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1、昂股份有限公司管拌理?xiàng)l例敗REGULAT拔IONS FO爸R MANAG敗EMENT O哀F昂A COMPA暗NY LIMI巴TED BY 熬SHARES啊股份有限公司管懊理?xiàng)l例吧Interpr爸etation釋義霸 1I伴n these澳 Regula挨tions矮 一、在扮本章程中拜 笆“斑Act奧”哎means t邦he Comp伴anies A岸ct;板 案“稗法規(guī)拜”叭(Act)指暗公司法;癌 吧“爸seal佰”跋means t跋he comm俺on seal骯 of the藹 compan襖y;懊 唉“奧印鑒靶”斑指公司的通常印耙鑒;百 罷“巴secreta敗ry案”把means

2、a安ny pers稗on appo按inted t柏o perfo皚rm the 襖duties 壩of a se案cretary叭 of the襖 compan背y;跋 翱“案書記員唉”白(secret艾ary)指任何瓣被指派履行公司藹書記員職務(wù)的人班;拌 exp鞍ression昂s refer骯ring to案 writin艾g shall骯,unless斑 the co哀ntrary 絆intenti疤on appe敗ars,be 翱constru矮ed as i敖ncludin班g refer邦ences t靶o print阿ing,lit背hograph安y,photo背graphy

3、 胺and oth敖er mode叭s of re扳present柏ing or 皚reprodu鞍cing wo壩rds in 奧a visib板le form傲;伴 如無相矮反旨意,書面表跋達(dá)形式應(yīng)解釋為把包括鉛印、版印岸、影印及其他以安可見形式呈現(xiàn)或背復(fù)制文字的模式挨;安 wor俺ds or e安xpressi熬ons con盎tained 斑in thes啊e Regul隘ations 皚shall b皚e inter挨preted 鞍in acco八rdance 疤with th斑e provi襖sions o疤f the I芭nterpre昂tation 罷Act,and氨 of

4、the暗 Act as半 in for暗ce at t柏he date八 at whi拌ch thes藹e Regul拔ations 百become 熬binding鞍 on the暗 compan芭y俺 本章程隘所含的單詞和詞氨組應(yīng)按法律解敖釋法以及本章靶程對(duì)公司產(chǎn)生約凹束力之日有效的扒公司法的規(guī)伴定予以解釋。扳Share c壩apital 按and var唉iation 靶of righ敗ts股本和權(quán)利類別隘 2W扒ithout 礙prejudi挨ce to a佰ny spec阿ial rig板hts pre辦viously瓣 confer礙red on 笆the hol靶ders of笆

5、 any ex埃isting 岸shares 巴or clas藹s of sh唉ares bu搬t(yī) subje佰ct to t骯he Act,隘shares 奧in the 邦company頒 may be版 issued阿 by the昂 direct笆ors and扮 any su罷ch shar敖es may 澳be issu般ed with絆 such p跋referre稗d,defer昂red,or 靶other s隘pecial 隘rights 板or such邦 restri愛ctions,案whether挨 in reg百ard to 挨dividen盎d,votin鞍g,re

6、tur藹n of ca藹pital,o襖r other耙wise,as胺 the di礙rectors唉,subjec瓣t to an敖y(tǒng) ordin凹ary res鞍olution哎 of the搬 compan拌y,deter盎mine敖 二、根澳據(jù)公司法規(guī)疤定,董事會(huì)可發(fā)斑行公司股票,所敗發(fā)行的股票可附昂有董事會(huì)按公司隘通常決議所決定扳的有關(guān)紅利、投阿票、資本利潤(rùn)率啊、或其他事項(xiàng)的爸優(yōu)先、延期、或安其他特殊權(quán)利或澳限制,但不得影挨響已經(jīng)授予任何愛現(xiàn)存股票股東的懊任何特權(quán)。傲 3S柏ubject 阿to the 暗A(chǔ)ct,any版 prefer扮ence sh把a(bǔ)res ma稗y,with

7、 拔the san版ction o背f an or瓣dinary 扳resolut搬ion,be 艾issued 啊on the 澳terms t拔hat the辦y are,o吧r at th扳e optio頒n of th骯e compa半ny are 骯liable,安to be r鞍edeemed八般 三、根氨據(jù)公司法,霸經(jīng)一般決議通過奧,任何優(yōu)先股均傲可發(fā)行為可贖股矮份,或按公司意襖愿,發(fā)行成必須氨贖回的股份。絆 4I胺f at an白y time 芭the sha拌re capi襖tal is 斑divided挨 into d板ifferen哎t class埃es of s瓣har

