1、華科2012博士入學(xué)英語試題及參考答案Passage 1Recent years have brought minority-owned businesses in the United States unprecedented opportunities - as well as new and significant risks. Civil rights activists have long argued that one of the principal reasons why Blacks, Hispanics, and other minority groups have dif
2、ficulty establishing themselves in business is that they lack access to the sizable orders and subcontracts that are generated by large companies. Now Congress, in apparent agreement, has required by law that businesses awarded federal contracts of more than $500,000 do their best to find minority s
3、ubcontractors and record their efforts to do so on forms filed with the government. Indeed, some federal and local agencies have gone so far as to set specific percentage goals for apportioning parts of public works contracts to minority enterprises.Corporate response appears to have been substantia
4、l. According to figures collected in 1977, the total of corporate contracts with minority businesses rose from $77 million in 1972 to $1.1 billion in 1977. The projected total of corporate contracts with minority businesses for the early 1980s is estimated to be over 53 billion per year with no letu
5、p anticipated in the next decade. Promising as it is for minority businesses, this increased patronage poses dangers for them, too. First, minority firms risk expanding too fast and overextending themselves financially, since most are small concerns and, unlike large businesses, they often need to m
6、ake substantial investments in new plants, staff, equipment, and the like in order to perform work subcontracted to them. If, thereafter, their subcontracts are for some reason reduced, such firms can face potentially crippling fixed expenses. The world of corporate purchasing can be frustrating for
7、 small entrepreneurs who get requests for elaborate formal estimates and bids. Both consume valuable time and resources, and a small companys efforts must soon result in orders, or both the morale and the financial health of the business will suffer.A second risk is that White-owned companies may se
8、ek to cash in on the increasing apportionments through formation of joint ventures with minority-owned concerns. Of course, in many instances there are legitimate reasons for joint ventures; clearly, White and minority enterprises can team up to acquire business that neither could acquire alone. But
9、 civil rights groups and minority business owners have complained to Congress about minorities being set up as “fronts (a person, group, or thing used to mask the identity or true character or activity of the actual controlling agent)” with White backing, rather than being accepted as full partners
10、in legitimate joint ventures.Third, a minority enterprise that secures the business of one large corporate customer often runs the danger of becoming-and remaining-dependent. Even in the best of circumstances, fierce competition from larger, more established companies makes it difficult for small co
11、ncerns to broaden their customer bases: when such firms have nearly guaranteed orders from a single corporate benefactor, they may truly have to struggle against complacency arising from their current success.1. The primary purpose of the text is toA present a commonplace idea and its inaccuracies.B
12、 describe a situation and its potential drawbacks.C propose a temporary solution to a problem.D analyze a frequent source of disagreement.2. The text suggests that the failure of a large business to have its bids for subcontracts result quickly in orders might causes it toA experience frustration bu
13、t not serious financial harm. B face potentially crippling fixed expenses.C have to record its efforts on forms filed with the government.D increase its spending with minority subcontractors.3.The author would most likely agree with which of the following statements about corporate response to worki
14、ng with minority subcontractors?A Annoyed by the proliferation of “front” organizations, corporations are likely to reduce their efforts to work with minority-owned subcontractors in the near future.B Although corporations showed considerable interest in working with minority businesses in the 1970s
15、, their aversion to government paperwork made them reluctant to pursue many government contracts.C The significant response of corporations in the 1970s is likely to be sustained and conceivably be increased throughout the 1980s.D Although corporations are eager to cooperate with minority-owned busi
16、nesses, a shortage of capital in the 1970s made substantial response impossible4 According to the text, civil rights activists maintain that one disadvantage under which minority-owned businesses have traditionally had to labor is that they haveA been especially vulnerable to government mismanagemen
17、t of the economy.B been denied bank loans at rates comparable to those afforded larger competitors.C not had sufficient opportunity to secure business created by large corporations.D not been able to advertise in those media that reach large numbers of potential customers.5 The author implies that a
18、 minority-owned concern that does the greater part of its business with one large corporate customer shouldA avoid competition with larger, more established concerns by not expanding.【B】 concentrating on securing even more business from that corporation.C use its influence with the corporation to pr
19、omote subcontracting with other minority concerns.D try to expand its customer bases to avoid becoming dependent on the corporation.Passage 2 Years of research had educated me about how sugar, fat, and salt change the brain. I understood some of the parallels between hyperpalatable foods and drugs o
20、f abuse, and about the links among sensory stimulation, cues, and memory. Id met enough people like Claudia and Maria to understand how even the thought of food could cause them to lose control. But I wasnt fully prepared for the discoveries I made about irresistibility and whoosh, the Monster Thick
