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1、第二節(jié)股東大會的一般規(guī)定Section 2 General Regulations of the Shareholders Meeting第三十七條 股東大會是公司的權(quán)力機構(gòu),依法律、法規(guī)和本章程行使下列職權(quán):The shareholders meeting is the companys organ of power, which shall exercise following authorities in accordance with the laws, administrative regulations and articles of association:(一)決定公司的經(jīng)營方

2、針和投資計劃;determining the companys operation guidelines and investment plans;(二)選舉和更換非由職工代表擔(dān)任的董事、監(jiān)事,決定有關(guān)董事、監(jiān)事的報酬 事項;electing and replacing the directors and supervisors who are not employees representatives, and determining the matters concerning their remuneration;(三)審議批準董事會的報告;deliberating and approv

3、ing the reports issued by the board of directors;(四)審議批準監(jiān)事會報告;deliberating and approving the reports issued by the board of supervisors;(五)審議批準公司的年度財務(wù)預(yù)算方案、決算方案;deliberating and approving annual financial budget plans and final account plans of the company;(六)審議批準公司的利潤分配方案和彌補虧損方案;deliberating and app

4、roving profit distribution plans and loss recovery plans of the company;(七)對公司增加或者減少注冊資本做出決議;making resolutions on the increase or decrease of the companys registered capital;(八)對發(fā)行公司債券做出決議;making resolutions on the issuance of corporate bonds;(九)對公司合并、分立、解散、清算或者變更公司形式做出決議;making resolutions on the

5、merger, division, dissolution, liquidation or structure change of the company;(十)修改公司章程;amending the articles of association of the company;(十一)對公司聘用、解聘會計師事務(wù)所做出決議;making resolution on appointment and dismissal of the accounting firm of the company;(十二)審議批準第三十八條規(guī)定的擔(dān)保事項;deliberating and approving the

6、matters of external guarantees under article 38 of this articles of association;(十三)審議公司在一年內(nèi)購買、出售重大資產(chǎn)超過公司最近一期經(jīng)審計總資產(chǎn)30%的事項;deliberating the purchases or sales of any important assets within a year when the aggregate amount of which exceeds 30% of the latest audited total assets of the company;(十四)審議股

7、權(quán)激勵計劃;deliberating the share incentive plan;(十五)審議法律、行政法規(guī)、部門規(guī)章或本章程規(guī)定應(yīng)當由股東大會決定的其 他事項。deliberating other matters which shall be determined by shareholders meetings as required by the law, administrative regulations, departmental regulations and the provisions of the articles of association.上述股東大會的職權(quán)不得

8、通過授權(quán)的形式由董事會或其他機構(gòu)和個人代為行使。The aforesaid function and power of the shareholder meeting shall not be exercised by authorization to the board of directors or other organization or individuals.第三十八條公司下列對外擔(dān)保行為,須經(jīng)董事會審議后提交股東大會審議通過。The following external guarantee provided by the company shall be subject to t

9、he deliberation and approval by shareholder ms eeting after deliberation by board of directors:(一)本公司及本公司控股子公司的對外擔(dān)??傤~,達到或超過最近一期經(jīng)審計凈資產(chǎn)的50%以后提供的任何擔(dān)保;any external guarantee by the company and its subsidiary when the total amount of which equals to or exceeds 50% of the latest audited net assets of the

10、company;(二)公司的對外擔(dān)保總額,達到或超過最近一期經(jīng)審計總資產(chǎn)的30%以后提供的任何擔(dān)保;any external guarantee by the company when the total amount of which equals to or exceeds 30% of the latest audited total assets of the company;(三)為資產(chǎn)負債率超過70%的擔(dān)保對象提供的擔(dān)保;any guarantee to any entity or person with asset-liability ratio in excess of 70%

11、;(四)單筆擔(dān)保額超過最近一期經(jīng)審計凈資產(chǎn)10%的擔(dān)保;any single guarantee when the amount of which exceeds 10% of the latest audited net assets of the company;(五)對股東、實際控制人及其關(guān)聯(lián)方提供的擔(dān)保。any guarantee to shareholder, actual controller of the company and its related第九十七條董事會行使下列職權(quán):Article 97 The board of directors exercises the fo

