已閱讀5頁,還剩92頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、消費者洞察大綱什么是消費者洞察?為何我們需要消費者洞察?什么是好的消費者洞察?如何得出好的消費者洞察?如何應(yīng)用消費者洞察于市場營銷?消費者洞察是. ?洞察是英文字典說,Insight 是看清某一狀況的能力: 1.The power of seeing into a situation 2.The act of apprehending the inner nature of things3. the capacity of understanding hidden truths中文字典說,洞察是洞悉事物原委的觀察看 透我們有許多市場信息和消費者數(shù)據(jù),這些是消費者洞察嗎?公司內(nèi)部銷售數(shù)據(jù) 零售商

2、掃描數(shù)據(jù)零售調(diào)研(ACNielsens)媒體調(diào)研(SOV, SOS, TRP)消費者調(diào)研(深訪、小組訪談、 定量調(diào)研)數(shù)據(jù)與事實消費者洞察 VS 消費者數(shù)據(jù)數(shù)據(jù) 信息 洞察 鼓舞(行動) “The facts are not the truth. They merely lead you in the direction of truth.”(“事實并非真相,它們只是指引你走向真相”)- Henry Luce, Founder of Time Magazine有人說:消費者洞察是消費者生活的真實與品牌的真實之間的交匯點,可用來創(chuàng)建兩者之間的聯(lián)系人性行為或情感的透現(xiàn),可用來建立品牌營銷者角度也有

3、人說:消費者洞察是一種突然的覺醒、頓悟某時刻,或某一剎那間的了解消費者角度消費者洞察的定義消費者未被滿足的需求和愿望它們是消費者真正關(guān)心、在意、認為有價值,卻又不自知的它們是與消費者相關(guān)(Relevant)但還未被觸及的(Unexploited) 它必需有明顯的相關(guān)性 (Relevant)才能讓許多人說“感同身受” 它必需無人觸及過 (Unexploited)才能讓消費者說“那就是我的感覺! 沒有人用這種方法說出來過!”才不會讓消費者說“陳腔濫調(diào)”過節(jié)了,我要買保健品送長輩,所以一切營銷工作應(yīng)該始于消費者洞察消費者洞察是市場營銷中一切工作的原點,關(guān)系到每一個市場決定和每一項市場行動,包括:品牌

4、定位新產(chǎn)品開發(fā)產(chǎn)品定價渠道分銷市場宣傳、廣告甚至更多消費者洞察幫助我們:發(fā)現(xiàn)、理解和解讀市場中的一切變化: 消費者宏觀經(jīng)濟(經(jīng)濟危機中的電影業(yè)和快餐業(yè))產(chǎn)業(yè)層面品類發(fā)展理解如何在變化中持續(xù)成功營銷為什么消費者洞察重要?充分的證據(jù)表明,與消費者心心相印的產(chǎn)品與廣告才更有效 洞察讓消費者能夠收到我們的信息消費者每天接觸到成百上千條信息他們根據(jù)自己的知識,經(jīng)驗,個人需求和沖動來過濾這些信息洞察提供了一條聯(lián)結(jié)消費者的途經(jīng) - 鼓勵他對你的信息打開他的耳朵(洞察成為品牌與消費者的Google關(guān)鍵詞)S消費者的過濾網(wǎng)RSSSS消費者洞察讓營銷者被聽見說服的本質(zhì)不是傳遞信息(是共鳴) 只有當你愿意聽的時候,

5、你才能聽得見而只有你愿意聽的內(nèi)容,你才能聽得到接收者傳播者?洞察創(chuàng)造機會在品牌和消費者之間形成橋梁“他們很理解我”“那正是我的感受” “他們知道我為什么需要它” “這正是我所要的牌子”消費者洞察,營銷者的“芝麻開門”魔咒判斷消費者洞察怎么知道洞察好不好? 感覺上對消費者也同意 符合這個品牌,并能升華品牌 “判斷”和“直覺”最重要本能/頓悟感覺對/直點頭是有趣的事實,認知,還是洞察 事實是對消費者生活中有關(guān)產(chǎn)品(產(chǎn)品類)的某些真實情況的觀察認知反映的是消費者已經(jīng)了解的,有關(guān)產(chǎn)品或產(chǎn)品類的看法洞察則是一個還未被發(fā)現(xiàn)/已被遺忘的真實 在產(chǎn)品和消費者之間提供聯(lián)系例子:有關(guān)巧克力的洞察事實:巧克力是美味