8、es,t扳he righ骯ts atta笆ched to藹 any cl壩ass(unl暗ess oth敖erwise 愛provide扳d by th隘e terms頒 of iss絆ue of t翱he shar按es of t懊hat cla耙ss)may,胺whether懊 or not壩 the co案mpany i捌s being奧 wound 捌up,be v八aried w拌ith the傲 consen靶t in wr伴iting o盎f the h疤olders 爸of 75% 俺of the 埃issued 把shares 拌of that挨 class,哎or with

9、靶 the sa襖nction 敗of a sp霸ecial r笆esoluti半on pass澳ed at a扳 separa靶te gene板ral mee吧ting of昂 the ho矮lders o靶f the s八hares o胺f the c哎lassTo疤 every 佰such se凹parate 拔general百 meetin埃g the p阿rovisio啊ns of t柏hese Re稗gulatio耙ns rela爸ting to巴 genera暗l meeti敗ngs sha敗ll muta拜tis mut扮andis a邦pply,bu瓣t so th敖at t

10、he 埃necessa礙ry quor搬um shal癌l be tw把o perso澳ns at l把east ho瓣lding o挨r repre盎senting案 by pro伴xy one跋third o板f the i罷ssued s斑h(yuǎn)ares o搬f the c扒lass an熬d that 白any hol啊der of 巴shares 癌of the 暗class p半resent 氨in pers昂on or b藹y proxy按 may de愛mand a 瓣poll般 四、當(dāng)按股份資本分為不拔同種類的股票時(shí)跋,每種股票所附暗帶的權(quán)利(除非八該種股票的發(fā)行跋條件另有規(guī)定)

11、愛,經(jīng)該種發(fā)行股阿票75%的股民稗書面認(rèn)可,或經(jīng)稗該種股票股民召盎開股東特別大會(huì)巴通過決議專門許愛可,則可以變更擺。本章程有關(guān)股扒東大會(huì)的規(guī)定在翱細(xì)節(jié)上作必要修唉改后可適用于此俺種股東特別大會(huì)罷,但會(huì)議法定人靶數(shù)至少必須為兩奧人,持有或代表骯該發(fā)行股票三分辦之一的股份,且癌任何參加大會(huì)的敖股東或股東代表哎均可要求進(jìn)行投笆票。挨 5T傲he righ岸ts conf搬erred u斑pon the案 holder昂s of th巴e share跋s of an唉y class翱 issued吧 with p皚referre吧d or ot瓣her rig班hts sha岸ll,unle拌ss o

12、the白rwise e巴xpressl扳y provi把ded by 昂the ter熬ms of i罷ssue of絆 the sh柏ares of愛 that c柏lass,be皚 deemed班 to be 爸varied 艾by the 啊creatio藹n or is骯sue of 安further巴 shares岸 rankin瓣g equal盎ly ther埃ewith胺 五、股般民所擁有的優(yōu)先傲股的權(quán)利或其他芭權(quán)利,除非股票伴發(fā)行條款另有明邦文規(guī)定,均應(yīng)視皚為可因設(shè)立或發(fā)鞍行同等股票而作巴變更。奧 6T百he comp矮any may癌 exerci吧se the 白power

13、s 按of payi絆ng comm背issions瓣 confer柏red by 稗the Act搬,provid把ed that艾 the ra版te per 按cent or骯 the am佰ount of凹 th骯e commi拜ssion p艾aid or 靶agreed 皚to be p挨aid sha皚ll be d半isclose頒d in th哀e manne瓣r requi奧red by 霸the Act襖 and th半e commi霸ssion s啊hall no哀t excee哀d the r癌ate of 奧10% of 疤the pri盎ce at w奧hich

14、th俺e share班s in re巴spect w霸hereof 奧the sam埃e is pa頒id are 八issued 懊or an a哎mount e八qual to敖 10% of敖 that p艾rice鞍(as the跋 case m班ay be)爸Such co笆mmissio盎n may b凹e satis瓣fied by跋 the pa熬yment o岸f cash 拔or the 伴allotme癌nt of f般ully or愛 partly傲 paid s頒hares o矮r partl叭y in on佰e way a胺nd part耙ly in t拌he ot

15、he把rThe c熬ompany 傲may als胺o on an敖y(tǒng) issue按 of sha稗r(nóng)es pay氨 such b安rokerag伴e as ma鞍y be la瓣wful皚 六、公背司有權(quán)按公司擺法規(guī)定支付傭版金,但應(yīng)將支付跋或同意支付的傭昂金比率或數(shù)額按叭公司法規(guī)定矮的方式予以披露扳,且傭金比率不拜得超過有關(guān)股份熬發(fā)行價(jià)格的10唉%,或傭金數(shù)額俺不得超過等同于拔該發(fā)行價(jià)格10岸%的數(shù)額(依情耙況而定)。此種百傭金可用現(xiàn)金支吧付,或用繳清股疤款或繳清部分股扒款的股票支付,隘或部分用現(xiàn)金部拜分用股票支付。靶在每次發(fā)行股票啊時(shí),公司也可依襖法如此支付經(jīng)紀(jì)艾費(fèi)。罷 7E鞍xcept

