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1、貴陽市2015年高三適應(yīng)性監(jiān)測考試(二)2015年4月公火叁分第1(逸小,)和第118(非法”滿分120分 我用時100分* 注意事項:. 3豺*幺善必衿臺已的姓名、竽號、崩嫉*寫戊齊、上.逡擇16:*小題選出谷金府.M2B ME也格麴卡上財上1日的5家發(fā)號津區(qū),如右應(yīng) 動.用處求擦干凈后,再選波名侖答案夠號今必押H:再黑色曇冬妻字屹在S卡上書耳作各 在試題4上什二軍食無效.計體持害及卡平整,Xtt折今 :試站火.殘早員樹4、答電卡一升枚足第I.第一部分 閱讀理解(其苒書,武分40分) 第一節(jié)I共15?。幻啃2分清分30分)另/F列期攵.從何題所給的四個建:(AJg和1)中透出最佳選J歸并在

2、答HK1 將該浜涂黑。ASome yrarM a*o uti u hut Mininter ny ikcukd Io po for a wim mi the old swimming hUe behind hi* hw In u hurry he divrd irau the cool water and rtrw into the wulrr. not irnlifinK ihul m be *wmn lowanl I hr fniMI* “ ihr lake. crwtxhlr ( R ffO *a* Awimmir Uwani the uhurc. Iii nxHiirf. lookin

3、g uuQ of I hr window in thr bnum. m* ihr Iwu a thr% E rioter and clowr k*frtber. in complete fw. 4w rui toward tl)r yrllinjc to her wm MB luutih . ihr liccamr 浦turned 承kI inmk rrlum V nwim to hi mulhrf. Il wa luu late. Juvt a hr nrarhrd Mr, the crwodilr z?hed hiu. brom ihr dock (碼頭).I hr ether pabbe

4、d(拽?。﹉rr little bo by ihr jml a the enrodfle nulchni hiB Irp Thnt lir|Kan at) unbrlirablr luf-/-Wi*r lirtwn the Imo Thr oimmmIiIc 4, nwh Mrwnurr dun the mtxhrf. but the moehrr 3 murh loo pasionM。to let jgp. A faiwr huppmd Io tfuck. look 41m nnd the cwodik.Aoujinglyt tftrr wrrku in honpilal, thr litt

5、le 1 urvnrd lli Icq wrrr rxlrratrly Rranrd hy thr atU4*k of thr animal and. on his arm*, surr 小叩 acrMchn wh*fr ha inollw*! , fingrrnaik ilug into hts flr4i in hrr t-flort to ha” wi lo th uvuld thou him Im tram.Tbr M Hftrd h And thn. uilb oUkmu pnde. he eaid io the npocirr. *But looi al my amn. I hav

6、e prtt Kar* on an arm. *. I hair tim brrmw anr mon wuuhlnt let |p. *You I ea Nrntif nh ihr lio. Ur lu%r cn. (n Imp ihr mutbrr aw the crocodile. .X did he do?A Shr Irird 9 Mve hn 0.R. Shr liarmd topsM omr hdp.C. phoned Ihr polkv.D. Shr ditrd into the lrr.1W underlined phrar let go“ in Paraniph I ptob

7、abh mens.A. lake offB. give upC. let milD. p down|xtplr 3krd clwut kia Mur. tiir Im)IrhA. aMuimrdB. exiriu?dG proudD. painfulWhat can we know fmm thr piuy ?A. All Ihr arm are unpirMnl.B. God iw4pa iImim* HUC- Hie bn be, yarnd.D. We (eel the sane way the km.BFnmi hr 007 rrira la Inm Mmh. rotil Xl( *

8、備)bke tamr wMchru and hikal teaw nf the lo luol ut for.HeadgearReadiM m 川,、J r nwnirm oAm 1”的).I加1 widi -nnill-rohk device eaUrd Kun n-Rrod. you “mi 1 frrl Iiju).my bumt, 、. cmi wrar il s hrdbanai or umrfhirl. Il trarks( jQ ) your hred Mnenimts aiu! then ramc die knl on the “frra 4 your iPd or nfhrr

9、 rrMflin at ihr man* lime yinir et. Though a person nrark thr trit jumping up mihI dmn. lur you ihr tnl hoU prffrvlly Mill. Y(wir brad OKM but the wordsh 品 oot.Brsceleua urfwiry hcarrirt ( f HI) nn help y. And out hem ? to run. Uw many calmew youSr bvrocd, buw drrp your 4rrp was. and nuun morr thinp

10、.A Cm virnan Karr alrvad) brm pudurin fhnz trerki” for mbw limr. But arrm* tlurt MBit Mill 15rl thr nwkl llmli eonm! wur Amaitphone and ci gHiy or i-nf ?ei. Il aU Rih diflrrnl感1元件)and can rrronlnMni iliHrnMil 中川.Sheet*If ?ou c.r pit lirrd d looking - ruur nnartphnnr frequently fur dEticm when niti”

11、H?ow wain lo tn Ixi IiaI miwi W Jw by imyk nmn?!泵柺?015年高三適應(yīng)性監(jiān)舞考試(二)英語第2頁(扶8頁)弧 App. Aftrr y dirm you by iilcimM 短動)u汕仃 tbr left nr ngh fm Io Irll you whrh you dioulil him 5- From the text know that ibe high-tech pidgrt*.A. only Rpprar in tho mmintC. fc wry cxpcniviB r*n br uwd by cocwivnxi |mf4rD.

