1、高級口試主講:歡迎使用序言口譯的今昔一種語言文字的意義經(jīng)由另一種語言文字表達出來叫做翻譯。翻譯有兩種主要形式,即口譯和筆譯。口譯的特點1、 口譯是一種具有不可性的即席雙語傳言活動。2、 現(xiàn)場氣氛壓力是口譯工作的另一特點。3、 口譯的另一個特點是性操作,譯責。4、 交流的信息內(nèi)容萬象??谧g的標準:準確、流利譯員的素質(zhì):1、 譯員必須有良好的職業(yè)道德和愛國主義的情操。2、 譯員必須有扎實的兩種語言或兩種以上語言的功底。3、 譯員應該了解各種文體或語體風格的語用功能。4、 譯員必須具備清晰、流暢、達意的表達能力。5、 譯員必須有一個敏捷、聰穎的頭腦,具有良好的心腦能力??谠嚥糠纸榻B第一章會議發(fā)言一、
2、歡迎辭1、 單詞預熱offil launchon the occaofopeningceremony long-termenthusiastic, enthusiasm, dynamic, dynamics, energy, energetic, vigor, vigorous cradle of ancient civilizationchildhood dream delegationmeet old friends and establish new contactscosmopolitan city harbour,portappretion,grateful arrivalfrien
3、ds coming from afar cooperationstrategic partnership Voyagehave a safe trip homemeet sb all the way大都市cosmopolismetropolitan大都會city,metropolis,wish sb a unfettable journeyextend/express ones warm distinguished guests,VIP hoston behalf of facultystaff crewmake contribution toe to2、口譯速記技巧縮略詞、縮寫符號保留前幾個
4、字母保留開頭和結(jié)尾的發(fā)音字母根據(jù)英語的發(fā)音進行速記1.掌握常用速記符號和方法對于口譯考生,筆者以下幾類:A保留大寫字母或第一音節(jié)經(jīng)濟:E旅游:T教育:Edu環(huán)境:En文化:C工業(yè):I政治:P農(nóng)業(yè):A科技:ST衛(wèi)生:HB簡寫縮略AFAC:as far as is concerned(就而言) LFT:look forward to (期待)ASC圖像soon assible(盡快)高興,同意,滿意等,如:happy, pleased, satisfied, agree悲傷,生氣,不滿,不同意等,如:sad, angry, irried, unsatisfied, sorrowful,fort,
5、disagree會議,如conference, meeting, seminar, symium國家,地區(qū),如:中國:C,:RD符號高興,同意,增加等,如happy, male, agree, many, +2=more, +3=most, benefieousl, good,beautiful,great,g悲傷,女性,不同意,減少等,如sad, female, disagree, little, few, -2=less, -3=least, lack of, short of同意,正確等,如:agree, correct, right不同意,錯誤等,如:disagree, incorre
6、ct增長,進步等,如:increase, soar, mushroom, rocket, make progress下降,退步,deteriorate等,如 decrease, sink, slide, subside, plump, pge, drop, degrade,多于,超過, 比低一級等,如:moresuperior to, surpass, transcend, overtaken, greatern, beggern, bettern,少于,比低級等,如:lessn, lowern, smallern, inferior to大約,如:approximay, about, aro
7、und, some, nearly, almost, similar to否定,清除,如:clear, settle, solve, tackle, conquer, eliminate, extinct與同等,如:stand for, refer to, means,asas, same ast is to say, in other words, be equal to,競爭對手,如:competitor, rival, opponent, enemy, countart與不同,如:differ from, different from, distinct, unique$金錢,利益,如:
8、 erest, benefit, money, fund, capital E標點?問題,麻煩,如:question, ie, difficult, hardship, barrier, obstacle:想法和說辭,如:think, consider, speak, say, talk, mark, announce, declare, hope, 例:repeat 或 reaffirm 可以用:2 來替代,支持可以用+:來替代,譴責用-:.表時間前后,如去年.y,明年 y., 后天 d.,前天.d,兩周后 w.現(xiàn)舉例段落進行速記說明:們,先生們,尊貴的我很榮幸能夠代表們:全體師生向來自過得
