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1、咨詢項目審核The item checks before acceptance咨詢項目內(nèi)容Progress of Consulting Project崗位職責(zé)與工作標(biāo)準梳理Job descriptions & work criteria員工職業(yè)化規(guī)范Occupational Norm 薪酬福利體系設(shè)計System of salary & benefits組織架構(gòu)與關(guān)鍵流程梳理 Organization& key flow培訓(xùn)體系設(shè)計Training system全面激勵系統(tǒng)設(shè)計Motivation system項目總結(jié)驗收The item checks before acceptance績效管

2、理系統(tǒng) System of management by performance愿景及戰(zhàn)略梳理 Vision & strategy管理權(quán)限表修改Manage Legal power modification制度整合 Rationalization & formulation of regulations管理人員PDP測評解讀與管理改進建議PDP report and management advise1、愿景與戰(zhàn)略梳理 Vision & strategy1.1愿景、使命和其它戰(zhàn)略要素 Vision, Mission and Strategic Factors1.2戰(zhàn)略要素解析 Analysis

3、of Strategic Factors2、組織架構(gòu)與關(guān)鍵流程梳理 Organization & key flow董事會Board of Directors總經(jīng)理Managing Director財務(wù)總監(jiān)CFO董事會監(jiān)察組Internal Audit銷售委員會Sales Commission內(nèi)審辦Audit Office生產(chǎn)副總經(jīng)理DMD-production副總經(jīng)理DMD人力資源總助AMD - HR 財務(wù)會計總助AMD Fin. & Acc.營銷物流總助AMD - marketing & sales, logistics技術(shù)總監(jiān)CTO廠長Factory Manager2.1機構(gòu)圖采購部Pur

4、chasing dept.總經(jīng)辦MD Office物流部Logistic華北銷售部Northern Sales Dept.南寧銷售部Nanning Sales Dept.客戶服務(wù)部Customer Service Dept.市場策劃部Marketing Planning Dept.會計部Accounting Dept.財務(wù)部Financia Dept.電腦部Computer Dept.人力資源管理部HRM Dept.人力發(fā)展部HRD Dept.管理體系發(fā)展部 MSD Dept.農(nóng)務(wù)部Agriculture Dept.生產(chǎn)部Production Dept.質(zhì)量管理中心QA center行政管理部

5、Adm. Dept.人事辦公室Personnel Office2.2跨部門關(guān)鍵流程管理(共31個文件) Control of Cross-department Key Flow (31 documents) 財務(wù)/審計/電腦 Fin./Audit/Computer4個 采 購 Purchasing 4個 生 產(chǎn) Production 5個 銷 售 Sales 1個 人事行政 HR & Adm. 10個 總 經(jīng) 辦 MD Office 6個 3、崗位職責(zé)與工作標(biāo)準梳理 Job descriptions & work criteria3.1部門職能手冊 Department Functions M

6、anual3.2職位說明書(260份) Job Description (260 copies)3.3 集團各部門職能范圍Scope of departments functions and powers總經(jīng)辦MD Office協(xié)助總經(jīng)理制定公司中長期發(fā)展規(guī)劃,做好綜合管理、協(xié)調(diào)工作和日常事務(wù)的處理,包括:集團公文起草,會議組織,工作協(xié)調(diào),檔案和信印管理,法務(wù)處理,對外宣傳與品牌建設(shè),公共關(guān)系管理和外事管理等工作。 Assist MD with framing long-term and medium-term development plan, comprehensive managemen

7、t, coordination, and daily work inclusive of documents drafting, meeting organization, file and stamp keeping, legal affairs, company image building, public relations and foreign affairs. 人力資源部HR Dept. 負責(zé)集團總部的人力資源管理、行政、后勤及總部資產(chǎn)管理工作,協(xié)助各下屬公司的人力資源管理工作。Responsible for HR management, administration and he

8、ad office assets management. Assist group companies with HR management. 人力發(fā)展部HR Development Dept.負責(zé)建立集團培訓(xùn)體系,制定與實施人力資源發(fā)展規(guī)劃和培訓(xùn)計劃,組織和管理培訓(xùn)工作。Responsible for establishment of training system, working out and carrying out plans of HR development and training, organization and management of trainings. 部門職能

