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1、2022-2023學年九上英語期末模擬試卷考生請注意:1答題前請將考場、試室號、座位號、考生號、姓名寫在試卷密封線內,不得在試卷上作任何標記。2第一部分選擇題每小題選出答案后,需將答案寫在試卷指定的括號內,第二部分非選擇題答案寫在試卷題目指定的位置上。3考生必須保證答題卡的整潔??荚嚱Y束后,請將本試卷和答題卡一并交回。. 單項選擇1、will the concert begin? even oclock.AHow long, Not untilBHow soon, Not untilCHow long, UntilDHow soon, Until2、 What do you think of

2、the young lady? She is hard-working. She _ all her effort into her work before she got ill.Ahas putBputChad putDwould put3、Have you ever _ Mudanjiang to see the Jingbo Lake?Yes, I have.Awent toBgone toCbeen inDbeen to4、Why dont you like winter in Beijing?Because it is _ winter in Guangzhou.Aas cold

3、asBmuch colder thanCnot so clod asDnot colder than5、His name is James but he calls _Jim.AhisBhimselfChimD不填6、Even though were in difficult times, we need to keep hope _.AfreshBrealCaliveDclose7、Here are the jobs for you, young man. Thank you. Could I choose ?Awhat I like to do mostBwhat I liked to d

4、o mostCwhat do I like to do mostDwhat did I like to do most8、Do you still remember our primary school teacher, Mrs. Liu?Yes, she always encouraged us and gave us support we met difficulties.AwhateverBwheneverChowever9、-The CCTV March 15th Evening Party showed that the snack spicy strip which childre

5、n like eating is poisonous.- Yes. Something _ be done to make producers pay attention to food safety.AneedBoughtCmayDmust10、My little daughter is watching some ants _ bread on the ground.Acarry Bto carry Ccarrying Dcarried. 完形填空11、Nowadays many people enjoy 1 things, especially young people. In the

6、school, waste can 2 everywhere. Some students ask for 3 food than they can eat and others often forgetto turn off the lights 4 they leave the classroom. Waste can bring a lot of problems. Someone 5 China is rich in some resources, such as coal, oil, trees and so on. They even say “ 6 rich our countr

7、y is!” But actually, we 7 no coal or oil to use in 100 years if we go on wasting. We really feel 8 about what we can use in the future. I dont know 9 we can go on living without these resources. Think about it 10 I think we should say “no” to the students 11 waste things every day. And we should hel

8、p do something good to the environment.In our daily life, we can do things 12 waste from happening, for example, we should turn off taps after using it. Dont throw the used paper 13 we can recycle it. Lets start out smallfrom now on. Little 14 little, everything will be changed. Waste can be stopped

9、 one day if we do 15 best. The nature will be more harmonious and our country will become more and more beautiful.1Awaste Bwasting Cto waste Dto wasting2Abe seeing Bare seen Csee Dbe seen3Amore Bmany Cmuch Dmost4Aafter Bbefore Csince Dwhether5Asay Bbe said Csays Dis saying6AHow BHow a CWhat DWhat a7

10、Ahave Bhas Chad Dwill have8Aworry Bworries Cworried Dworriedly9Awhat Bwhen Cthat Dhow10Acare Bcarefulness Ccarefully Dcareful11Awho Bwhat Cwhere Dwhich12Astop Bto stop Cstopping Dstopped13Abecause Balthough CUntil Dif14Ain Bon Cby Dwith15Awe Bus Cour Dours. 語法填空12、閱讀下面短文,在空白處填入適當?shù)膬?b 容(不多于 3 個單詞)或括號

11、內單詞的正確形式。請務必將1-10 小題的答案寫在答題卡的相應位置!In our daily life, our parents do many things for us . 1what can we do for them? Students in one class got special homework last weekend. They were asked to wash their parents feet.However, only 12 out of 54 students2(finish)the homework. Some said it was a funny th

12、ing,while others just thought the teacher was3(try ) to attract attention. They even asked, “ They can take a shower. Why should we wash our parents feet?. However, the teacher had his own idea. “I want them to know how hard their parents work4(support)them. Washing feet is just a way of showing lov

13、e,” he said.Respecting5(parent )has always been considered as a virtue (美德). However, nowadays many young people dont respect6(they) parents and some even do cruel things to parents. They got angry7(easy )when they thought their parents were too strict with their studies.When one student wanted to w

14、ash his parents feet,his father said: “Why ,my son?Are you in need of money?”Another student Andy said he washed his parents feet 8about five minutes. And he found its 9useful experience. “I talked a lot with my parents while washing their feet, he said. As I grow up, I would possibly talk to my tea

