1、顧家北 (19:05:46)due to the language barriers and cultural divide, tourists cannot communicate with local people effectively. (c)顧家北 (19:07:33)due to the language barriers and cultural divide, tourists cannot communicate with local people effectively and do not consider it important to deepen their und
2、erstanding of the local culture. (c)顧家北 (19:08:38)westen tourists from a western po顧家北 (19:09:24)of view to see local cultural,it easy cause a misunderstandingwestern tourists normally see the local culture from a western po cause a misunderstanding. (c)顧家北 (19:11:22)of view , which can easilyIt is
3、easy to cause a misunderstanding and develop negative stereotypes.顧家北 (19:12:27)tourists can easily develop negative stereotypes and the communication barrier can even cause a misunderstanding. (c)顧家北 (19:14:01)generally speaking, for example,almost journeys are short.顧家北 (19:14:42)for tourists, eve
4、ry journey is normally short.顧家北 (19:15:23)they areerested in whether the tourist sites fit their preconceived idea. (c)顧家北 (19:15:43)for tourists, every journey is normally short, whi tourist sites fit their preconceived idea. (c)顧家北 (19:16:01)they are concerned about顧家北 (19:17:05)eanst they areere
5、sted in whether thethey can turn a blind eye to the information顧家北 (19:18:50)t does not match their expecions. (c)They cannot chanllege the wrong misconcption顧家北 (19:19:47)They are not able to chanllege misconceptions;alternatively, their stereotypes will be reinforced. (c)顧家北 (19:21:08)They cannot
6、chanllege the wrong misconcption顧家北 (19:21:13)one solution is to try to culture.顧家北 (19:22:54)egrateo local communities during the trip so as to baskhe localone solution is toegrateo local communities during the trip anderact with local people. (c)顧家北 (19:23:59)By keng their minds open tinformation
7、and accepting different cultures ands,tourists can deepen their understanding of local culture and eliminate stereotypical ideas. (c)顧家北 (19:24:31)tourists ceep their minds open tinformation (c)顧家北 (19:24:56)tourists can accept/embrace different cultures and perceptions. (c)顧家北 (19:25:05)tourists ca
8、n deepen their understanding of local culture and eliminate stereotypical ideas. (c)顧家北 (19:28:35)people who finished a degree overseas normally acquire a second language顧家北 (19:29:07)so they can easily顧家北 (19:30:22)e communicaion barriershe multi-cultural setting. (c)they are more likely to be prom
9、oted.顧家北 (19:31:41)western tourists sometimes顧家北 (19:33:26)rete a culture from a western poof view. (c)ageism meanst people develop negative stereotypes abouior people and consider them as aburden on society. (c)顧家北 (19:36:10)immigrant should seek to assimilate the host country. (c)顧家北 (19:38:24)o t
10、he local culture, if they want to lead a fulfilling life inOffenders can find it difficult to顧家北 (19:40:05)egrateo the society after they are released. (c)Offenders can find it difficult to re-egrate顧家北 (19:43:50)o the society after they are released. (c)I bevet reducing fo顧家北 (19:44:18)because it c
11、an cut food顧家北 (19:45:53)mport can have environmental benefits,and the carbon dioxide emiss will decline. (c)Importing less food from other countries is of benefit to enviornmental protection. (c)顧家北 (19:46:35)If countries can produce all the food for domestic population and reduce thety of imported
12、food, it can largely decrease the environmental costs as well as consequen顧家北 (19:47:03).If countries can produce all the food for domestic consumers and reduce thety of imported(c)food, it can largely decrease the environmental costs as well as consequen顧家北 (19:48:34)avoid顧家北 (19:49:10).Competition
13、 isensen before sot the local manufacturer fahut down and cut jobs.顧家北 (19:50:14)Competition is more shut down. (c)顧家北 (19:51:32)ensen before so some local manufacturers have to cut jobs and evenOwing to the stiff competition, local manufacturers can be forced to shut down their business anddismiss
14、employees, whi顧家北 (19:51:44)ay have a devasing effect on the local economy.Owing to the stiff competition, local manufacturers can be forced to shut down their business anddismiss employees, whi顧家北 (19:52:28)ay have a devasing effect on the local economy. (c)On the other hand, the downside of limiti
15、ng food imports is the locals health. (c)顧家北 (19:54:06)On the other hand, the downside of limiting food imports is on local food, which can be harmful to their health. (c)顧家北 (19:54:29)On the other hand, the downside of limiting food imports ist domestic food maye threat tot domestic consumers have