6、的糖果零食認知:我喜歡吃巧克力,那是一種美味的享受洞察:巧克力是我對自己的獎賞,我喜歡沉浸在那份自我關(guān)愛、滿足的享受中消費者的反應(yīng)事實: “對,我同意?!闭J知:“那是真的,我也是這么認為的?!倍床欤骸澳钦媸翘珜玻@正是我!”什麼是好的消費者洞察(1) 令消費者者投入-“它真了解我,說得太貼切了”-“那就是我的感覺! 沒有人用這種方法說出來過!”-“我從沒有這樣過.但是這就是我的感覺”(2)有深度,不只是表面的看穿水面不只是去重復(fù)消費者表面的行為,還要有看穿表面的能力什麼是好的消費者洞察(3) 可得到普遍大眾的共鳴,而不是去夸大個體的觀感例子“第一印象最重要,特別在某些重要時刻”vs.“我覺得

7、臉上的粉刺一天比一天大,好像有 一天會長滿我的臉!”什麼是好的消費者洞察(4) 能連結(jié)產(chǎn)品利益點及情感的需求-只有情感 = 濫情-某些情感,在某種情境之下特別感人-情感必須能與產(chǎn)品現(xiàn)實面相連,才能達到商業(yè)目的什麼是好的消費者洞察(5) 觸及某種關(guān)鍵時刻- 突然的覺醒最令人永生難忘- 在某些關(guān)鍵時刻,使消費者了解自己人生的某些基本事實,才能達到商業(yè)目的什麼是好的消費者洞察(6) 不只是一個類比,或巧妙的比喻什麼是好的消費者洞察(7) 釋放創(chuàng)新/創(chuàng)意的可能性,而不是限制創(chuàng)造的呈現(xiàn)什麼是好的消費者洞察“你的地盤,聽我的”“掏,我喜歡”淘! 我 喜 歡消費者洞察的本質(zhì)它是如此簡單,一旦道破,人皆稱是它

8、卻又如此難以尋覓,需要營銷者具有一份見心明性,直指人心的透徹那么,究竟我們?nèi)绾文軌颢@得消費者洞察?期望別人會告訴你洞察?人們通常期望從外部來源找到洞察 - 即聽消費者說出來:“他們會告訴你洞察的” 但他們是不會的! 發(fā)掘洞察的路上障礙重重沒有資料沒有時間做調(diào)研沒有錢做調(diào)研市場上沒有調(diào)研資源難以聯(lián)系到目標對象獲得消費者洞察的兩個途徑融入你的消費者,浸淫其中!消費者調(diào)研與人談話,觀察人生獲得消費者洞察的最直接的方法 觀察力 創(chuàng)造力觀察觀察消費者真實生活中與產(chǎn)品的關(guān)系去商店看他們?nèi)绾钨徺I/買些什么東西去他們的餐廳吃飯去他們的酒吧喝酒 去他們常去的地方盡可能觀察他們,與他們交談 觀察時盡量貼近,有寬度

9、和深度貼近他們與產(chǎn)品或品牌的關(guān)系他們使用產(chǎn)品的動機寬度人生階段,生活形態(tài)等因素世代因素文化傳統(tǒng)將來的計劃和夢想 觀察時盡量貼近,有寬度和深度深度動機,情感 抱負 / 渴望 生理需求(地位,歸屬感等)體驗親身體驗產(chǎn)品,Eat Your Own Dog Food!變成你的消費者 “如果不能將自己變成一個消費者,就不適合在這個行業(yè)”購物吃飯閱讀傾聽傾聽在你腦海里那微弱的聲音那些使你對某事有最深刻,最誠實的感受的東西那些是如此敏感,有些甚至是使你不敢面對你自己的東西這種聲音正是洞察的藏身之地!使用外部資源查閱相關(guān)的資料還有誰更了解你的對象? 專家專業(yè)人士還有誰更了解你的產(chǎn)品/你的問題?為了得到消費者洞