9、愉快。教育代表團一行致以熱烈的歡迎,希望在今后的兩周內(nèi)速記符號:-/+, VIP,d, 代 BJ Uni all wel US Edu dele, :w., C3、 高頻短句I regard it my great honor/pleasure/privilege to have the rare opportunity to have name,title visitour city of , which is crowned as , and I do hopet Your Honor enjoy your stayhere and see by yourdynamics.owneyest
10、hegreathospitalityofpeoplehereaswellasitsfabulous二、感謝辭1、 單詞預熱 extraordinary utmost courtesy genuine friendship diversitygracious inviion hospitable hospitalityheart-felt sincere sincerity remarkableplishmentfeatsImpress impressive participate,participant fruitful=rewardingat the close ofjoin sbhe to
11、ast to,cheers!At the joyous moment/time of , I,on behalf of , would like to take this opportunity toexpress my heartfeltnks to who .Now,may I ask you to jocheers!e in a toast to,三、會議發(fā)言symium, seminarguests from various circles profoundconstructive reference and study a complete sucsopening addresscl
12、osing address panel discusreter simultaneousexchange views onreterin a wide range of areasshared desiremutuaderstanding and trust/respect/benefitbe convincedthaveitive/negative impact onbilateral relation he principal ofequality, hand in hand work togetherbaseon the basis of precondition/prerequisit
13、eI have the honor toroduceI now have the pleasure ofroducing to you thedistinguished speakerThe next speaker is Mr. Bryan, who will now deliver his address to the conferenceI would like to call the meeting to order高頻短句1晚上在這里設(shè)宴歡迎應。邀請前來我國的。閣下和。其它貴賓們,感到十分榮幸。We are honored to host the dinner this evenin
14、g in honor of distinguishedand other honorable guests fromwho have come to China at the inviion of 將作為新的一頁載入。友好的史冊2be remembered as a shining pagehe history of friendship3首先,請允許我向遠道而來的貴賓們表示熱烈的歡迎。Allow me ,afar.of all, to express our heartye to our distinguished guests coming from4我代表。歡迎各位朋友On behalf
15、 of , I wish to中國e our friends who have come to visit China.5我一定向他轉(zhuǎn)達您的問候和邀請I will surely remember you and your inviion to him.6,懷著愉快的心情同。歡聚一堂We are joyfully gathering here today with懷著無限惜別的心情,歡送。Wisense of great sorrow we bid farewell today to78,在這里隆重紀念。We meet here today to solemnly commemorate the
16、of 9們,先生們,歡迎各位的光臨。演出很快就要開始了,請盡快入座。Ladies and gentlemen, good evening. The concert would start soon. Please make yourselfseated.nk you.10先生,我懷著非常愉快的心情出席本屆年會,值此大會開幕之際,我為能有機會就和平與發(fā)展問題進行發(fā)言,謹向東道主致以深深的謝意。與此同時,我向所有與會代表致以崇高的敬意。Mr. Chairman, it is with great pleasuret I am here to attend this annual meeting.