12、have lakrn mtr everyihtngWhen you wear a head.A. you often OKe yuur bredC. it nutke* jou frrl diuB. ihr n* I mn、.D you y tfw wenh jumping up and downUhaf can ve learn alxnrt Bracelet?Wiring Inrrirtw r*m help find r%rything.IVufUr Mnr usnl ihr nr acmotv brac)t*.C HlBh * ill attract the rtM atlcntioo

13、this year.D. The Sur!?r will Ukr roatrol of onc* activitiesIimplr kiMiw tlw dirrclion* in thr futuirA. By using the smaHpboae.B. By usr the Uaffic map.C. Ry sing : weather, if it in the Souih in tbc US; rrpuUlion: and tporU or othrrThese awn an? iu4 umn(c. hart Im looking f” more depth. Why dor* thi

14、* school Mspeak to g? Whal F,tl npnrl fmm I hr other college* yout rv applyi i(?0h*e rin4lin|(招 生).rnllrgrfc inn * I want to rrrtil what they alrvw know abuut ihrir tchoU in yuur *mys. Sludrnt* nred to nuke a case for theii fimofuil Gl with the cxJkge. What i il about their hih m hod rxpmrnrr and 什

15、amNtkxM that nukf lht mllqcr . |(ood fit for them? Why il 0 Rimd Z for thrra ncutlrniKaUy aiul * tally? wlr八,髀 with an rmotimulI lorl (hb college nnee I aUendrd my find iootbdl 般me in diapm(屎布).” Or I ju*t knru CoUcg)c X wa- the perfect pUrr for mr ns xin a* I took in firM Mep on rarnfMi. Studmg nrr

16、l |(i 1whul all thin Im-r M I hr rdk|- k ralh “yir 唱 about them.Unfortimatcly. itt e nut much.bonI repeal the iiifmnuUMHi m thr mllrgr Iwnrhum and talk ahut the itihd rampiu. thavailability 4 dinar唱 hall* open tiw, arxl eg. (;“】我imiZc 10 kixm thnr mUkmi! well.of the Morrt miuakc i* when rtudcnU cut

17、and pawtr thrir WK th college* essay for mulh|Bk I ar*l lixxrl In ihr nf thr nr thr srhoo cnUrw Whoop* thl * wm potnf: to 即 over、ery well.Refnemlx-r. coUr mt trying to keep the numkirr / Muckft* who mv ye to theirofhi/h. So if vnu Rhou that you lu%m * t an4till iloir rrurmn h. rolIrKrnlimy ihiak tui

18、rr ahmil whctlirf vuu, 11 ncfutlly mllnd ihrir if youm accepted.貴田巾2015年,三適應(yīng)性監(jiān)濯考試(二)英in第3貝I共8 fi)9 Uhef hImxiM a wtudenl focw mw ftinctkxi.10 Ihm nunlh%. a rnllnD mainly rmMdrni ttudentM,A. AchirvrmmU and hobbirwB.mxUiI trUlionibip ndperwwidityC. rpericice and ambigi*D.can% (or it. rrpaHxxiandsueUhr

19、re ran the Irxl mo9t probably br Ukrn frm?A. A new* report.B. A lour Kuidc.C. A 卜1呷l). A novel.DWhen we diink uf fhvor(味道),it our now and taMc bwfe(味需 that wr think of fint. Imi1 natural that Umlr and ntnrll arr thr ftwin rtw* when wr nijn food aixi dfink? Well. |v-r4np mil M wh nrw lrgBnniftf* tn “

20、rwLzarvi tlkl flAvrar Arprfuk cm pari* ol I hr brain thl imolve not only UMe. Mncll and touch. bvt viwm. Piu Mt rxpmmc r*. mmilt in pension(感殳)of flavum. 4md ilrcidr whrtlirr *r like or di4ikr IcnmU. *Yrjrt flavor nan a table with to kgftUMr and odof/ Trny E Acnrr. PSD, told Nalkmal Geogra壯沁A kimmI