16、 a班s requi拌red by 昂law,no 骯person 拌shall b版e recog翱nized b班y the c癌ompany 澳as hold懊ing any把 share 按upon an安y trust捌,and th百e compa斑ny shal哀l not b笆e bound礙 by or罷 凹be comp霸elled i搬n any w胺ay to r岸ecogniz般e(even 澳when ha凹ving no哎tice th壩ereof)a藹ny唉 俺equitab頒le,cont礙ingent,擺future 背or part艾ial int斑ere

17、st i骯n any s爸hare or靶 unit o胺f a sha吧re or巴 皚(except氨 only a背s by th岸ese Reg佰ulation昂s or by愛 law ot擺herwise奧 provid霸ed)any 唉other哎 案rights 哎in resp罷ect of 白any sha扒re exce百pt an a佰bsolute辦 right 愛to the 盎entiret奧y there捌of in邦 笆the reg傲istered柏 holder版壩 七、除白非法律另有規(guī)定阿,公司不承認(rèn)任鞍何人按信托持有唉任何股份,公司暗無義務(wù)或責(zé)任承艾認(rèn)

18、(即使作出有阿關(guān)通知)任何股暗票或股票單位所耙附的衡平法上的白權(quán)益、或有權(quán)益岸、未來權(quán)益或部扳分權(quán)益(除非本熬章程或法律另有疤規(guī)定)或與任何伴股票有關(guān)的任何白其他權(quán)益,注冊(cè)白股東享有的總體哎絕對(duì)權(quán)利除外。凹 8E版very pe皚rson wh胺ose nam暗e is en熬tered a笆s a mem鞍ber in 板the reg笆ister o凹f扳 拜members皚 shall 凹be enti瓣tled wi癌thout p拔ayment 斑to rece敗ive a c安ertific癌ate und爸er the 稗seal霸 疤of the 擺company版 in ac

19、c鞍ordance案 with t芭he Act 襖but in 扒respect熬 of a s佰hare or吧 翱shares氨 氨held jo愛intly b安y sever骯al pers癌ons the般 compan耙y shall俺 not be斑 bound 頒to issu扳e more 敗than盎 傲one cer般tificat瓣e,and d斑elivery皚 of a c翱ertific捌ate for扒 a shar捌e to on八e of se敗veral j叭oint絆 敖holders絆 shall 哎be suff疤icient 半deliver隘y

20、 to al爸l such 澳holders邦哀 八、根啊據(jù)公司法規(guī)愛定,凡注冊(cè)登記般的股民均有權(quán)免拔費(fèi)得到蓋有公司俺印記的股權(quán)證,矮就數(shù)人持一股或辦數(shù)股情況而言,疤公司無義務(wù)向所挨有聯(lián)合股東發(fā)放半卡證,每股只需澳向其中一個(gè)股東澳發(fā)放一張卡證即奧可。Lien留置權(quán)般 9T翱he comp佰any sha埃ll have辦 a firs疤t and p愛aramoun耙t lien 辦on ever拌y share般(not把 邦being a凹 fully 挨paid sh巴are)for鞍 all mo班ney(whe扳ther pr捌esently耙 payabl辦e or no笆t)ca

21、lle邦d挨 唉or paya挨ble at 隘a fixed霸 time i敖n respe案ct of t扮hat sha拔re,and 跋the com疤pany sh襖all als哀o爸 敗have a 哀first a阿nd para啊mount l埃ien on 礙all sha岸res(oth按er than熬 fully 礙paid sh氨ares)re辦gistere稗d in th靶e name 疤of a si靶ngle pe啊rson fo翱r all m斑oney pr搬esently柏 payabl百e by hi壩m鞍 耙or his 背estate 哎to t

22、he 癌company頒;but th敖e direc叭tor按s may a笆t any t絆ime dec襖lare an熬y share唉 耙to be w凹holly o骯r in pa班rt exem敗pt from斑 the pr白o(hù)vision熬s of th胺is regu凹lation;凹The啊 懊company半s lien哎,if any霸,on a s靶hare sh霸all ext礙end to 芭all div皚idends 壩payable熬 thereo芭n襖 九、對(duì)翱所有已經(jīng)催交的哎或在規(guī)定時(shí)間應(yīng)絆交的股款(不管靶目前是否應(yīng)交)鞍的股份(未繳清敖股款的股份)

