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1、2021-2022高考英語(yǔ)模擬試卷考前須知.考生要認(rèn)真填寫(xiě)考場(chǎng)號(hào)和座位序號(hào)。.試題所有答案必須填涂或書(shū)寫(xiě)在答題卡上,在試卷上作答無(wú)效。第一局部必須用2B鉛筆作答;第二局部必須用黑 色字跡的簽字筆作答。.考試結(jié)束后,考生須將試卷和答題卡放在桌面上,待監(jiān)考員收回。第一局部(共20小題,每題L 5分,總分值30分)- It shouldnt take long to clear up after the party if we all volunteer to help.-Thafs right. .A. Many hands make light workB. Something is bette

2、r than nothingC. The more the merrier D. The sooner begin, the sooner doneThe students have decided on a final date by which everyone reading the books assigned by their professor.A AnishesB. flnishedC. have finished D. will have finishedIt is one thing to enjoy listening to good music, but it is qu

3、ite to perform skillfully yourself.A. another B. otherC. the other D. othersMaybe some of you are curious about what my life was like on the streets because Ive never really talked about itA. in place B. in turn C. in force D. in depthThe scientist does not study nature it is useful to do so. He stu

4、dies it because he takes pleasure in it.A. untilB. becauseC. though D. unlessThe waitress at the restaurant was usually very considerate, but on this occasion she seemed to the diners.A. ignore B. identify C. applaud D. satisfyTom is proud and, never admitting he is wrong and always looking for some

5、one else to blame.A. strictB. stubbornC sympathetic D. sensitiveIt came as a great to the parents that their son finally came back safe and sound.A. reliefB. senseC. relaxion D. favorDo you ready for the spring outing?No,I still have to buy some fruit.A. everything B. anything C. something D. nothin

6、g一 David is a green hand at such things.一 But I believe he is quite to the task.the Internet、In short, if we obey the rules and take care of ourselves, we will grow up happy、第二節(jié)書(shū)面表達(dá)(總分值25分)29. (25分)假設(shè)你是高三學(xué)生李華,你的母校校刊編輯邀請(qǐng)你給初三的同學(xué)寫(xiě)一封公開(kāi)信,內(nèi)容包括:.你在高三的學(xué)習(xí)和生活情況;.你對(duì)英語(yǔ)學(xué)習(xí)意義的認(rèn)識(shí);.你對(duì)初三同學(xué)英語(yǔ)學(xué)習(xí)的建議.注意:1.內(nèi)容包括以上要點(diǎn),但不要逐句翻

7、譯;2.字?jǐn)?shù)100左右,文章開(kāi)頭已提供,不計(jì)入總詞數(shù).Dear fellow students:Id like to share with you some of my thoughts.參考答案第一局部(共20小題,每題L 5分,總分值30分)A D AD BAB A A 10、Cn、a12、B13、D14、B15、A16、B17、C18、C19、A20、B第二局部閱讀理解(總分值40分)閱讀以下短文,從每題所給的A、B、C、D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出最正確選項(xiàng)。1、 C TOC o 1-5 h z BBA1、 B2、C3、D4、C1、 C2、A3、D4、B1、 D2、B3、A1、 B2、D3、C4

8、、A第三局部語(yǔ)言知識(shí)運(yùn)用(共兩節(jié))第一節(jié)(每題1. 5分,總分值30分)閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的A、B、 C和D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出可以填入空白處的最正確選項(xiàng).1、 B2、D3、C 4、A5、B 6、C7、C8、A9、C10、B11、D12、C13、A14、D15、B16、B17、A18 D19、A20、C第二節(jié)(每題L 5分,總分值15分)閱讀下面材料,在空白處填入1個(gè)適當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~或括號(hào)內(nèi)單詞的正確形式。1. Sodeadlyexposedwherehad livedthedeliveredWithto blamedealing第四局部寫(xiě)作(共兩節(jié))第一節(jié)短文改錯(cuò)(總分值10分)28、of

9、后面加上thethemselves 一ourselvesto 一withran 一runas 一until去掉ofwhat 一vvhich/thatEat Eatingstranger 一strangershappy 一happily第二節(jié)書(shū)面表達(dá)(總分值25分)29、Dear fellows,I am really glad to share my thoughts with you. Since I know time is limited in senior three, I become so prepared with the heavier pressure that I made

10、 great progress after a full devotion to my study.(高分句型一) Meanwhile, in order to ensure enough energy and efficiency during the day, I made a thorough plan and follow it strictly every day, which led to a much regulated life.(高分句型二)A good command of English plays a vital role in the coming exam as w