16、to relyt domestic consumers have to relyexclusively on local food, which can be harmful to their health. (c)顧家北 (19:54:59)Some local farms may lack relevant technology or capital to produce nutrition-deficient food, and this leads to indiscriminate application of pesticides.顧家北 (19:56:18)nutrition-r
17、ich food顧家北 (19:57:38)Some local farms may lack relevant technology or capital to produce nutrition-rich food, and theindiscriminate application of pesticides and fertilisers is a widespre顧家北 (19:59:29)roblem. (c)language gap and cultural difference,tourists can not communicate efficiently with loca
18、lpeople ,which leads to a situationt visitors are more likely to develop negative stereotypes oflocal culture from their po顧家北 (20:00:05)of view.Due to language gap and cultural difference,tourists can not communicate efficiently with localpeople, andts why visitors are more likely to develop negati
19、ve stereotypes of local culturefrom their poof view.(c)顧家北 (20:01:10)Due to language gap and cultural difference,tourists can not communicate efficiently with localpeople, andculture.(c)ts why visitors are more likely to develop negative stereotypes about the local顧家北 (20:02:45)They argue the native
20、 farms may lack the advanced technology to produce food fit to eat. Thuswell-balanced meals are顧家北 (20:04:16)our reach.They arguet local farms may lack the advanced technology to produce food fit to eat and this isthe reason why well-balanced meals are顧家北 (20:04:54)native language顧家北 (20:04:57)nativ
21、e speaker顧家北 (20:05:00)our reach. (c)domestic speaker顧家北 (20:05:06)local speaker顧家北 (20:06:38)theernment can encourage the public to travel on public transport, which can reduceenviornmental consequen顧家北 (20:08:26)of their daily lives. (c)competition isense and some small companies are forced out of
22、 business, which have led tomassive job cuts. (c)顧家北 (20:10:02)one drawback of modern farming is of pesticides and other chemicals. (c)顧家北 (20:10:52)hold back the economy顧家北 (20:12:09)t it sometimes res heavily on indiscriminate applicationForeign employers are sometimes criticised for labour exploi
23、ion. (c)顧家北 (20:12:57)working people are poorly paid, and the low顧家北 (20:14:49)e level can hold back the economy. (c)business and cultural contact may lose a sense of national identity.顧家北 (20:15:47)business and cultural contact may erode national identity.(c)顧家北 (20:16:12)as business and cultural c
24、ontact bet顧家北 (20:17:31)n countries increases, people can lose a sense of identity. (c)In order to gain an edge over competitor countries, people learn foreign languages and imieforeign customs and f顧家北 (20:18:51)et culture roots and mother tongueIn order to gain an edge over competitor countries, s
25、ome countries may encourage people to learn foreign languages and imie foreign customs . (c)顧家北 (20:19:38)his circumstance, these people can fet their cultural roots and speak the mother tongue less frequently. (c)顧家北 (20:20:52)people learn foreign languages and imie foreign customs,in order to gain
26、 an edge over theircountarts in competitor countries. (c)顧家北 (20:22:45)Young generations may lose confidence in their culture and lifestyles and products from the other side of the world. (c)顧家北 (20:23:16)across the world顧家北 (20:23:19)all over the world顧家北 (20:23:25)e moreerested in theacross the gl
27、obe顧家北 (20:23:40)he rest of the world顧家北 (20:24:22)Obama, the US count顧家北 (20:24:42)art of Xithe popularity of global products顧家北 (20:25:29)the popularity of global products culture diversity (c)顧家北 (20:25:34)the popularity of global products顧家北 (20:26:24)the popularity of global productses a seriou
28、s threat to culture diversity (c)es a serious threat to the countartshe local communityes a serious threat to the countartshe local communityes a serious threat to the countartshe local community;as a consequence, some local producers may be forced out of business and local consumers may have fewer
29、optionshe marketpalce. (c)顧家北 (20:26:53)cultural diversity may be under threat. (c)顧家北 (20:28:45)restaurantst provide the local delicacy may have to shut down and this can impact negativelyon the local cuisine. (c)顧家北 (20:31:51)With the deepening of economic globlisation, a few of countries have dom
30、inated the trades of the world.顧家北 (20:33:58)as economic globlisation gathers pace, a few countries have dominated world trade and a majority of countries have, in fact, suffered some economic costs. (c)顧家北 (20:35:24)Every country is a mix of cultures which can fuelelligence for individual meanwhile