12、llowing authorities:(一)召集股東大會,并向股東大會報告工作;convening shareholders meetings and reporting the status on work thereto;(二)執(zhí)行股東大會的決議;carrying out the resolutions made at the shareholders meetings;(三)決定公司的經(jīng)營計劃和投資方案;determining the operation plans and investment plans of the company;(四)制訂公司的年度財務(wù)預(yù)算方案、決算方案;wo

13、rking out the companys annual financial budget plans and final account plans;(五)制訂公司的利潤分配方案和彌補虧損方案;working out the companys profit distribution plans and loss recovery plans;(六)制訂公司增加或者減少注冊資本、發(fā)行債券或其他證券及上市方案;working out the companys plans on the increase or decrease of registered capital, and on the

14、issuance of corporate bonds or other securities, as well as plan for the listing of the company;(七)擬訂公司重大收購、收購本公司股票或者合并、分立、解散及變更公司形 式的方案;working out the companys plans on significant acquisitions, on purchases of shares of the company, or on merger, division, dissolution and change of the company fo

15、rm;(八)在股東大會授權(quán)范圍內(nèi),決定公司對外投資、收購出售資產(chǎn)、資產(chǎn)抵押、 對外擔(dān)保事項、委托理財、關(guān)聯(lián)交易等事項;making decisions on the company s external investment, purchase and sale of assets, pledge of assets, provision of external guarantees, appointment of financial management, and connected transactions etc. within the scope authorized by the s

16、hareholders meeting;(九)決定公司內(nèi)部管理機構(gòu)的設(shè)置;making decisions on the establishment of the companys internal management departments;(十)聘任或者解聘公司 總經(jīng)理;根據(jù)總經(jīng)理的提名,聘任或者解聘公司 副總經(jīng) 理、財務(wù)負責(zé)人等高級管理人員,并決定其報酬事項和獎懲事項;making decisions on hiring or dismissing the companys general manager and his/her remuneration, and, according

17、 to the nomination of the general manager, deciding on the hiring or dismissing of senior management personnel such as vice/assistant general manager(s) and the person in charge of finance as well as their remuneration;(十一)制訂公司的基本管理制度;working out the companys basic management system;(十二)制訂本章程的修改方案;w

18、orking out proposal for amendment to the articles of association;(十三)管理公司信息披露事項;managing information disclosure of the company;(十四)向股東大會提請聘請或更換為公司審計的會計師事務(wù)所;proposing hiring or replacement of the accounting working for auditing to the shareholders meeting;(十五)聽取公司總經(jīng)理的工作匯報并檢查 總經(jīng)理的工作;receiving the work

19、ing report and inspecting the work of general manager;(十六)法律、行政法規(guī)、部門規(guī)章或本章程授予的其他職權(quán)。other functions authorized by law, administrative regulations, departmental regulations, or the articles of association.公司設(shè)總經(jīng)理1名,由董事會聘任或解聘。第一百一十七條 總經(jīng)理對董事會負責(zé),行使下列職權(quán):Article 117 Thegeneral manager shall be responsible fo

20、r the board of directors and shall exercise the following authorities:(一)主持公司的生產(chǎn)經(jīng)營管理工作,組織實施董事會決議,并向董事會報告工 作;taking charge of the management of the production and business operations of the company, organizing to implement the resolutions of the board of directors and reporting to the board;(二)組織實施公司

21、年度經(jīng)營計劃和投資方案;organizing the execution of the companys annual operational plans and investment plans;(三)擬訂公司內(nèi)部管理機構(gòu)設(shè)置方案;drafting plans on the establishment of the companys internal management departments;(四)擬訂公司的基本管理制度;drafting the companys basic management system;(五)制定公司的具體規(guī)章;formulating the actual ru

