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1、PAGE PAGE 8AdversityandCourage逆境與勇氣.單句語法填空1.The companys (commit) to providing goods of high quality at a reasonable price has been vital to its success.2.Young people should be (optimism) when facing adversities.3.Burning animal fat kept us warm but gave oily and black smoke.4.Whenever I feel depre

2、ssed, I will need some delightful music to cheer me .5.It is my tutors guidance that I finished the research paper successfully.6.We need international (corporate) to expand our production.7.His speech won a big round of (enthusiasm) applause.8.The officer was assigned to conduct an investigation in

3、to the incident (thorough).9.Life was cruel Oliver, but he still had a kind heart.10.The ice (freeze) around us and we were well and truly stuck!.選詞填空dream ofapply tobe enthusiastic aboutturn.downset offbecome stuck inkeep.upfrom bad to worsehold onfill.with.1.If you yourself confidence, you will be

4、 able to realise your dream.2.I didnt expect that they would me . Anyway this is a position that I have been longing for.3.To our surprise, the old lady dancing at such a senior age.4.If you can in difficult situations, you will surely make it sooner or later.5.It is the college I attending since I

5、was in primary school.6.Anyone who take part in the voluntary activity can sign up on the paper.7.If we dont take timely action, the situation of this area will go .8.Unfortunately, our car the mud; we had no choice but to wait for help.9.I want to know when well for the next research centre.10. you

6、r spirits whatever difficulties you may run into on your way to success.金句默寫1.上周末我碰巧在機(jī)場遇到了我的一位大學(xué)同學(xué)。I met one of my classmates of university at the airport.2.沒有時間為自己感到悲傷, 畢竟, 我們得尋找機(jī)會回家。to feel sorry for ourselves;, we must seek for a chance to return home.3.我會用我能想得到的任何辦法幫你脫離困境。I will the trouble I ca

7、n think up.4.我感覺有幸參加比賽跟獲得獎牌一樣光榮。I feel to have the honour of participating in the game a medal.5.如果我再次被拒絕該怎么辦?I am once again?.七選五閱讀理解(2020貴州銅仁一中高三三模)If youre thinking about studying abroad, but arent sure how to convince your parents or yourself, here are some of the best reasons why spending a sem

8、ester or year overseas is a smart and fun thing to do.1 Want to impress potential employers? Companies around the world continue to invest in the global market, and prefer to hire employees who have international experience, not to mention the knowledge of a second language. Your resume(簡歷) will sta

9、nd out from everyone else applying for the same position.Learn foreign languages. Language teachers say being immersed(沉浸) in a culture that speaks the language you want to learn is the quickest and most effective way to learn it.2 As globalisation brings the world together, its important to be comp

10、etent in more than one language.Experience different cultures. Immersing yourself in a totally different culture is powerful. Youll experience things like trying different foods, celebrating traditional customs, and learning the history of another country. A persons culture reflects beliefs and valu

11、es that influence their way of life.3Expand your world view. Previously held beliefs about foreign countries will change once youve been abroad.4 It can be surprising just how much you know is slightly biased(有偏見的), based on where youre from.Its also a unique opportunity to educate others on your co

12、untry! Earn money! 5 We are pretty lucky that English is the international language of business. Its an important language that many foreigners want to learn. You can get paid for teaching, interpreting, or translating English while youre studying abroad.A.Discover what you want out of life.B.Improv

13、e employment opportunities.C.You can actually earn income while you study abroad.D.Youll gain a completely new view on your own country, too.E.Youll gain an understanding of this that cant be taught with books.F.Mastering a foreign language opens up all kinds of new opportunities.G.Youll miss your f

14、riends who want to share their culture and ideas with you.完形填空Im a big fan of pop music and I enjoy listening to music quite a lot. Although people can listen to 1 music on their music players when they are travelling, working or studying, 2 festivals and concerts are becoming more and more 3. This

15、is because I believe they offer two main 4.The first one is that the sound is much 5 at live concerts where the music and voices come 6 from the musicians. This makes it a much more emotional(有感染力的) 7 because you have direct contact with the 8 and you react to them and they react to you.The second a

16、dvantage is the atmosphere.9 listening to a recording 10 on your personal music player, at a concert you are 11 with a huge crowd of people and 12 the music together. This means it is a 13 as well as an artistic experience.The main problem is that you cannot listen to live music whenever you want as

17、 you can on a personal music player. Besides, the noise from the audience sometimes damages the quality of the sound.In my opinion, however, the best way to enjoy music is in the wonderful atmosphere of a live concert. It is more 14 because you are surrounded by other 15 who are dancing with you hap


19、ucersD.strangers9.A.According toB.Instead ofC.Except forD.Along with10.A.patientlyB.quietlyC.togetherD.alone11.A.listeningB.playingC.workingD.singing12.A.writingB.providingC.studyingD.enjoying13.A.personalB.practicalC.socialD.physical14.A.excitingB.interestingC.surprisingD.puzzling15.A.teamsB.classe








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