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1、20XX 年 20XX 年英語六級翻譯練習題含答案想要在英語六級翻譯題里獲得好成績,做練習題是必要的。今天,小編為大家整理了 20XX 年英語六級翻譯練習題,以供參考。20XX 年英語六級翻譯練習題(一) :中國的貨幣請將下面這段話翻譯成英文:中國是世界上最早使用貨幣 (currency) 的國家之一。中國古代使用的主要貨幣類型是銅錢 (coppercoin) 。從秦朝統(tǒng)一各國到清朝末期, 圓形方孔的硬幣取代了所有先秦貨幣, 成為中國貨幣的主要形式。然而,各個朝代使用的貨幣體系不盡相同。紙幣(banknote)最早出現(xiàn)于宋朝,元、明、清時期廣泛使用。貨幣與每個歷史時期的社會、 經(jīng)濟和政治制度密

2、切相關。 從漢唐時期起,中國的銅錢和紙幣開始被各個鄰國復制。 大約同期, 外幣流人中國,刺激了國際商業(yè)經(jīng)濟的發(fā)展。參考翻譯 :China was one of the worlds pioneers in usingcurrency.Copper coin was the main type of currencyused in ancient China.Round coins with square holesreplaced all pre-Qin currencies and became thedominant form of Chinese currency from theuni

3、fication of China in the Qin Dynasty to the end of the Qing Dynasty.However,variousmonetary systems were used throughout the dynasties.Banknote first emerged in the SongDynasty,and was widely circulated in the Yuan,Ming and Qing Dynasties.Currencies developedclosely with the social,economic and poli

4、tical systems in each historical period.Since the Hanand Tang Dynasties,Chinese copper coins and banknote began to be copied by variousneighboring states.About the same time,foreign currencies flowed into China,stimulating thedevelopment of an international commercial economy.中國古代使用的主要貨幣類型是銅錢:該句的主干是

5、 “主要貨幣類型是銅錢 ”。 翻譯時, 可把 “中國古代使用的 ”譯為過去分詞 短語,作后置定語。故該句譯為Cooper coin was themain typef cuncy usedin ancientChina.圓形方孔的硬幣取代了所有先秦錢幣:其中“圓形方孔 ”可譯為 round coins with square holes, 故該句整體譯為 Roundcoins with square holes replaced all pre-Qincurrencies 。.中國錢幣的主要形式:其中“主要的 ”可用 dominant 表達,故該處整體譯為 the dominant form

6、ofChinese currency 。.出現(xiàn) :可譯為emerge 或 appear,turn up,arise 等。.廣泛使用:即 “廣泛地流通”。該處翻譯時應使用被動語態(tài),譯為 was widely circulated 。.大約同期:可譯為About the same time 。20XX 年英語六級翻譯練習題(二) :中國經(jīng)濟的發(fā)展請將下面這段話翻譯成英文:中國自 20 世紀 70 年代實行改革開放政策以來, 經(jīng)濟一直以 驚人的速度發(fā)展。糧食、肉類、鋼等工農(nóng)業(yè)產(chǎn)品的產(chǎn)量一直在顯著增長 ;原子能 (atomic energy) 、計算機技術(shù)、航空航天 (aviation and aer

7、ospace)技術(shù)等方面也已經(jīng)達到世界先進水平。預計到 21 世紀中葉,中國將基本實現(xiàn)現(xiàn)代化,達到中等發(fā)達國家的水平。目前, 中國經(jīng)濟發(fā)展水平的地區(qū)差異較大, 東部沿海地區(qū)比較發(fā)達,而西部地區(qū)相對不那么發(fā)達。中國正在進行西部大開發(fā)(Western Development Strategy), 以縮小各地區(qū)的經(jīng)濟發(fā)展差異。參考翻譯 :Since China implemented the reform and opening-up policy in the 1970s,its economy has keptdeveloping at a remarkably high speed. The

8、outputof the industrial and agricultural products, such asgrain, meat and steel etc., has been growingmarkedly. And the technologies of atomic energy, computer, aviation and aerospace havereached the world advanced level. It is predictedthat China will basically realizemodernization and reach the le

9、vel of the medium-developed countries by the middle of the21st centuiy. Currently, Chinas economic level varies widely among regions. The areas alongthe east coast in China are fairly developed, while those in the west are comparativelyunderdeveloped. Due to this, China is carrying out the Western D

