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1、素面朝天Plain Face towards the HeavenA Plain and Pure FaceA Plain Face without Makeup1畢淑敏,國(guó)家一級(jí)作家,從事醫(yī)學(xué)工作20年后,開始專業(yè)寫作。作品很多都與醫(yī)生這個(gè)職業(yè)有關(guān), 1987年開始共發(fā)表作品200余萬字。1989年加入中國(guó)作家協(xié)會(huì),代表作品紅處方。1991年畢業(yè)于北京師范大學(xué)研究生院中文系,碩士。曾獲莊重文學(xué)獎(jiǎng)、小說月報(bào)第四、五、六屆百花獎(jiǎng)、當(dāng)代文學(xué)獎(jiǎng)、陳伯吹兒童文學(xué)獎(jiǎng)、北京文學(xué)獎(jiǎng)、昆侖文學(xué)獎(jiǎng)、解放軍文藝獎(jiǎng)、青年文學(xué)獎(jiǎng)、臺(tái)灣第16屆中國(guó)時(shí)報(bào)文學(xué)獎(jiǎng)、臺(tái)灣第17屆聯(lián)報(bào)文學(xué)獎(jiǎng)等各種文學(xué)獎(jiǎng)30余次,被中國(guó)海洋大學(xué)聘

2、為駐校作家。 23素面朝天。我在白紙上鄭重寫下這個(gè)題目。Plain face towards the heaven. I was writing this concise phrase seriously. 4丈夫走過來說,你是要將一碗白皮面,對(duì)著天空嗎?“Are you going to cook a bowl of pure noodles facing the sky? My husband came and said( in Chinese the written form of “face” is the same with that of “ noodles”) 5我說有一位虢國(guó)夫

3、人,就是楊貴妃的姐姐,她自恃美麗,見了唐明皇也不化妝,所以叫I told him that once upon a time, dating back to the Tang dynasty, there was a comely lady that was the sister of the wife of the emperor. Counting on her natural charming beauty, she never made up though she was meant to meet the emperor. 6丈夫笑了,說,我知道??墒悄悴⒉幻利悺?Hearing m

4、y remarks, my husband burst into laughter, saying, “I definitely know the legend. But you ought to know you are not beautiful. 7是的,我不美麗。但素面朝天并不是美麗女人的專利,而是所有女人都可以選擇的一種生存方式。 Yes, I can claim to the whole world that I am not beautiful. But facing the heaven without any makeup is not the patent to those

5、 beauteous ladies. Instead, it is a way of living that can be adopted by all women. 8看著我們周圍。每一棵樹、每一葉草、每一朵花,都不化妝,面對(duì)驕陽(yáng)、面對(duì)暴雨、面對(duì)風(fēng)雪,它們都本色而自然。 Looking around at each tree, grass, leave, flower, etc, you will get the realization that they never make up but retain their natural beauty that is not intended t

6、o modify their appearance, but to epitomize their inspiring bravery and courage to confront the fire-like sun, the furious storm and the heavy snow. 驕陽(yáng):scotching sun9它們會(huì)衰老和凋零,但衰老和凋零也是一種真實(shí)。Aging and fading as they are, it is also a kind of genuine display of life. 10作為萬物靈長(zhǎng)的人類,為何要將自己隱藏在脂粉和油彩的后面? Even

7、the vegetation knows to present a true self, as the superior animal to the rest, why our human beings always mask ourselves under the cosmetics? 11見一位化過妝的女友洗面,紅的水黑的水蜿蜒而下,仿佛洪水沖刷過水土流失的山巒。 I have ever seen one of my female friends washing her cosmetics off her face. The water mixed with foul dense red

8、or black stuff was flowing down her cheeks, as if the flood was sluicing across chains of mountains. 12那個(gè)真實(shí)的她,像在蛋殼里窒息得過久的雞雛,漸漸蘇醒過來。 The real one, like a cheeper chicken suffocated in the egg, came to herself. 13我覺得這個(gè)眉目清晰的女人,才是我真正的朋友。片刻前被顏色包裹的那個(gè)形象,是一個(gè)虛偽的陌生人。 I thought the one with real and distinct e

9、yes and eyebrows standing before me, is exactly my friend. The previous one wrapped into colorful cosmetics is an artificial stranger. 14臉,是我們與生俱來的證件。我的父母憑著它辨認(rèn)出一脈血緣的延續(xù);我的丈夫,憑著它在茫茫人海中將我找尋;我的兒子,憑著它第一次銘記住了自己的母親 Face, which we were born with, is the proof retorted to by our parents to distinguish the co

10、ntinuation of our consanguinity. It is a thread of clue with which my husband located me in an ocean-like crowd. It is also the tag with which my son engraved his mother on his mind. 15每張臉,都是一本生命的圖譜。連臉都不愿公開的人,便像捏著一份涂改過的證件,有了太多的秘密。 Every face is a drawing of life. Those who are even reluctant to unfu

