑的現(xiàn)象在英國是絕對杜絕的,因此,英國的文憑獲得國際公認和尊重,其高等院校體系完備,規(guī)模龐大,教學設施完善,教學手段現(xiàn)代化,師資力量雄厚,教學水平很高。目前共有90所大學,123所學院,50所高等教育學院,這一切都為培養(yǎng)高質(zhì)量的人才提供了必備的條件。 與美國大學相比,英國的高等院校更注重基礎(chǔ)

27、理論的研究和高新技術(shù)的開發(fā),其研究成果在世界上享有盛譽,早有“發(fā)明在英國,應用在美國”之說。英國世界名校數(shù)量眾多,更擁有像牛津、劍橋等世界頂尖級高等學府,另外,英國大學學風嚴謹,校園安定,加上英國比較“守舊”的社會風氣,更對中國留學生家長們的心。 另外,英國最近也即將采取措施囊括進一步放寬對海外學生的限制,以及適當增進獎學金名額等。目前,在英國的劍橋、牛津、帝國理工、曼城大學等學校的中國留學生人數(shù)都已在300人以上。這些留學生學習成績優(yōu)異并有較強的消費能力,英國各大學都樂于吸收,以增進自己的收入;同時,中國留學生也成了英國人認識中國的一個窗口。 2.較理想的學制時間: 在英國,獲取學位的時間比

28、絕大多數(shù)國家短。普通專業(yè),本科學位學制三年,碩士學位學制只有一年,甚至還有不到一年的短期學位,這在多數(shù)國家中是比較少見的;另外,大學的學期也比較短,課時較少,大學全年分秋、春、夏三個學期,每個學期10周,而第三學期主要是安置考試,一般在第25周左右就可以結(jié)束全年的學習,一般的課程只有20個課時,但實驗負擔比較重,比如一門專業(yè)課,課時可能只有20個小時,但實驗也會是20個小時。 英國的碩士研究生從學制上分為MSc(MA)和Mphi兩種,MSc的學制為一年或更短,分研究學生和上課學生兩種,前者不用上課,只需完成一定的研究計劃,做出設計,上課生除上完三學期課程外,還要完成畢業(yè)設計。Mphi學制為兩年

29、,其間表現(xiàn)比較好的可以直接轉(zhuǎn)讀博士,這是英國獨有的,在其他國家這樣的學歷一般只能被當作普通碩士對待。 3.高福利的學生待遇: 英國是一個高福利的國家,英國的國民福利之一是免費的醫(yī)療服務。這種福利,對取得6個月以上簽證的留學生同樣適用,“東道主”是英國一個非盈利機構(gòu),專門安置留學生在英國人家里短期同住幾天,讓留學生可以體驗真正的英國家庭生活,報名的留學生可以在周末或圣誕節(jié)期間在某個英國居民家里小住幾天,同吃同住同活動,并且吃住游覽的費用都由英國人包了,學生只需負擔來回的路費,在英國,如果學生辦理了國際學生卡,在買車票、飛機票、觀賞博物館等就能享受到相當多的折扣。英國的院校一般都設有專門的留學生辦公室,負責為留學生提供在學習生活各方面的指導,如簽證、免費醫(yī)療、住房、工作等,有


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