9、(續(xù)) Department Functions (continuation)質(zhì)量體系部ISO Dept. 負責(zé)集團經(jīng)營計劃擬定、管理規(guī)范化管理、質(zhì)量體系管理、管理改善、管理信息化建設(shè)、企業(yè)文化建設(shè)工作。Responsible for working out group running plan, management standardization, ISO management, management improvement, information system and building of enterprise culture. 內(nèi)審辦Internal Audit Office負責(zé)編

10、制年度審計、監(jiān)察計劃,并實施;按照公司董事會要求,根據(jù)有關(guān)法律法規(guī)及公司制度,定期或不定期對集團各單位、各部門及相關(guān)崗位任職人員開展審計、監(jiān)察活動;協(xié)助管理體系部建立和完善公司采購、營銷、財務(wù)、管理等各方面的內(nèi)控制度或管理體系。Responsible for working out and carrying out annual audit plan; conduct audit to various units, departments and concerned employees at the request of board of directors and in accordance

11、 with related laws and company rules; assist ISO Dept. with establishment and improvement of internal control regulations or management system in respect of purchasing, sales, finance, management etc. 采購部Purchasing Dept.負責(zé)集團總部及下屬公司物資的統(tǒng)一采購。Responsible for materials procurement of both head office and

12、 group companies. 部門職能(續(xù)) Department Functions (continuation)物流部 Logistics Dept.負責(zé)將公司產(chǎn)品、副產(chǎn)品送達客戶,以及相關(guān)的產(chǎn)品倉庫的管理工作。Responsible for delivery of product/by-product to customers as well as management of product warehouse. 市場營銷部Sales & Marketing Dept. 負責(zé)全集團市場策劃、開發(fā)和產(chǎn)品的銷售工作。Responsible for marketing plan, mar

13、ket development and product sales. 財務(wù)部 Financial Dept. 負責(zé)公司財務(wù)收支的計劃、預(yù)算、控制、分析,對公司資金進行統(tǒng)一管理;并對公司的經(jīng)濟活動實行監(jiān)督;按照職能分工,管理好出納組、清貸組、理財組業(yè)務(wù)。Responsible for planning, budgeting, controlling and analysis of financial income and expenses; monitoring companys economic activity; according to functions dividing, manage

14、 cashier team, debts-clearing team and treasury team. 會計部 A/C Dept. 處理集團總部的會計賬務(wù),審核各公司的會計報表與資料,負責(zé)會計核算、固定資產(chǎn)管理、會計檔案管理等工作。Handle the account books of head office, check the accounting report and data; responsible for accounting computation, fixed assets management, accounting files keeping and etc. 部門職能

15、(續(xù)) Department Functions (continuation)工廠生產(chǎn)部Factory Production Dept. 編制工廠的生產(chǎn)、維修、技改、擴建計劃,做好生產(chǎn)、維修、技改、擴建、新技術(shù)、新工藝的應(yīng)用工作,確保安全生產(chǎn)和產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量。Work out and carry out plans of production, repair & maintenance, modification and expansion; apply new technology and process into production; assure safety in production a

16、nd product quality. 工廠質(zhì)量管理中心Factory QC負責(zé)質(zhì)量管理體系在工廠的推行;檢查、控制原材料、生產(chǎn)流程和終端產(chǎn)品的質(zhì)量,監(jiān)控生產(chǎn)過程工藝技術(shù)指標(biāo)。Responsible for promoting the operation of ISO system around factories; check and control raw materials, production process and finished-product quality; monitor technical indexes. 4.員工職業(yè)規(guī)范 Occupational Norm4.1員工

17、職業(yè)行為規(guī)范手冊 Manual of Occupational Conduct Norm for Staffs 從2005年7月10月對全集團所有員工進行了全員職業(yè)化培訓(xùn) Conducted occupational training for all staffs of the group during July to October 2005.4.1-1員工職業(yè)行為規(guī)范手冊主要內(nèi)容 Contents of Occupational Norm Manual第一章 總 則 第二章 價值觀 Chapter 1 General principles Chapter 2 Value 第三章 員工的勝任