23、,吧公司都享有優(yōu)先扒留置權(quán),對(duì)所有辦以個(gè)人名義登記暗的,目前應(yīng)由他疤或用他的財(cái)產(chǎn)向翱公司支付股款的哀所有股份(繳清耙股款的股份除外案),公司也享有氨優(yōu)先留置權(quán);但案董事會(huì)可隨時(shí)宣癌布任何股份全部埃或部分不受本章案程規(guī)定約束。公傲司對(duì)股份享有的骯留置權(quán),如果有霸,應(yīng)當(dāng)擴(kuò)大適用埃到與股份有關(guān)的傲所有紅利上。爸 10爸The com背pany ma扳y sell,疤in such鞍 manner笆 as the唉 direct伴ors thi稗nk fit,叭any安 吧shares 把on whic背h the c背ompany 拜has a l跋ien,but巴 no sal翱e shall襖

24、be mad捌e u癌nless a啊 sum扒 癌in resp鞍ect of 熬which t斑h(yuǎn)e lien笆 exists藹 is pre吧sently 巴payable拌,nor un絆til the凹 expira按tion of百 芭14 days皚 after 癌a notic愛e in wr絆iting,s叭tating 哎and dem隘anding 隘payment耙 of suc阿h part 岸of啊 伴the amo靶unt in 哎respect班 of whi壩ch the 阿lien ex俺ists as八 is pre啊sently 案payable耙,ha

25、s be俺en版 岸given t疤o the r襖egister白ed hold俺er for 阿the tim岸e being稗 of the叭 share,愛or the 澳person氨 藹entitle矮d there俺to by r阿eason o藹f his d扒eath or啊 bankru埃ptcy版 十、公笆司可按董事會(huì)認(rèn)百為適當(dāng)?shù)姆绞匠霭菔酃鞠碛辛糁冒菣?quán)的股份,但只翱有當(dāng)與留置權(quán)有挨關(guān)的一筆款項(xiàng)到柏期應(yīng)付后,或在唉將要求支付與留奧置權(quán)有關(guān)的應(yīng)付壩部分款項(xiàng)的書面捌通知送交注冊(cè)股扒東,或因股東死斑亡或破產(chǎn)而送交皚有權(quán)接收股份的扒人14天后方可扮進(jìn)行出售。扮 11昂To gi

26、ve挨 effect奧 to any愛 such s辦ale the巴 direct扳ors may辦 author愛ize som啊e perso百n罷 哀to tran挨sfer th搬e share暗s sold 白to the 半purchas阿er ther挨eofThe吧 purcha奧ser sha斑ll be敗 扮registe澳red as 哀the hol艾der of 叭the sha昂res com昂prised 佰in any 版such tr爸ansfer,爸and he 班shall案 奧not be 襖bound t澳o see t吧o the a懊pplica

27、t隘ion of 凹the pur笆chase m岸oney,no斑r shall捌 his ti扮tle叭 班to the 懊shares 阿be affe霸cted by巴 any ir背regular頒ity or 擺invalid靶ity in 凹the pro阿ceeding凹s in襖 凹referen凹ce to t按he sale半芭 十一、瓣為執(zhí)行此種銷售拜,董事會(huì)可授權(quán)疤某人將所售股份稗轉(zhuǎn)讓給買方。買翱方應(yīng)登記作為所凹轉(zhuǎn)讓股份的股東襖,他無義務(wù)負(fù)責(zé)敗購買資金的使用啊,他對(duì)股份的所扒有權(quán)也不得因銷癌售程序的不正規(guī)岸或無效而受影響稗。斑 12八The pro靶ceeds o爸f

28、 the s鞍ale sha昂ll be r霸eceived搬 by the澳 compan罷y and a頒pplied 版in懊 芭payment昂 of suc斑h(yuǎn) part 按of the 巴amount 案in resp白ect of 哎which t翱he lien奧 exists吧 as is矮 敖present阿ly paya襖ble,and澳 the re半sidue,i胺f any,s擺hall(su霸bject t唉o a lik暗e lien 鞍for sum般s敗 岸not pre把sently 癌payable佰 as exi昂sted up百on the 扒sha

29、res 吧before 骯the sal八e)be pa礙id to t昂he埃 氨person 跋entitle耙d to th邦e share挨s at th佰e date 澳of the 奧sale半 十二、胺銷售所得應(yīng)由公邦司接收,用于支熬付所屬留置部分辦現(xiàn)已到期應(yīng)付的吧款項(xiàng),如有剩余敗,應(yīng)當(dāng)(扣除在板出售前同樣屬于哀留置款項(xiàng),但目瓣前尚還未到期的頒款額)交付給在邦銷售之日股份的伴持有人。懊 13拜The dir拜ectors 傲may fro安m time 霸make ca佰lls upo隘n t擺he memb把ers in 皚respect癌 of捌 擺any mon把ey un

30、pa哀id on t絆heir sh絆ares(wh癌ether o艾n accou熬nt of t傲he nomi扳nal val襖ue of矮 笆the sha靶res or 礙by way 邦of prem斑ium)and靶 not by柏 the co艾ndition跋s of al白lotment巴 thereo昂f芭 扒made pa版yable a靶t fixed安 times,敖provide案d that 白no call柏 shall 笆exceed 叭25% of 邦the俺 啊no按minal v礙alue of般 the sh案are or 矮be paya盎ble

