人教版(新教材)高中英語選修1Unit5 Working the Land學案1:Grammar_第1頁
人教版(新教材)高中英語選修1Unit5 Working the Land學案1:Grammar_第2頁
人教版(新教材)高中英語選修1Unit5 Working the Land學案1:Grammar_第3頁
人教版(新教材)高中英語選修1Unit5 Working the Land學案1:Grammar_第4頁




1、Grammar一、概念主語從句:在復合句中作主語的從句。例如:That she was chosen made us very happy.她中選了使我們很高興。What caused the accident is a complete mystery.是什么導致了這次事故還完全是一 個謎。Whether she will come or not is still a question.她是否來還是一個問題。Which team will win the match is still unknown.哪個隊會贏得這場比賽還不知道。Whoever conies to the party wil

2、l receive a present.參加聚會的每一個人都將收到一份 禮物。When they will start has not been decided yet.他們何時出發(fā)還沒決定。注意:上述例句中的主語從句都是放在句首,但有時為了使句子結(jié)構(gòu)平衡,防止“頭重 腳輕”,常用it作形式主語,而把從句放在后面。例如:It is a pity that she has made such a mistake.她犯了 這樣一個錯誤,真是遺憾。It depends on the climate whether they are going shopping today.他們是否今天去貝勾 物還得

3、看天氣情況。二、常用句型It is + adj. / n, + 從句It is a pity/shame that.遺憾的是It is possible that.很可能It is unlikely that.不可能It+不及物動詞+從句It seems/appears that. 似乎It happened that. 碰巧It + be +過去分詞+從句It is said that. 據(jù)說It is known to all that.眾所周知It is reported that.據(jù)報道It is believed that.據(jù)信;人們相信It is suggested that. 有

4、人建議It must be pointed out that.必須指 出It has been proved that. 已證明例如:It is believed that at least a score of buildings were damaged or destroyed.據(jù)信,至少有二十座樓房遭到破壞或徹底毀掉。It is suggested that the meeting should be put off.有人建議會議延期召開。Its reported that three people were killed in the accident and five were h

5、urt badly.據(jù)報道,事故中三人喪生,五人重傷。It is known to all that Taiwan is an inseparable part of China.眾所周知,臺灣是中國不可分割的一局部。三、引導詞.引導詞that和whatwhat在從句中作句子成分(主語、賓語、表語等)。常譯成”所的(東西、事情、話等.)”;that只起連接作用,本身無實際意義,在從句中也不擔當任何句子成分,但that引導的主 語從句放在句首時,不能省略that。例如:What is done cant be undone.(諺語)已成定局,無可挽回。What we cant get seems

6、 better than what we have.我們得不到的東西似乎比已得到 的要好。That we should work out a plan to deal with the present serious situation is important.我們應該制定一項計劃來應付目前嚴峻的形勢,這一點非常重要。That a new teacher will come to teach us geography is true. 一位新老師將來教我們地 理,這是真的。.引導詞if和whetherif和whether引導動詞后的賓語從句時一般可通用,但介詞后的賓語從句、主語從句(放 在句

7、首時)、表語從句常由whether引導。例如:Whether she will go home or not is unknown.她是否回家還不得而知。Whether we shall raise ducks or geese remains to be decided.我們是養(yǎng)鴨還是養(yǎng)鵝仍 沒決定。=It remains to be decided whether/if we shall raise ducks or geese.但我們不能說 If we shall raise ducks or geese remains to be decided.連接代詞和連接副詞連接代詞who, w

8、hich, whom, whose有各自的意義,起連接作用,并在從句中充當語、 賓語、表語、定語等;連接副詞when, where, why, how等有各自的意義,起連接作用,并 在從句中充當狀語。It is clear who is afraid of having a change in land ownership.It is not yet decided which cash crop will be produced next year.When well start tomorrow will be told soon.Where we can buy oxen is some

9、thing we need to find out.四、以it作形式主語的主語從句與強調(diào)句型的區(qū)別It be + adj./n. + that從句與強調(diào)句型均有It be. that.之類的語言標志,但不同的是:前者中的that從句是主語從句。假設刪掉其中的It be和that,那么剩余局部不管結(jié)構(gòu)還是 語意都不能成為一個句子;但假設將后者中的It be和that去掉,那么剩余局部的結(jié)構(gòu)和語意仍 能構(gòu)成一個完整的句子。It is surprising that Mary should have won first place.令人驚奇的是瑪莉竟然獲得了 第一名。It is Mary that

10、has won first place.正是瑪莉得了第一名。第一句話中的It是形式主語,that引導的是主語從句。句中的It is和that無法刪除,一 旦刪除句子就不成立。第二句是強調(diào)句型,其中的It is和that可以去掉,因為沒有It is和that句子仍然很通 順。五、習題Does matter if he cant finish the job on time?A. thisB. thatC. heD. itIt worried her a bit her hair was turning grey.A. whichB.thatC.ifD.for.is a fact that Eng

11、lish is being accepted as an international language.A. ThereB.ThisC.ThatD.It. It matters little a man dies, but matters much is he lives.A. how; what; howB.how; it;howC.why; it; whyD.that;what; that5.she couldnt understand was fewer and fewer students showed interest inher lessons.A. What; whyB. That; what C. What; because D. Why; thatIt is pretty well understood controls the flow of carbon dioxide in and out theatmosphere today.A. t


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