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1、PAGE PAGE 9仁愛英語七年級下冊Unit 7 復(fù)習(xí)導(dǎo)學(xué)Unit7 Topic 1 When is your birthday?(一)核心詞匯: birthday, May, celebrate, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, twelfth, twentieth, date, January, March, April, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, alone, were, born, was, thousand, pr

2、esent, shape, square, circle(二)常用詞組: 1. plan to do sth. 計劃做某事 2. be(was/were) born 出生 3. have a look 看一看 4. 介詞on 用于具體某一天 on May 13th, 2000 / in May,20005. use sth. for doing = use sth. to do 用來干6. be like 像 7. talk about sth. with sb. 和某人談?wù)撃呈?三)重點(diǎn)句型: 1. How do you plan to celebrate it? 你打算如何慶祝? 2. W

3、hen were you born? 你什么時候出生? I was born in June, 1970. 我生于 3. Were you born in Hebei? 你出生于河北嗎? Yes, I was. 是的,我是。 4. What is it like? It is like a flower. 5. Was it like a flower before? No, it wasnt. It was like a star.6. -Where was she born? 她出生于哪里? -She was born in Henan. 她出生于河南。 7. -Whats the sha

4、pe of your present? = What shape is your present? -It round. 8. -What shape is it? 它是什么形狀? -Its a rectangle. 它是長方形的。 9. -What do we use it for? 我們用它來做什么? -We use it to study English.= We use it for studying English.10. -How long / wide is it? 它多長/ 寬? -Its 60 centimeters long/wide. 它60厘米長/寬。 (四)交際用語:

5、 1. -Would you like to come? 你想要來嗎? -Yes, Id love to. 是的,我想要來。 2. -What day is it? 今天星期幾? -Its Thursday. 星期四。 3. -Whats the date today? 今天幾號? -Its May 8th. 5月8號。 4. -May I have a look(at sth)? -Sorry, Im afraid you cant. 對不起,恐怕你不能。 (五)語法精粹: 1. 一般過去時(I) 一般過去時表示過去某個時間發(fā)生的動作或存在的狀態(tài),常與 a minute ago, yeste

6、rday, last year, just now, in 1990等表示過去的時間狀語連用;一般過去時也表示過去經(jīng)常或反復(fù)發(fā)生的動作。 如:I got up at 6:30 yesterday. 昨天我6點(diǎn)30分起床。 2. 基數(shù)詞和序數(shù)詞的用法1,2,3,特殊記,th四加起 8去t, nine去e ve 要用f替, ty變成tie加th 幾十,幾百幾,只變個位記心里 (六)典型習(xí)題 一)用所給單詞的正確形式填空。 1. Would you like to _ (celebrate) your birthday with your good friends? 2. The twins _ (

7、be) born on December 22nd, 2005. 3. Mr. White lives on the _ (twelve) floor in this building. 4. September is the _ (nine) month of the year. 5. There _ (be) a kite on the wall just now. 二)單項選擇題: ( )1. -When did Hong Kong return to our motherland? -_ July 1st, 1997. A. On B. In C. At D. For ( )2. -

8、What was the date yesterday? -_ A. It was June 2nd. B. Its May 8th, 2008. C. It was Sunday. D. Its Tuesday. ( )3. -What do we use MP3 for? -We _ it _ some music. A. use; to listen to B. use; listen C. is listening; to listen D. are listening; listening ( )4. -Today is your birthday. Happy birthday a

9、nd here _ a birthday card _ you. -Thank you very much. A. is; to B. are; to C. is; for D. are; for 5. - What _ Jim like? And what _ he like? -He is thin and tall. And he likes apples. A. is; does B. is; look C. is; is D. does; look 三)句型轉(zhuǎn)換: 1. He was born in April, 1983. (對劃線部分提問) _ was he born? 2. T

10、oday is Saturday. (對劃線部分提問) _ _ is it today? 3. His birthday is May 1st. (同義句轉(zhuǎn)換) He was born _ _ _. 4. Tom and Mike were born in the U.S.A. (對劃線部分提問) _ _ Tom and Mike born? 5. I was born in Shandong on September 10th. (改為一般疑問句) _ _ born in Shandong on September 10th? Unit 7 Topic 2 Can you sing an E

