




1、一(2014大綱卷BSince EarthDayin1970,Americanshave gottenalot “greener”towardthe(環(huán)境)Wedidntknowttimethereevenwasanenvironment,一(2014大綱卷BSince EarthDayin1970,Americanshave gottenalot “greener”towardthe(環(huán)境)Wedidntknowttimethereevenwasanenvironment,lettthereaproblemwithit,”saysBruceofEarthDayBut what began a
2、s nothing important in public irs has o a l Business people, political leaders, university professors, and lly millions of grass-Americans are taking part in the movement. “The understanding has increased many, times,”saysGaylordNelson,theernorfromWisconsin,whothoughtup , s(排放)fromcarsandtruckshaved
3、roppedAccordingto10.3 million tons a year to 5.5 tons.The number of cities producing thestandardbeen reduced from 40 to 9 .Although serious problems still remain and need to be dealt with theworldisasaferandlace.Akindof“Greenthinking”epartof.Great improvement has been achieved .In 1988 there were on
4、ly 600 recycling(回收利用programs; today in 1995 there are about 6,600 .Advanced lights ,motors , and building havehelpedsavealotofenergyandthereforepreventedpollutionTwentyfive years ago, there were hardly anyeducation programs for environment .Today, hard to find a public school , university , or law
5、t does not have such a kind program.”Untilwet,nothingelsewillchange!”sayBruce60.AccordingtoAnderson,before1970,AmericanshadlittleideaaboutA.thel B.recyclingC.environmentalD.theimportanceofEarth61.WheredoesthesupportforenvironmentalprotectionmainlycomeA.ThegrassrootsB.Thebusinessernment 62.veAmerican
6、sachievedinenvironmentalA.Theyhavearstothe B.TheyhavesettledtheirenvironmentalC.TheyhaveloweredtheirCOlevelsinfortyD.Theyhavereducedpollutionthrougheffective63.WhatisllyimportantB.TheyhavesettledtheirenvironmentalC.TheyhaveloweredtheirCOlevelsinfortyD.Theyhavereducedpollutionthrougheffective63.Whati
7、sllyimportantforenvironmentalprotectionaccordingtothelastA.B. C.GreenD.CO2句“Wedidntknowttimethereevenwasenvironment,letttherewasaproblemwithit,”saysBruceof說知道存在著環(huán)境問題了。故C】2,3 Business people, political leaders, lly millions of grass-roots Americans are taking he fessors, and lly millions of grass-roo
8、ts AmericansA】4,5According to ernment reports , s (放)from cars and trucks have dropped from 10.3 million tons a year to 5.5 tons .The number the standard has been reduced from 40 to 9 .cities producing 的。The number of thestandard hasbeenreduced from 40to9CO 40producing9.C】educationprograms for envir
9、onment .Today , its hard to find a public school , university , or tdoes vesuchakindofprogram 【長難1.“We educationprograms for environment .Today , its hard to find a public school , university , or tdoes vesuchakindofprogram 【長難1.“We didnt know t time there even was an environment, let t there was pr
10、oblemwithknowthereevenwasanenvironmentletttherewas 2.Thenumberofcitiesproducingthestandardhasbeenreducedfrom40to9【翻譯】產(chǎn)生超過CO2409 the standard 二(2014福建卷EAs has been all too apparent in recent days be, few es cause greater n energy policy. Many village communities feel their countryside is being ruined
11、 by roducing machines of wind farms; yet they never take direct action, even though planninglawsputthemataseveredisadvantage.Andbsidies) , encourage the of er, are not favorable to the village communities and withotherresidents居民 Those who disagree with the of windfarms t the damage they is out of p
12、roportion(比例) to the benefits they bring, because their energy annot t of the carbon-er ions they are ed to replace. Supporters twindmustbepartofamixofrenewables,nuclearandcarbon,tthecountryistomeetingEU(Europeansfornon-carbonenergyAgainst this background, the t there is an argument within ernment w