17、On theoccaof this opening ceremony, I would like to express my deep appretion to the hostfor this opportunity to address the topic of peace and development, and pay my high respectfor all the represenives presenthe meeting.三、1、練練習尊敬的新西蘭貴賓,們、先生們,我能在此為新西蘭貴賓主持隆重的歡迎儀式深感榮幸和愉快。中國和新西蘭相距遙遠,但兩國人民長期以來一直友好交往。這
18、些年里,在政治、經(jīng)濟、文化、教育領(lǐng)域進行了Distinguished guests from New Zealand, be here to preside over this grand的、卓有成效的合作。ladies and gentlemen,I feel honored and pleased to e ceremony for the honorable New Zealand guests. Its Zealand,but the peoples from the two nations havetruet its a long way from China tlong been
19、friendly to each other. During the years,we have conducted sincere and fruitfulco-operationshe fields of politics,economy,culture,education and so on.隨著兩國人民之間交往的日趨頻繁,我,作為一名中國學者,有機會多次新西蘭,在那兒學習,講學和交流。新西蘭美麗的自然風景、充足的陽光和宜人的氣候、安靜舒適的學習環(huán)境以及和藹友善的人民給我留下了深刻的印象。With more and more exchanges betn the two peoples,
20、I,as a Chischolar,have hadopportunities to visit New Zealand many times,studying,lecturing and exchanging ideas. Im deeply impressed by her beautiful scenery,plenty of sunshine,agreeable climate,quiet andcomfortable study environment,as well as its people who are kind and friendly.2、練習 2尊敬的代表們、們、先生們
21、:我很高興能代表新西蘭歡迎各位來到新西蘭政治文化金融中心。值此第二屆環(huán)境保護部長級非正式會議召開之際,對所有的人,尊敬的代表們和相關(guān)國際環(huán)保組織的代表們,表示最熱誠的問候。Distinguished delegates,Ladies and Gentlemen,on behalf of New Zealand,I take thepleasure ining you to the cultural,administrative,economic and finanl center ofNew Zealand. I would like to extend my warmest greeting
22、 to all of you,delegates andrepresenives ofernationalanizations involved in environmental protection,upon theopening of the Second Informal Meeting of the Environment Ministers./環(huán)境保護非常重要。這是優(yōu)先考慮的事項。為此,新西蘭已增加了對環(huán)境保護的預對環(huán)保的預算撥款已增算撥款并給環(huán)保部以機會來動員國際性支持。僅在過去四年里,加了兩倍多。Environmental protection is very crul. It
23、is the priority of theernments agenda,hissense,theernment of New Zealand has increased budget allocations for environmentalmanagement and provided opportunity to the Ministry of Environment to mobilizeernationalsupport for the sector. Only during the last four years,ernments budget for environmental
24、protection has moren tripled.3、練習 3我為能在此設(shè)宴招待副總統(tǒng)及夫人以及其他貴賓而深感榮幸和愉快。我愿借此機會向各位表示熱烈的歡迎。我此時的心情可以用論語中的一句話來表達,有朋自遠方來,不亦樂乎?It is my privilege and great pleasure to hold this banquet in honor of Viceand Mrs. Williams and other distinguished guests. I would avail myself of thisopportunity to extend my warme to
25、 you all. A remark in The Anlects ofConfucius best expresses what I feel now. It ivisiting from afar! Evidently, Vice demonstrated his Excellencys determination toch a delightt I have friendsWilliamss currentfurther enhance thevisisfriendly andt frequentcooperative relations betn our two countries.
26、I am deeply convincedexchanges of visits betn the topernment offils of the two countries arebenefil not only to the improvement of our relations, but also to the peace ofand stability of the Asian-Pacific region and the world as a whole.Confucius Menciusects論語四、中英文表達方式差異例句:Mount Tai, which is locate
27、d in ShProvince and covers an area of 360 squarekilometers, (located in ShProvince and covering an area of 369 square kilometers)兩個基本原則:主動和的原則表達主動,現(xiàn)在分詞表達,過去分詞練習:a bridge linking China wi a measure taken by Chimericaernmentn+beingean ie being discussedn+havingeChina having enteredo the WTON+having be
