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1、 PAGE 頁碼 14 / NUMPAGES 總頁數(shù) 14牛津四年級(jí)下學(xué)期英語期末復(fù)習(xí)校外培訓(xùn)題班級(jí):_ 姓名:_ 看圖題寫單詞1. 看圖寫單詞。1 232. 根據(jù)圖意,用所給的字母組成單詞。e,e,e,n,v,l e,i,a,n,h,m,c e,e,i,c,c,n,se,u,o,s,s,r,r,t e,i,r,n,n,w e,i,a,r,t,n,p3. 根據(jù)圖片提示,將下列字母重新組合成單詞。1klmi2rufit3urn4. 看圖,根據(jù)圖意和首字母提示,把句子中所缺的單詞補(bǔ)充完整。1My m_is a r_.2The g_(灰色)s_is too expensive.3I like to

2、p_s_on the playground.4E_and twenty-nine is f_.5I t_a s_in the bathroom.5. 根據(jù)圖片寫單詞。1. 2.3. 4.6. 單詞拼寫(詞匯運(yùn)用)。1.I like_. They are sweet.2.I dont like_. They are sour.3._the flower. 4.It is_juice. 5.It is_juice.7. 根據(jù)提示填空。1Lets go to the.2This is a science.3I like Maths and.4This is an English dictionary

3、. How does it feel?Its.5Whoseis this?Its Lilys.8. 看圖,補(bǔ)全對(duì)話。1_is it?Its_oclock. Its time for_class.2_the weather_today?Its_.3_these_?Yes,_.4_this_cheap?_,_.5_skirt_it?_.選擇題9. IlikethegreenT-shirt.Ill _it. ( )A.take B.do C.put10. Woof Woof.I hear a _. ( )A.cat B.cow C.dog11. Its 5:00. Its time to _. (

4、)A.home B.go C.go to home12. They _ going to have a party tomorrow. ( )A.is B.am C.are13. This is my little sister, _ is nice. ( )A.he B.she C.it14. The sun _ in the evening. ( )A.rises B.go down C.goes down15. Can I help you? ( )_Can I see these pants?A.Yes, please. B.No, thanks. C.Thats OK.16. Are

5、 they OK? ( )Yes. They are_.A.too long B.just right C.too short填空題17. 將下列單詞歸類。note big milk side Jonestime hope fine fit Cokewin Tom game hot racename lake doll dog nine1_2_3_4_5_18. 用方框中所給的疑問詞填空。Where How old How many Who What How much1_would you like, Yang Ling?An ice cream, please.2_is your siste

6、r, Mike?She is ten.3_is the fan?Its fifty yuan.4_apples do you have, Liu Tao?Five.5_is the boy?He is my brother.6_is my jacket?Its on the sofa.19. 根據(jù)句子意思,用所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。1May I_(come) In?Sure.2We often_(watch) TV at 8 oclock.3Its 9 oclock. It is time_(have) an English class.4Whose bag is this?It is_( I

7、 ) bag.5Do you want_(swim)?Yes, I like_(swim) very much.6There_(not be) any milk in the glass.7Are there two_(match) on TV?8Jim_(have) an apple a day.9Would you like_(some) pies?Yes, please.20. 根據(jù)句意和圖片,補(bǔ)全單詞,使句子完整。1ItsinSingapore.2WhatstheweatherlikeinBeijing?Itsand.3Its3:00.Itstimeforclass.4Itstimef

8、or. Letseat someanddrinksome.5Whattime isit? Itsoclock.21. 選詞填空。1_books are on the desk._are drawing pictures. (They/ Their)2_(they/their) like to play pingpong. Playing pingpong is_(they/their) favourite school work.22. 用所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。1_(have) Marys sister any bicycles? No.2How much_(be) these flower

9、s? Twenty-five yuan.3May can_(read) English books.4Peter,_(be) you hungry?_(have) some cakes.5Here_(be) a pencil and a sketch-book for you.6Eddie and Wendys cat_(not like) to_(climb) the tree.7_(there be) an orange and an apple in the packet?8Alice,_(not write) on the blackboard.23. 根據(jù)中文意思,完成句子。每空一詞

10、。1What does your mother do on Sunday?She_(通常)goes shopping.2What do you have for_(晚飯)?I often have some noodles.3Jim likes_(看) TV very much. How about you?4My cousin often_(吃)lunch at school.5There is too much_(家庭作業(yè)) today. I am too tired.24. 選出合適的單詞填入橫線上。job people meet player uncle1How many_are th

11、ere in your family?2Whats your aunts_?3This is my_. He is tall and strong.4Hi,_my family!5My father is a football_.連詞成句25. dinner, is, what, for (?)26. arethebrokeneggs (.)27. friends My sports like (.)28. you, good, are, a, boy, (.)29. winner, she, the, is (.)30. How, are, tree, apples, many, there