18、力 第四章 員工職業(yè)形象Chapter 3 Requirements on staffs quality Chapter 4 Occupational image 第五章 公司工作禮儀 第六章 員工職務(wù)準則Chapter 5 Working etiquette Chapter 6 Position guide line 第七章 時間管理 第八章 溝通與交流Chapter 7 Time management Chapter 8 Communication 第九章 接受工作委派 第十章 工作請示Chapter 9 Assignment undertaking Chapter 10 Request

19、第十一章 工作匯報 第十二章 反饋 Chapter 11 Report Chapter 12 Feedback 第十三章 會議 第十四章 客戶服務(wù)Chapter 13 Meeting Chapter 14 Customer service 第十五章 團隊合作 第十六章 內(nèi)部人際關(guān)系協(xié)調(diào)Chapter 14 Teamwork Chapter 16 Coordination of interpersonal relations 第十七章 情緒管理 第十八章 影響力的運用 Chapter 17 Emotion management Chapter 18 Application of influent

20、ial power 第十九章 沖突的處理 第二十章 突發(fā)事情的處理Chapter 19 Conflict handling Chapter 20 Emergency handling 4.2管理人員職業(yè)行為規(guī)范手冊Manual of Occupational Conduct Norm for Managerial Staffs第一章 總 則 第二章 管理勝任力Chapter 1 General principles Chapter 2 Requirements on managing ability 第三章 管理人員的職業(yè)素養(yǎng) 第四章 角色扮演 Chapter 3 Occupational q

21、uality Chapter 4 Roles of managerial staffs 第五章 授權(quán)與委派工作 第六章 員工培養(yǎng)與輔導(dǎo) Chapter 5 Authorization & assignment Chapter 6 Training and direction for staffs 第七章 績效評估 第八章 離職談話 Chapter 7 Performance evaluation Chapter 8 Resignation talk 5、績效管理系統(tǒng) System of management by performance5.1績效管理手冊 Manual of Managemen

22、t by Performance5.2考核方法 Evaluation Method 管理人員 Managerial staff科室人員 Office clerk操作人員 Operator 方法 Way周期 Period方法 Way周期Period方法Way周期Period業(yè)績 performance所負責(zé)部門KPI Responsible Dept. 月、半年 Month, half a year工作日志 Record每天記錄/每月評分 Daily record/monthly score生產(chǎn)期Production duration維修期Maintenance duration每日記錄Dail

23、y record每天工作安排Daily schedule每月Monthly態(tài)度 Attitude主管評定 Scored by director月、半年Month, half a year主管評定 Scored by director月、半年Month, half a year主管 Director月、半年 Monthly, half a year同事 Colleague半年 Half a year能力 Ability半年 Half a year半年 Half a year主管 Director 半年 Half a year綜合 Comprehensive業(yè)績+態(tài)度+能力 Performance

24、+attitude+ability半年、年Half a year, a year月度考核+能力 Monthly evaluation+ability半年、年 Half a year, a year月度考核+能力 Monthly evaluation+ability半年、年 Half a year, a year5.3考核比例分布 Evaluation Result Proportion 考核成績等級 Result所點比例Proportion備 注 Remark A+ (優(yōu)秀Excellent)5%出色。工作業(yè)績突出,態(tài)度表現(xiàn)特別好,足為楷模。能力超過現(xiàn)職標(biāo)準,可承擔(dān)更高更復(fù)雜的工作任務(wù),具有卓

25、越才干,大部分工作超額完成任務(wù)。Be a model with outstanding performance and attitude and great ability exceeding the requirements on present position. Most jobs can be done much better than expectation. Be able to undertake more challenging and complicated tasks. A (優(yōu)良 Good)15%滿意,工作態(tài)度表現(xiàn)好,能力滿足現(xiàn)職要求,責(zé)任目標(biāo)全部達成,部分工作超額完成任