28、en +ngChiernment having beening safeguarding theerests and rights of medium-sized orsmall countries五、中國古代諺語、成語、典故補充天生萬物,唯人為貴Man is the most valuable among all the thingst heaven fosters.民為重,社稷次之,君為輕。People are the most importan ruler himself.ementhe se, next are theernment and grain, least is the二人同
29、心,其利斷金And as a saying from The Book of Changes goes, ”If two people are of the same mind, their sharpness can cut through metal.一鄉(xiāng)之善士斯友一鄉(xiāng)之善士,天下之善士斯友天下之善士。In so many different ways, we are upholding the teachings of Mencius, who said:”A good citizen in one community will befriend the other citizens o
30、f the community;a good citizen of the world will befriend the other citizens of the world.”不登高山,不知天之高也;不臨深淵,不知地之厚也。One can never be aware of the height of the sky or the depth of the earth, if he does not climb up a high mountain or look downo a deep abyss.但愿人長久,千里共嬋娟。We wigh each other a long life
31、so as to share the beauty of this graceful moonlight, even though apart.獨在異鄉(xiāng)為異客,每逢佳節(jié)倍思親。A lonely stranger in a strange land I am cast, I miss my family all the more on every festive day.二人同心,其利斷金。If two people are of the same mind, their sharpness can cut through metal.海內(nèi)存知己,天涯若比鄰。Aom friend afar br
32、ings distance near.禍兮,福之所倚;福兮,禍之所伏。Misfortune,t is where happiness depends; happiness,t is where misfortune unders.舉首望明月,低頭思故鄉(xiāng)。Raising my head, I see the moon so bright; withdrawing my eyes, my nostalgia comes around.禮尚往來。往而不來,也;來而不往,亦也。Propriety suggests reciprocity. It is not propriety not to give
33、 but to receive, or vice versa.兩情若是長久時,又豈在朝朝暮暮。If love betn both sides can last for aye, why need they stay together night and day?路漫漫其修遠兮,吾將上下而求索。The way ahead is long; I see no ending, yet high and low Ill search with my wilbending.敏而好學,不恥下問。Quick-minded and eager to learn, he is never ashamed to
34、consult his inferiors.天生我材必有用。Heaven has endowed me with talents for eventual use.天時不如地利,地利不如人和。Opportunities vouchsafed by Heaven are less importantn terrestrial advantages, whichurnare less importantn the unity among people.,君子以自強不息。As Heavens movement is ever vigorous, so must a gentleman ceasele
35、ssly strive along.無為其所不為,無欲其所不欲,如此而已矣。t do what should not bee;t desire what should not be desired.t is all.學而不厭,侮人不倦。Never be contented with your study; never be impatient with your teaching.學如逆水行舟,不進則退。Learning is like rowing upstream: not to advance is to drack.欲窮千里目,更上一層樓。We widen our views thre
36、edredby ascending one flight of stairs./Exhausting my eyes toa thousand li further, I am ascending one more story of the tower.第二章旅游一、高頻詞匯、短語大都市大都會 旅游熱點必游之地商務(wù)旅游蜜月之旅旅游旺季旅游目的地歷史文化名城cosmopolitan city / cosmopolismetropolitan city/metropolistouristractiona must touris business tour honeymoon triptourist
37、 seasontractiontourist destinationa well-known historic and cultural city長角洲thetze River Delta高架公路浦東新區(qū)自助游 紀念品 旅行社 路線導游講解員教科文組織elevated highwayPug New AreaDIY tour souvenirs travel agencyitineraryguidereterUnited Nations Educational,Scientific andCulturalanization直轄市萬國建筑博覽世界文化遺產(chǎn)保護地天下奇觀名勝古跡古建筑群避暑勝地黃金線
38、路標準、豪華游國內(nèi)游游 旅游自然保護區(qū)隨團旅行 星級飯店 強迫購物 多功能廳亭、臺、樓、閣長廊湖石假山陵墓municipality directly under Centralernmentexhibition ofernational ArchitectureWorld Heritage Sites(WHS) wondrous spectaclefamous scenic spots and plaof historical ancient architectural complexsummer resort hot travel routenormal/luxury tourinbound