11、ell as the future study Making more use of the knowledge makes you a better informed person. As for suggestions, I think you should form a habit of taking notes and take advantage of all sources available to study.(高分句型三)Besides, focus on mistakesand consult your teachers in time.Best wishes for all

12、 of you.Yours,Li HuaA. relevant B. accessibleC. equal D. uniqueEveryone had a form in his hand, but no one knew which office.A. to send it to B. to sent it C. to be sent to D. to have it sentThe new secretary is and therefore the manager is satisfied with her work.A. effective B. efficient C. specif

13、ic D. sufficientHe asked for the computer.did I pay how muchI paid how muchhow much did I payhow much I paidThe lady standing over there may be from the USA,I guess has lost her way.A. whomB. whoC. which D. whereWe really emphasize the importance of putting safeguards to prevent childrens identities

14、 from falling inwrong peoples hands.A. in place B. in vainC. in question D. in earnestI think that this is the best mobile phone available in the world. No other one can it.A. compare B match C. produce D. winAbraham set himself up in front of his daughter, hands her hair, and was close to tears, re

15、luctant to tearhimself from her.A to toy with B. toyed with C. toying with D. being toyed withComputers can do nothing. But once what to do, they show extraordinary power to do a great deal.A. to programB. being programmedC. programmed D. having programmedWhat an amazing picture!一The little boy the

16、soldiers, and I caught them in an unguarded moment.A. was saluting B. saluted C. had saluted D. would saluteWeUl have to finish it,A. however it takes longB. however long it takesC. no matter how it takes D. no matter how long does it take第二局部閱讀理解(總分值40分)閱讀以下短文,從每題所給的A、B、C、D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出最正確選項(xiàng)。(6 分)We sho

17、uld all let the sunshine in as much as possible-not just because it makes us feel good. Exposure to sunlight produces vitamin D in our skin. This is why we call vitamin D the “sunshine vitamin.”Vitamin D is good for everybody. In fact, research shows this sunshine vitamin could help women with breas

18、t cancer live longer.Breast cancer patients who have high blood levels of vitamin D have a better prognosis(/a)than women who dont. A prognosis is how quickly a doctor expects a patient to recover or how long a doctor expects a patient to live.Researchers found that these women had less aggressive c

19、ancers. They were also 30 percent less likely to die from the cancer or to get it again.Researcher Song Yao led the study for the Roswell Park Cancer Institute. He said the study showed that high vitamin D levels improved the patients* prognosis no matter what type or how advanced their cancer wasBe

20、sides fighting breast cancer, vitamin D helps the body in other ways. Most importantly, vitamin D controls how the body absorbs calcium. It also makes sure the bodys immune system works normally.Several studies show that vitamin D also strengthens the immune system and helps the body fight disease V

21、itamin D may help reduce your risk of developing heart disease, according to a 2008 study published in the journal Circulation. And it may also help protect you against getting the flu. Other studies have shown that vitamin D might help people suffering from depression.Factors in the environment may

22、 limit our exposure to sunlight and, therefore, vitamin D These factors include pollution, using too much sunscreen, spending too much time inside and living in areas with little sunlight So if you cant get enough sunshine, eat foods that are rich in vitamin D: egg yolks, cheese and fatty fish h as

23、salmon, sardines, tuna or mackerelHow much vitamin D you need is a much-debated topic. The best way to know if you need more vitamin D is to get tested by a doctor.According to the research, women with high blood levels of vitamin D.A. live longer than women without B. never get cancer againC. have

24、less aggressive cancers D. can recover from cancer earlier2、The benefits of vitamin D are.strengthening the immune systemkilling cancer cellspromoting the absorption of calciumprotecting against getting the fluabc. B. acdC. abd. D. abed.To get more vitamin D, people canA. eat more food and do more e

25、xerciseget exposure to more sunlight and eat foods rich in itdrink more water and eat more foods rich in iteat more food and keep positive4 How does the author support the theme of the passage?A. By providing research resultsB. By stating argumentsC. By explaining statistical data.D. By giving examp

26、les.(8 分) When youre out with a friend and take a photo of yourselves, do you know that you are also creating a work of art? Or that you are competing with Vincent van Gogh himself? Probably not. Your idea might be to show off your selfie(自拍照)on WeChat or QQ, but you probably dont think of the Inter

27、net as a gallery or of yourself as an artist.But the chief executive of Londons Saatchi Gallery, Nigel Hurst, thinks that the casual pictures we take of ourselves have something in common with self-portraits by the great masters. In support of the idea, the Saatchi Gallery has a new exhibition calle