15、cher that we all think doing this homework has made us 10(close) to our parents. 閱讀理解A13、A little boy was playing in his sandbox on a Saturday morningWhile he was building roads and houses in the soft sand, he discovered a large stone in the middle of the sandboxThe little boy pushed and pulled, but

16、 every time he thought he had made some progress, the stone tipped (傾斜) and then fell back into the sandboxThe little boy tried his best, but his only reward was to have the stone roll backFinally the boy criedAll that time the boys father watched him from his living room windowAt the moment tears f

17、ell, his father came to the boy and the sandboxGently but surely he said, Son, why didnt you use all the strength that you had? The boy said sadly, But I did, Daddy, I did! I used all the strength that I had! No, son, corrected the fatherYou didnt ask meWith that, the father reached down, picked up

18、the stone and removed it from the sandboxDo you have stones in your life that need to be removed? Are you discovering that you are too weak to lift them? There is ONE who is always ready to give us the strength we needIsnt it funny how we try so hard to do things on our own?1The first paragraph main

19、ly tells us _Ait was Saturday that dayBthe boy had a sandboxCthe boy created roads and housesDthe boy found a large stone in the sandbox2Why did the boy cry?AIt was too boring for him to play with the stoneBHis father just watched him from the windowCHe was too weak to remove the stone by himselfDHi

20、s fingers were hurt when he tried to remove the stone3From the passage we can know that _Awe can do anything on our ownBwe should continue doing everythingCwe should learn to ask for help sometimesDsomeone is always ready to give up the strengthB14、People believed for a long time that heart was the

21、center of a persons emotions. That is why the word “heart” is used in so many expressions about emotional situations.One such expression is to “l(fā)ose your heart” to someone. When that happens, you have fallen in love. But if the person who “won your heart” does not love you, then you are sure to have

22、 a “broken heart”. In your pain and sadness, you may decide that the person you love is “hard-hearted”, and in fact, has a “heart of stone”.You may decide to “pour out your heart” to a friend. Telling someone about your personal problems can often make you feel better.If your friend does not seem to

23、 understand how painful your broken heart is, you may ask her to “have a heart”. You are asking your friend to show some sympathy(同情) for your situation. Your friend “has her heart in the right place” if she says she is sorry, and shows great concern(關心).If your friend says no to you, do not “l(fā)ose h

24、eart”. Be “strong-hearted”. Sit down with him or her and have a_talk. Be open and honest about your situation. Then you may have a “change of heart” Then you could stop worrying and “put your heart at rest”.1When bob loves Mary, you might say that he _.Awins Marys heart Bhas got his heartCloses his

25、heart to Mary Dlends Mary his heart2When you are getting into trouble or feeling sad, you should _to your best friend.Apour out your heart Bhave a restChave a change of heart Dbe hard-hearted3When one of your best friend has suddenly fallen badly ill, you usually _to show your worry about his health

26、 and try your best to care for him.Ahave a heart of stone Bhave your heart in the right placeCbe strong-heart in the right place Dhave a heart4“Dont lose heart, and you are sure to win the match.” Here “Dont lose heart” means“_”.Aput your heart into something Byou cant find your heartCdont worry abo

27、ut something Dbe brave5. The underlined words “heart to heart” in the passage means “_” in Chinese.A誠懇的 B心心相印C傾訴衷腸 D針鋒相對C15、Advertising means to draw peoples attention to something. It is a central feature of our lives. Sales depend upon it. So does our knowledge of what is available. Read the follo

28、wing adverts and see how much you understand them.Secure: 安全的;牢固的 mowing: 割草1About what they advertise, we can safely say that _.AAdverts I and advertise two productsBAdverts and IV advertise servicesCAdverts II and advertise beliefsDAdverts I and IV provide jobs2From the above material we know _of

29、the adverts are trying to be price competitive.A1. B2. C3. D4.3If you want to repair your house, you can call_.A4442-37058 B0732-605-041 C232-567 D150-0004Its clear that _.Aa newspaper uses one of them in its own newspaperBall of them advertise for the largest number of customersCall of them list th

30、e pricesDall of them have included contact information5From these examples of adverts, we can know that _.Asome adverts are provided by newspapers free of chargeBnewspaper is the most common means of advertisingCadvertising is an expensive businessDadverts should attract customersD16、It seems that m

31、any stars are putting their fashion (時尚) skills to good use and some of them have succeeded in designing.Avril Lavigne“With a lot of designs, I try to tie in with some of my lyrics and more musical elements,” Lavigne said. Her product, named after a childhood nickname (綽號) from her father, was creat