26、務(wù)。Satisfying with quite good attitude; meet the requirements on present position; achieve all tasks and partially exceed expectation. B (合格 Qualified)65%稱職,工作態(tài)度表現(xiàn)較好,能力達到現(xiàn)職要求,責(zé)任目標(biāo)全部達成。Qualified with good attitude; meet the requirements on present position; achieve all tasks. C (基本合格 Ok)10%基本稱職、需要注意,工

27、作態(tài)度表現(xiàn)較一般,基本上能完成現(xiàn)職工作任務(wù)。Basically qualified; attitude is OK and achieve tasks at present position basically. D (后進Improvement-needed)5%績效考核成績靠后,工作態(tài)度表現(xiàn)較差/在現(xiàn)職所要求的必備能力方面欠缺,能力素質(zhì)不能完全達到崗位任職要求/不能完成現(xiàn)職部分工作任務(wù)。Got lower score due to bad performance and less ability for present position; cannot achieve all tasks

28、required by present position. E(不合格Unqualified)不受比例限制 Unlimited績效考核不合格,工作態(tài)度、工作紀律表現(xiàn)差/能力素質(zhì)達不到崗位任職要求/不能完成本職工作。Fail in the evaluation due to poor attitude, performance and less ability for present position. 5.4考核結(jié)果應(yīng)用 Application of Evaluation Result 項目 Item考核結(jié)果表示方法 Result representation考核結(jié)果應(yīng)用 Result app

29、lication業(yè)績 Performance實際得分 Actual score績效工資分配 Performance salary distribution 綜合(業(yè)績+態(tài)度+能力) Comprehensive (performance+attitude+ability)排序強制分布 Forcible sort distribution薪酬分配、職務(wù)職級管理、員工調(diào)配、培訓(xùn)開發(fā)、人力資源規(guī)劃與體系改善、人事政策調(diào)整的基礎(chǔ) Salary distribution, position/level management, manpower plan, training development, HR

30、planning & system improvement, base of HR adjustment 6、薪酬福利體系設(shè)計 System of salary & benefits6.1薪酬管理手冊 Manual of Pay System Management6.2工資分配細則 Rules of Salary Distribution 6.3職務(wù)管理手冊 Manual of Job Management 6.4薪酬構(gòu)成 Salary Structure崗位工資 Position salary 績效工資 Performance salary 加班工資 OT pay福利 Benefits 定義

31、 Definition崗位工資”是根據(jù)職位評價所確定的每個員工薪級和薪檔的工資標(biāo)準Based on position level 績效工資”是根據(jù)公司效益和及個人考核成績確定的員工浮動收入部分。Based on company economic benefits and personal evaluation result 員工按照公司要求在法定節(jié)日、休息日或延長工作時間進行工作的,由公司按照勞動法等有關(guān)規(guī)定支付加班工資。Overtime during legal holiday, rest day or extending working time根據(jù)國家及公司相關(guān)規(guī)定提取和使用福利費。Ba

32、sed on laws and rules 分配辦法 Distribution崗位工資根據(jù)員工考勤、工作任務(wù)完成情況每月考核發(fā)放。 實發(fā)崗位工資=標(biāo)準崗位工資應(yīng)扣、代繳部分 Position salary actual=standard withholding 年終效益績效工資發(fā)放的主要依據(jù)本部門及個人業(yè)績考核結(jié)果發(fā)放。績效工資=本部門基數(shù)個人考核得分 Performance salary=department base x personal evaluation score 員工加班工資=崗位對應(yīng)的加班工資基數(shù)國家規(guī)定的比例加班天數(shù)。OT=position OT base x legal r

33、atio x OT days現(xiàn)金部份按月與工資一起發(fā)放 Cash is paid with salary monthly發(fā)放時間Distribution time按月發(fā)放 Monthly每個榨季分兩次發(fā)放:第一次在開榨一個月內(nèi),第二次在春節(jié)前 1st time: within one month since crushing opens; 2nd time: before Spring Festival 當(dāng)月加班費在下月工資中一并發(fā)放 Pay in next months salary 按月發(fā)放 Monthly6.5薪酬調(diào)整 Salary Adjustment 普 調(diào) Normal adjus

