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1、Chapter 1 IntroductionChoice questionWhich is not die secondary disaster of earthquake( D )A、FireB TsunamiC、MudslideD DroughtOf the fbllowing earthquake categories, the most frequent is( A )A、Tectonic earthquakeB、blcamc earthquakeC Collapse earthquakeD、Hiunan-induced earthquakeSeismic mtensity is re

2、lated to ( B )A、Structure typeB、Epicentral distanceC Administrative division D、City sizeSeismic intensity is mainly assessed accordmg to( C )A、The amount of energr released by the hypocenterB、The velocity and acceleration of ground motionC、The extent of the buildmg damage, human feeling and other ph

3、enomenaD、Eartliquake magnitude, focal depth, epicentral distance, soil conditions and topographyTrue or false questionsSeismic waves include P wave, S wave, Rayleigh wave and Love wave, of which the fastest is Pwave.( J )Seismic phenomena show that S waves jolt the buildmg up and down and P waves ca

4、use horizontal shaknig and surface waves make the building vibrate both vertically and horizontally.(X )Answer the questionWhat is magnitude, what is intensity, and what is the relationship between them?A: 1) Magnitude is ail indicator of die amount of energy released by an earthquake, it is ail mor

5、tant parameter in earthquake prediction and earthquake engmeermg research.Intensity represents tlie severity of groimd vibration resulting from ail earthquake, which is related to magnitude and epicentral distance.Generally, the greater the magnitude, the luglier the intensity. There is only one mag

6、iumde in ail earthquake, but the intensity of the same earthquake varies in different regions.Briefly describe the classification of earthquakes accordmg to their origin.A: 1) Tectonic earthquake, caused by tectomc movements of the earth.Vblcamc earthquake, ground vibration caused by volcano emption

7、.Collapse earthquake, small local eartliquake caused by cave collapse.Huinan-mduced earthquake, caused by nuclear explosion or sudden change of rock stress mduced by the impoundment and drainage of large reservoir.There are three important characteristics of seismic wave records. Briefly describe th

8、em.A: PGA, primarily influences the vibration amplitude;Frequency spectrum, representing the characteristics of frequency and period;Duration, afiects tlie total energy of the eartliquake and structural damage.Chapter 2 Basic principles of seismic designChoice questionFor rarely occnrrmg intensity,

9、the exceedance probability with 50 years of service life is( D )A、63.2%B、31.8%C、10%D、3 2%The return period of an earthquake indicates how often an earthquake of a given intensity occurs. In Chma. the renim period correspondmg to the seismic fortification intensity is( B )A、50 yearsB、475 yearsC、1600

10、yearsD、10000 yearsAnswer the questionWhat is seismic conceptual design? What does it involve? Please talk about your understanding of the purpose and significance of seismic conceptual design.A: Seismic conceptual design is, accordmg to the seismic force, to select appropriate structural system, mat

11、erial and structural details, so as to achieve a reasonable seismic fortification objective.It involves the selection of the building site, die selection of the structural system the plane regularity and vertical regularity, die determination of the dynamic characteristics of the structure, and the

12、reliability of the traiisniission mechanism.Seismic conceptual design can avoid or reduce the negative influence of seismic design from the begummg, contributing to obtam the most favorable combmation of seismic performance of the stmctwe and creatmg favorable conditions for numerical calculation ui

13、 the design.What is die starting point of seismic performance design of structures? How are the specific control objectives set?A: The seismic design of structure has the basic perfbmiaiice requirements of no damage under inHior earthquake, repairable under moderate earthquake, no collapse imder maj

14、or earthquakeM, and die seismic performance design has established more detailed and convenient quantitative mdex for tliis guiding principle. For difiereiit structures, there are difiereiit requirements of seismic grade, performance and repair. The seismic performance design based on the bearmg cap