11、nglish song?(一)重點(diǎn)短語 1. 在晚會上 at the party 在康康的生日晚會 at Kangkangs birthday party 2. 彈鋼琴 play the piano 踢足球 play soccer 打球類比賽 play ball games 3. 唱歌曲 sing Chinese/English songs 唱一首英文歌曲 sing an English song 4. 跳迪斯科 dance to disco 跳/表演芭蕾舞 perform ballet 5. 玩兒得高興 have a good time = enjoy oneself = have fun6

12、. 把這些花拿到晚會上去 take these flowers to the party 把那些花拿到晚會上來 bring those flowers to the party 7. 如此多的人 so many people (people集體名詞,單復(fù)數(shù)同形) 如此多的水/牛奶/果汁 so much water/milk/juice 8. 爬樹/山 climb trees/ hills 9. 照相 take photos/ pictures 10. 畫畫 draw pictures 18. What else = What other things 其他什么11. 講、說日語 speak J

13、apanese 用日語說這個單詞 say the word in Japanese 12有問題/毛病 There is something wrong with= Something is wrong with13. 戶外活動 outdoor activities 室內(nèi)活動 indoor activities 14. 一年前 one year ago 四年前 four years ago 15. 在歲時 at the age of three = When I was three(years old)16. 在某人的幫助下 with sb.s help = with the help of s

14、b.17.想要做某事 would like to do sth. / want to do sth. (二)重點(diǎn)句子總結(jié) 1. -Can you count them for me? -Yes, I can. / No, I cant. 2. -Do you want to sing Chinese songs or English songs? -Chinese songs. 3. Can you dance to disco or perform ballet? 你會跳迪斯科還是跳芭蕾舞? -I can dance to disco. 我會跳迪斯科。 4. -What else can y

15、ou do? 你還能做其他什么嗎? -I can dance and play the guitar. 我會跳舞和彈吉他。 5. I can only/also sing English songs. 我只/ 也會唱英文歌。 (only/also一般放在be動詞、情態(tài)動詞之后,實(shí)義動詞之前) 6. I can swim a little / very well. I cant swim at all. 我根本不會游泳。 7. Im sure well have a good time at the party. 我確信我們一定會過得很愉快。 8. Happy birthday to you!

16、-Thank you(very much) / Thanks (a lot). 9. When she was five, she could only dance a little. 當(dāng)她五歲時,她會跳一點(diǎn)兒舞。 (when在這里是連詞,后跟句子。意思是:當(dāng)?shù)臅r候) 10. One year ago, she couldnt do it at all. 一年前她根本不會做這件事。 11. They could do it before, but not very well. 12. Zhang Jun can ride a bike this year, but he couldnt do

17、it a year ago. 16. Six years ago, there was something wrong with her eyes.(there be 過去時) = Something was wrong with her eyes.六年前,她的眼睛出了毛病。 17. She couldnt see anything. = She could see nothing. 她什么都看不見了。 18. Life was very hard for her. 生活對她來講是艱難的。 20. No way! 沒門!絕對不行! (三)重要語法總結(jié) 情態(tài)動詞can / could 的用法 1

18、. 情態(tài)動詞本身有各種意義,但不能單獨(dú)做謂語,只能和動詞一起構(gòu)成謂語,表示說話人的語氣和情感。沒有人稱和數(shù)的變化。 2. can/could 表示一般的能力,could表示過去的能力,can 表示現(xiàn)在或?qū)淼哪芰Α?3. 當(dāng)表示允許別人某事時,用can而不用could. 4. 表示提議和請求。在語氣上could較客氣,但can較肯定。 e.g. A monkey cant swim. She couldnt draw before. -Could I open the door now? -Yes, of course you can. Could you tell me the way to

19、 the hospital? (四) 典型練習(xí)題 一)單項選擇 ( )1. Bob likes to play _soccer and he also likes to play _piano. A. /; the B. the; the C. the; / D. /; / ( )2. -_do you want to eat? -Thanks. Im full(飽的). A. What else B. What other C. Else what D. Other what ( )3. -Can Jane sing English songs _the party? -Yes. She c