13、hether to publish an l report on wind farms impact on the es moreextraordinaryThetwohecoalition聯(lián)合ernmentareindisagreementwhatitshouldWe have some advice for the two parties: publish the report, and let the country be the EvenmoreextraordinaryThetwohecoalition聯(lián)合ernmentareindisagreementwhatitshouldWe
14、have some advice for the two parties: publish the report, and let the country be the Even if it contains t wind farms are harmful, it will hardly be a pleasant surprise people ot like them. Equally, supporters must argue their case by acknowledging concernsandexplainingwhytheyareeithermisplacedorwor
15、thyofmuchThe t further negotiations are to take place to produce an acceptable t the politics of ernment ng the country harm in a certain Given the sensitivities involved, all the information should be available t people can n being left with the suspicion(猜疑their s, t facts are replacedbypoliticalb
16、e 72.WecanlearnfromA.energypolicycatchesmuchattentionoftheB.theresidentsareinfavoroftheofwindC.manyvillagecommunitiesaresatisfiedwiththeD.theplanninglawsoffergreatbenefitstothe73.Supporterst the ofA.ismorentofcarbon-B.guaranteesanincreaseinenergyC.isexpectedtobemuchntofD.agreeswithsfornon-carbonener
17、gy74.ItcanbeinferredfromtheA.anlreportwillsettletheenergyB.thetwopartiesaredividedovertheeofwindC.thetwopartieshaveafurtherD.politicalbe fsconcerningenergyegoagainst75.WhichofthefollowingreflectstheauthorsA.IncreasepoliticalimpactonenergyB.ReleaseaementofsupportersonwindC.Letthenationjudgethefactsab
18、outD.Leavethetwopartiestoreachtheir72. 】D.Leavethetwopartiestoreachtheir72. 】Ashasbeenalltooapparentinrecentdayses cause greater nenergypolicy.energypolicy few energypolicyA73. 】 t wind must be part of mix of renewables, nuclear and carbon, t the country is committed to meeting s for non-carbon ener
19、gy generation.( European 合歐盟無碳排放的標準的。故D74. 】Those who disagree with the .twindmust bepartofamixofrenewablesSupportersB 75. 】Wehavesome advice for thetwo parties: thereportandletthecountrybethejudge.此進并做出決定。故C正確】As has been all too apparent in recent days be, few es cause greater nenergy比energypolicy
20、 escausegreaternenergypolicy fewgreater三卷Br (摩天大樓) is called the Shard and it cost about 430 s newest pounds to build. At a height of almost 310 metres, it is the tallest building in Europe. The has y Br (摩天大樓) is called the Shard and it cost about 430 s newest pounds to build. At a height of almost
21、 310 metres, it is the tallest building in Europe. The has y changed the appearance of . However, not everyone t it is changefortheThe Shard was designed by the famous Italian architect Renzo Piano. When he , Piano wanted a very tall t looked like a spire (尖頂designing the Shard for He wanted the gla
22、ss to reflect the sky and the city. The sides of the building regular.Sothebuildinghasanunusual.Itlookslikeaverythin,sharppieceofbrokent is how the building got the name: the Shard. Piano t the spire of Shard is part of a tradition.Thereminds him ofthe spires ofthe churches orthetallmasts桅桿ofthetwer
23、eonceontheThe Shard has 87 floors. At the top, there is an observatory. At the moment the building empty, but eventually there will be a five-star . There will also be top quality apartmentsand.Before building work began, a lot of people didnt want the Shard though the plans approved.Nowtheyarehappy
24、abouttheShard.Somecriticstsuchatallrmight be good in a city like New York, but not in . They t the best thing about Shard is its spire . t is the only thing. There is no decoration, only flat . Egyptianst4,500yearsago.TheyalsothinktheShardistoobigfor. ItdestroysbeautyoftheOther t like what the Shard