10、evelopment Strategy so as tonarrow down the economic gaps between different regions.改革開放政策:可譯為the reform and opening-up policy。.以驚人的速度:可譯為at a remarkably high speed 。.達到世界先進水平:可譯為reach the world advanced level 。.預計:可使用It is predicted that 結(jié)構(gòu)表達。.基本實現(xiàn)現(xiàn)代化:可譯為 basically realize modernization 。.中等發(fā)達國家:其中

11、“中等發(fā)達 ”可譯為 medium-developed,故該處譯為 medium-developed country 。.東部沿海地區(qū):可譯為areas along the east coast 。. 以縮小各地區(qū)的經(jīng)濟發(fā)展差棄:其中 “縮小 ”可用 narrowdown 來表達, 故該句可譯為 so as to narrow down the economic gaps between different regions 。 其中 so as to 意為 “以便, 以使 ” 。 20XX 年英語六級翻譯練習題(三) :環(huán)境與工業(yè)化請將下面這段話翻譯成英文:中國是發(fā)展中國家中的大國, 其工業(yè)化

12、正在快速發(fā)展, 環(huán)境 問題也變得日益嚴峻,因此環(huán)境保護被國家視為一項基本國策。 近年來, 國家采取了很多措施來加強環(huán)境治理, 如建立了世界著 名的生態(tài)工程 “三北防護林工程“ (theThree-NorthShelter ForestProgram) 。此外,中國也在大力發(fā)展自然保護區(qū),頒布了環(huán)境 保護法 (The law on Environmental Protection), 加強環(huán)保意識和 環(huán)保教育。目前,環(huán)境治理已取得明顯成效,大部分城市環(huán)境和 農(nóng)業(yè)生態(tài)環(huán)境得到了很大改善,工業(yè)污染防治能力也大大提高。參考翻譯 :China is a major developing country

13、undergoingrapid industrialization. The environmental problemin China is getting more and more serious, thusenvironmental protection has been taken as one ofthe basic national policies by the government. Inrecent years, the government has taken lots of measures to improve the environmentgovernance, s

14、uch as carrying out the world famous ecological project “ thTehree-North ShelterForest Program” .Moreover, China has been greatly developing the natural reserves. “ The Law onEnvironmental Protection ” has been issued to strengthen the awareness and education ofenvironmental protection. Now, distinc

15、t achievements have been gained in environmentalgovernance.The environment inmost cities and the agricultural ecological environmentaround the country have been greatly improved.The capability of preventing and controllingindustrial pollution has been highly enhanced.發(fā)展中國家中的大國:可譯為a major developingc

16、ountry 。.變得日益嚴峻:可譯為is getting more and moreserious 或is getting increasingly serious 。. 三 北 防 護 林 工 程 : 即 the Three-North Shelter ForestProgram 。.自然保護區(qū) :譯為 natural reserves 。.頒布了環(huán)境保護法 : 環(huán)境保護法即 “TheLaw on Environmental Protection 頒布 “”可用issue 詞表達。.環(huán)境治理已取得明顯成效:翻譯該句時可使用被動語態(tài),譯為 distinct achievements have

17、 been gainedin environmental governance 。20XX 年英語六級翻譯練習題 (四) :中國礦產(chǎn)資源請將下面這段話翻譯成英文:中國礦產(chǎn)資源豐富, 已探明的礦藏種類約有170 多種, 其中有些礦產(chǎn)只產(chǎn)于中國。中國石油、天然氣資源非常豐富。陸上油田 (onshore oilfield) 分布在東北、 華北、 西北等地, 如大慶、 勝利、遼河油田等。中國的鐵礦儲量(iron orereserves) 約有 500 億噸, 是世界上幾個少有的鐵礦儲備豐富的國家之一。 中國的有色金屬 (nonferrous metals) 儲量豐富, 品種繁多, 有 “有色金屬王國

18、”之稱。 實際上,從礦產(chǎn)資源總量上來計算,中國是資源大國。但是因為 中國人口眾多,人均資源占有量不及世界平均水平的一半。參考翻譯 :China is rich in mineral resources.The types of theconfirmed minerals are approximately more than170 and some types of the minerals can only befound in China.China is abundant in oil and naturalgas.Onshore oilfields are distributed in Northeast,North and Northwest China etc.,such as Daqing, Shengli and Liaohe oilfields.There are about 50billion tons of iron ore reserves in China, which makes China be


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