39、 tourism outbound tourismerestgoldenk for tourismnatural reserve/nature preservation zone group travelstar-grade ho forced purchasemulti-functional hallpavilion,terrace,man,tower corridorlakeside rocks and rockeriesemperors mausoleum/tombpagoda; tower alterzigzag bridge/Bridge of Nine Turnings antiq
40、ue/curio shopseven wonders of the world miniaturehistorical relics unearth dynastynatural landsc botanical garden ethnic minority western countries info port; Cybort ever-bright city theme parkvirgin forest garden architecturethe South of the lower reaches of the land of honey and milkantique workma
41、nship craftsmanship skiing resort national park descendant fortcastlemountainous region basinthe Silk Road safari park aquariumsightseeing lift塔壇九曲橋古玩店世界七大歷史發(fā)掘朝代自然景觀植物園 少數(shù)民族西域信息港不夜城公園原始森林園林建筑江南水鄉(xiāng)魚米古董 工藝 手工藝滑雪勝地國家公園后裔要塞城堡山區(qū)盆地絲綢野生動物園水族館觀光電梯金貿(mào)世博會渡輪 游輪 盛典公共交通往返旅行長途汽車時差出租車tze RiverJao TowerWorld Ex ferry
42、boat cruisepageantryitionpublic transit round triplong distance coach jet lagtaxi/cabdrive-in bernational drivers license moreception desk gymmodation check incheck out karaokeclosed-circuitevi apartment hohosnon-stop flightValue Added Tax(VAT) lodgealtitude stress lobbysuite proline/LRT maglev trai
43、nclass coach classbusiness class免下車 國際駕照汽車旅館前臺房 住宿 入住 退房卡拉 OK閉路電視 公寓式酒店小旅館、招待所直達航班山林小屋高原反應大堂套房輕軌磁懸浮列車頭等艙經(jīng)濟艙 商務(wù)艙 人生意外保存完好湖光山色陡峭的 如畫的 琳瑯滿目流連忘返吉利的 宏偉的 蜿蜒曲折無邊無際心曠神怡莊嚴肅穆優(yōu)雅的景色懸崖絕壁仙境煙波浩渺雄偉險峻奇花異草波光鱗鱗險PAI(well-p landscal accident insurance)of lakes and hillsprecipitous picturesquean eyeful of goodiestoighted
44、 to leavepropitious majesticwinding,zigzagging boundless ,endless soothed and relaxed solemngraceful/elegant/exquisite/delicate inviting viewscliff/precipice wonderlanda wide expanse of misty waters precipitousexotic flowers and herbssparklinggreen pines and cypressesrange upon range of mountains th
45、e hues rise around a blaze of bright colours / colourfulsteep mountainsEach turn of the belt afford different scenery puritycarved beams and paed pillars scenery of exceptional charm over castwhirl pools and ras蒼松翠柏層巒疊嶂姹紫嫣紅崇山峻嶺傳移景幻純潔雕梁畫棟洞天福地陰云避日飛流急湍峰回路轉(zhuǎn)高超工藝古色華麗的 極目遠眺金碧輝煌盡收眼底驚嘆不已驚濤拍岸樂不思蜀玲瓏剔透綠水清山掮客騷人奇
46、峰異石奇珍異寶巧妙設(shè)計青山不斷清澈見底曲折群山環(huán)抱日出日落的壯麗景色如詩的山巒疊翠山水風光閃閃發(fā)光賞心悅目天方夜譚天下奇觀蜿蜒流淌的河水威然屹立蔚為壯觀 聞名遐邇 無法抗拒的熙熙攘攘the path runninist among the peaksexquisite workmanshipbe of antique beautygeouslook as far as the eye can see splendid and magnificent hold a panoramic viewbe marveled / marvel atranging waves ponthe bstoight
47、ed to be homesickexquisiy carvedgreen hills and clear waters manive letterspicturesque peaks and rocks real treasurewell designedgreen hill rode on endlessly limtortuoussurrounded by mountainsthepoeticof the sunrise or sunsetrange upon the range of green hills scenery with mountains and rivers/lands
48、c glittering / sparking / twinkling delightfulthe Arabian Nights wonder/marvelous spectacle winding rivertoweringsplendid,spectacularknown far and wide/famous/world renownedovoweringcrowded,hustle and bustleflowers in blossom form delightful contrastcomplete relax and happy colorfulhold all views in
49、 sight / in a single gloms nestling under a mountain and near a river lingering aroundluxuriously green luxuriant grandeurspectacular scene鮮花盛開相映成趣心曠神怡絢麗多姿一覽無余依山傍水意猶未盡郁郁蔥蔥枝繁葉茂莊嚴壯麗景色忽明忽暗幻影疊顯 船行水上,人游畫中mysterious veiledountaistoating sail on waterpeople tour in picture whi上有,下有蘇杭In Heaven,there is para