21、burger and Baked! Cheetos Flamin Hot, about indulgence and purple cows. Without necessarily understanding the underlying science, the food industry has discovered what sells. I was sitting at Chilis Grill & Bar in Chicagos OHare Airport waiting for a late-night flight. At a nearby table a couple in
22、their early forties was deep into a meal. The woman was overweight, with about 180 pounds on her five-foot-four-inch frame. The Southwestern Eggrolls she had ordered were listed as a starter course, but the enormous platter in front of her had been heaped with food. The dish was described on the men
23、u as smoked chicken, black beans, corn, jalape?o Jack cheese, red peppers, and spinach wrapped inside a crispy flour tortilla, and it was served with a creamy avocado-ranch dipping sauce. Despite its name, the dish looked more like a burrito than an egg roll, an only-in-America fusion approach. I wa
24、tched as the woman attacked her food with vigor and speed. She held the egg roll in one hand, dunked it into the sauce, and brought it to her mouth while using the fork in her other hand to scoop up more sauce. Occasionally she reached over and speared some of her companions french fries. The woman
25、ate steadily, working her way around the plate with scant pause for conversation or rest. When she finally paused, only a little lettuce was left. Had she known someone was watching her, Im sure she would have eaten differently. Had she been asked to describe what she had just eaten, she probably wo
26、uld have substantially underestimated her consumption. And she would probably have been surprised to learn what the ingredients in her meal really were. The woman might have been interested in how my industry source, who had called sugar, fat, and salt the three points of the compass, described her
27、entree. Deep-frying the tortilla drives down its water content from 40 percent to about 5 percent and replaces the rest with fat. The tortilla is really going to absorb a lot of fat, he said. It looks like an egg roll is supposed to look, which is crispy and brown on the outside. The food consultant
28、 read through other ingredients on the label, keeping up a running commentary as he did. Cooked white meat chicken, binder added, smoke flavor. People like smoky flavor its the caveman in them. Theres green stuff in there, he said, noting the spinach. That makes me feel like Im eating something heal
29、thy. Shredded Monterey Jack cheese. The increase in per-capita consumption of cheese is off the chart. The hot peppers, he said, add a little spice, but not too much to kill everything else off. He believed the chicken had been chopped and formed much like a meat loaf, with binders added, which make
30、s those calories easy to swallow. Ingredients that hold moisture, including autolyzed yeast extract, sodium phosphate, and soy protein concentrate, further soften the food. I noticed that salt appeared eight times on the label and that sweeteners were there five times, in the form of corn-syrup soli
31、ds, molasses, honey, brown sugar, and sugar. This is highly processed? I asked. Absolutely, yes. All of this has been processed such that you can wolf it down fast.chopped up and made ultrapalatable. Very appealing looking, very high pleasure in the food, very high caloric density. Rules out all tha
32、t stuff you have to chew. By eliminating the need to chew, modern food processing techniques allow us to eat faster. When youre eating these things, youve had 500, 600, 800, 900 calories before you know it, said the consultant. Literally before you know it. Refined food simply melts in the mouth. 1.
33、 It can be inferred from the authors description of the woman eating in paragraph four that(A) The woman prefers to eat at Chilis vs. other restaurants. (B) The woman truly enjoys the foods that she chooses to eat. (C) The womans efficiency at cleaning her plate adds to her dining experience. (D) Th
34、e author is disgusted by the womans consumption. (E) The author believes the woman should take a course in healthy eating.2. According to the passage, the main reason people overeat is(A) because salt and sweeteners, like corn-syrup solids and brown sugar, are added to the food. (B) because we dont
35、have to chew our food very much (C) because people like smoky flavor (D) because sugar, fat and salt change the brain (E) because we are used to eating quickly in this modern society3. The following are all ingredients in the egg rolls, EXCEPT(A) salt (B) binders (C) honey (D) spinach (E) dark meat
36、chicken4. Which of the following statements best describes the HYPERLINK /od/tipsfortesting/a/Main_Idea.htm t _blank main idea of the passage? (A) If you eat too much food too quickly, youll gain weight and become unhealthy. (B) Because refined food is irresistible and easy to eat, it masks how unhe
37、althy it is, leaving people unaware of the poor food choices theyre making. (C) Chilis is one of the restaurants in the U.S. serving unhealthy food to consumers today. (D) Food consultants and authors are making Americans aware of their unhealthy eating habits, thus, creating healthier generations f
38、or years to come. (E) Refined foods, with salt, sugar, and fat hidden inside, are less nutritious and more damaging than whole foods.5. In the first sentence of paragraph four, the word vigor most nearly means(A) pleasure (B) flamboyance (C) lethargy (D) energy (E) craftinessPassage 3 No very satisf
39、actory account of the mechanism that caused the formation of the ocean basins has yet been given.The traditional view supposes that the upper mantle of the earth behaves as a liquid when it is subjected to small forces for long periods and that differences in temperature under oceans and continents
40、are sufficient to produce convection in the mantle of the earth with rising convection currents under the mid-ocean ridges and sinking currents under the continent. Theoretically, this convection would carry the continental plates along as though they were on a (conveyer belt) and would provide the