15、acity and deformation capacity, meeting the use fimction on the special requirements in accordance with specific project by proposing different performance requirements on structures, combmed witli the selection of structural measures. Specific control objectives are set accordmg to difiereiit seism

16、ic grades and different performance requirements. Tlie mam control objectives uiclude bearmg capacity, deformation capacity, structural measures, to achieve die control objectives of seismic damage seventy, bearing capacity reduction and deformation amplitude for structures of different performance

17、requirements.Chapter 3 Site, subsoil and foundationTrue or/alse questionsThe maximum seismic action of a single degi ee of freedom system is mass times maximum relative acceleration. (x)The seismic impact coefficient a is defined as the ratio between the maximum honzontal seismic action on the elast

18、ic system of a smgle matter point and the gravity of the paiticle. a =F/G (T)The seismic coefficient is the ratio of the peak acceleration of ground motion and the acceleration of gravity.(d)Tlie defbnnation caused by ground acceleration 工 g(r) is exactly the same as that caused by external load/?(/

19、) equal to ex 工 g(/). (4)Choice question1. In addition to mass, seismic intensity and natxiial vibration penod of structure,the standard value Fek of honzontal seismic action is also related to the fbllowing factors. (B)Site plane sizeSite feature cycleLoad component coefficientEarthquake resistance

20、 grade,Answer the question.What are the applicable conditions fbr the base shear method?A: The base shear method is applicable when the fii,st mode of the stmctiire under the action of earthquake is mainly the first mode, and the first mode is approximately a straight line. Specific to the buildmg s

21、tructure peifonnance: CDthe stnictxire of the mass and stiffiiess along the heiglit of the distribution is more mufbim; The total height of the buildmg shall not be greater than 40m;Shear defbnnation is doiiunaiit in buildmg structures under earthquake action;The seisnuc torsion of the buildmg struc

22、ture can be ignored.How many methods are there fbr seismic design of structures? Please list and bnefly descnbe each method.A: Static method, takuig the inertial force generated by seismic action as the static method to consider the stnictural effect;The base shear method is a special case of the mo

23、de decomposition method, which is applicable to the structure with the first mode as the mam mode and the mode as the approximate straight line.Vibration mode decomposition and response spectnim method, the vibration action of the structure is deconosed into the supeiposition of effects under differ

24、ent modes of vibration. Accordmg to the degree of coupling between different modes, it can be divided into SRSS method and CQC method.Time histoiy analysis: study the structure m the seismic wave process of the reaction process, suitable fbr more complex structures and the need for elastic-plastic a

25、nalysis of the structure.What factors are related to the eaithquake impact coefficient?A: Accordmg to the calculation fbnnula of a , it is related to seismic intensity,field vibration dynamic chai-actenstics (pre-einnient period), site conditions, natural vibration period of structure, dampmg ratio

26、of structure and other factors.Chapter 4 Seismic response od SDOF and MDOFTrue or false questionsThe site analogy is detennuied synthetically accordmg to the equivalent shear wave velocity of soil layer and the site overbiuden thickness. (4). The so-called seismic fortification, is the resistance to

27、 prevent by the eaithquake directly caused by the surface damage, building damage, and the resulting casualties and economic losses. (X )Choice questionIll accordance with the provisions of Chinas current seismic design code, the buildmg m (A) shall be considered fbr seismic fortification.Nationwide

28、It is located m the area with seismic fortification intensity of 59 degreesIt is located in the area with seismic fortification intensity of 59 degieesIt is located in the area with seismic fortification intensity of 510 degreesWhen choosing a building site, the fbllowmg disadvantages are (A)Fault r

29、upture zoneAi,eas where landslides may occur diunig an earthquakeAi-eas that may collapse dumig an earthquakeAieas where cracks may occur during an eaithquakeThe fbllowmg (A) requirements are reasonable when selecting a buildmg site in an earthquake zone.Class C buildmgs should not be constnicted m

30、areas where cracks may occur dunng an earthquakehi case of seismic rupture in the site, it should be resolutely avoidedClass B buildmgs should not be constnicted on liquefied soilClass A buildmgs should be built on haid earth4.The hazard zone for seismic requirements is (A) the geological typeLandsl

31、ides, collapses, sinkholes and cracks may occurSoft soil, liquefied soilRiver Banks and uneven soil layersCollapsible loessThe site types of building can be divided mto four categones accordmg to the equivalent shear wave velocity of soil and the thickness of the site overburden.Answer the question.

