



1、.我公司是一家大連鎖零售商店,總店設在倫敦,專營中國工藝品。.我公司是中國遼寧省最大的一家電冰箱進口商,欲購你們生產的“將軍”牌電冰箱,因 此很高興與你公司建立業(yè)務聯系。.貴公司在大連交易會站臺上展銷的各種電子產品給我們留下了深刻的印象,懇請惠寄 最新產品目錄和價目表,報出最正確大連抵岸價。.回函時如蒙惠附寄一些布料樣品將不勝感激。.神州大學向建筑承包商找將一座老的學生宿舍大樓改建為大學生活動中心。標書應于 4月25日前送達,將依據投標價格和設計方案研究決定。.感謝你6月5 口的詢價函,索求我方產品目錄和最新上海抵岸價目表。.謝謝你10月9日來函欲購我公司產品,現隨函寄上現行價目表一份。所報價

2、格皆為離 岸價。.很高興告知您,你訂購的產品我公司有現貨供應,并能按你方要求的日期順利交貨。.我公司各色羊毛衫一應俱全,男女喜愛,老少咸宜,定能在你市場暢銷。.很遺憾,你方詢價的品牌現在缺貨,并且3個月后才有望進貨。.我可以向你們保證,這種新型電子手表不僅物美價廉,設計精美,小巧玲瓏,而且有3 年保修期,故我們深信定會在你方市場暢銷。.由于市場波動,我們所報價格只3周有效,而后將可能增加5%。.所報價格都享有25%的貿易折扣,外加5%的數量折扣。.如果此次訂貨能圓滿完成,我們將發(fā)出更多訂單。.隨函寄上我們訂購各種尺寸和花色的女士外衣的訂單1份,訂單號為BD405。如所訂貨 物無庫存,請勿發(fā)代用

3、品。.你給予的20%的行業(yè)折扣低于歐洲供應商給予我們的平均水平,故希望能在不久的將來 給予重新考慮。.你的3號訂單已經備貨完畢,貨物已裝上東方輪,本周起航,預計一周后到達你港。.我們訂購的30套瓷器茶具應分5箱裝運,每箱6件,每件都要單獨用棉花包裹,空腔還要 用棉花填塞。箱內要加內襯,箱外應標上名稱、“易碎”“瓷器”“此端朝上”等字樣,并按 15號編號。.由于你要求的原料脫銷,而且月內無望進貨,故遺憾地告知你我們無法接受你的訂貨。.由于我們的訂貨已滿,且逢國慶長假一周,故很遺憾地告知你我們已無法接受任何新的 訂單。.你要次的折扣比我們提供給所有客戶的折扣都高出很多,而我們經營的原那么又是薄利多

4、 銷,所以我們無法按你們要求的條件供貨。.天津輪裝運的10個箱子尺碼為10 x 6 x 4英尺,重100磅。外面標有“小心輕放”和笑臉(。) 標記。.地毯和布料需用厚防油紙包裹,兩端用鐵箍加固以防磨損。.已開出以你方銀行為收票方由你賬戶付款并以我方為受益人的25,00()英鎊的匯票一張, 用以支付3月6日A10號發(fā)貨票貨款。.很高興告知貴公司已通知我方銀行將20.000美元貨款匯入你公司在倫敦中國銀行的賬戶,以 結清我的2號訂貨的貨款。.我寫此函請求貴行以“大興”的名義為我開立來往賬戶。假設此事能于本周內辦完將 不勝感激。.我這里寫信申請貸款10.000以添置輔助設備來擴大生產,并以ABC公司

5、的$5.000的普 通股票和$5,000的國庫券作為抵押。.十分抱歉因疏忽未能發(fā)現我的來往賬戶上有了虧空。為防止此類事情再次發(fā)生并保證不 再透支,請從我的存款賬戶中轉出$10,000記入我的來往賬戶中。.請安排從下月起每月從我的2號帳戶轉出2000英鎊匯入Green Smith先生在中國行大連 分行的賬戶,以支付我公司的房租。.隨函寄上由景德鎮(zhèn)瓷器出口公司開出的由你公司付款的$3,000的30天匯票一張,以及有 關船運單證,并請按承兌方式交單。.很遺憾發(fā)現我們開出的由你方付款以我方為收益人的$2,000匯票已由我方銀行退回,匯票上 有“找開票人”批注。.關于付款條件,你們還有什么意見?.我們希

6、望你們接受D/P付款方式?. 一般情況下,你們采用什么付款方式?.我們采用不可撤銷信用證,付款交單。.對于金額大的訂貨,我們堅持用信用證付款。.你們一定要在交貨期前30天內把信用證開達我方。.感謝你行同意為我公司開立不可撤銷的信用證,金額為$30,000,受益人為了倫敦電子有 限公司。.請根據我們開立的信用證給我公司開出60天匯票一張,有效期到7月2日為止,并請隨匯 票一奇寄來以下單證。.謝謝你指出我7月賬上的一筆過失,總額涉及5000美元。這是由于計算機程序上發(fā)生了 錯誤。賬目過失已經更正。再次為我方的疏忽表示歉意。.我方十分同情貴公司在最后結清賬目中所面臨的問題,如能盡早清賬將十分感激。.