31、 fosterinnovation and make more contribution to the country as a whole.顧家北 (20:36:50)if a country has a mix of cultures, it can fuel顧家北 (20:37:18)elligence and foster innovation. (c)this can give the country a competitive edge over the rest of the world. (c)顧家北 (20:39:11)ernment spending on scientif
32、ic research can foster innovation in different fields,顧家北 (20:39:55)allowing the country to unleash the economic potential and create revenues. (c)顧家北 (20:41:36)Museums normally put some valuable exhibits on public display顧家北 (20:41:52)and remind people to maaheir traditions and culture. (c)顧家北 (20:
33、43:20)reading can fuel childrenselligence, because this habit gives children a good idea of what ishappening on the other side of the world. (c)顧家北 (20:46:46)Teamwork enables people to tapo each others talents, which can foster innovation. (c)顧家北 (20:48:07)利用別人的才華 顧家北 (20:48:53)Most of the individua
34、ls, espelly for the uneducated, favouring fast foot are lack of theknowledge in adverse healty consequen顧家北 (20:49:21)lack = shortage顧家北 (20:50:52)ost food.Most of the individuals,espelly the uneducated, favour fast food, due to the lack of knowledgeabout adverse health consequen顧家北 (20:53:10)of thi
35、s food choice. (c)Ifernment can launch the negative effects of fast food to general public, people can sdamaging habits and develop health living habits.顧家北 If the effects o顧家北 If the effects o顧家北(20:54:13)ernment can launch awarenessns to educate the public about the negativest food, people can s(2
36、0:54:25)damaging habits and develop health eating habits. (c)ernment can launch awarenessns to educate the public about the negativest food, people can s(20:55:49)damaging habits and develop healthy eating habits. (c)education, to some degree, is efficient for those uneducated people who do not know
37、 the adversehealth consequenof junk food. asernments, they can launch publicityns toenlighten those people s顧家北 (20:56:46)ning damaging cation is, to some degree, efficient for those uneducated people who do not know the adversehealth consequen顧家北 (20:56:51)of junk food.(c)asernments, they
38、 can launchpublicityns to enlighten those people sningdamaging habits.顧家北 (20:58:19)ernments can launch publicity focus on a well-balanced diet.(c)顧家北 (20:59:22)ns to encourage people to sdamaging habits andstark sol class divide widens rian and impoverished peopeo.many people who earn a fewsalaries
39、 cannot afford healthy diets,so they are more likely to choose the cher one like junkfood.if the price of junk food increase,it can solve this i顧家北 (21:00:02)e effectivelyas stark sol class divide widens,顧家北 (21:00:56)lowe people cannot afford healthy diets and have to take cher options like junk fo
40、od.(c):【YY女神評選活動即將開始】你還在一個人過節(jié)嗎?送出手中的女神票,大聲說出你的愛吧!YY點擊查看顧家北 (21:02:23)女神評選,你的女神由你決定!活動即將開始,敬請關(guān)注。The economic boom (c)顧家北 (21:03:37)the striking difference顧家北 (21:04:57)he urban area stands in stark contrast to the abject poverty in rural areas.people have been brainwashed by advertisements in the com
41、merlisede a blworld ,which iset ban on foodbombarded with junk food advertising ,soernment need to imadvertising and place emphasis on education as well.顧家北 (21:05:43)people have been brainwashed by advertisements in the commerlisedworld ,which iset ban on foodbombarded with junk food advertising ,s
42、o theernment needs to ime a bladvertising and place emphasis on education as well.(c)顧家北 (21:06:29)Improving literacy should be given priority,顧家北 (21:06:59)because uneducated people normally cannot find decent jobs and have to struggle with abject poverty. (c)顧家北 (21:08:43)People travel around the
43、world espellyhose pleases where tourists and local people speakdifferent languages, whiay lead tourists to have misunderstandings or prejudi, because oflanguage barriers and culture divide.顧家北 (21:10:24)language barriers and culture divide can cause a misunderstanding betn tourists and localpeople,
44、and sometimes lead tourists prejudi顧家北 (21:10:44)against local people. (c)Nowaday, we live in a commerl world, where is bombarded with junk food advaertising.顧家北 (21:12:10)Nowaday, we live in a commer such as advertising. (c)顧家北 (21:13:49)l world, where we are bombarded with commerl messages,people who live in a commer顧家北 (21:13:56)l world lead a lavish lifestyle. (c)In a commerl world,some products are
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