25、 seems to represent. They t the Shard how ing more unequal. Only very rich people can afford to buy the private apartments andhe . But the people who live near the Shard are g poorest in . So the Shard seems a symbol of the in society n the very andtheThe Shard now dominates the skyline. It is not c
26、ertain, t citizenswilleveracceptitasavaluableadditiontothe55. snewestriscalledtheShardbecauseofA.itsB.itsC.itsD.its56.Whenhe designedtheShard,PianowantedittoA.changeB.inheritC.A.itsB.itsC.itsD.its56.Whenhe designedtheShard,PianowantedittoA.changeB.inheritC. etheEgyptian D.attractpotential57.Thecriti
27、cswhorefertol thinkthe Shard A.isonlypreferredbytheB. endedforwealthyC.isfarawayfromthepoorD.ispopularonlywith58.WhichwouldbethebesttitlefortheA.TheShard:CheersandB.TheShard:WorkofaGreatC.TheShard:NewSymbolof?D.TheShard:AChangeforthe,55. 】3,4,5行Hewantedthetoreflecttheskyandcity. The sides of the bui
28、lding arent regular. So the building has an unusual . It looks like verythinsharppiece ofbrokenglasstis how the buildinggotthename:theShard.theShardC 56. 】 tthespireoftheShardisparta tradition. The reminds him of the spires of the churches of or tall masts (桅桿) of the t were once on the 57. 】a tradi
29、tion. The reminds him of the spires of the churches of or tall masts (桅桿) of the t were once on the 57. 】 ttheShardshowshowing more unequal. Only very rich people can afford to buy the expensive apartments and he .But the people wholive nearthe Shard are g the in B58. 】,the titisachangeforthebetter.
30、?!?.When he began designing the Shard for , Piano wanted a very tall t likeaspire尖頂 when tlookedlikeaspire尖頂).averytallbuilding2.TheyttheShardshowshowingmore 。 ttheShardshowshowing more unequal show how ingmoreunequal四(2014江西卷CClose your eyes foe a minutes and imagine what life would be like of you
31、had dollarsless.AlsoimaginewhatitwouldbelikespendingtherestofyourlifewithyoueyesImaginehavingtoreadthispage,notdollarsless.AlsoimaginewhatitwouldbelikespendingtherestofyourlifewithyoueyesImaginehavingtoreadthispage,notwithyoureyesbutwithyourfinger-With existing medical knowledge and skills, two-thir
32、ds of the worlds 42 million blind should have to suffer. y, rich ses most of this knowledge, while ORBIS is ernational non-anization which operates the worlds only flying eye hospital. ends to help fight blindness worldwide. Inside a DC-8 aircraft, there is fully-equipped teaching hospital studio an
33、d classroom. Doctors are taught latest techniques of bringing sight back to people there. Project ORBIS also aims at ) gORBIS tries to help countries by providing training during k programs. ORBIS has taught sight-saving techniques to over 35,000 doctors and nurses, continue to cure tens of thousand
34、s of blind people every year. ORBIS has conducted 17 programsisChina so far. For theseventoten million blind inChinaORBIS isplanning to dofor them. At the moment an ORBIS is working on a long-term plan to develop a training and to provideeye care service toShanxiProvince.ORBIS needs your helpto cont
35、inue theirandfreepeoplefromForjustUS $38,youcan helpsee;for$380youcanbring sightto10people; helps teach a doctor new skills; and for $13,000 you can provide a training programme for group of doctors who can make thousands of blind people see ey can open eyestotheworld.PleasehelpORBISimprovethequalit
36、y oflifefor somany people lessn endedtoroduceanewwayofB.advisethepublictoleadasimpleC.directthepublicsattentiontotheD.encouragethepublictouse66.WhatdowelearnaboutexistingmedicalknowledgeandheA.TheyareB.TheyhavenotbeenC.TheyarenotequallyD.Theyhavebenefitedmostofthe67.ORRISaimstohelptheblindbyA.teachi