10、察想!苦思冥想!一直想!成為一位企業(yè)家,而不是一個職業(yè)經(jīng)理人活在其中!念念在斯!浸淫終生!調(diào)研:通過嚴謹?shù)姆治隽鞒太@得消費者洞察2產(chǎn)生初步假設(shè)3收集數(shù)據(jù)/進行深入調(diào)研與分析4綜合數(shù)據(jù)以確認、修正,甚或更改最初的假設(shè)5進一步分析研究1定義問題/挑戰(zhàn)6總結(jié)分析:結(jié)論與建議為什么使用這樣的分析流程?因為這個流程帶來最多、最好的機會:最節(jié)約時間需要最少的信息,因此也只需要分析最少的信息獲得最可靠的結(jié)論和建議清楚發(fā)現(xiàn)在消費者認知上的偏差或缺失便于分析繁雜的數(shù)據(jù)問問你自己:- 你對這個問題/挑戰(zhàn)知道什么?- 誰給出的這個問題?- 解決這個問題的動機是什么?- 有什么特別特別的要求嗎?1. 定義問題/挑戰(zhàn)2

11、. 產(chǎn)生初步假設(shè)基于你對于問題的認識和對于公司業(yè)務(wù)的知識你認為會發(fā)生什么?用6W來提出問題(who, what, where, when, why, how)與同事們討論創(chuàng)立一個假設(shè)3. 收集數(shù)據(jù)/進行深入調(diào)研與分析何時是什么何地為什么誰?4.綜合數(shù)據(jù)以確認、修正,甚或更改最初的假設(shè)是什么? 我們與去年同期相比的銷售數(shù)據(jù)是什么樣的?誰?有沒有某一特定人群與此相關(guān)? 何地? 問題的產(chǎn)生有沒有特定的地點?何時? 在什么樣的時間或是情景下會發(fā)生?為什么?為什么會出現(xiàn)這個情況?5. 進一步分析研究不斷研究,直到你已經(jīng)能夠非常滿意地解釋獲得市場機會的關(guān)鍵因素6. 總結(jié)分析:結(jié)論與建議回顧所有的數(shù)據(jù)與分析

12、將結(jié)論與假設(shè)進行比較確認獲得結(jié)論的關(guān)鍵因素抽取對于業(yè)務(wù)最重要的結(jié)論和建議對于每一項建議,盡量給出具體計劃和實施方法獲得消費者洞察的常用調(diào)研工具零售研究消費者追蹤消費者行為與態(tài)度調(diào)研購物與消費觀察品牌定位研究產(chǎn)品/口味/概念測試一些調(diào)研的技巧 - 需要更好的調(diào)研公司明確目的:發(fā)現(xiàn),刺激,激發(fā)更多,更好地使用定性研究 更好的主持人 更好的甄別、邀請 更好的問題 更好的技巧 一些調(diào)研的技巧 - 從精準的目標對象開始面對太寬廣的目標對象,很難取得較深入的理解 從精確定義的目標對象中找到一些想法,再到廣一些的對象中去求證 一些調(diào)研的技巧 - 解構(gòu)消費者與下列主題的關(guān)系品牌競爭品牌產(chǎn)品品類一些調(diào)研的技巧

13、- 引發(fā)消費者的討論與互動充分運用道具產(chǎn)品認知圖該品牌或競爭者的廣告品牌認知圖 / 聯(lián)想 / 擬人化概念及定位刺探關(guān)系及情感一些調(diào)研的技巧 - 投入到你的消費者中參加訪談自己做訪談張開你的眼睛和耳朵觀察他們的身體語言不只聽他們說什么 而是聽他們想表示什么如果你會心一笑 那可能是一個很棒的洞察一些調(diào)研的技巧 - 幫助引發(fā)洞察的好問題.產(chǎn)品- 用什么做的?- 從哪來?- 誰做的?- 怎么做?- 到何處去買?- 獨特 / 平常- 在市面上多久了?- 常在哪看到?- 第一次看到它是什么時 候?使用- 誰買?- 誰用?- 在購買使用前、中、后,他 們腦子想些什么?- 何時?何處?為什么用?- 產(chǎn)品使用結(jié)

14、合了什么樣的 價值觀,抱負或情感?- 可能牽涉什么樣的趨勢或議 題?品牌環(huán)境- 多或少;突出或相似?- 有名氣?新不新?是不是很傳 統(tǒng)?- 本土化?有文化的? 國際性的?- 人們對我們認知或感覺為何?- 消費者轉(zhuǎn)換品牌的代價是什么?一些調(diào)研的技巧 具體方法使用道具:剪貼畫、題板、日志分類、組合、排序陪同購物、一起使用、體驗生活將使用過程拍照、錄像、記日記“剝洋蔥法”提問技巧,層層深入“投影”技巧,揭示調(diào)研對象不愿明確承認的動機與想法“階梯法”,從功能向情感的升華用了它很安心例:1)鎖因為所以,堅固的鎖小偷撬不開家里很安全(特點)(理性)(感官)(感性)* 思考:哪一層次在現(xiàn)階段可幫助找到差異點