32、Descnbe the vibration cliaractenstics of soft and hard fields?A: Tlie topsoil of the site has filtenng and local amplification effects on seisiiuc waves. Due to the filtenng effect, the soft site will filter out the frequency which is gieatly different from its own natural vibration frequency, and r

33、etain and locally amplify the longer period seisnuc wave. Similarly, a hard field retams and locally amplifies shorter period seismic waves.Why is it necessaiy to adjust the beaniig capacity in the seismic checkuig calculation of foundation?A: From the economic point of view, the occunence of earthq

34、uake is accidental, and the reliability index of coiTespondmg seismic design can be reduced. From the engineenng pomt of view, the dynamic strength of the soil under earthquake is lugher tlian that under static load, and the beaniig capacity is improved.What are the hazards of liquefaction of founda

35、tion soil to the ground aiid buildmgs? How to judge liquefaction of foundation soil?A: The liquefaction of foundation soil will reduce the shear strength of soil, and the giound will produce sandblasting watei; smkliole, etc., and the buildings on it will tilt, suik or even collapse. The judgment of

36、 foundation soil can be divided mto the prelminiary j udginent and the standard penetration test judgment. The prelumnaiy judgment is made accordmg to the geological age, composition, degree of compacting, seismic intensity, buried depth and groundwater level of foundation soil, etc. Wlien the judgm

37、ent is that liquefaction may occur, the specific judgment is made thiough the standard penetration test.Seismic design of masonry building structuresExercisesFill in the blanksAspect ratio should be limited to increase the stability of masonry buildings. In this way, global bending effect can be dec

38、reased.What is the definition of structural columns? Please give a brief description of the effects that structural columns bring to masonry building.Answer: Stnictural column is a kind of concrete column which is reinforced at the specified position of masonry building, and is made in the order of

39、building wall first and pouring concrete column later. The structural column and ring beam together have a restraint effect on the masonry wall, so that the wall will have good vertical and lateral bearing capacity under the lateral and vertical deformation. It can improve the reciprocating deformat

40、ion capacity of the wall, and improve the collapse resistance of the wall and the building.What is the deflnition of the ring beam? Please give a brief description of the effects that ring beam bring to masonry building.Answer: Ring beam is a kind of concrete beam component which is set up along the

41、 horizontal direction of masonry wall. It can significantly increase the integrity of the wall system and thus improve the collapse resistance of the wall and the building.The following pictures are collected from the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. Please give a brief description of the causes of this da

42、mage and how to prevent or reduce the damage.Answer: Tlie cross X-shaped diagonal cracks appeared in the wall shown in the picture. Tlie failure mode is caused by the shear failure of the wall due to the insufficient shear streiigtli of the wall and die mam tensile stress exceeding the masonry stren

43、gth. The ways to reduce this damage are as follows: 1. Increase the strength of masonry; 2. Set up structural column or core column at the side of the wall between window opemiigs to improve the constraint on the wall; 3. Set ring beam or remfbrced masonry to improve the mtegnty of the house; 4. Set

44、 the ratio of heiglit to width of the wall benveen windows reasonably.Seismic design of reinforced concrete structuresExercisesThe confined boundaiy elements of shear wall include hidden column, end column, and concealed beam.( X )The goal of checking calculation of strength under frequent earthquak

45、es is to pievent stmctiiral collapse. ( X )The displacement ductility of compression member will decrease with the increase of axial compression ratio. ( J )Under the same site categoiy and intensity conditions, the seismic damage of steel structure building is greatei than that of reinforced concre