38、atcanbethebesttitlefortheA.ORRISinB.FightingC.ORRISFlying ORBIS64. 1,2行Close your eyes foe a minutes and imagine would be like of you had dred dollars less. Also imagine what it wouldbe like spending rest of your life with you eyes closed. Imagine having to read this page, not with your eyes 在者的注意力吸
39、引到盲人的身上。故C65. 】推理題。根據(jù)第一段最后 2 句 With existing medical knowledge and two-thirds of the worlds 42 million blind should vetosuffer.y,richot. ses most of this knowledge, while 公平。故C 66. 】1,2 ORBIS tries to help countries providingtrainingduringkmedicalprograms.ORBIShastaughtsight-savingtoover35,000doctor
40、sandnurses,whocontinuetocuretensofthousands ofblindpeople 67. 】2For just US $38,you can help see; $380 you can bring sight to 67. 】2For just US $38,you can help see; $380 you can bring sight to 10 people; $1,300 helps teach a doctor new skills; and for you can provide a training programme for a grou
41、p of doctors who can make thousands of people see again.A68. 捐款來幫的盲人。所以本文實際上是介紹ORRISFlyingHospital的。故C正確】1.Alsoimaginewhatitwouldbelikespendingtherestofyourlifewithyoueyesimaginewhat it would spendingtherestofyourlifewithyoueyesclosedwithyoueyesclosed with 2. ORBIS has taught sight-saving techniques
42、 to over 35,000 doctors and nurses, who continue curetensofthousandsofblindpeopleevery who continue tens of thousands of blind 五(2014山東卷AOne morning, Anns neighbor Tracy found a lost dog wandering around the local school. She asked Ann if she could keep an eye on the dog. Ann t she couldwatch it for
43、theTracy took photos of the dog and ed off 400 FOUND f ), and put them boxes. Meanwhile, Ann went to the dollar store and bought some Tracy took photos of the dog and ed off 400 FOUND f ), and put them boxes. Meanwhile, Ann went to the dollar store and bought some s, warning two sons not to fall in
44、love with the dog. At the time, Anns son Thomas was 10 years old, Jack,whowasrecoveringfromaheartoperation,was21yearsFour days later Ann was still looking after the dog, whom they had started to call Riley. she arrived home from work, the dog threw itself against the screen door and barked madly her
45、. As soon as she opened the door, Riley o the boys room where Ann found sufferingfromatack.Riley ranovertoJack, butas soon asAnn bentoverto helphimdogwent“If dnt come to get me, the doctor said Jack would have died,” Ann reported to a r.Atthis,noonehadcalledtoclaimthedog,soAnndecidedtoThe next morni
46、ng Tracy got a call. A man named Peter recognized his d called numberonthef r.Tracystartedcrying,andtoldhim,tdogsavedmyfriendsPeterdrovetoAnns house to pick uphis dog, andsawThomasand Jack he AfterafewmomentsPetersaid,“MaybeOdie ped tofind you, maybeyou should 41.WhatdidTracydoafterfindingtheA.Shelo
47、okedforitsB.ShegaveittoAnnasaC.ShesoldittothedollarD.Sheboughtsomefoodfor42.HowdidthedoghelpsaveA.BybreakingthedoorforB.ByleadingAnntoJacksC.BydraggingJackoutoftheD.ByattendingJackwhenAnnwas43.WhatwasAnnsattitudetothedogaccordingtoParagraphA.B.C. D.44.ForwhatedidPetercall A.TohelpherfriendsB. erview
48、C.TotakebackhisD.Toreturnthef rto45.WhatcanweinferaboutthedogfromthelastA.ItwouldbegiventoB.ItwouldbekeptbyAnnC.ItwouldbereturnedtoD.ItwouldbetakenawaybyAnn AnnJackJack Ann41. 】A d edoff400f Ann AnnJackJack Ann41. 】A d edoff400f ), and put 發(fā)AA 42. 】B Whenshe arrived home from work, the dog threw its
