人教版英語七年級上冊Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?單元練習(xí)(WORD版無答案)_第1頁
人教版英語七年級上冊Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?單元練習(xí)(WORD版無答案)_第2頁
人教版英語七年級上冊Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?單元練習(xí)(WORD版無答案)_第3頁




1、Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?練習(xí)設(shè)計一、單項選擇。1.- Lets play volleyball. - Sorry ,I _ a volleyball. A. have B. dont have C.not have D.has2.Lets _ _ soccer with you A to play B.play C.playing D.to playing3.Jeff _ have a basketball. A. dont B.isnt C. doesnt D.not4._Jane _ a tennis ball? No , she _. A Do

2、, have , does B Does , has , doesnt C Does , have, doesnt D.Is ,have, isn”t5. We watch soccer games on _TV . A. a B.an C.the D./ 6I have _ basketball.Lets play _ basketball.Aa;a Ba;theCthe;a Da;/7Does your brother _ baseballs?Yes, he_ some.Ahas;has Bhas;haveChave;has Dhave;have8.I like volleyball _

3、I dont like basketball.Abecause BbutCor Dso9.They are my good friends.I love _ and they love _.Athey;I Bthey;meCthem;I Dthem;me10I dont like _ soccer.Its _ for me.Aplay;fun Bplay;interestingCplaying;great Dplaying;difficult11.My mother _ TV every day. X|k |B| 1 . c| O |mAwatchs BwatchCwatches Dwatch

4、se12.I have _ balls, but my sister has _.Amany;more Bmany;muchCmuch;more Dmuch;many二、完形填空Frank and Eli _1_ a good friend.His _2_ name is Paul.They like sports.Frank thinks baseball _3_ interesting.He _4_ it.Eli and Paul like playing tennis.They have _5_.They think tennis _6_ relaxing.They dont play

5、soccer because its _7_.Frank and Paul _8_ watch TV because it is boring.Frank and Eli _9_ volleyball._10_ go and play volleyball,OK?1A.have BhasCare Ddo2A.family BlastCfirst Dfull3A.is BareChas Dbe4A.play BlikesClike Dhas5A.tennises rackets Btennis racketCtennis rackets Da tennis racket6A.have Bhas

6、Cis Dbe7A.relaxing BinterestingCdifficult Deasy8A.dont BarentCcant Ddoesnt9A.have BplaysClike Ddislike10A.Let we BWe CLets DLet三、閱讀理解Ihaveafriend.HisnameisJohn.Helikessportsverymuch.Helovessoccer,basketball,volleyballandbaseball.Heplaysbasketballverywell.HelikeswatchinggamesonTV.Heplayssportseveryda

7、y.Heoftensays(說),“Letsplay”.Hejoins(加入)twoclubs:abasketballclubandabaseballclub.Hehasasportscollection.Hehastwelvetennisrackets,ninebaseballs,threevolleyballs,fourbasketballsandonesoccerball. 1.Myfriendlikes_AsoccerBbasketballCbaseballD.A,BandC2.Howdoesheplaybasketball?AOkBVerywellCGoodDRight3.Doesh

8、eplaysportseveryday?AYes,hedoes BNo,hedoesntCYes,hedoesntDNo,hedoes.4.Isheamember(成員)ofabaseballclub?AYes,heisntBNo,heisCYes,heisDNo,heisnt5.Howmanysportstools(工具)doeshehave?A10B18C23D29四、用括號內(nèi)所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。1Let _(we)play soccer.2She _(play)computer games every day.3My grandmother _(watch)TV every day.

9、4Lucy has a cat.Its name _(sound) good.5Jack _(have)an English dictionary.五、從下列方框中選出恰當(dāng)?shù)木渥?,完成對話。答案填題后的橫線上。A: Lets play tennis. B: _1_. But I dont have a tennis racket. Do you have one? A: No, I dont. But I have a soccer ball. _2_ B: No, _3_. Lets play ping-pong. I have a ping-pong bat. A: _4_ B: Its in my backpack. Do you have a bat? A: No, I dont. But my brother has a bat and a ball B: Good. Where is he ? A: _5_ A.HesinhisbedroomB.Letsplaybasketball.C.ThatsoundsfunD.Good.Whereisit?E.Doyouhaveatennisracket?F.Thatsounds


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