7、由于我們已經給了你高達30%的行業(yè)折扣,而我們的經營原那么又是薄利多銷,因此很遺憾無 法再允許你將付款期限再延長至下個月。.由于我們的一個重要客戶破產而無法結清拖欠我方的債務,很遺憾我們請求將付款期限無力 按合同規(guī)定日期付款,望能理解我們的處境。.你的6月賬單本應于一個月之前結清,但至今我們既未收到你的銀行匯票,你也未作任何說 明。除非能在月末結清賬目,將通知我方律師啟動討債程序。.隨函寄上5月份你方本應于2周前結清的未付帳單一份,請務必于月底前通知你方銀行將 50000港元從你方賬戶中撥出,轉入我方在匯豐銀行上海分行的賬戶中。否那么此事將不得不 交由我方律師處理。.我寫此函向貴公司投訴你5月

8、4日錯發(fā)來給我的3號訂貨,請立即核查并告知處理意見。.天津輪運來的貨物中2包喪失,價值大約2千元的服裝被偷盜。隨函附上喪失和受損貨物 的清單一份。.最好的解決方法是把錯發(fā)的貨物返還給我,運費到付。與此同時,我將替換貨物立即起 運給你,運費已付。為此造成的不便深表遺憾。.我們仔細地檢查了退回的貨物,并與我們的樣品進行了實驗室分析比擬,結果發(fā)現差異 是在允許范圍之內。因此,我們認為沒有理由退貨。.除非你方給出給出合理的解釋并采取必要的補救措施,訂貨將取消。如果因此而造成重 大損失,我方將采取法律行動。.我們正在尋找一家當地公司,對作獨家代理感興趣并代表我公司銷售我公司的貨物和產 品。.你會發(fā)現代俏

9、我們的產品是十分有利可圖的,因為我們提供的產品種類繁多,設計美觀, 質量上乘,價格合理,且提供頭等的售后服務和全面保修3年。.我們是一家大的進口代理公司,地處上海并經銷工業(yè)鍋爐。本公司與全中國各地的老 牌公司有眾多聯系,它們對貴公司的產品有需求。.作為對我們指定的代理的鼓勵,我們愿提供15%的傭金,外加相當數額的廣告費用。如 果銷售情況成功,我們將把你的代理范圍擴大到全國東部地區(qū)。.我們期望廠家每年給我們提供$50,000的廣告開支,以便我們開展有助于促銷產品的廣告 宣傳,還要提供小冊子等廣告資料。作為回報我們保證年銷售額到達3.000臺摩托車。.本合同有效期為1年,從10月1日起算。經雙方協(xié)

10、商同意可再延長一年。如有爭議,協(xié)商 解決。.我公司有一批貨物共計100臺計算機,打包10個木箱,尺碼為60 x40 x20cm,貨存我公司 開發(fā)區(qū)5號倉庫,需發(fā)運到天津,請報價是盼。.從香港駛往阿姆斯特丹的最早的輪船是東方號,將于6月5日駛離香港并大約于7月10日 抵達阿姆斯特丹港。該輪將在這里???天并從5月28日起裝載你的5號貨物。我們將負 責辦理所有裝運和保險手續(xù)。.我希望你們能在收到有關信用證后馬上交貨。.我們很高興通知您,我們已經找到了一艘散裝貨船供你租用。該輪載重量為5萬噸,航 速20節(jié),肯定符合你們從澳大利亞往中國運送鐵礦砂的要求。.十月底前必須交貨,否那么就趕不上季節(jié)了。.所定

11、貨物因迫切需要,故請貴方加速裝運。.請確保我們的貨物由10月15日左右起航的“天山論”裝運。.貴公司應在貨物備妥后10到10天之內派船到裝貨口岸。.你們保險公司一般承包那些險別?.我們這批貨如果以CIF價格成交,你們負責投保那些險別?.加保破碎險的費用由誰支付?.我們的現有保單將于月底到期,但我們不想與原有保險公司續(xù)保,因為他們的保費太高, 故請報出有競爭力的資產全面保險價格,涵蓋火災、水淹、事故等險種。我公司的廠房 設備估價在2百萬美元。自85年廠以來從未發(fā)生過任何險情損失。.謝謝你6月4日來函詢問財產全面保險事宜。我們高興地通知貴公司,你需要投保購買的 險種保單是A362,除你提到的險種外