11、rl their faces may be regarded as hiding a tampered ID card that buries too much secrecy. 16所有的秘密都是有重量的。背著化過妝的臉走路的女人,便多了勞累,多了憂慮。 All the secrets weigh. Those who once carried a made-up face all the way may feel extra fatigue and concern. 17化妝可以使人年輕,無數(shù)廣告喋喋不休地告誡我們。 Cosmetics can conduce to ones youth,

12、 which is repeated nonstop to us by countless commercials. 18我認(rèn)識(shí)的一位女郎,盛妝出行,艷麗得如同一組霓虹燈。 I have a friend who always goes out with heavy makeup, which renders her gorgeousness as a glowing neon. 19一次半夜里我為她傳一個(gè)電話,門開的一瞬間,我驚愕不止。慘亮的燈光下,她枯黃憔悴如同一冊(cè)古老的線裝書。 One midnight I delivered her a phone call made by her f

13、riend. The minute the door opened, I felt too stunned to open my mouth, staring at her scorched and toilworn face under the glaring lamp, as if an ancient thread-bound book. 20“我不能不化妝。”她后來告訴我。“化妝如同吸煙,是有癮的,我已經(jīng)沒有勇氣面對(duì)不化妝的我?!癐 cannot go without makeup.” She told me afterwards, “it is just like smoking a

14、nd will induce people to get back to it. Now I have totally lost the courage to face myself without any cosmetics. 21化妝最先是為了欺人,之后就成了自欺。我真羨慕你??!”從此我對(duì)她充滿同情。Makeup was undertaken merely to deceive others, then it gradually turned out to be self-deceived. How much I envy you with a plain and pure face!”

15、I show great compassion to this piteous lady. 22我們都會(huì)衰老。我鎮(zhèn)定地注視著我的年紀(jì),猶如眺望遠(yuǎn)方一幅漸漸逼近的白帆。It is a common wisdom that all of us are aging gradually. I contemplate my age calmly, as if viewing a little-by-little impending sailboat.ApproachingDrawing near Around the corner23為什么要掩飾這個(gè)現(xiàn)實(shí)呢?掩飾不單是徒勞,首先是一種軟弱。 Why do

16、 we cover this reality? Covering is not merely a matter in-vain. To begin with, it is a matter of cowardice. a lack of confidence.24自信并不與年齡成反比,就像自信并不與美麗成正比。勇氣不是儲(chǔ)存在臉龐里,而是掌握在自己手中。 Self-confidence does not go conversely with age, as if it does not necessarily parallel beauty. Courage and strength is no

17、t stored in the face, but in our own hands. 25化妝品不過是一些高分子的化合物、一些水果的汁液和一些動(dòng)物的油脂,它們同人類的自信與果敢實(shí)在是不相干的東西。 Cosmetics are merely made up of macromolecule chemical compound, some juice and grease. It is incomparable with our human confidence and stoutness (resolution). 26猶如大廈需要鋼筋鐵骨來支撐,而決非幾根華而不實(shí)的竹竿。 It is jus

18、t like a sky-high building needs toughest concrete and steel to uphold instead of several superficially good-looking but unworkable bamboos.支撐:support; uphold; sustain27常常覺得化了妝的女人犯了買櫝還珠的錯(cuò)誤。 I often reckon ladies with cosmetics commit a big mistake that can be defined with a Chinese proverb that rema

19、in the cheap package box and return the precious pearl after buying the pearl. 28請(qǐng)看我的眼睛!濃墨勾勒的眼線在說。但柵欄似的假睫毛圈住的眼波,卻暗淡猶疑。 After being decorated, my strongly-painted eyelashes are calling for you attention. But the expressions in your eyes enclosed by the fence-like fake eyelashes are flickering dimly.

20、make eye at sb29請(qǐng)注意我的口唇!櫻桃紅的唇膏在呼吁。但輪廓鮮明的唇內(nèi)吐出的話語,卻膚淺蒼白 “Pay attention to my lips!” The cherry-red lipstick is calling eagerly. But the utterance emitted from the contour-clear lips is so shallow and pale. Gloss 唇彩30化妝以醒目的色彩強(qiáng)調(diào)以至強(qiáng)迫人們注意的部位,卻往往是最軟弱的所在。 Cosmetic emphasizes the parts of our bodies with shining colors to call for our attention. But those parts are where our weaknesses lie. 31磨礪內(nèi)心比油飾外表要難得多,猶如水晶與玻璃的區(qū)別。 Grinding your heart to an iron one is far more difficult than decorating your appearance. Its difference is like that between crystal and glass 32不擁有美麗的女人,并非也不擁有自信。 To


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