28、d From Selfie to Self-Expression.It features well-known self-portraits from artists including Dutch painters Van Gogh (1853-1890) and Rembrandt (1606-1669). It also has selfies on show that have “quickly become icons of the digital era.” These include one taken by US celebrity(名人)Kim Kardashian and

29、another of former US President Barack Obama with former UK Prime Minister David Cameron, according to the BBC.The gallery is even encouraging visitors to add their own selfies to the show.Hurst is perhaps not being 100 percent serious. He isnt claiming that a snap you take of yourself in your favori

30、te restaurant can be compared with a self-image painted by Van Gogh. But he does make a serious point. Once upon a time, it was only artists who could make images of themselves. They were the only ones, as Hurst told The Guardian who “had the skills, materials and tools to create self-portraits?9 To

31、day, however, we “all have that ability through our smartphones/9The popularity of the selfie rocketed after smartphones started to become widely used. In 2013, Oxford Dictionaries named “selfie as its word of the year. As Pamela Rutledge, a professor at the Massachusetts School of Professional Psyc

32、hology, told Vogue magazine: the cult (熱潮)of the selfie celebrates regular people”.1、What does the underlined word “features in paragraph 3 most probably mean?A. informs B. showsC sells D. misses2、Nigel Hursfs attitude to the smartphone selfie is.A. casual B. mixedC. favorable D. negative3、Who share

33、s opinions with Nigel Hurst?A. Kim Kardashian B. Barack ObamaC David Cameron D. Pamela Rutledge4、Which of the following would be the best title for the text?A. Selfies as Self-portraits B. Age of SmartphonesC. Age of Selfie Artists D. Selfies of Celebrities(8 分) About 6 years ago, I was on a plane n

34、ext to a woman. I was tired and wanted to take a nap. But before I could go into “ignore pattern,she tapped me on the shoulder to introduce herself.“Hi: my name is Helga!”We got to talking and eventually it came up that I had started an organization in high school calledR.A. K,E.(Random Acts of Kind

35、ness, Etc.). As I described what we did, Helga got very serious and told me that she admired me for that. She told me a story about the last time she had flown. She was on the way to Arizona because she had gotten sudden news that her dads health was on the decline. Later her fathers physician calle

36、d to inform her that her dad had rather suddenly passed away. For the 3-hour plane ride, she sat in silence around strangers.When she arrived at the airport in Arizona, she walked to the nearest wall, sat down, and cried. And here is the part ril never forget about Helgas story. For 2 hours she sat

37、and wept while thousands walked to and fro in the airport. Helga looked al me and said, “Houston, not a single person stopped and asked if I was okay that day. It was that day that I realized how much we need each other. It was that day I realized that kindness isnt normal.Kindness isnt normal. That

38、 has stuck with me all these years especially now. I work in schools nationwide speaking about sympathy, kindness, empathy (同理and love. Pm reminded all the time that, for many of us, kindness is not usually our default setting. We spend so much time worrying about our problems, our lives, our insecu

39、rities, getting to our flight so we walk by or ignore people in need of help.So, Fve made it my mission to do my part in sharing stories with students, teachers, and parents about our need for character and sympathy. Im always be on the lookout for the little opportunities that surround me every day

40、 to do something nice.1、What impressed the author most about Helgas story?A. Helgas anxiety over her fathers sudden illness.B. Helga had no one to talk to on her flight lo Arizona.C. Helga was ignored by people around her when she cried.D. Helga couldnt get over her sadness over her Fathers death.2、

41、Which can best explain the underlined part “default setting in paragraph 5?B. Unexpected way to do things.D. Biggest surprise to others.B. He used to be a school teacher.D. He is a promoter of a good cause.B. Making Kindness NormalD Practising Kindness on the PlaneA. Usual way of doing things.C. Ign

42、orance to people around.3、What can we know about the author?A. He started many clubs in high school.C. He teaches kids how to behave well.4、What can be a suitable title for the text?A. Comforting People in NeedC. Ignoring Unnecessary Troubles(8 分)Lovell Camps Kids Club in SwitzerlandLovell Camps Kid

43、s Club is an English language Montessori (蒙臺(tái)梭利)style club. Children will enjoy a wonderful and safe learning experience which includes language activities, cooking, arts and crafts, singing, dancing, etc.Learning outside the classroom plays a necessary role at Lovell Camps, making children experienc

44、e the outdoors.During the summer months this can include visits to local playgrounds, farms and indoor or outdoor swimming pools.Winter time gives children the chance to go skiing and play outside in the snow.Admission:The Lovell Camps Kids Club is for pre-school children aged between 2 and 5.Whafs