34、tment 個 別 調(diào) 整 Special adjustment 調(diào)整原因 Reason(1)公司經(jīng)濟效益和支付能力提升或下滑,需要整體提高或降低全公司員工的收入;Based on company economic benefits and payment ability(2)為了使本公司的薪酬水平與市場水平相適應(yīng);To make company salary system match market level(3)根據(jù)發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略調(diào)整,需要改變公司的薪酬策略。Dependent upon company development strategy(1)員工崗位調(diào)整;Position adjustm

35、ent(2)員工職責(zé)發(fā)生調(diào)整并將長期不變;Responsibility adjustment without change in a long period(3)根據(jù)績效考核結(jié)果進行調(diào)整;Change of evaluation result (4)根據(jù)有關(guān)獎懲條例進行調(diào)整;Based on related awarding or punishing rules(5)根據(jù)員工的能力提升進行調(diào)整;Dependent on the improvement of employees ability(6)獲得獎勵或榮譽;Be awarded or honored (7)特殊原因需要調(diào)整崗位工資時。In

36、 special case need to adjust position salary調(diào)整方法 Method(1)按照原崗位工資的一定百分比進行調(diào)整;According to a certain percentage of original position salary(2)在原崗位工資基礎(chǔ)上上調(diào)或者下調(diào)一定的薪檔;Adjust upward or downward on basis of original position salary(3)崗位調(diào)配后按照薪酬等級就近原則進行調(diào)整。With position adjustment, related salary shall be adju

37、sted to the closest level accordingly 6.6特殊工資/生活費/補貼 Special salary/living expense/allowance工傷 Industrial injury病假 Sick leaves工資/津貼/生活費 Salary/allowance/living expenses工傷津貼按職工本人受傷前12個月內(nèi)平均工資收入的標(biāo)準發(fā)放。在市級勞動能力鑒定委員會未作出確認前,從第13個月開始按原工傷津貼標(biāo)準75%支付,待市級勞動能力鑒定委員會確認后,若低于標(biāo)準的,按標(biāo)準補足;若高于標(biāo)準的,不再扣回,從確認之日起,按工傷保險條例標(biāo)準執(zhí)行。Ac

38、cording to the average salary within 12 months before industrial injury, from the 13th month forth, pay as per 75% of original industrial injury allowance until the injury level is confirmed by labor capability appraisal committee, and then carry out the “Industrial Injury Insurance Regulations”. 員工

39、在法定醫(yī)療期內(nèi)病假工資在扣繳國家規(guī)定的法定社會保險費用(含住房公積金)后不低于當(dāng)?shù)刈畹凸べY的80%。 The salary in duration of legal sick leaves should not be lower than 80% of local minimum salary after withholding regulated social insurance expenses (incl. housing fund). 績效工資 Performance salary醫(yī)療期內(nèi)可以享受績效工資 Performance salary can be paid during si

40、ck leaves. 績效工資按實際出勤天數(shù)及考核情況計發(fā),月病假超過5天(含5天)不計發(fā)當(dāng)月榨季年度績效工資。 Performance salary should be paid according to actual work-attendance days and evaluation result; if monthly sick leaves over 5 days (incl. 5 days), the performance salary of current month will not be paid. 特殊工資/生活費/補貼(續(xù)) Special salary/living

41、 expense/allowance (continuation)待崗 Suspended產(chǎn)假/計生假 Birth leaves事假 Private affair leaves曠工 Leave without application or good reason員工待崗期間,停發(fā)其全部工資,發(fā)給生活費,其標(biāo)準在扣繳國家規(guī)定的法定社會保險費用(含住房公積金)后280元/月。 Stop giving salary during this period but allocate living expense in accordance with RMB280/Mon. after withholdi

42、ng legal social insurance (incl. housing fund). 按計劃生育條例執(zhí)行 Carry out “Birth Control Regulations”. 員工事假期間不發(fā)工資 Do not allocate salary during this period. 曠工期間不發(fā)工資 Do not allocate salary during this period. 待崗期間不享受績效工資 Do not get performance salary during this period. 不受影響 No effect 年度累計3天以內(nèi)全發(fā);3天后,每多一天扣