15、?階梯法吃了不易感冒有益健康家里人多吃健康我是好媽媽含維生素C例:2)橘子階梯法最后,在調(diào)研時請記住 - 洞察是:有關(guān)人性或情感的某個真實面未被發(fā)現(xiàn),被遺忘,不顯而易見不只是有趣的事實或消費者的認知 需要與品牌聯(lián)結(jié) 可能來自任何人,任何地方Workshop 1Human InsightsAssignmentEach team will be assigned a product or service and a corresponding targetIn the absence of formal research, “become” your target and generate at

16、least 10 insights, keeping your product/service “l(fā)oosely” in mindUse the hint list, as appropriateNarrow the field to 1 or 2 viable insightsRecord how you narrowed the fieldRecord how you decided to apply the insight-(Strategy? Execution?)Product/Service and Targets1.Disney Consumer Products2. Haage

17、n Daz premium ice-cream3. Reebok athletic shoes4. Hennessy VSOP5. SKII Skincare6. Pert Shampoo7. Kellogg Mueslix cereals8. Fei Yang Juice Tea Drinks9. Philip Morris Parliment10. Teco Cellular phonesParents of 3-7 year oldBaby boomersMales 12-17Males 25-39Women 20-39Adults 20-39(esp females)Teens, yo

18、ung adultsAdults 25+Adults 18+Look Closely, Broadly, Deeply Think about your targets:Product/ brand relationship: Usage habits, motivators, emotionsCategory motivators Lifestyle, lifestageGeneration: Common history, mythsCultural expectationsPlans, dreamsPsychological needs: Family, friends,Aspirati

19、ons“Human” weaknesses: Fears, confessions, etc.CONCEPT AgendaWhats conceptThe importance of the conceptHow to evaluate conceptExerciseConcept development processWhat is conceptA good concept is the description of a deliverable product/positioning/program promise expressed in a language which is mean

20、ingful and appealing to the consumerTruth well toldWe are using concept everywhere & anytimeConcept StructureConsumer insight Describe the need or problemBridge product and consumersLead to solutionBenefit/Proposition Product promise to bring benefit or solve problemsGenerate purchase intentionReaso

21、n Why Make consumers believe the promiseGet rid of the suspicion Additional information (e.g. Pricing)Concept Examples - “One Second” Soak Free DetergentConsumer insight:Washing clothes is a very troublesome thing. In order to clean it well, I have to put the clothes into the water for a while then

22、wash. Its too time consuming. Isnt a good way to clean the clothes well & save time?Benefit: Introduce New “One Second” soak free detergent, save you half washing time and give you more time to enjoy the life.Reason Why This is because “One Second” detergent has a unique Enzyme called Penetein, it n

23、ot only clean the tough stain well, but also can penetrate into the stain fast. So you dont need to soak the clothes anymore.Additonal Information:Price: 400g only 2RMBConcept Examples - “Pampers” DiaperConsumer insight:Sleeping is very important for my babys growth. If they can sleep well then they

24、 can grow stronger and be more intelligent. However, the cloth diaper cant well absorb the urine and always make my baby wake up crying in the midnight. Im really concerned about this.Benefit: Introduce New “Pampers” baby diaper, an innovative diaper to fully absorb the water and leave your baby has

25、 good whole night sleep. Reason Why This is because “Pampers” Diaper has a high tech paper which can absorb 6 times more water than normal cloth diapers. Its effectiveness has been proved by China Baby Growth Association. “Pampers” baby diaper, super power to absorb water that leave your baby to hav

26、e good whole night sleep.Concept Exercise 1 Write a concept for your mobile (5 minutes)Share with the group (10 minutes)BRANDPERFORMANCE HURDLECONCEPT:to change consumers mindMy consumers currently DO.because they currently THINK / FEEL about my brand.CURRENT REALITY.if I can make them THINK / FEEL

27、about my brand.then they will DODESIRED FUTURE Concept: a great tool for CHANGE!The role of the conceptLead the new product developmentLead the reposition of the existing productLead the copy/promotion and other communication - integrated & focusedLead the instore display program developmentHelp com

28、pany to evaluate new product potential in market & decide the investment scale for strong ROIHelp business make choicesIf concept is wrong, what will happenWrong productWrong advertisingWrong promotionWrong packagingWrong investmentWaste of time, money and lifeCheck list for concept evaluationStrong