45、included:Fees include: Healthy snacks and school equipment. If you choose the skiing activity, fees include transportation to and from the ski hill and professional ski instructions.Fees do not include: Ski rentals, round-trip transportation from Kids Club to home and medical insurance.Time:Kids Clu

46、b is open from December to March and in July and August It is closed on Mondays during the year.1、What is the special activity in summer?A.Getting close to animals.B.Swimming in the pool.C.Singing and dancing.D.Visiting farms.2、Lovell Camps Kids Club is designed for 2- to 5-year-olds.A.who are good

47、at swimmingB.who enjoy outdoor activitiesC.who want to learn skiingD.who are interested in playing sports 3、For which of the following should kids pay extra?A. Medical insurance.B. Healthy snacks.C. School equipment.D. Transportation to the ski hill.(10 分) Kang Sung-il buys Sancho, his Pomeranian, a

48、 toy every business trip and this lunar New Year holiday will dress him up in s new $50 suit to visit grandma, Kangs mother. Kang and his wife say children are too expensive and bring too much pressure. Instead they have chosen to shower Sancho with love and gifts.They are not alone. South Koreas pe

49、t industry is booming, fuelled by the same factors that have made the countrys birth rate, at 1.05 births per woman, the lowest in the world: the high cost of education and housing as well as extremely long working days.“Social pressures in South Korea are such that parents are required to provider

50、resources for decades from private schooling to art classes/9 said Kang a 39 year old manager of a pet funeral home.On top of education expenses, an average an household must budget roughly 12.8 years of income to buy a mid-range home, compared to 8.8 years in 2014, data from KB Kookmin Bank shows.

51、Adding to their stress, south Koreans work the third most hours per year among OECD (經(jīng)合組織)nations, next only to Mexico and costa Rica.Pet-owning households have rose to 28 percent of all South Korean households in 2018, compared with 18 percent in 2012, government data shows.That in turn has resulte

52、d in a prosperous pet care industry whose offerings include tailored pet diets and high-priced photo shoots. Pet-related startup s are also popular with venture capitalists. The south Korean pet-related industry was worth 2.7 trillion won ($2.4 billion) last year, and that could more than double in

53、size by 2027, according to the Korean Rural Economic Institute.1、What do the underlined words “his Pomeranian” in paragraph I refer to?His son.B. His pet.C. A toy.D. Sancho9s brother.2、What may NOT be the result of expensive education and houses along with long working hours?A The birth rate in Sout

54、h Korean is the lowest in the world.28 percent of the South Korean families raised pets in 2018.There are more pet-related businesses than before.Parents send their children to private schools.3、Which of the following may be the service offered in a pet-related industry?A Training the pet to be a ta

55、ilorB. Showering the pet with gifts.C. Taking pictures for customers9 pets.D. Shooting the pet with a false gun.4、According to the passage, many people think that giving birth to a babyB. Is a mustB. Is a mustA. Costs too muchC. Is boringD. Brings happiness第三局部語(yǔ)言知識(shí)運(yùn)用(共兩節(jié))第一節(jié)(每題L 5分,總分值30分)閱讀下面短文,從短文

56、后各題所給的A、B、 C和D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出可以填入空白處的最正確選項(xiàng).26. (30 分)Recent studies show that only one out of three people have strong and healthy self-confidence. That 1 two out of every three people simply dont know the 2 they already have to be successful when it9s 3 there in their hands!4 if you want others to believe

57、 in you, you have to believe in yourself first. Remember: uNo one canmake you feel inferior (差的)unless you 5 them. A successful businessman says, “You cant push anyone up a ladder 6 he knows he can climb himself/9Many of us have an image 7, the image (形象)we have of ourselves 8 one guy put it: You ca

58、nt win a horserace if you think you look 9 on a horse. To succeed, the first person you have to 10 is yourself! So stop believing your own lies about yourself. Just11 your mind and youll change your life.One of the most harmful weapons that can kill your success in life is the two little words: 12 Y

59、ou know that people used to 13 that if human beings traveled faster than 30 miles an hour it would 14 our circulation (循環(huán))ofblood and kill us? Thank goodness a few people didnt believe that 15 thinking, or we wouldnt be riding in cars, buses, and flying in airplanes today. Youll never know until you

60、 16Roger Bannister was the first human being to run a mile in less than 4 minutes. But17 he did it, most people in the world didnt think it was even 18 Yet only weeks after Bannister did it, suddenly 19 all over the world beganrunning a mile in less than 4 minutes! If we believe something can be don


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