43、減榨季年度績效工資總額的10%計發(fā),直至績效工資總額扣完為止。 Get all salary if this kind of leave within 3 days in a year; but over 3 days, every one day more, the performance salary will be deducted by 10% of the total until all is deducted. 累計1天以內(nèi),績效工資按50%計發(fā);1天以上,不發(fā)績效工。If this kind of leave within one day in a year, the perfo

44、rmance salary will be paid 50%; over one day, no performance salary will be paid. 6.7加班工資 Overtime 級別 Level日加班工資基數(shù) (元/天) OT base (RMB/Day)備注 Remarks經(jīng)理級 Manager37經(jīng)理級人員日常延時工作的,不計加班工資,而雙休日加班,計算加班工資必須同時符合以下兩個條件:(1)榨季值班,或遇突發(fā)事件需要處理,或按上級領(lǐng)導(dǎo)要求完成臨時性工作任務(wù):(2)當(dāng)日加班時間在4小時及以上。 廠長級以上管理人員加班工資已包含在崗位工資中。 If the manager

45、 extends working time at working days, he/she will not get overtime pay; and in case overtime on Saturday/Sunday, the pay must be based on following conditions: on duty in crushing season, or deal with emergency or undertake temporarily-assigned tasks; overtime shall last 4 hours or longer at that d

46、ay. Managerial staffs (factory manager or above) overtime pay has been included in position salary. 六級以上 Level 6 or above34五級 Level 531四級 Level 428三級 Level 326二級 Level 224一級 Level 122 6.8職務(wù)管理 Position Management 6.8.1職務(wù)序列 Position order 管理序列 Management 技術(shù)序列 Technical 操作(服務(wù))序列 Operation (service)指公司班

47、長職務(wù)以上有人員管理責(zé)任的崗位;共劃分為總經(jīng)理、副總經(jīng)理/總監(jiān)、總經(jīng)理助理/廠長、總經(jīng)理助理/資深經(jīng)理、部門經(jīng)理/主任、(車間)主任、科長/工段長、班組長共8個職級;除總經(jīng)理外,其余每個職等再劃分為若干職檔。Refer to the positions with responsibility of personnel management (shift leader or above): MD, DMD/Chief Officer, AMD/FM, AMD/Senior Manager, Dept. Manager/Chief, (Plant) Chief, Section Head/Unit

48、 Leader, Shift/Team Leader. Except MD, the other positions will be classified into different levels. 以專業(yè)技術(shù)、專業(yè)服務(wù)、市場開發(fā)銷售、客戶服務(wù)為主的崗位;專業(yè)技術(shù)劃為工程師(高級技師)、主管工程師、資深工程師、專家、資深專家,從四級至十級,共7個職級,每一職級再劃分為若干職檔;專業(yè)服務(wù)、市場開發(fā)銷售、客戶服務(wù)劃為四至九級科員,共6個職級,每一職級再劃分為若干職檔。Refer to the positions with professional technology, professional

49、 service, market development and sales, customer service. Regarding technology, it is classified into engineer (senior technician), chief engineer, senior engineer, expert, senior expert (totally 7 levels from level 4 to 10, every level is classified into different ranks). As for other positions men

50、tioned above, they are classified from level 4 to 9, and every level is also classified into different ranks. 生產(chǎn)線操作、農(nóng)務(wù)管理的工作員、質(zhì)量控制工作員、行政后勤服務(wù)崗位,共劃為初級工、中級工、高級工、技師,從一至四級,共4個職級,每一職級再劃分為若干職檔。Production line operators, agricultural employees, QC employees and administrative service positions are divided in

51、to junior, medium-level, senior and technician (every level is classified into different ranks). 6.8.2職務(wù)調(diào)整 Position Adjustment 1、公司員工職務(wù)晉升的通道一般按職務(wù)序列表執(zhí)行,技術(shù)類和操作(服務(wù))類的員工可以晉升到管理序列的崗位。員工職務(wù)提升堅持逐級提拔的原則,特別優(yōu)秀的員工可破格提升,但一般不應(yīng)超過兩個級差;員工不屬犯嚴重錯誤降級的,降級一般不應(yīng)超過兩個級差。 Normally employees promotion will follow the position