12、, on, the (?)31. like Would youjuicesome (?)32. like I much chicken very (.)閱讀理解33. 閱讀短文,將句子補(bǔ)充完整,每空一詞。Monday is an awesome day. Monday is Maths day. Wednesday is a wonderful day. Wednesday is Art day. Friday is a fantastic day. Friday is sports day. Saturday is a super day. Saturday is play day.1. M

13、onday isday.2. Wednesday isday.3. Friday isday.4. Saturday isday.34. 閱讀短文,判斷下列句子正誤。Today is Sunday. Jill and Tom are in the park. They see some grass under a big tree. Its green and soft. They want to sit under the tree. They put a towel(毛巾) on the grass. They sit on the towel. Jill feels something

14、cold and hard. Its a stone(石頭). Tom feels something soft, wet and thin. What is it? Wow, its a snake(蛇)! They are afraid.( )(1)Jill and Tom are in the park.( )(2)The grass is green and hard.( )(3)The stone is hard and cold.( )(4)The snake is soft and warm.35. 閱讀理解。Mr Carter is an Englishman. Hes in

15、China now. It was the Mid-Autumn Day (中秋節(jié)) last Sunday. Mr Li invited (邀請(qǐng)) Mr Carter to spend the festival with his family.Mr Carter was very glad. He had a big dinner in Mr Lis house. After dinner, they sat outside. They watched the moon Mr Carter told Mr Li that he had a good time in China.( )(1)W

16、here does Mr Carter come from?A.He comes from the USA. B. He comes from the UK.( )(2)When was the Mid-Autumn Day?A. Last Saturday. B. Last Sunday.( )(3)How did Mr Carter spend the Mid-Autumn Day?A. He spent it with Mr Lis family. B. He was at home.( )(4)What did they do after dinner?A. They watched

17、the moon. B. They watched TV.( )(5)Mr Carter was very _.A. sad B. happy36. 看表格,判斷正(T)誤(F)。1Sue is wearing an orange scarf on Wednesday.(_)2Sandy is wearing a blue coat on Sunday.(_)3Sue is wearing red gloves on Thursday.(_)4Sandy is wearing black trousers on Monday.(_)5Sue is wearing a brown skirt o

18、n Thursday.(_)37. 閱讀短文,判斷正誤。This is my school day . I get up at 6:00 in the morning . I have breakfast at 7:00 . I go to school at 7:45 . Now its 8:00 . Its time for class . I have Maths class at 9:00 every day . Mr Li is my Maths teacher . I like him very much . I have PE class at 4:00. I clean the

19、 classroom at 5:20 . I go home at 5:40 . I go to bed at 9:00 .( )(1)I have breakfast at 6:00 .( )(2)I go to school at 7:45 .( )(3)I have Chinese class at 9:00 every day .( )(4)I dont like my maths teacher .( )(5)I go to bed at 9:00 .38. 閱讀短文,判斷下列句子正誤。Amy is my best friend. She is ten. She is tall an

20、d quiet. She has long hair and small mouth. She has big eyes and a small nose. Her father is a teacher. Hes tall and thin. He likes sports. Her mother is a nurse. She likes noodles. Her brother is a football player. Hes strong.( )(1)Amy is my sister.( )(2)Amy has long hair and small nose.( )(3)Amys

21、father is a teacher and he is short.( )(4)Amys brother is strong.( )(5)There are four people in her family.39. 閱讀理解。My name is Zhou Dan. Im a Chinese girl. Im twelve. Im in Class 1, Grade 4. There are 49 students in our class29girls and 20 boys. We have six lessons every day. Today is Monday. We hav

22、e Chinese, maths, English and PE in the morning, and science and music in the afternoon. I like English best. Mr Zhao is our English teacher. He is nice to us. We do all kinds of things in English in his class.(1)How old is Zhou Dan?A.11 B.12 C.13(2)There are _boys in her class.A.forty-nine B.twenty

23、-nine C.twenty(3)Zhou Dan has _on Monday afternoon.A.science and music B.Chinese and maths C.English and music(4)How many lessons do they have on Monday morning.A.Six. B.Two. C.Four.(5)Mr Zhao is her _teacher.A.Chinese B.English C.PE40. 閱讀短文判斷。Thisisourclassroom.Therearesomepupilsinit.Sixteenareboys

24、andfifteenaregirls.Sixboysliketomakepaperaeroplanes.Theother(另外的)liketoreadbooks. Ninegirlsliketopaint.Theothersliketomakebirthdaycards. Look!MrsLiiscoming.Shesourclassteacher.Shesagoodteacher.Welikeherverymuch.1Thereareforty-fourpupilsinourclass.(_)2Twelveboysliketoreadbooks.(_)3Ninegirlslikepainti

25、ng.(_)4Someboysliketomakebirthdaycards.(_)5MrLiisourclassteacher.(_)41. 閱讀短文,判斷對(duì)錯(cuò)。Dingding will be 10 years ol D. His parents are going to have a birthday party for him this Saturday. Lets go and join the birthday party. The party will begin at 11 oclock in the morning. Well have lunch in his house. We can play games, watch movies and play cards et C. Dingdings house is at 56 North Street. It is close to the Garden


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