31、at 哀less th板an one 百month f八rom the凹 date襖 哀fixed f拌or the 稗payment班 of the背 last p俺recedin靶g(shù) call,骯and eac邦h membe安r shall岸 (subje背ct罷 疤to rece愛iving a捌t least啊 14 day俺snotic矮e speci吧fying t翱he time板 or tim吧es and 捌place o半f拔 伴payment礙)pay to壩 the co懊mpany a柏t the t艾ime or 靶times a版nd plac拌e so sp芭

32、ecified愛 the柏 敗amount 壩called 扒on his 把shares版A call 拜may be 壩revoked斑 or pos板tponed 哎as the 叭directo百rs骯 奧may det爸ermine埃 十三、癌董事會(huì)可隨時(shí)向辦股東催繳股款(辦不論是就票面價(jià)俺值或是溢價(jià)),扒而不必按股票分吧配條款規(guī)定的期拜限,只要催繳的澳款額未超過股票般票面價(jià)值的25半%,或繳款日期芭超過上次催繳所案定支付日期一個(gè)拔月,所有股東必啊須(但至少得在扮14天前收到通搬知,說明繳款的按時(shí)間或地點(diǎn))在安規(guī)定的時(shí)間和地霸點(diǎn)向公司繳納所芭催繳的款額。董柏事會(huì)可以撤銷或百延長(zhǎng)繳款通

33、知。百 14扮A call 案shall b凹e deeme稗d to ha礙ve been斑 made a笆t the t捌ime whe扳n the斑 般resolut敗ion of 昂the dir壩ectors 澳authori罷zing th絆e call 哎was pas壩sed and百 may be案 requir半ed to傲 班be paid哎 by ins邦tallmen靶ts頒 十四、罷催繳股款通知應(yīng)靶被視為是在董事扒會(huì)通過催繳通知搬決議時(shí)已經(jīng)發(fā)出笆,且可規(guī)定分期伴支付。礙 15襖The joi佰nt hold鞍ers of 藹a share啊 shall 隘be jo

34、in絆tly and襖 severa罷lly lia頒ble to 柏pay all半 傲calls i澳n respe礙ct ther罷eof扳 十五、搬一股份的聯(lián)合股吧東可共同或分別耙支付所催繳的股藹款。矮 16跋If a su邦m calle耙d in re唉spect o案f a sha扳re is n案ot paid芭 before唉 or on 白the day般 板appoint俺ed for 稗payment啊 thereo艾f,the p八erson f盎rom who安m the s藹um is d扒ue shal礙l pay疤 哎interes矮t on th扮e sum

35、 f胺rom the背 day ap版pointed般 for pa挨yment t礙hereof 絆to the 敖time of霸 藹actual 隘payment吧 at suc拜h rate 案not exc愛eeding 搬8% per 敗annum a矮s the d罷irector拜s may扮 翱determi翱ne,but 跋the dir霸ectors 稗shall b斑e at 哎liberty扒 to wai按ve paym癌ent of 班that in拔terest哎 藹wholly 芭or in p胺art哀 十六、挨如果在規(guī)定之日盎沒有繳清所催繳靶的某筆股款,應(yīng)

36、拔交股款的人應(yīng)繳把納從規(guī)定繳款之壩日起到事實(shí)上繳背清款項(xiàng)之時(shí)為止皚的利息,年利率襖不得超過本金的百8%,數(shù)目由董搬事會(huì)決定,但董佰事會(huì)也有權(quán)全部壩或部分免去此種哀利息。按 17安Any sum礙 which 澳by the 皚terms o哎f issue霸 of a s般hare be哎comes p伴ayable 矮on罷 安allotme暗nt or a哎t any f凹ixed da板te,whet柏her on 般account絆 of the佰 nomina百l value芭 of the岸 胺share o按r by wa哀y of pr版emium,s版hall fo鞍r th

37、e p叭urposes跋 of the暗se Regu扳lations叭 be阿 邦deemed 阿to be a啊 call d愛uly mad拔e and p襖ayable 耙on the 白date on案 which 哎by the 翱terms o昂f邦 啊issue t柏he same板 become跋s payab皚le,and 板in case敗 of non按paymen矮t all t捌he rele癌vant俺 安provisi按ons of 白these R把egulati懊ons as 百to paym靶ent of 拔interes埃t and e凹xpenses拔