12、還保偷盜險。保費為3%。.回復你8月10日來函詢問從本港運貨至中國上海保險事宜,現隨函附上投保單一份,請 填好后立即回函寄給我們。.檢驗報告說你的貨物的損失如下:10箱貨物喪失,5箱受潮但可減價出售,總損失估計 在5,000美元,故我們準備根據保單局部賠付你方4000美元。當否,請盡早回復,不勝 感激。.Reference Key:I am one of the leading chain stores based in London and specialized in Chinese arts and crafts.As a leading/major importer of refrig

13、erators in Liaoning Province, China, I am particularly interested in your General Brand refrigerators and establishing business relations with you.We were impressed by the wide s election of your electronic products that were displayed at your stand on the Dalian Trade Fair. Would you please send yo

14、ur latest catalog and price lists, quoting the best/lowest FOB Dalian.Wc would appreciate it if you could enclose some samples of your materials when replying/with your reply letter.The Shenzhou University invites tenders from building contractors for the conversion of an old donnitory building into

15、 a student activities center. Tenders should be in by 25th April and will be studied on price and design offered/tendered.Thank you for your enquiry of 5 June in which you asked for our catalogue and the latest price-list quoting c.i.f. Shanghai.Thank you for your enquiry of 9 October about our prod

16、ucts, and we are enclosing our current price-list. All the prices arc quoted FOB.I am pleased to tell you that the products you are going to order can be supplied from stock and will have no trouble/problem in meeting your delivery dales.Wc have a wide selection of sweaters that will appeal to all a

17、ges of both sexes and will surely find a ready market.We regret to tell you that the brands you enquire about are out of stock and we cannol expect another delivery until three months later.We can assure you that this new type of electronic watches are not only good in quality, competitive in price,

18、 delicate in design and small in size, they are also supported by our three-year guarantee. Wc feel confident that they will enjoy an easy market in your place.As the market is fluctuating, the price quoted is firm 3 weeks only, after which it will be subject to an increase of 5%.All prices quoted a

19、re subject to a 25% trade discount, with additional quantity discount of 5%.If this order is completed to our satisfaction, it will be the first of many (orders) we will be placing with you.Please find enclosed our order, No. BD405, for blouses in assorted sizes, colours and designs. If you dont hav

20、e the listed items in stock, please do not send substitutes in their place.The 20% trade discount you offered is below/lower than the average level given by European suppliers, and we would like it reviewed in the near future.Your No. 3 order has been completed and loaded on board SS Orient, which s

21、ails this week and should reach you in a week.Your order of 30 lea sets ofcrockery should be packed in five crates, five sets per crate, with each piece individually wrapped in cotton. The packages/cratcs should be lined inside and marked outside with the names, the words Fragile, Crockery and , Thi

22、s side up, and numbered 1-5.As we are completely out of stock of the raw material you required and it will be at least one month before we get our next delivery, we regret to tell you that we cannot accept your order.As we have full order books and our factory is closing for the one-week National Da

23、y holidays, I am sorry to say that we must turn down your order.The discount you asked for is far more than we offer to any of our customers and we work on/rely on quick sales and small profits/a fast turnover and small profit margins, we cannot but decline/lurn down your order.The 10 cascs/cratcs l

24、oaded on SS Tianjin each measure 10 x 6 x 4 ft and weigh 1(X) lb. They are marked with HANDLE WITH CARE and a smiling face sign .The carpels and material should be wrapped in (hick grease-proof paper which is reinforced a( both ends to avoid wear by friction.A bank draft for 25,000 has been drawn on

25、 your bank on your account in favor of my company in payment of your invoice No. A10 of 6 March.We have pleasure in advising you that I have instructed my bank to credit 1,000 to your account with Bank of China, London in settlement of my invoice of No. 2 order.I am writing to ask if you could open

26、a current account for me under the trade name of Daxing Co. Ltd, and Ill very much appreciate it if this can be done within this week.Im writing for a loan of 10.000 to buy additional equipment to expand production, offering 5.000 in IBM ordinary shares and 5,000 in state treasure bonds as security.

