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1、時間共120 分鐘CPart IMultiplechoice(201.Youdbetteradjusttoa sloweroflife,oryouwillsoonhavea a. upChristmasparcelsinpretty2.IHismother Myhisfacetoseeifhe lingthewasempty so Ib.filloa garage to a.chargec.blow d.wind5.I heramongthecrowdjustbeforeshedisappearedfrom6.Shewishesharents to ofherboyfriend. 7.Stud

2、entswere involvedinclasheswith.8.Hesupportedlegislationto 時間共120 分鐘CPart IMultiplechoice(201.Youdbetteradjusttoa sloweroflife,oryouwillsoonhavea a. upChristmasparcelsinpretty2.IHismother Myhisfacetoseeifhe lingthewasempty so Ib.filloa garage to a.chargec.blow d.wind5.I heramongthecrowdjustbeforeshed

3、isappearedfrom6.Shewishesharents to ofherboyfriend. 7.Studentswere involvedinclasheswith.8.Hesupportedlegislationto discriminationandtodealwithenvironmentalso be boring at times.9.Travelinspacecanbe,it10.Certain species disappeared or became as new forms t were better adapted to the earths 11.He fir

4、efightersinputtingoutthea.tookpartc.joined 12.Chin Shi Huangthewholecountryafteralongperiodofand 13.There is a good tIllhavetheessayfinishedby14.Thevalueofthisexerciset it thestudentstoexpressthemselvesinanimaginative15.Hegave his fornewmarketingion as soon as she finished b.beingtypedwriting 16.Vic

5、ky,oneofmydoctoralstudent,hadherdisser a.to be typedto writec.typedto17.Johnhadalwaysrefusedtoworkinagoldminebecausehet he coulddo better atthelaunching a.While arrivingn d.allhisition,a lifttookhimuptotherocket,whichwas65feetabovethe b.Havingc.Whenhed.Onits19.Thea.to ed amanoutsidethehouse,buthewas

6、notsurewhetherthiswasthe b.tohavethe thehas20.Ahistoricalnovelmaydomore a.even influencingc.mayeven n mirror history, futureb.itmayeventitmayeven Part IICloze(20Readthefollowingpassage, andthe your ANSWER SHEET.letterhas been giventoyou. Writethe correct wordEarlyonemorning,n dredyearsago,anAmerican

7、i calledEliasHowefinallyfella . 題123456789總得had been working all night on the d of a sewing machine but he had o a very difficult problem: it 4_sible togetthe threadruns aroundtheDespite his e , Howe slept badly. He t and turned. Then he had a n 8 . He t he had c by a tribe of terrible s 10whose kin

8、g threatened to kill andhad been working all night on the d of a sewing machine but he had o a very difficult problem: it 4_sible togetthe threadruns aroundtheDespite his e , Howe slept badly. He t and turned. Then he had a n 8 . He t he had c by a tribe of terrible s 10whose king threatened to kill

9、 and eat him unless he could buildsewing machine. When he tried to do so, he o the problem as before. The thread kept gettingand order his soldiers to kill Howe. They a 14c around the needle. The king flewo towards him with their raised. But suddenly the inventor noticed something. There was a holeh

10、e of each spear. The inventor awoke from the nightmare wistart t he had just found s totheproblem. Instead of trying togetthethread to runaround the needle, he should makeitrun throughsmall h he centre of the needle. This was the simple t finally Howe to design and reallyp sewingPartIIIReading(20his

11、 section there are 4 passages followed by questions or unfinished each with four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one best answer.t you think is TEXT The Peppered Moth(蛾),a kind of insect, is found in England. It is light brown in color and likes to settle on trees, which are also

12、light brown. This makes the moth difficult to be seen and birds are less likely to notice and eat it. But with the development of industry, smoke from factories began to reach the trees where the moth settled. made the trees blacker. Then something very strange took place:in industrial areas, the Pe

