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1、ISSUE 202D202_C1_v11.indd 1 2/8/13 9:57 AMThe 10-Day Plan ForFa ste r Hands!By Mike Johnston OUTSIDE THE OBVIOUSLY speed-centric world of extreme metal, the ability to drum fast shouldnt be your top priority.Which isnt to say it doesnt have its place, even if you never play any- thing faster than a

2、ballad.Photograph By Robert DownsApril 2013 DRUM! 41D202_41_54_10_Days_v2.indd 41 2/8/13 5:17 PMThe 10-Day Plan For Faster Hands“ In my experience as an educa-For one thing, the faster you can play,the more control youll have across thetor I have found that hand speed whole tempo spectrum. Who wants

3、 tosweat it out at the top of their range everytime a rushed chorus ll comes around?is not the only issue that holds drummers back from being ableBesides, having that speed reserve willonly increase your condence for thoseto play their rudiments fast.”moments when the wow factor of a super-sonic tom

4、 assault might be just what thedoctor ordered. But most importantly,practicing for speed the right way will reap motor and memory systems. Below are the Five Focus Rudiments.benets in all aspects of your playing. In my experience as an educator I have Tese are the rudiments that we are going Tis wor

5、kout is based around the found that hand speed is not the only issue to build your speed on over the next tenconcept of muscle memory. Now, we are that holds drummers back from being able days. I have chosen these ve rudimentsall aware of the fact that our muscles dont to play their rudiments fast.

6、Te mental for a very specic reason: When I exam-have brains, so the term “muscle memory” stress of trying to remember the pattern is ine my own playing and the playing of myis a bit of a misnomer. Tat being said, we what tends to slow drummers down more idols I nd that almost every chop, lick, orals

7、o know that when we repeat a motor skill than anything. By playing at a slower bpm groove can be traced back to one of theseover time, such as throwing a ball or riding for longer periods of time, and focusing on ve standard rudiments. Obviously, thea bike, a long-term memory is created perfect repe

8、titive technique, you will be world of drumming is made of much morefor that task, eventually allowing it to be creating the muscle memory required to than just ve rudiments, but trust me, ifperformed without conscious eort. Tis play all your rudiments and sticking combi- you master these you will b

9、e well on yourprocess decreases the need for attention nations at a high bpm while remaining calm way to enjoying some serious freedom andand creates maximum eciency within the and relaxed, which is key for good feel. creativity on the kit!Speed TestSingle Stroke Roll BEFORE YOU BEGIN,youll need a s

10、tart-ing reference point forwhere youre at withyour speed so youllknow exactly how muchfurther along youll beten days from now. UseDouble Stroke Rolla metronome to find outyour max bpm on theFive Focus Rudiments.Single ParadiddleDay 1 After you have writtendown your scores, begin _ bpmthe Day 1 Work

11、out on thenext page. You can doeach workout as manytimes per day as youFlam Tapslike, but I recommenddoing it at least twice once in the morning andonce in the evening.Paradiddle-diddleDay 1_ bpm42 DRUM! April 2013 DRUMD202_41_54_10_Days_v2.indd 42 2/7/13 5:44 PMThe 10-Day Plan For Faster HandsWELCO

12、ME TO DAY 1 of your 10-Day Plan For Faster Hands intensiveprogram. Each workout will begin with you playing our Five Focus Rudi-ments for one minute each. Remember, muscle memory is the key hereso slow down and focus on repetitive perfection.Single Paradiddle - 1 min - 50% of maxSingle Stroke Roll -

13、 1 min - 50% of max Flam Taps - 1 min - 50% of maxDouble Stroke Roll - 1 min - 50% of max Paradiddle-diddle - 1 min - 50% of maxExercise 1 8-4-2-2 THE 8-4-2-2 EXERCISE is designed to help you build your individual hand speed. During thisexercise you want to pay close attention to the dierence betwee

14、n your right hand and lefthand. Is your right hand gripping tighter than your left? Is your left hand angled dierentlythan your right? Use your dominant hand to “teach” your weaker hand.Exercise 2 Paradiddle Accents THE PARADIDDLE ACCENT exercise will increase your muscle memory. By shifting the pla

15、ce-ment of the accents each measure you are forced to really give every note a great deal ofcare. Remember, speed will come through repetition and focus, so dont rush through this.Focus on perfection.Exercise 3 Flammed Groupings #1 THE FLAMMED GROUPINGS exercise is designed to help improve your spee

16、d on am taps aswell as improve your ability to memorize long patterns. Symmetry between the hands is keyduring this exercise. You really want to listen, and correct for any dierence between yourright hand and your left hand.DRUM April 2013 DRUM! 43D202_41_54_10_Days_v2.indd 43 2/7/13 5:44 PMThe 10-D

17、ay Plan For Faster HandsDAY THREE IS all about repetition. We will be using two of the exer-cises from day one and one exercise from day two. Remember, ourSingle Paradiddle - 1 min - 60% of max goal is to increase the overall speed of our Five Focus Rudiments, sodo not skip out on the ve-minute warm