38、,forfei巴ture,or懊 otherw哎ise sha靶l(wèi)l appl芭y as if柏 the su傲m had b拜ecome p敖ayable 骯by virt癌ue of藹 版a call 癌duly ma埃de and 邦notifie奧d俺 十七、絆凡按股票發(fā)行條壩款規(guī)定在分配時(shí)礙或在某一規(guī)定日骯期應(yīng)繳納的股款盎,不論是票面價(jià)靶值或溢價(jià),根據(jù)罷本章程規(guī)定,均伴應(yīng)視為是發(fā)有正俺式催繳通知,且阿應(yīng)在股票發(fā)行條拜款規(guī)定的日期予矮以繳款,倘若不俺繳,應(yīng)視正式催皚繳股款后款項(xiàng)到矮期支付的情況而吧適用本章程所有熬有關(guān)利息和各種背費(fèi)用的支付、沒扳收、或其他事項(xiàng)埃的有關(guān)規(guī)定。哀 18阿Th

39、e dir辦ectors 氨may,on 凹the iss昂ue of s般hares,d矮ifferen柏tiate b芭etween 俺the藹 般holders礙 as to 埃the amo俺unt of 埃calls t矮o be pa拔id and 澳the tim跋es of p把a(bǔ)yment挨 十八、隘一旦股票發(fā)行,艾董事會(huì)便可按所白催繳股款的數(shù)額癌和支付時(shí)間區(qū)分扮股東。隘 19拔The dir罷ectors 背may,if 挨they th骯ink fit翱,receiv把e from 扮any mem白ber wil俺ling熬 伴to adva氨nce the疤 same

40、 a版ll or a班ny part按 of the皚 money 捌uncalle班d and u俺npaid u跋pon any安 白shares 爸held by氨 him,an絆d upon 癌all or 搬any par哀t of th藹e money絆 so adv吧anced m案ay扮 胺(until 澳the sam絆e would靶,but fo疤r the a敖dvance,骯become 隘payable頒)pay in背terest 版at盎 白such ra笆te not 氨exceedi啊ng(unle奧ss the 搬company背 in gen扒eral

41、me芭eting s辦hall ot澳herwise啊 拌direct)瓣8% per 邦annum a氨s may b板e(cuò) agree皚d upon 熬between班 the di疤rectors按 and th傲e阿 暗member 笆paying 胺the sum斑 in adv百ance霸 十九、百只要認(rèn)為恰當(dāng),叭董事會(huì)可接收股唉東自愿提前繳納巴的未經(jīng)催繳的全哀部或部分股款,跋且就提前繳納的壩全部或部分股款案支付利息(直到氨如不提前交付,矮該股款到期應(yīng)付擺為止),年利率奧不得超過(公司襖股東大會(huì)另有決伴議除外)8%,案具體可由董事會(huì)般和股東在提前繳捌款時(shí)協(xié)商。皚Transfe盎r o

42、f sh襖ares股份轉(zhuǎn)讓熬 20翱Subject懊 to the辦se Regu稗lations胺,any me凹mber ma骯y trans哀fer all暗 or any澳 of his癌 案shares 胺by inst吧rument 板in阿 writin叭g in an半y usual俺 or com翱mon for柏m or in懊 any ot按her埃 拔form wh哀ich the靶 direct巴ors may俺 approv艾eThe i瓣nstrume捌nt shal笆l be ex奧ecuted 按by or版 皚on beha俺lf of t岸he tran凹

43、sferor 昂and the班 transf昂eror sh挨all rem搬ain the皚 holder靶 of the哀 百shares 唉transfe扳rred un芭til the傲 transf昂er is r斑egister壩ed and 昂the nam挨e of th阿e trans疤feree i柏s壩 扮entered拔 in the扒 regist瓣er of m襖embers 版in resp跋ect the跋reof擺 二十、盎根據(jù)本章程規(guī)定癌,任何股東均可半轉(zhuǎn)讓其全部或部癌分股份,轉(zhuǎn)讓應(yīng)版經(jīng)通常或一般形班式或董事會(huì)同意斑的其他形式的書笆面文件進(jìn)行。文笆件可由轉(zhuǎn)

44、讓人或捌其代理人作成,礙轉(zhuǎn)讓人對(duì)股份的扳持有權(quán)一直維持爸到轉(zhuǎn)讓登記注冊(cè)八且受讓人的姓名半被記入股東登記班簿為止。埃 21懊The ins啊trument氨 of tra笆nsfer m壩ust be 跋left 哎for reg埃istrati搬on at t班he regi吧stered挨 敖office 百of the 啊company皚 togeth熬er with翱 such f愛ee,not 佰exceedi般ng 1 啊as the 版directo愛rs笆 般from ti挨me to t懊ime may翱 requir爸e,accom案panied 版by the 拌certi

45、fi伴cate of搬 the sh敖ares to拜 般which i背t relat擺es and 擺such ot擺her evi安dence a拌s the d白irector斑s may r挨easonab拔ly requ拔ire俺 罷to show奧 the ri扮ght of 哎the tra辦nsferor按 to mak熬e the t邦ransfer熬,and th壩ereupon昂 the稗 敗company挨 shall 百subject鞍 to the扳 powers傲 vested案 in the拔 direct盎ors by 挨these R班egulati唉on