41、forces needed to produce the split that occurs along the ridge.This view may be correct: it has the advantage that the currents are driven by temperature differences that themselves depend on the position of the continents.On the other hand, the theory is implausible because convection does not norm
42、ally occur along lines, and it certainly does not occur long lines broken by frequent offsets or changes in direction, as the ridge is.It has the advantage that the currents are driven by temperature differences that themselves depend on the position of the continents.Such a backoupling, in which th
43、e position of the moving plate has an impact on the forces that move it, could produce complicated and varying motionsAlso it is difficult to see how the theory applies to the plate between the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the ridge in the Indian Ocean.This plate is growing on both sides, and since there
44、is no intermediate trench, the two ridges must be moving apart. It would be odd if the rising convection currents kept exact pace with them.An alternative theory is that the sinking part of the plate, which is denser than the hotter surrounding mantle, pulls the rest of the plate after it. Again it
45、is difficult to see how this applies to the ridge in the South Atlantic, where neither the African nor the American plate has a sinking part.Another possibility is that the sinking plate cools the neighboring mantle and produces convection currents that move the plates. This last theory is attractiv
46、e because it gives some hope of explaining the enclosed seas, such as the Sea of apan. These seas have a typical oceanic floor, except that the floor is overlaid by several kilometers of sediment. Their floors have probably been sinking for long periods.These seas have a typical oceanic floor, excep
47、t that the floor is overlaid by several kilometers of sediment. Their floors have probably been sinking for long periods. It seems possible that a sinking current of cooled mantle material on the upper side of the plate might be the cause of such deep basins.The enclosed seas are an important featur
48、e of the earths surface and seriously require explanation because, in addition to the enclosed seas that are developing at present behind island arcs, there are a number of older ones of possibly similar origin, such as the Gulf of Mexico, the Black Sea, and perhaps the North Sea.1. According to the
49、 traditional view of the origin of the ocean basins, which of the following is sufficient to move the continental plates?(A) Increases in sedimentation on ocean floors(B) Spreading of ocean trenches(C) Movement of mid-ocean ridges(D) Sinking of ocean basins(E) Differences in temperature under oceans
50、 and continents2. It can be inferred from the passage that, of the following, the deepest sediments would be found in the(A) Indian Ocean(B) Black Sea(C) Mid-Atlantic(D) South Atlantic(E) Pacific3. The author refers to a “conveyer belt ” in line 13 in order to(A) illustrate the effects of convection
51、 in the mantle(B) show how temperature differences depend on the positions of the continents(C) demonstrate the linear nature of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge(D) describe the complicated motions made possible by back-coupling(E) account for the rising currents under certain mid-ocean ridges4.According to t
52、he passage, which of the following are separated by a plate that is growing on both sides?(A) The Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Japan(B) The South Atlantic Ridge and the North Sea Ridge(C) The Gulf of Mexico and the South Atlantic Ridge(D) The Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the Indian Ocean Ridge(E) The Blac
53、k Sea and the Sea of Japan5. Which of the following titles would best describe the content of the passage?(A) A Description of the Oceans of the World(B) Several Theories of Ocean Basin Formation(C) The Traditional View of the Oceans(D) Convection and Ocean Currents(E) Temperature Differences Among
54、the Oceans of the WorldPassage 4 In the eighteenth century, Japans feudal overlords, from the shogun (shogun: n.幕府時(shí)代的將軍) to the humblest samurai (samurai: n.(封建時(shí)代的)日本武士,日本陸軍軍官), found themselves under financial stress. In part, this stress can be attributed to the overlords failure to adjust to a ra
55、pidly expanding economy, but the stress was also due to factors beyond the overlords control. Concentration of the samurai in castle-towns had acted as a stimulus to trade. Commercial efficiency, in turn, had put temptations in the way of buyers. Since most samurai had been reduced to idleness by ye
56、ars of peace, encouraged to engage in scholarship and martial exercises or to perform administrative tasks that took little time, it is not surprising that their tastes and habits grew expensive. Overlords income, despite the increase in rice production among their tenant farmers, failed to keep pac
57、e with their expenses. Although shortfalls in overlords income resulted almost as much from laxity among their tax collectors (the nearly inevitable outcome of hereditary office-holding) as from their higher standards of living, a misfortune like a fire or flood, bringing an increase in expenses or
58、a drop in revenue, could put a domain in debt to the city rice-brokers who handled its finances. Once in debt, neither the individual samurai nor the shogun himself found it easy to recover.It was difficult for individual samurai overlords to increase their income because the amount of rice that far
59、mers could be made to pay in taxes was not unlimited, and since the income of Japans central government consisted in part of taxes collected by the shogun from his huge domain, the government too was constrained. Therefore, the Tokugawa shoguns began to look to other sources for revenue. Cash profit
60、s from government-owned mines were already on the decline because the most easily worked deposits of silver and gold had been exhausted, although debasement of the coinage had compensated for the loss. Opening up new farmland was a possibility, but most of what was suitable had already been exploite
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