18、-up. Focus on playing eachindividual note as perfectly as possible.Single Stroke Roll - 1 min - 60% of max Flam Taps - 1 min - 60% of maxDouble Stroke Roll - 1 min - 60% of max Paradiddle-diddle - 1 min - 60% of maxExercise 1 8-4-2-2 Focal Point RemindersRight and left hand evennessUse your dominant

19、 hand to “teach” the weaker handExercise 2 Paradiddle-diddles And Singles Focal Point RemindersListen for the rhythm of the accentsSing along internally to the accent rhythmExercise 3 Flammed Groupings #1 Focal Point RemindersUse the four-note grouping to A/B your dominant and weaker handsWatch your

20、 hands to ensure consistency of techniqueDRUM April 2013 DRUM! 45D202_41_54_10_Days_v2.indd 45 2/7/13 5:45 PMThe 10-Day Plan For Faster HandsDAY FOUR BRINGS YOU three brand-new exercises. We have alsobumped up the speed of the rudiment warm-up to 70 percent ofSingle Paradiddle - 1 min - 70% of max m

21、ax. Remember, the focus of this workout is muscle memory sodont push yourself. Play at a tempo that you can easily handleand allow your brain and muscles to memorize the rudiment.Single Stroke Roll - 1 min - 70% of max Flam Taps - 1 min - 70% of maxDouble Stroke Roll - 1 min - 70% of max Paradiddle-

22、diddle - 1 min - 70% of maxExercise 1 Dynamic Doubles TEMPOS60% of max: 2 minutes _ bpm 70% of max: 2 minutes _ bpm 80% of max: 1 minute _ bpm THE DYNAMIC DOUBLES exercise focuses on accenting the doubles on the right for oneNOTES (right vs left, soreness, attitude)measure followed by accenting the

23、doubles on the left for one measure.Exercise 2 Paradiddle-diddles And ParadiddlesTEMPOS 60% of max: 2 minutes _ bpm 70% of max: 2 minutes _ bpm 80% of max: 1 minute _ bpm THIS IS A great two-bar exercise that will help you master owing in and out of paradiddle-NOTES (right vs left, soreness, attitud

24、e)diddles and paradiddles. Meaure one is right-hand lead and then it switches to left-hand leadfor the second measure.Exercise 3 Accented Singles THE ACCENTED SINGLES exercise is simple yet extremely eective. If you want to get fasterat single strokes you are just going to have to practice them. Te

25、accents will break up theboredom and give you something to focus on. Try to make a huge dynamic dierence be-tween your accented notes and your non-accented notes.46 DRUM! April 2013 DRUMD202_41_54_10_Days_v2.indd 46 2/7/13 5:45 PMThe 10-Day Plan For Faster HandsYOU HAVE DEDICATED yourself to buildin

26、g your hand speedfor an entire week now, and that is denitely somethingto be proud of. Okay, now back to work. Our rudimentalSingle Paradiddle - 1 min - 80% of maxwarm-up will stay at 80 percent of your max for today. Wewill do two exercises from previous workouts as well as anew one, the sextuplet

27、changeup.Single Stroke Roll - 1 min -80% of max Flam Taps - 1 min - 80% of maxDouble Stroke Roll - 1 min - 80% of max Paradiddle-diddle - 1 min - 80% of maxExercise 1 Paradiddle Accents Focal Point RemindersPay careful attention to each noteMake shifting accents consistentExercise 2 The Sextuplet Ch

28、angeup SO FAR, ALL our paradiddle exercises have been phrased as sixteenth-notes. Tis exerciseputs the rudiment back into its natural subdivision. It also forces you to maintain focus as itslips one beat worth of alternating strokes in on the downbeat of 3.Exercise 3 Accented Singles Focal Point Rem

29、indersWork toward a huge dynamic dierence between accented and non-accented notes50 DRUM! April 2013 DRUMD202_41_54_10_Days_v2.indd 50 2/7/13 5:45 PMThe 10-Day Plan For Faster HandsDAY NINE IS the last time we will run through our workoutbefore you test yourself on day ten. Tat means you need toput

30、in maximum eort today. Maintain a sharp focus duringevery exercise including the warm up. I know this soundscheesy, but care about every single note you play today!Single Paradiddle - 1 min - 90% of maxSingle Stroke Roll - 1 min -90% of max Flam Taps - 1 min - 90% of maxDouble Stroke Roll - 1 min -

31、90% of max Paradiddle-diddle - 1 min - 90% of maxExercise 1 Paradiddle Flam Tap Combo Focal Point RemindersMaximize practice time with two rudiments in one exerciseListen for consistent sixteenth-note subdivision throughoutExercise 2 Paradiddle-diddles And Singles Focal Point RemindersListen for the

32、 rhythm of the accentsSing along internally to the accent rhythmExercise 3 Accented Singles Focal Point RemindersWork toward a huge dynamic dierence between accented and non-accented notes52 DRUM! April 2013 DRUMD202_41_54_10_Days_v2.indd 52 2/7/13 5:45 PMThe 10-Day Plan For Faster HandsCONGRATULATIONS! You just completed anintense 10-day workout that will change the wayyou approach drumming for the rest of your life,and no, thats not hyperbole. You now know howNeed some extra motivation?Check ou


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