20、an sing them _her teachers help now. A. at; under B. of; with C. of; under D. at; with ( )4. -Can I take away these nice presents? -_. They are for my friends. A. Not way B. No way C. Dont worry D. All right ( )5. -Could Jane dance to disco_? -No, but she could play ball games three years _. A. befo

21、re; ago B. ago; before C. ago; ago D. before; before ( )6. -Can you draw pictures for me? -_ I have too much homework to do. A. Yes, I can. B. No, I cant. C. Yes, he can. ( )7. -Li Ming often plays sports on the playground. Can he play basketball? -Yes, he can. He can do it _ A. a little B. very wel

22、l C. very good ( )8. We have very _water left. Please go and get some. A. any B. little C. a lot of ( )9. -There are _drinks in the room. What do you want? -No, thanks. A. so many B. so much C. a little ( )10. -What present would you like to _to the party, Jack? -Its a secret. A. carry B. take C. ge

23、t ( )11. -Are the twins _in the same school? -Yes, they are. A. all B. both C. each 二)首字母填空。 1. Something is w_with his eyes. He can see nothing. 2. Lucy can _(draw) pictures. 3. John and Mike _(fly) kites near the river now. 4. Jim _(can) not cook five years ago. 三)句型轉(zhuǎn)換 1. Jane has something to do

24、at school today.(改為一般疑問句) _ Jane _ anything to do at the party today? 2. My new model plane doesnt work. (改為同義句) There is _ _with my new model plane. 3. Basketball, two, girls, could, play, years, the, two, ago _ 5. Tom can play the guitar.(用piano改為選擇疑問句) _Tom play the guitar _play the piano? 9. I c

25、an help my mother on Sundays. (對劃線部分提問) _ _ you _on Sunday? Unit7 Topic3 Everyone had a good time. (一)重點(diǎn)短語 1.last night/ year/ week/ month 昨晚/ 去年/ 上周/上一個月 2. wash hands 洗手3. perform magic tricks表演魔術(shù) 4. food and drinks 食物和飲料5.next time 下次 next year 明年 next month 下一個月 next week 下周 6. miss the chair沒搶著

26、椅子 7. fall down倒下 8. hurt oneself傷著自己 9. at once = right now = right away立刻,馬上 10. stand up站起來 / sit down 坐下 11. come back to school =return to school回學(xué)校 (return 有歸還的意思 return it to me還給我)12. at that time在那時 13. play games玩游戲 14. have a birthday party for sb為某人舉辦一個生日晚會 15. buy sth for sb =buy sb sth

27、給某人買某物 16. bring sth for sb給某人帶來某物 17. by hand手工 18. each of us我們中的每一個人(后面的動詞用單數(shù)) 19. sit around圍著坐 20. make a wish許愿 21. blow out the candles吹滅蠟燭22. write a letter to sb. = write to sb給某人寫信 23. have a big dinner舉行一個豐盛的晚宴 24.be late for school 上學(xué)遲到 be late for work 上班遲到(二)重點(diǎn)句型 1.How was Kangkangs bi

28、rthday party ? 康康的生日晚會怎樣 It was very nice. 2.You speak Chinese very well. 你講漢語真好 4.Whats the matter ? 怎么了?=Whats up? =Whats wrong ? 5.This way, please.請這邊走 6.Dont be late next time. 下次別遲到。 Im sorry, I wont do that again. (三)重點(diǎn)語法 一般過去時 1.一般過去時表示過去某個時間發(fā)生的動作或存在的狀態(tài),常和表示過去的時間狀語連用。一般過去時也表示過去經(jīng)?;蚍磸?fù)發(fā)生的動作。 2.Be動詞在一般過去時中的變化: am 和is在一般過去時中變?yōu)閣as(was not=wasnt) are在一般過去時中變?yōu)閣ere (were not=werent) 帶有was或were的句子,其否定、疑問的變化和is, am, are一樣,即否定句在was或were后加not,一般疑問句把was或were調(diào)到句首。 3.句中沒有be動詞的一般過去時的句子 否定句:didnt +動詞原形, 如:Jim didnt go home yesterday.


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