49、elf the screen door andbarked madly at her.As soon as sheopened the door, Riley o boys room where Ann found Jack suffering from a tack. Riley ran over to Jack, but soonasAnnbentovertohelphimthedogwentsilent.Ann AnnJackJack B 43. 】D 】根據(jù)文章第四段1,2行“If dnt come to get me, the doctor said Jack havediedAnn
50、reportedtoalocalr可知如果不是小狗,JackAnn兒子是十分感激的。故D44. 】2段第一句ThenextmorningTracygotacall.Amand called the number on the f r. Peter drove to Anns Peter recognized his topickuphisdog,Peter 45. 】2After a few moments Peter said, “Maybe Odie t.” 可知Petered to find you, maybe you should AnnB 】1.One morning, Anns
51、neighbor Tracy found a lost dog wandering around the local founda lost dog wandering around the local elementary school 是一個“動詞賓語+賓語補足語”wandering around the local elementary founda lost dog wandering around the local elementary school 是一個“動詞賓語+賓語補足語”wandering around the local elementary alostdog wand
52、er alost dog 2.Meanwhile, Annwentto the dollarstore and bought some s, warning hertwo nottofallinlovewiththe 【分析】本句中謂語動詞是由并列結(jié)構(gòu)wentto the dollar store bought some s組成的,現(xiàn)在分詞短語warninghertwosonsnottofallinlovewiththedogwarn六卷CA schoolgirl saved her fathers life by kicking he chest after he suffered a se
53、rious (過敏的reactionwhichstoppedhisIzzyninerestartedfatherheart by ing踩) on his chest after he fell down at andstoppedIzzysmother,Debbie,ycalled999butIzzyknewdoctorswouldneverimesaveherfather,sodecidedtouseHowever,shequicklydiscoveredherarmswerentstrongenough,sosheeherchests (按壓) until Debbie then too
54、k over with some more conventional chest ambulanceIzzy, who has been given a bravery award by her school, said: I just kicked him really hard. mum taught me CPR but I knew I wasnt strong enough to use hands. I was quite scared. doctor said I might as well be a doctor or a nurse. My mum t Dad was goi
55、ng to bigonShesalittlestar,saidDebbie,iwasreallyupsetbutIzzyjusttookover.Ijustcantbe veshe did. I really think all children should be aid. Izzy did CPR then the doctor up.ColmhadtohavemoretreatmentonthewaytothehospitalandwevegottoseeanTruckdriverColm,35,sufferedaup.Colmhadtohavemoretreatmentontheway
56、tothehospitalandwevegottoseeanTruckdriverColm,35,sufferedamysteryallergicreactiononSaturdayandwastakentobut was sent home only for it to happen he next day. The second attack was so t his airway swelled, preventing him from breathing, his blood re dropped andhisheartstoppedforaHehasnowmadeafullrecov
57、eryfrom39.Izzykickedherhe chest .A.toexpressherB.topractiseCPRonC.tokeephimD.torestarthis40.WhatstherightorderoftheA.B. C. D.41.WhatdoesParagraph8mainlytalkA.WhatB. C.WhatcausedD.Symptomsofallergic42.WhydoestheauthorwritetheA.TodescribeaseriousB.ToprovetheimportanceofC.Toreporta9-year-oldgirlsbraveD
58、.Tocallpeoplesattentiontoallergic39. 】 IzzykickedDebbiecalledIzzylearnedheart, , hearting(踩)on his chest after he fell down at home and stopped breathing , , hearting(踩)on his chest after he fell down at home and stopped breathing 40. 選C41. 】 42. ,了 一卷A56.WithhelpfromaMr.H,you.A.stopusingB.finish56.
59、WithhelpfromaMr.H,you.A.stopusingB.finishonC.rememberyourteachersD.getyourroomyourwayNGOWATCHCONTROLcanhelpyou.A.repairyouranizeC.beaJamesD.knowwhattheweatherisal MakeyourparentsandteachershappyAre you having problems finishing your on time? Do you avoid tidying room until your mom shouts at you? Yo
60、uneed to worry if you buy a Mr. Helal robot.Mr. H can be programmed toanize your.Your ownrobot will follow you around, putting away books and objects t you have left on the floor or bed.MrHalsohasthesefeatures特點weighsonly500includeslong-lastingcomes Originally最初soldfor$499 NOW ONLY $299WATCHThis is
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