32、ed three years ago, but Lavigne came up with the first idea for a clothing product when she was only 19 years old.Victoria Beckham Victoria created her own style of jeans for the clothing brand (品牌) Rock & Republic in 2004. Later, she created her own brand with the name DVB style and now she is more

33、 popular as a designer than as a singer. MadonnaPop queen Madonna created her fashion products in collaboration (合作) with the Swedish clothing company Hennes & Mauritz AB ( H&M) in 2007. She then collaborated with her daughter Lourders in creating 2010 juniors product for Macys called “ Material Gir

34、l”. Jessica Simpson Jessica Simpson created her own collection of jeans. She worked with the Camuto Group and Jones Apparel Group Inc. Justin Timberlake No one could imagine that Justin would become a fashion designer until he paired with his friend Trace Ayala to create the William Rast label. Thei

35、r clothing is presented every season and attracts attention of Timberlakes fans and models.1All of the people mentioned in the passage above are _.Afriends Bsingers Cmusicians Dstars2What does the underlined word “elements” mean in Chinese?A器材 B天分 C要素 D染料3Which of the following is TRUE?AVictoria Bec

36、kham is not only a singer but also a designer.BMadonna once worked for Hennes & Mauritz ABCJustin Timberlake had a talent for designing when he was a child.DBoth Jessica Simpson and Madonna created their own jeans brands.4Which of the following is the main idea of the passage?AHow to be a famous sta

37、r. BTo be models is a hard work.CWorking with others is important. DSome stars have succeeded in designing.E17、There once was a little boy who wanted to meet the king. He set off, walking towards the kings castle. After many years of walking, the kings castle came into his view. However, as the boy

38、drew closer to the outside of the castle, the guards noticed him.“Get out of here!” ordered the guards.Well,the little boy didnt have to be told twice. He turnedand ran. All he wanted to do was to tell the king wonderful things, and see all the beautiful things in the kings house. But he couldnt eve

39、n get near the castle! The boy finally stopped running, sat down and cried.A young man happened to be coming down the path at the very moment. He saw the little boy and stopped. “Whats wrong, young man?” he asked.“Sir, I walked and walked just to see the king. But these guards made me scared. I want

40、ed to tell the king how lovely everything is and just tell the king that I just wanted to see him!”The man looked at the little boy thoughtfully. “Look, why dont you try again. Ill come with you this time.”The little boy got up and took the mans hand. The kings guards spotted them.“Look, mister, we

41、dont have to do thisI dont want you to get hurt. We can just turn around now.”The man held the little boys hand and went on. The boy really thought the man might be crazy until he looked back up at the guards. They were all smiling now. The little boy was amazed.“Who are you?” asked the little boy i

42、n surprise.“Why, Im the kings son. You can enter the castle and be with the king.” said the man.The little boy broke into a huge smile.1Why did the boy want to see the king?ATo get some help from the king.BTo invite the king to visit his beautiful village.CTo share wonderful things with the king.DTo

43、 ask the king to play with him.2What does the underlined sentence in the paragraph mean?AThe little boy didnt understand the guards words at first.BThe guards repeated the words to the boy.CThe little boy had been to the castle twice.DThe little boy understood the guards words at once.3According to

44、the passage, the man is.AkindBstupidCrudeDselfish (自私)4Which of the following best suits the storys lesson for us?ANever judge a book by its cover.BAnything is possible if one tried hard enough.CLife can sometimes be unfair (不公平).DMake new friends and keep the old.F18、Supermarket TBusiness hours:5:3

45、0a.m.-10:00p.m.Eggs: 6.90(1 kilo)Apples: 3.90(1 kilo)Pork: 18.00(1 kilo)Tomatoes: 2.60(1 kilo)Environment: Just so-soService: BadSupermarket TBusiness hours:5:30a.m.-10:00p.m.Eggs: 6.90(1 kilo)Apples: 3.90(1 kilo)Pork: 18.00(1 kilo)Tomatoes: 2.60(1 kilo)Environment: Just so-soService: Bad1From the f

46、orm, we know the business hours of _is the longest and is the shortest.ASupermarket W; Supermarket MBSupermarket M; Supermarket TCSupermarket H; Supermarket WDSupermarket T; Supermarket W2The price of pork in is the same as that in .ASupermarket W; Supermarket HBSupermarket H; Supermarket TCSupermar

47、ket W; Supermarket MDSupermarket M; Supermarket T3The price of eggs in is the highest and in _ _is the lowest.ASupermarket W; Supermarket HBSupermarket T; Supermarket HCSupermarket W; Supermarket MDSupermarket M; Supermarket T4 need to do better in the environment.ASupermarket M and Supermarket HBSupermarket H and Supermarke


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