29、 & Relevant benefits that the product brings to consumers?Whats the changes that product makes to consumers life?Whats different vs. competitors or current solutions?Is the reason to believe convincing?Is it in line with brand SCORE?Is it easy to understand? Concept Exercise 1 Judge whether the foll

30、owing concepts are good or bad? Why?Concept - “All In One” Car Consumer insight:I want to have a car. Thats the dream for me since childhood. I still remembered I touched neighbours car everyday before I went to school. Benefit: Introduce New “all In one” car. It meets every dream you are having for

31、 the car. Its beautiful, speedy, safe, elegant and cheap. Also, the maintainence is very easy. A perfect car. Reason Why This is because “all in one” car is produced by world class company, world class workers and world class process. All In One Car, world class car, satisfying your every dreams of

32、car.Concept - “Millionaire” ProgramConsumer insight:I want to be rich. But I have limited education, little money and no people network, I really dont know how. Benefit: Introduce New “Millionaire” program. It will guarantee you become millionaire within just 1 year by just putting 1000 RMB in every

33、 year!Reason Why This program has been designed by Harvard professor Dr. XX and help more than 1Mio people achieve their dream to become Millionaire within just one year. Join Millionairie Program, become Millionaire within one year with only 1000RMB investment.Concept - FARMER Mineral WaterConsumer

34、 insight:Current world is full of pollution. Im really worried about the water quality Im drinking. I dont know whether its trusworthy. Benefit: Introduce New FARMER Mineral Water, Its so pure to make you feel a little sweet after the drinking. Reason Why This is because that the water is coming fro

35、m the deep water of the beautiful QianDao Valley - the national protected zone. Additonal Information:“FARMER” Mineral Water, a little sweet.Concept - Apple laptop computerConsumer insight:When Im taking long hour flight, Im always feel bored during the trip - you cant move, cant call mobile, cant s

36、hout especially on the long hour travelling. Benefit: Introduce New Apple Laptop, it offers you the biggest screen and the smallest screen for your choice, so you can enjoy your travel time. Reason Why This is because Apple biggest 17 Ince. Screen laptop gives you vivid show for watching movies whil

37、e 12 Ince. Smallest screen laptop is very convenient for you to carry. New Apple Laptop, biggest or smallest, the best from Apple.Concept - “GOOD SLEEP” Quilt 1 Consumer insight:Winter is coming. Its really cold in the night - sometimes make me cant sleep well in the night. Benefit: Introduce New “G

38、OOD SLEEP” quilt, it can keep you very warm when you sleep. Reason Why This is because “GOOD SLEEP” quilt is using a warm keeping material to keep me warm. “GOOD SLEEP” quilt, warm you in winter.Concept - “GOOD SLEEP” quilt 2Consumer insight:Winter is coming. Its really cold in the night, especially

39、 during the days before the heating equipment is ready. I really worry about my kids who may not sleep well in the night and influence his health. Benefit: Introduce New “GOOD SLEEP” quilt, it can give you the superior Warm Protection which on others can compare, keep you & your kids have a great sl

40、eep in cold winter. Reason Why This is because “GOOD SLEEP” quilt is using a high tech warm materials which is used & proven by the US space ship bureau to have Triple power to keep the warmth than normal cotton.“GOOD SLEEP” quilt, Triple protection, warm your family in winter.Concept - J&J Baby Sha

41、mpooConsumer insight:My baby love taking bath. Everytime, she is laughing & playing all the time. Im really worried that the adult shampoo will hurt her tender eyes. So I normally dont use any shampoo to wash her hair. Benefit: Introduce New J&J Baby Shampoo, its mild formula will not irritate your

42、babys eyes, give you and your baby the complete enjoyment during the bathing. Reason Why This is because J&J baby shampoo is using the natural ingredients and PH balanced which is mild to babys eyes. “J&J” Baby Shampoo, mild care your baby without irritating their eyes.Concept - EXTRA Chewing GumCon

43、sumer insight:I like the chewing gum, but Im worried about the sugar inside will hurt my teeth also make me gain weight easily. Benefit: Introduce EXTRA Sugar Free Chewing Gum, it provides you the same refreshing feeling but sugar free, it can help protect your teeths health. Reason Why This is because Extra Sugar Free Chewing Gum is using the most advanced natural sweeters. Test has showed using EXTRA can drop the tooth problems by 30%. “EXTRA” Sugar Free Chewing Gum, well protect your teeths health.Concept - “Top Tea” Consumer insight:I like drinking tea. The best tea is from t


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