13、ppered Moth began change It became darker as Though the change took several years, some scientists soon tnewlybornmothswerealittlen AscientistcalledKettle-welldecidedtomakeacarefulstudyofthisphenomenon(現(xiàn)象Hemarkedsomeoflightmothsandsomeofthedarkerones,andsetthemhewoodsnearBirmingham,anindustrialher r

14、ecaptured (重新捕獲) as many the marked moths (The results were given in the wells research was factoryhe early Soon afterwards roduced new laws to moke Can you imagine what would happen to the Peppered mothssetfree201601Mothsrecaptured34(16%)s the air became cleaner again? Light moths 21.Thetreeswheret

15、hePepperedMothsettledchangedtheircolors.A.ThePepperedMothchangeditsC.IndustryinEnglanddevelopedB.ThePepperedMothcantbeeasilyfoundonD.Thesmokefromfactoriespolluted22.ThePepperedMothbegantochangeitscolorinindustrialareas.A.ItitselflikedB.ItcouldbelikethecolorofitslivingD.Itwasusuallydarkdtokeepthe law

16、sof23.FromtheresultsofKettlewellsresearch,wecanA.Manymoreofthelightmothswerekilledort none-fifthofthelightmothsdbeingC.ThreetimesasmanydarkmothswerekeptsafeaslightD.Moredarkmothswerekilledinindustrial24.Kettlewellsworkgivesusagoodle .C.“ChoiceofA.“Life-long25.AstheairbecameB.“Ruleofthenumberofthelig

17、htmothsthetotalnumberofthelightmothsremainedthereweremoreofthedarkermothsandfewerofthelightD.thedarkermothsothelightTEXTI am always worried before a swim. I dont know what the weather will be like until the day of the race. Will wind be up 15-foot waves? Or will the surface of the water be like glas

18、s? On the morning of a swim, trainer wakes usat around three a.m.for breakfast. We see the at. Nobody talks. Iwonder whether Ill abletocrossit.There isalwaysthetImaynotgaincontroloverthe26.Thewordhispassageprobablyrsonwhoworksona rsonwhoisbeingrsonwhotrainsswimmersandmakesthemreadyforthersonivensibl

19、etitleofthis27.WhatisA.ThoughtsbeforeaSwimmingC.TheWeatherbeforeaB.AGoodD.WhatWillitDoto28.Which of the following best gives main idea of this passage? A.Beforearace theauthordoesntknowwhatthe weatherwillbe like.B.AlltheswimmersfeelnervousbeforeaC.Theauthorfeelsworriedbeforearaceaboutwhethershegains

20、controlovertheD.Theauthorreofcrossingthersonwhoisbeingrsonwhotrainsswimmersandmakesthemreadyforthersonivensibletitleofthis27.WhatisA.ThoughtsbeforeaSwimmingC.TheWeatherbeforeaB.AGoodD.WhatWillitDoto28.Which of the following best gives main idea of this passage? A.Beforearace theauthordoesntknowwhatt

21、he weatherwillbe like.B.AlltheswimmersfeelnervousbeforeaC.TheauthorfeelsworriedbeforearaceaboutwhethershegainscontrolovertheD.Theauthorreofcrossingthe29.WhichoftheistrueaccordingtotheTheauthor isnotagoodTheauthorismoreworriedaboutthe ntheC.Theauthorismoreworriedaboutthe D.Thesurfaceofthewaterisalway

22、slikenthe30.Whatistheauthoralwaysworriedaboutbeforea A.TheB.TheC.OtherD.ThechangeableIt is a matter of common t es keep going up over the years, people never seem e much better off! are rising continuously. The condition is termed one of inflation(通貨膨脹), money supply ing inflated t it of es less val

23、uable. People have got used in years to higher and higher rates of inflation. What couldbe bought ten years ago for one dollar now costs well two dollars. It t this rate of inflation is tending to rise n to fall. he real world our es go up at the same rate as one might t inflation does not matter. B

24、ut it does. When money losingvalueitlacksoneofthequalitiesofagoodmoney stability(穩(wěn)定)ofvalueItisnolongeracceptableastoreofvalue;anddeferre(payments, so people try to get rid of money as quickly sible. Inflation therefore stimulates people andpreventspeoplefrom31.Whatdoesinflation oplesesmore B.Thepro