50、dise; anearth,there izhou and Hangzhou五岳歸來不看山,黃山歸來不看岳 trips to chinas five great mountains trips to other mountainsunnesary,and trips to Huangshan trips to five greatmountains unnesary桂林山水甲天下,陽朔山水甲桂林Guilin landsctops those elsewhere,andt of GuilinshuolandsctopsChinas five great secret/divine mountai
51、nsthe most fantastic mountain under haven五岳天下第一奇山黃山四絕,奇松,怪石,云海,溫泉 the four unique scenic futures: Picturesque rocks,pines,the sea of clouds and hot springs.legendary國家公園/巖洞溶洞石灰?guī)r洞石筍鐘乳石瀑布 間歇泉古墓 石窟 凈壇 石舫 湖心亭水榭 蓮花池教堂天主教大教堂修道院尼姑庵national park cave / coverwater eroded cave lime stone cave stalagmite stala
52、ctitewaterfall /chute / fall / Linn geyserancient tomb grottoaltar stone boatmid lake pavilion waterside pavilion lotus pondchurch Cathedralabbey / cloister / monastery Buddhist nunneryBuddhist sacred landglaze tilepalace hall,chamber imperial citymoatimperial gardentemporary imperial palace for a s
53、hort stay empress dowagerImperial Concubine Prime-Minister court eunuchthe Four gardensThe Eighteen disciples of the Buddha unearthed culture relicsinscription on oracones bronze warecloisonn cela ceramic earthenwareclay figurine folding fan sandalwood fan artifact / handicraft carved-lacquer-wear e
54、mbroiderySuzhou embroidery琉璃瓦宮殿 皇城 護城河御花園行宮皇 宰相太監(jiān)四大十八羅漢出土甲骨文青銅器景泰藍青瓷 陶瓷 陶器 泥塑 折扇 檀香扇手工藝品雕漆器品蘇繡掛毯tstrytri-colored glazed pottery of Tang dynasty金石字畫卷軸國畫山水/水墨畫文房四寶metal and stoalsscrolls of calligraphy and paingtraditional Chipainglandsc/ ink paingthe four sionary treasures of the Chibrush,ink,study,w
55、ritinginkstone prgarden architecturethe finest spring under heaventhe most spectacular cave unparalleled elsewhere園林建筑 天下第一泉天下第一奇洞這座寺廟歷史悠久,可以追溯到初唐時期。This temple has a long history dating back to the early period of the Tang Dynasty.該城市有規(guī)模最大、最富盛名的園林。The city boasts the largest and the most famous gar
56、denhe country.這座殿堂的建筑藝術(shù),集中代表了我國宋朝的建筑風格。The architecture of this hall best represents the architecture og Dynasty.二、高頻短句1是世界上最大的港口城市之一。這座昔日遠東第一大都市已發(fā)展的經(jīng)濟、金融、貿(mào)易、科技、信息和文化中心。重要Shanghai is one of the worlds largest seaports. Formerly the largest metropolis of the FarEast,Shanghai hasscience and technology
57、,e Chinas important center of economy,finance,trade,information and culture.2作為一座文化名城,以她獨特的風韻吸引了數(shù)以百萬計的海內(nèi)外游客。As a noted historic and cultural city,Shanghai attracts millions of tourists from homeand abroad with its unique charm.3同時也是美食家的樂園,全市數(shù)以千計的餐館匯集了國內(nèi)外各大名菜,尤其是的本邦菜,特別受到海外的青睞。Shanghai is also a cher
58、ished paradise fourmets,boasting thousands of restaurantsserving a compleist of well-known Chiandernational cuisines,among whichthe Shanghai food enjoys particular popularity amonerseas visitors.4登上東方明珠塔觀光層,或俯視浦江對岸的外灘萬國建筑博覽群,或舉目鳥瞰全市,無限風光,盡收眼底,令人心曠神怡,流連忘返。Standing on the observation floor of the Orie
59、ntal Pearl of TV Tower and looking around,you will see across the Huangpu River the famous Bund lined up with a dazzlingexhibition of architectural creations ofernational styles and the charming skyline ofthe whole cityaway from.he distance-endless soothing vistastill find it difficult to turn5中國園林可
60、分為御花園和花園兩類。前者多見于北方,后者則多見于南方,尤以蘇州、無錫和南京三地為甚。Chigardens can be dividedo two categories,the imperial and the private. The former are seen most frequently in northern China,while more of the latter can befoundhe south,espelly in Suzhou,Wuxi and Nanjing.6南方花園中的溪、橋、山亭,小巧玲瓏,布局精明,盡顯其自然美,令人賞心悅目。Small and del
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