46、te structure building. ( X )When we use the base shear method to calculate the frequent horizontal earthquake action, the related parameters are: Characteristic Period is Tg=0.30s, standard value of additional horizontal seismic action at the top is A Fn= 5 nFek. the structural natural vibration per

47、iod is Ti=1.30s, which following option is closed to the value of additional horizontal seismic action coefficient at the top?80.04which following statement of the lateral-torsion coupling effect is false? ( ) A. For structures with symmetrical mass and stif&iess distribution, torsion cou

48、pling effect can be neglectedFor the stmcture with asymmetric mass and stiffness distnbution, the effect of gi-ound torsion under bidiiectional horizontal earthquake should be consideredTorsional coupling effect should be considered in seismic design of any stmcturesThe lateral displacement curve of

49、 frame stmcture is shear type.Wliat are the main structural systems of multi-storey and liigh-rise reinforced concrete buildings?Answer: the main stmctiiral systems are:(D Frame structure. The frame system is simple in stmcture, flexible in plane layout. It also has longer natural vibration period a

50、nd smaller lateral stiffhess, which is suitable for buildings with fewer floors; Structural wall stmcture. The shear wall system has large lateral stif&iess, good seismic performance, but large selfweight and limited plane layout, which is suitable for liigh buildings; Frame-wall structure. Frame-wa

51、ll system, combined with the characteristics offrame and shear wall, has large lateral stiffiiess and flexible layout; Tube stmcture. Tlie core tube system, with liigh lateral stif&iess and good integrity, is suitable for super liigh-rise buildings.How to detennine the seismic grade of multi-storey

52、and high-rise reinforced concrete buildings? What is the purpose of seismic gi ade?Answer: the factors determining the seismic grade are: site category, regional fortification intensity, building fortification categoiy building stnicture type, building height, whether there are irregular buildings,

53、whether seismic mitigation and isolation system is adopted, etc. Different calculation principles, such as intenial force adjustment measures and different anti-seismic stmctural measures, can be adopted fbr building stmctural components according to different seismic grades.What are the basic princ

54、iples of seismic design of frame strictures?Answer: the basic principle of seismic design of frame stmcture is strong column and weak beam, strong shear and weak bending, strong joint and weak member”; The measures to achieve ductility design method include action effect adjustment and anti- seismic

55、 stmctural measures. The effect adjustment includes the axial force, bending moment and shear force of joints, beams and columns. According to the seismic grade, the corresponding adjustment coefficient is multiplied. The structural measures mainly ensure the requirements of section size and stirrup

56、 configuration.Seismic design of steel building structuresExercisesK-shaped brace is not suitable fbr the concentrically braced frames of multi-storey and lugli- rise steel structures.When the configuration of single-story steel factory buildmg is complex, seismic joint shouldbe set.When the additio

57、nal gravity moment of a floor is greater than die product of seismic shearforce and floor heiglit, the second-order effect should be taken mto account.For the roof structure with steel roof truss, which following condition is not required to arrange longikidmal horizontal brace?( )When the buildmg c

58、onfiguration is conq)lexWhen the roof truss spacing is greater tliaii or equal to 12mWhen there are medium or hea,y cranes with large liftmg capacityWhen the factory building has large space stifihessFor the single-story steel factory building with ligh roof such as profiled steel sheet, which follo

59、wing method should be used to calculate the spatial stiffiiess of transverse structure? ( ) A. Considermg the stiffiiess of roof truss to carry out the spatial analysisRegard as bent frame system or portal frame system to analyzeBottom shear methodResponse spectrum methodWhat are the main forms of e

60、artliqiiake damage to steel structure buildings? Answer: the main damage forms of steel structures are:Component failure: such as brace buckling, local instability of beam or column、steel fracture;Joint failure: such as brace connection failure;Overall structural failure: such as foundation failure;


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