25、blemofemploymentwillbeD.MoneykeepslosingitsC.Itseasierforpeopletofindaying 32.Fromthepassage,wenow.A.seldomB.isverycommonatC.isaelessinrecent33.Accordingtothepassage,esand raise.A.thebusinesse B.moneywillholditsC.inflation wont be a problem 34.Whenmoneylosesitsvalue, A.its no longer stableC.foodswil

26、llosetheirD.inflationwillobe a.B.thepriceofthegoodswillgoewillkeepA.putriodofinflation,peoplearelikelyoneyonthe stock.B.stopspendingD.spendmoneyassoonC.holdontomoneyasa Shakespeare, more n any other writer, made full use of the greatest of the English Most of us use about five thousand words in our

27、normal employment of English; Shakespeare in his works abouttwenty five thousand! There is probably no betterwayfora foreigner to te the richnessand varietythe Englishnbystudying thevariouswaysin whichShakespeare uses it.Suchastudyis wellwortheffort, even though some aspects of English usage, and th

28、e meaning of many words, have changed ShakespearesHowever,it t we should know comparatively little about the life of the greatest English author. t Shakespeare was born in 1564 in Start for don Avon, t he died there in 1616. He almost attended the Grammar he town, but of this wecannot be sure. We kn

29、ow he was married there in 1582 Anne way t he had three children. We t he spent much of his life in London writing (作品)Butthisisalmosttwe doHowever,whatareimportantaboutShakespeares lifearenotits incidentaldetails butits products, theplaysand poems. For manyyearsscholarshave beentryingtoaddafewfacts

30、aboutShakespeareslife tothe smallnumbersess and for an equally long time critics(批評)have been theorizing(使理論化)about the ,it tHowever,whatareimportantaboutShakespeares lifearenotits incidentaldetails butits products, theplaysand poems. For manyyearsscholarshave beentryingtoaddafewfactsaboutShakespear

31、eslife tothe smallnumbersess and for an equally long time critics(批評)have been theorizing(使理論化)about the ,it tthepoetry ofShakespearewilldisappear under thegreatmassofsbeenwrittenupony this is not likely to happen. ShakespearespeoplehavelongdelightednotjusttheEnglishbutloversof literature(文學(xué))everywh

32、ereandwillcontinuetodosoafterthescholarsandcriticsandalltheirworkshavef36.Thispassageis.A.the engthofeachthegreatvarietiesinwritingtherichnessofthecontentinShakespearestherichEnglishlanguageusedbyShakespeareinhis37.Accordingtothewriter,whichofthefollowingremainsuncertainaboutA.HisdateofB.HisC.His.he

33、GrammarD.Hisdateof38.ItcanbeinferredfromPara tnotallthecommentsonShakespearesworkshaveproducedgoodscholarshavesfullycollectedfactsaboutShakespearesC.criticsare erestedinShakespearesnhisD.thedetailsofShakespeareslifearemorenhisliterary39.Whatdoesthe tenceinPara3opledontthinkthepoetryofShakespearegood

34、anyB.PeoplepaymoreattentiontothenthepoetryofC.PeoplecantseethepoetryofShakespeareanyD.Thecommentiseduponthe poetryof40.ShakespearespeopleinPara4refersto A.the characters in Shakespeares productsthepeoplewhosenativelanguageisthepeoplelivinginShakespearesthereadersofShakespeares.PartIVParaphrasethefol

35、lowingunderlinedphrasesonyourANSWERSHEET.(1041.When the mother learned the t her son had he university entrance sheputher armsaround himencouraging him totry 42.RobinsonCrusoesheart wasfilledwithfear andworry whenhesawthesonthe I could not fully understand the lecture, because the speaker made a number of distinctions which were difficult to perceive or describe.Theboywithhiseyesfixedonthescreen wasoblivioustotheknockatthe 45.Whendidtheunivers


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