新版PEP五年級英語上冊U6 in a nature park B.Let's talk(教學(xué)適用)_第1頁
新版PEP五年級英語上冊U6 in a nature park B.Let's talk(教學(xué)適用)_第2頁
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新版PEP五年級英語上冊U6 in a nature park B.Let's talk(教學(xué)適用)_第4頁
新版PEP五年級英語上冊U6 in a nature park B.Let's talk(教學(xué)適用)_第5頁
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1、Unit 6In a nature parkB. Lets talk1聽雨書屋Lets singclick2聽雨書屋a house a bridge a tree a building houses bridges trees buildingsCan you say? a village villages3聽雨書屋Sharp eyes4聽雨書屋A: Are there anys in the nature park?B: Yes, there are. / No, there arent.treeshousesleavesanimalsLucky Dog21buildings5435聽雨書屋

2、Miss White: Are you hungry, children?Children: Yes, Miss White. Are there any tables?Miss White: Yes. There are some tables beside the lake.Children: Lets have lunch there, please.Miss White: OK!videolake6聽雨書屋Nature Park people? animals? ?quiet?buildings? Mind Map7聽雨書屋看錄象前,請帶著問題去聽: 2. Why is the par

3、k so quiet? 1. Is the park quiet? 3. Are there any tall buildings in the nature park? Yes, it is. Because there arent many people. No, there arent.Lets talkvideo4. Are there any animals? Yes, there are. There are ducks and rabbits.8聽雨書屋Zhang Peng: The nature park is so quiet!Miss White: Yes, Zhang P

4、eng. There arent many people.Zhang Peng: Are there any tall buildings in the nature park?Miss White: No, there arent.Zhang Peng: Are there any animals?Miss White: Yes, there are. There are ducks and rabbits.=veryarent=are notany用于否定句和一般疑問句否定回答people單復(fù)數(shù)同形肯定回答9聽雨書屋Zhang Peng: The nature park is so qui

5、et!Miss White: Yes, Zhang Peng. There arent many people.Zhang Peng: Are there any tall buildings in the nature park?Miss White: No, there arent.Zhang Peng: Are there any animals?Miss White: Yes, there are. There are ducks and rabbits.Read after the video10聽雨書屋Look and sayThe nature park is so quiet.

6、There arent many people.Are there any animals?There are ducks and rabbits.No, there arent.Are there any tall buildings in the nature park?Yes, there are.11聽雨書屋 Show time1.四人小組朗讀課文. You are great! You are good! You are OK! Tip: 語音、語調(diào)正確,聲音響亮、清晰。12聽雨書屋Group PK13聽雨書屋Show Time14聽雨書屋Zhang Peng: The nature

7、 park is so quiet!Miss White: Yes, Zhang Peng. There arent many people.Zhang Peng: Are there any tall buildings in the nature park?Miss White: No, there arent.Zhang Peng: Are there any animals?Miss White: Yes, there are. There are ducks and rabbits.Try to retell the text15聽雨書屋 Find your friendChen J

8、ie: Are there any lakes in the park?Oliver: No,there arent.Chen Jie: Sorry. Youre not my friend.Chen Jie: Are there any lakes in the park?Mike: Yes, there are.Chen Jie: How many?Mike: Two.Chen Jie: Youre my friend.video16聽雨書屋 Extension1.some和many的區(qū)別:some:一些many:許多2.some和any的用法:any:用于否定句和一般疑問句some:用于

9、肯定句和委婉語氣的一般疑問句:Eg:I dont have any water. Are there any rivers in the city? Do you have any milk ?Eg:There are some trees on the road. Id like some noodles. Can I have some beef? May I ask you some questions? Would you like some apples?委婉語氣(注意:some/any后面既可加可數(shù)名詞,也可以加不可數(shù)名詞)17聽雨書屋1.park , nature, is, th

10、e, so.2. there, tall buildings, any, in, nature park, the?3. arent, many, there, people.4.any, are, animals, there?5.ducks, are, there, and, rabbits.The nature park is so quiet.Are there any tall buildings in the nature park? There arent many people.Are there any animals?There are ducks and rabbits. Exercises18聽雨書屋Sentences:S


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