22、les and regulations of the company;(六)提請董事會聘任或者解聘公司副總經(jīng)理、財務(wù)負責(zé)人;proposing to hire or dismiss the companys assistant general manager and person in charge of finance;(七)決定聘任或者解聘除應(yīng)由董事會決定聘任或者解聘以外的負責(zé)管理人員;deciding on the hiring or dismissing of the persons other than those who shall be decided by the board

23、of directors;(八)擬訂有關(guān)公司職工的工資、福利、獎懲的規(guī)定;(8)working out regulations for the salary, welfare, rewards and punishments concerning to company s employees;(九)本章程或董事會授予的其他職權(quán)。other authorities conferred by the articles of association or by the board of directors.總經(jīng)理列席董事會會議。The general manager attends the meet

24、ings of the board of directors as a non-voting delegate.根據(jù)法律、法規(guī)及本章程的規(guī)定非由公司股東大會及董事會審議決策的事項, 由 總經(jīng)理負責(zé)決策。公司的日常經(jīng)營事項由 總經(jīng)理決策。The general manager shall be responsible for making decision on matters, which are not to be decided by the shareholders meeting and by the board ofdirectors, according to provisions

25、 by laws, regulations and the articles of association. Daily operation of company business shall be decided by general manager.第一百一十八條 總經(jīng)理應(yīng)當根據(jù)董事會或者監(jiān)事會的要求,向董事會或者監(jiān)事會 報告公司重大合同的簽訂、執(zhí)行情況、資金運用情況和盈虧情況。總經(jīng)理必須保 證報告的真實性。Article 118 The general manager shall report the matters concerning the concluding and imple

26、menting of significant contract, operation of the capital and gain or loss to the board of directors or the board of supervisors, and ensure the truthfulness of the report.第一百一十九條總經(jīng)理擬訂有關(guān)職工工資、福利、安全生產(chǎn)以及勞動保護、勞動 保險、解聘(或開除)公司職工等涉及職工切身利益的規(guī)定時,應(yīng)當事先聽取工 會和職代會的意見。Article 119 Prior making out regulations of mat

27、ters relating to the vital interest of employees, such as the remuneration, welfare, safety production and labor protection, insurance, dismissal or fire, the general manager shall solicit the opinions of company s labor union, and the opinions of the representatives of the employees.第一百二十條 總經(jīng)理應(yīng)制訂總經(jīng)

28、理工作細則,報董事會批準后實施。Article 120 The general manager shall formulate detailed working rules of the general manager, which shall be submitted to the board of directors for approval before implementation.第一百二H一條 總經(jīng)理工作細則包括下列內(nèi)容:Article 121 The detailed working rules of general manager shall include following

29、:(一)總經(jīng)理會議召開的條件、程序和參加的人員;conditions, procedures and participants for holding a general managers meeting;(二)總經(jīng)理及其他高級管理人員各自具體的職責(zé)及其分工;specific responsibilities of general manager and other senior management personnel individually and distribution of duties and powers among them;(三)公司資金、資產(chǎn)運用,簽訂重大合同的權(quán)限,以及

30、向董事會、監(jiān)事會的報 告制度;scope of duty for capital, assets operations, and for concluding significant contracts, and regulation for report to the board of directors and the board of supervisors;(四)董事會認為必要的其他事項。other matters believed necessary by the board of directors.第一百三十三條監(jiān)事會行使下列職權(quán):Article 133 The board of

31、 supervisors exercises the following authorities:(一)應(yīng)當對董事會編制的公司定期報告進行審核并提出書面審核意見;deliberating the company s regular reports prepared by the board of directors and giving the written opinions;(二)檢查公司財務(wù);checking the financial affairs of the company;(三)對董事、高級管理人員執(zhí)行公司職務(wù)的行為進行監(jiān)督,對違反法律、行政 法規(guī)、本章程或者股東大會決議的董事、高級管理人員提出罷免的建議;supervising the duty-related acts of the directors and senior management personnel, and bringing forward proposals on the removal of any director or senior management personnel who violates any law, administrative regulation, the articles of associa


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