21、riamyilr 向 *fhr firM IhIc i ukw wilh thriw ihit if w e hmn Ino plnlr / 以rawbemz, one rvd anci the other pinknh. ihr mafonly nf u ukl If attnM trd lu nd brcaiw “it npeness, stweetnen and caloric” , exphined The Guardian.TV finding M n Orman tudy *rrw Io buck tlm up. It wud *iw UMnd 50 petcrtit *wrrW

22、if drunk under rrd hflM. r*thrr dun unilrr Mur nr while.In a study rvlcascxl in nud-December,*ientM found thx the cohr of your coffer mug cm the way % our coffer ncpotlrwl The U *4)ingtnn Port. And it m not just the color / I hr kxvi lht mattert. Sprc-tGrally, Ihr while* rmif: wawit) mnrr H inlrmr (

23、 orbillet) Ualin cup ci cofier, and the clear gla mug not. The blue mug, meanwhik, was kind / on inlrnnrliftlr(中等的)” QHm Sprme.隔ad d the cvrch labuiulun ! Oxfotd UnnEity . Quid thr iwvtNpaprr.The opposite was true for perceived wrrtnr thk 31cd sweetne* whm drinking fnwn ihr while mug than lliey did

24、when di inking fron: both thr blue and cleir K J muglt*s al%o pOMiblc (hart certain colon irr nswiatrU with erruin expenence. In ike case ci ixiflrr. thu tvMrrhent bee the ebr brown fnisht be oowthi people nmriatr with hillrm*。. M llw while miiM may Iwnr dlerird ihr prrrrivnl lwnrm 4 ihr colTrr ml t

25、hi*. in him. my hiivr trd ihr prrrrivrrb) rf the ccffrr. ihr rrwirchm vi role.12 TV pnMA|Er mainly di*ruwrA. laMlinm 訕 -yaB. il*a abotit HvcrC. wine and mflfeD. colon and lik(613. Ukai dor. the undrdinrwl wnrrl odar in Panniph I rrfrr tn?A. Touch.B. Smell.C. Vimmi.D. Calor.眼陽市2015年高三適侵件監(jiān)押考試(二)英語曷4克(

26、共8頁)M Ukm color lifdtl Mr 50% eeKcdI. RnlA Hlur,B. U hilr.C Brown.Qhal I hr Ul punynph nuiinh draut?A Coke andB. Brtiwn and whitec. Imrrrrt Mil vnuMrrfcI) Bitlrnwwi mi nvrrtBTM.第二節(jié)(共5小11;每小幕2分演分10分)怏據(jù)短文內(nèi)齊.從坦文后的選項中選出能填入空門處的星傳選用選孽中有網(wǎng)項為名 余為“fws ibr 產(chǎn)XI with thr uoml Ty fngfil in ihr wnrkl ran impmvr hn

27、 r hrr pmrMAtkm kUIL Sonic lip* fer pr*para(*o sUgr arr n【 %(MN* rewnvilMzi k Ihrtkraighl) MM ran. h k 、rry help4H “心 the ahmer briwvrF 5。wJ vuu “y lU Um Luriurt inI hlnaiv 4nd uilk io rxprn* to E a bcfler tdea of ymirubc1, 16 Know your aikHmcr17 H 】ou kim youll hr pmenliy to yuur Mkw rlMmuc*. you l

28、o think ghovt h3t will intnpir and ibrw.一8UKilevtmr hnir linui )uu mImiuM nuikr、gr prrhrntiitKm Al cximforuNy undrf ihr linir luiul. N you dem* I d wur timr diking loo Urt to try to bit even point. Hauorr. you mIkiuMb* I makr it n imich 4mrtrr ikM “a,fr left ttth a lM ci - rlr/nl tiw- al I Im* 7. Th

29、r Ui unitk |u omcIuik 山曲 linui. Z murr irUtrd mm* II br. 19Comider uMnr technoloK%Tf nolo4 . frnmamic or a Mr pcorclof. can help rahancr yow points andymi。midnf lkrrr, hau. | mmh IrrhnUn rn hue tV ufyz rflrrl. *Dw c| i( !rath by PmrtfMnt Cot aSe miaKr surr ikal it brlp if yot arr conimii prrMrvviiii

30、ifin.I M so. the hrtlcr viwi proll I ulram skilU ill hrF. Gi%c a kX cf thMii# who will be in ihr aodamrv,(;.Thr nwwr nwwk tu A. thr rwwrmi will hr.第二分英UIICiRia用(央兩節(jié),戰(zhàn)分4s分) 第一節(jié) 完形堵空(共20小逋;督小1.5分,滿分如分)年漫卜囪例文 從蛆文日方朝所始的K個選項A.R.C Rim中,連出町以成人中門處 速鵬,并在尊UN上將微取源工On- 1ounr 2期 itmrnmi (流動的)Imjcm- trainer , s m