46、s斑 班registe按r the t按ransfer艾ee as a扮 shareh扒older a敖nd reta安in the 艾instrum擺ent of 啊transfe唉r皚 二十一敖、轉(zhuǎn)讓文書必須罷交公司登記處登芭記,同時(shí)繳納登把記費(fèi),登記費(fèi)不疤得超過1美元,邦董事會(huì)可隨時(shí)規(guī)版定,轉(zhuǎn)讓時(shí)還得安帶上有關(guān)的股權(quán)埃證和董事會(huì)隨時(shí)吧可能合理規(guī)定表岸明轉(zhuǎn)讓人有權(quán)轉(zhuǎn)鞍讓股權(quán)的其他證八據(jù),根據(jù)這些證艾據(jù),公司將按董頒事會(huì)根據(jù)本章程邦賦予的權(quán)力登記矮受讓人作為股東阿,并將轉(zhuǎn)讓文件艾保留。霸 22胺The dir芭ectors 盎may dec霸line to疤 regist哎er any 阿t

47、ransfe挨r of sh唉ares,no礙t being靶 稗fully p背aid sha稗r(nóng)es to 礙a隘 板person 按of whom襖 they 按do not 礙approve跋 and ma搬y also 拔decline板 to辦 背registe氨r any t澳ransfer翱 of sha凹res on 板which t扒he comp熬any has板 a lien巴愛 二十二巴、董事會(huì)可拒絕岸登記將股份、未背完全繳清股款的哀股份轉(zhuǎn)讓給其不敗贊成的人,并可叭拒絕就公司具有藹留置權(quán)的股份轉(zhuǎn)霸讓進(jìn)行登記。癌 23癌The reg敗istrati岸on of t靶r

48、ansfer吧s may b骯e suspe凹nded at俺 such t氨imes an傲d for瓣 隘such pe傲riods 骯as the 隘directo暗rs may 百from ti翱me to t哀ime det傲ermine 拌not exc叭eeding 傲in唉 熬the who翱le 30 d翱ays in 哎any yea壩r霸 二十三爸、董事會(huì)可隨時(shí)皚決定從某時(shí)起暫辦時(shí)中止一段時(shí)間把登記轉(zhuǎn)讓,但每奧年中止轉(zhuǎn)讓登記叭的日期總和不得礙超過30天。礙Transmi矮ssion o背f share霸s股份過戶俺 24熬In case癌 of the耙 death 邦o

49、f a me奧mber th把e survi拌vor or 版survivo襖rs wher案e t伴he班 安decease疤d was a般 joint 案holder,把a(bǔ)nd the搬 legal 壩persona拜l repre芭sentati鞍ves of 扮the稗 靶decease翱d where疤 he was霸 a sole暗 holder礙,shall 凹be the 懊only pe爸rsons r懊ecogniz奧ed by t罷he按 癌company胺 as hav班ing any哎 title 岸to his 半interes笆t in th敗e share壩s

50、;but n皚othing 骯herein皚 辦contain跋ed shal按l relea班s翱e the e罷state o斑f a dec拜eased j版oint ho哀lder fr百om any 傲liabili辦ty in礙 凹respect搬 of any爸 share 懊which h骯ad been頒 jointl半y held 暗by him 鞍with ot哎her per懊sons半 二十四扒、當(dāng)一股東死亡捌,如果死亡股東礙是個(gè)聯(lián)合持股人胺,公司應(yīng)承認(rèn)其搬他聯(lián)合股東有權(quán)佰享有股份權(quán)益,壩如果死亡股東為邦單獨(dú)持股人,則挨其法定個(gè)人代表柏有權(quán)享有股份權(quán)敗益;但不得適用澳

51、本章程之規(guī)定去柏免除一死亡聯(lián)合奧股東的與他和其拌他人所持股份相熬關(guān)的財(cái)產(chǎn)的任何百義務(wù)。胺 25佰Any per盎son bec傲oming e般ntitled凹 to a s鞍hare in熬 conseq疤uence o熬f the d芭eath or敗 班bankrup癌tcy of 盎a membe拜r may,u絆pon suc柏h evide岸nce bei吧ng prod哎uced as傲 may fr鞍om鞍 盎time to叭 time p芭roperly藹 be req阿uired b扒y the d艾irector骯s and s哀ubject 翱as here巴inaft

52、er癌 白provide哀d,elect懊 either凹 案to be r巴egister扮ed hims按elf as 靶holder 拌of the 頒share o扳r to ha奧ve佰 搬some pe白rson no昂minated爸 by him頒 regist頒ered as般 the tr埃ansfere叭e there胺of,but 白the叭 半directo澳rs shal把l,in ei哎ther ca罷se,have罷 the sa半me righ拜t to de吧cline o斑r suspe襖nd靶 隘registr拌ation a岸s they 挨would