52、order, and the employees belonging to technical and operation (service) parts can be promoted to management part. Insist upon the promotion principle of level-by-level, but the promotion of particularly excellent employee can break the rule and cross no more than two levels; if employees are not red

53、uced to lower ranks due to serious mistake, the demotion should not be over two levels. 職務(wù)調(diào)整(續(xù)) Position Adjustment (continuation)2、員工職務(wù)晉升必須與員工績效考核相結(jié)合。員工獲得職務(wù)晉升的必要條件是: 在本公司原工作崗位至少工作一年以上 近兩個(半)年度的考核等級均在A等以上 The promotion has to be related with performance evaluation. Necessary conditions for promotion

54、 are: Stay at the original position in the company for at least one year Evaluation of recent 2 years (half a year) are scored A or above6.8.3跨級調(diào)整 Cross-level adjustment 層次 Level 1-6級Level 1 - 6 7-9級 Level 7 9 10級以上 Above level 10調(diào)整辦法 Adjusting method一次到位 In one step先上調(diào)一級,經(jīng)過一年考核合格后才調(diào)整到應(yīng)有薪級 Promote b

55、y one level first and then adjust the salary level if qualified through one-year evaluation先上調(diào)一級,經(jīng)過兩年考核合格后才調(diào)整到應(yīng)有薪級Promote by one level first and then adjust the salary level if qualified through two-year evaluation 7、培訓(xùn)體系設(shè) Training system7.1員工培訓(xùn)管理手冊 Manual of Staffs Training Management 7.2培訓(xùn)工作表單 Tra

56、ining Forms 7.3培訓(xùn)師資管理辦法 Regulation of Training Teachers Management8、全面激勵系統(tǒng)設(shè)計 Motivation system8.1全面激勵制度Comprehensive Motivation System集團 Group集體 Collective最佳效益獎 Best benefit產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量獎 Product quality合理化建議獎 Rationalization proposal個人 Personal十佳員工 Best 10 employees 工廠Factory集體 Collective先進部門 Advanced depar

57、tment合理化建議獎 Rationalization proposal個人 Personal優(yōu)秀員工 Excellent employees8.2激勵辦法 Motivation System1、發(fā)放獎金 Bonus allocation 2、薪級晉升 Salary increase 3、培訓(xùn)發(fā)展 Training 4、旅游考察 Travel for visit 9、制度整合 Rationalization & formulation of regulations9.1勞動人事管理制度 Regulation of Labor & Personnel Management 9.2勞動人事制度主要

58、內(nèi)容 Contents of Labor & Personnel Management Regulations 第1章 總則 General Principle第2章 公司人力資源政策 HR Policies第3章 崗位管理 Position Management 第4章 員工聘用 Labor Employment 第5章 員工培訓(xùn) Employee Training 第6章 員工績效管理 Performance Management 第7章 員工工資福利 Pay & Benefits System 第8章 員工考勤管理 Work Attendance Management第9章 工作時間與休

59、假 Working Hours & Holiday 第10章 員工請假 Leaves 第11章 員工獎懲 Awards & Punishment 第12章 勞動合同管理 Labor Contract Management 第13章 員工離職管理 Leave of Office Management 第14章 員工退休 Retirement 9.2.1公司人力資源政策 HR Policies1、全員實行勞動合同制;Labor contract system 2、 “以人為本”的用人理念; 實行“人性化管理”;員工是公司最有價值的資產(chǎn); Human dignity: employees are t

60、he most valuable assets of the company3、在合適的崗位上使用合適的人才。 員工勝任力: Right person for right position: 成功導(dǎo)向 Success-guided;系統(tǒng)性思維 Systematic thinking;全局觀念 Overall point of view; 服務(wù)導(dǎo)向 Service-guided;積極主動 Active; 奉獻精神 Contribution 9.2.2 代刷卡處罰 Punishment on work attendance check for others 第一次 1st time 第二次 2nd


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