31、. wa 4ain M ovnm a horw nmrh(推 Q場)of hi、, though ht Umil, zl rich.費用幣2015 u wimj 21a I Tlial i岫I he wnXr a sTvenpa0r paper 22 hU 四.Hh wrote K m |*rvat23 and he even drrw 24” 200* rr raiech. 81KHthe Ik1kmi at all fhrKuiMin。.* MnhlE and hr liu( k RawIwo !1% Utrf lw 25 hi* |wprvbac kvilh a Uijpr ml2ftm

32、ithe (ajiiI jmp and u iwie thatrrak. rr mr uflrr ?1 *boy with the 28went lo mt tbr (richer after dawandakcd, Why didianTKc teadirr Mid. Ci i an umdiwlM* dream for n 29 yuuny: le hkr ymi u coinr from M ilinrfant hinily with nu rrauufm. Owning a hmwr wiich 30 a kit of mow* Thrrv no 31 too rild et rn.

33、EnplEMA. firlailB. totalC. nerdl. IHM*A. lineB.c. SD. diagramA. irc. ImMiilA. CB. 1)C. E0. FA. allB. noceC. 4nlD. claA. (lrmB. pidgC. ronriil. prwirA. richB. rlr*rrC prl. kindA. earn,B. rrquirr*C. 備D. coUert*A. pointB. waC. UW1). ifireA. rr|MirtB. npUmC, CClk1). EmirA. wrote& lh(3C. tti3wdD. hugMA.

34、molhrfA. IcwhrrC. Ghrr1). fnrmlA nmkr upH. look upC pc4 up1) l*e UpA. woflH. tfWMC. nnndD. de zsA ch&nB. tnccwiffiC. roerrrtiomD. marl-A douhtrdH. rrluniC. im(2rdD. “mnr.lA. nimKwH. hel|arC. Mier1). pcvMBkuterstep down intokerp up withlank 40tm tiprm小(up on30. 現(xiàn)Fi”詞y Ihr boy tumrd

35、in the paper making no 17| “I Hr utra(-hrr. I wa thii味 uf a dfrnni X . Ihinnft lkr,中I Moir u kit U kide* dnram. I udunatr|)r yiu enough UMpon(遇 l(t心)n(W Io 40 )uue.40 A.URilU 2015 ui. Hin rr*rMth in I hr nrihlMiciny; town look 4!(long) thanhe had expcitcd. h sus hie and he wm cry tired when he 42 (d

36、rive) boroc. He tuned into hi* IniiIcIiivc * (wiing lW .43 nil thr pnir* wrrr full. Hr !mvr Inn4 mH oil thr Mrrrle44( look ) J a purling p+2. IK* Grwl block a Cull. IK* nd Mode wiu jdmtet mpty.1/2 l hr zaprrtrd ihxt if parliitf urfr aHowntl there, miwt of the aare would hr filled Fhrn hr m mnall fwi

37、mg l* th lui trre 43(t|M ,Hr 1* *o bd Io *rr lltrni 46 hr dj:n, I rtm think lu krI ihr ufn Iw ihr entranrr. Hr dw in. |inrkrd. and 47 (hum h。lo |to to bed. TV fK%t inomin* he went bark lo llw* l4 48( E ) hi* rr. Il wa Kmr. Hr mu luamr Mid IrlryJianrtl ihr ily Mirr Io aay thil hicur had brvn Urn. It

38、1 wa* lring viiely in thr %. il ix pL、if note ind mon- important rolr. For rtample , a Cnnadtw anil Chi Uii , I prak U h ohr* hinpkap* And if they both hi Ltiglinli, ihiii in no |Uatii( (Kit ixhuibuiimmIhni. Ur muM kmm iKt, importdare and leam th。languarr hurdh. Ihe key lo learn bnglish writ is ”rvr

39、itr worU. that are the bricks tf builtlinf. IXr cmi mjAtrr In* kre|nf tlwm in tht w cunprrtirr our liMminx und siraking nbility. Only in dw、way. cn wr Mifivinic for the pulper of a|ipiir Atkin.RiW 2015 4高三道應(yīng)件監(jiān)利考試(二)英沿爾7姐共8頁)二節(jié) 裾面霰達(篇分25分)鯉設(shè)你是李華.你的英國筆友(F)東值網(wǎng)問你的網(wǎng)讀情況,請你根據(jù)以下要點 回信,.你的回港視點;.你的悶渡應(yīng)國;3你的回潼收獲:,*:.可以適當增加節(jié),以使行文連貫:.侑的開頭和結(jié)網(wǎng)已經(jīng)為你qif.不計入2句敢;y詞觸.wo間左右lrar Tom.WRIr|f 2015 ! US應(yīng)性越洌考it(二)41 話胡 M(MS 貞)貴


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