53、 h安ave had扳 in the稗 case o艾f把 a tran絆sfer of半 the sh敗are by 熬that敗 挨member 吧before 板his dea氨th or b版ankrupt扳cy癌 二十五擺、凡因股東死亡唉或破產(chǎn)而取得股稗份所有權(quán)的人,吧一旦出示董事會(huì)扒隨時(shí)正當(dāng)要求出挨示的證據(jù),可按襖以下規(guī)定,或自拔己登記作為股東凹,或提名讓某人熬登記作為受讓人骯,但這兩種情況擺,董事會(huì)均有權(quán)盎按該股東死亡或疤破產(chǎn)前轉(zhuǎn)讓其股啊份時(shí)的情況一樣跋,拒絕或中止登捌記。艾 26傲If the 版person 案so beco笆ming en昂titled 熬elects 癌t

54、o be r拜egister矮ed hims氨elf,he笆 扳shall d八eliver 捌or send疤 to the瓣 compan柏y a not敗ice in 笆writing八 signed拜 by him扒 statin壩g辦 按that he翱 so ele癌ctsIf 罷he elec白ts to h胺ave ano叭ther pe芭rson re耙gistere疤d he sh般all tes吧tify hi稗s板 澳electio斑n by ex礙ecuting矮 to tha百t perso敗n a tra版nsfer o捌f the s拔hareAl班l(xiāng) the

55、l頒imitati瓣ons,res敖trictio拔ns,and 八provisi霸ons of 白these R按egulati翱ons rel哀ating t襖o the r拜ight to礙 transf暗er扮 般and the辦 regist傲ration 案of tran癌sfers o岸f share傲s shall板 be app唉licable昂 to any哎 such n隘otice o澳r佰 阿transfe挨r as af壩oresaid礙 as if 岸the dea伴th or b拔ankrupt藹cy of t芭he memb板e(cuò)r had 瓣not霸 藹occ

56、urre伴d and t壩he noti半ce or t稗r(nóng)ansfer頒 were a盎 transf拔er sign澳ed by t稗hat mem瓣ber瓣 二十六班、如取得所有權(quán)啊的人要自己登記敖作為股東,他必辦須向公司送達(dá)親頒自簽署的書面通礙知,說明他的選柏?fù)?。如果他選擇岸讓他人登記,他把必須給他人制作熬一份股份轉(zhuǎn)讓書安以證明他的選擇藹。本章程上述所瓣有有關(guān)轉(zhuǎn)讓權(quán)利安和轉(zhuǎn)讓登記的限鞍制、限定和規(guī)定白均應(yīng)適用于此種鞍通知書或轉(zhuǎn)讓書按,就像原股東未哀死亡或未破產(chǎn)而唉由該股東自己簽哀署通知書或轉(zhuǎn)讓阿書一樣。瓣Forfeit礙ure of 案shares股份的沒收八 27按If a me安m

57、ber fa盎ils to 氨pay any罷 call o跋r insta跋llment 愛of a ca八ll on t埃he day扳 癌appoint敗ed for 矮payment敖 thereo岸f,the d叭irector矮s may,a絆t any t耙ime the骯reafter瓣 during拜 艾such ti氨me as a矮ny part挨 of the瓣 call o澳r insta敖llment 把remains癌 unpaid扒 serve 翱a notic拌e on哀 靶him req靶uiring 盎payment稗 of so 敖much of白 th

58、e ca耙ll or i爸nstallm懊ent as 吧is unpa把id,toge哀ther wi敗th any 霸interes擺t which唉 may ha擺ve accr巴ued佰 二十七熬、如果股東在規(guī)白定繳款的日期沒拌有交付催繳的股胺款或分期交付的案股款,此后,董捌事會(huì)可在未繳清埃催繳股款期內(nèi)的扳任何時(shí)間向股東氨送達(dá)通知,要求敖他繳付未交足的澳催款或分期股款耙,以及可能已經(jīng)哀產(chǎn)生的利息。笆 28捌The not隘ice sha靶l(wèi)l name啊 a furt凹her day扒(not ea案rlier啊 than t巴he expi叭ration 瓣of疤 頒14 days凹

59、 from t柏he date拌 of ser捌vice of叭 the no阿tice)on癌 or bef芭ore whi拜ch the 頒payment斑 頒require藹d by th八e notic班e is to胺 be mad癌e,and s八hall st哎ate tha矮t in th爸e event盎 of疤 拜nonpay白ment at疤 or bef班ore the啊 time a捌ppointe芭d the s盎hares i胺n respe搬ct of w跋hich th岸e翱 壩call wa稗s made 擺will be昂 liable皚 to be 氨f

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