27、I sincerely apologize for my oversight in not realizing that I had a debt balance in my current account. In order to avoid a repetition and any overdraft, would you please have 10,000 transferred from my deposit account into my current account.Would you please arrange from next month for 2000 to be

28、transferred every month from my No.2 account to Mr. Green Smiths account with Bank of China, Dalian in payment of the rent for my company.Would you please find enclosed a draft for 3,000 drawn on you by Jingdezhen Pottery Export Company accompanied by the relevant shipping documents which will be re

29、leased on acceptance.We regret to find that the draft for 2,000 drawn on you in favor of us was returned to us from our bank marked Refer to Drawer.What do you think of the terms of payment?We hope you will accept D/P payment terms.What is your regular practice concerning terms of payment?We usually

30、 accept payment by irrevocable L/C, payment against documents.For large orders, wc insist on payment by L/C.Your L/C must reach us 30 days before delivery.Thank you for your agreeing to open for us an irrevocable letter of credit for 20,000 in favor of London Electronic Company.Would you please draw

31、 on us at 60 days against the L/C we established which will be avaiiable/valid until July 2nd, and enclose with the draft the following documents.Thank you for pointing out the error in my July statement totaling $5,000. which was due to the fault in (he computer programming. Now the mistake in the

32、account has been corrected. I apologize once again for the oversight on our part.We sympathize with the problem you have been facing in clearing your balance of account, and would appreciate it very much if you could settle your account the soonest possible.As wc have already allowed you as high a t

33、rade discount as 30%, and wc deal on quick sales and small profit margins, we regret to say that we cannot agree to extend the credit for/to another month.As one of our principal customers has gone bankrupt / Because of the bankruptcy of one of our principal customers, who is unable to clear their a

34、ccount/balance with us, regrettably, we are not in a position to clear ours on due dates as specified in the contract.Your June account is still outstanding which should have been cleared a month ago, but we havent received either your draft or your explanation. Unless you settle your account before

35、 the end of this month, my solicitors will be instructed to start proceedings to recover the debt.Enclosed you will find the outstanding May account/statement which should have been cleared a month ago. Would you please instruct your bank to debit your account with HKS50000 and transfer it to my acc

36、ount with Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, Shanghai before the end of this month. After that my solicitor will have to (ake up the matter.I,m writing to complain about the wrong delivery of my No. 3 order. Please have an immediate inspection and inform us how you are going to handle the matter.Two packag

37、es were found lost in the consignment carried by the SS Tianjin and garments to the value of $20,0(X) were found stolen. You will find a list of the damaged and missing articles attached.The best solution is for you (o return the wrong articles to me, freight / carriage forward, while Ill send to yo

38、u the replacements immediately, freight paid. Once again let me say how much I regret the inconvenience this has caused.We have inspected (he articles you relumed and made a laboratory analysis and comparison to find the difference remains within the permissible limits. In this case we think there i

39、s no reason for you to return the consignment.Unless you offer reasonable explanations and take the necessary remedial measures, the order will be canceled. If any serious loss results because of this, wc will be taking legal action.We are looking for a local company who are interested in sole agenc

40、y and acting on our behalf in selling our goods and products.You will find that it is very profitable to represent us in handling our products as we offer a wide range of products which have attractive designs, best quality, reasonable in price, with first-class after-sales service and full guarante

41、e for two years.Wc arc a large import agency situated in Shanghai and dealing in industrial boilers. Wc ourselves have many contacts throughout China with established businesses who arc in the market for your products.As an inducement to the agent we appoint, we are prepared to offer a 15% commissio

42、n, plus a substantial advertising allowance. If sales are successful, we will extend your agency to cover the whole eastern area of the country.We expect manufacturers (o offer us additional expenses of $50,000 per annum for any advertising that wc think will help sell your products, plus advertisin

43、g support in the form of brochures. In return we promise an annual sale of 3.000 motorcycles.The contract will be valid for one year effective as from 1 October, and will be renewed tbr a further year provided both parties agree by negotiation. Disputes if any should be settledthrough consultations.

44、Would you please quote for collecting from my No.5 warehouse at the development zone and shipping to Tianjin a consignment of 100 computers packed in 10 wooden cases and measuring 60 x40 x20cm?The first available vessel sailing from Hong Kong to Amsterdam is the SS Orient, which departs on 5 June an

45、d is due in Amsterdam on about 10 July. The vessel will stay here for 7 days and accept your No.5 consignment from 28 May. We shall handle all the shipping and insurance formalities / shipping formalities and insurance.I hope that the goods can be shipped promptly after you get our L/C.We are please

46、d to inform you that we have been able to secure a bulk ship for you to charter, which has a cargo capacity of fifty thousand tons and a speed of 20 knots and which will certainly meet your requirement of shipping iron orc from Australia to Shanghai.Shipment should be made before October, otherwise we are not able to catch the season.The order is so urgently required that we must ask you to expedite shipment.Please see to it that the goods are shipped by S.S. Tianshan sailing on or about October 15.The ship sh


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