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1、1、中國酒文化Chinese Wine Culture 中國人在 7000 年以前就開頭用谷物釀酒;總的來 說,不管是古代仍是現(xiàn)代, 酒都和中國文化息息相關;長期以來,中國的酒文化在人們生活中始終扮演著重 要的角色;我們的祖先在寫詩時以酒助興,在宴會中 和親朋好友敬酒;作為一種文化形式,酒文化也是普 通百姓生活中不行分割的部分,比如生日宴會、送別 晚宴、婚禮慶典等;中國人在 7000 年以前就開頭用谷物釀酒;(1)Chinese people began to make wine with grains seven thousand years ago. (2)總的來說,不管是古代仍是現(xiàn)代,酒

2、都和中 國文化息息相關;Generally speaking, wine has a close connection with Chinese culture in both ancient and modern times. (3)長期以來,中國的酒文化在人們生活中始終 扮演著重要的角色;Chinese wine culture has been playing a quite important role in Chinese peoples life for a long time. (4)我們的祖先在寫詩時以酒助興,在宴會中和親 朋好友敬酒;Our Chinese ancestors

3、 used to enjoy themselvesbydrinking wine while writing poetry, or to make a toast to their relatives and friends during a feast. (5)作為一種文化形式,酒文化也是一般百姓生活 中不行分割的部分,比如生日宴會、送別晚宴、婚禮 慶典等;Wine culture, as a kind of culture form, is also an inseparable part in the life of ordinary Chinese people such as bir

4、thday party, farewell dinner, wedding, etc. 2、中國書法Chinese Calligraphy 中國書法歷史悠久, 它不僅是漢字的傳統(tǒng)書寫形式,也是表達自我修養(yǎng)和自我表達的藝術;作者的內(nèi)心世 界通過精妙的字體得以表達;書法在中國藝術中擁有 舉足輕重的位置,由于它影響到了其它的中國藝術形 式,比如古典詩歌、雕塑、傳統(tǒng)音樂及舞蹈、建筑及 手工藝品;作為傳統(tǒng)的藝術珍寶,中國書法被全世界 人民所寵愛,且越來越受到歡迎;(1)中國書法歷史悠久,它不僅是漢字的傳統(tǒng)書寫 形式,也是表達自我修養(yǎng)和自我表達的藝術;Chinese calligraphy is not

5、only a traditional Chinese characters writing with a long history, but also an art of self-cultivation and self-expression. (2)作者的內(nèi)心世界通過精妙的字體得以表達;Inner world of the writer could be reflected by means of beautiful Chinese script. (3)書法在中國藝術中擁有舉足輕重的位置,由于 它影響到了其它的中國藝術形式,比如古典詩歌、雕 塑、傳統(tǒng)音樂及舞蹈、建筑及手工藝品;Chine

6、se calligraphy plays an important role in Chinese art, for it has influencedother Chinese artistic forms like classical poetry, sculpture, traditional music and dance, architecture and handicraft. (4)作為傳統(tǒng)的藝術珍寶,中國書法被全世界人民 所寵愛,且越來越受到歡迎;As a treasured artistic form of Chinese culture, Chinese calligrap

7、hy is enjoyed by people throughout the world and is becoming more and more popular. 3、中國山水畫 Landscape Painting 山水畫始終以來都被譽為中國繪畫的最高境域;它 品嘗高端,很受歡迎;一般意義上,中國山水畫被認 為是書法、繪畫及詩歌的結合或延長;漢語“ 山水”這個詞由“ 山” 和“ 水” 兩個漢字組成,且與道教的 哲學思想相聯(lián)系,它強調(diào)的是人與自然的和諧;中國 畫家描畫的并不總是真實的世界,他們出現(xiàn)的是自己 想象出來的風景,這些風景不再只是對眼前世界的描繪,而是畫家內(nèi)在思想的寫照;因此,人們

8、認為觀賞山水畫除了可以很好地明白畫家的內(nèi)心世界之外,仍可以凈化自己的靈魂;1 山水畫始終以來都被譽為中國繪畫的最高境域;Landscape painting has been considered as the highest form of Chinese painting styles. 2 它品嘗高端,很受歡迎;With its refined scholarly taste, it enjoys high popularity. 3 一般意義上,中國山水畫被認為是書法、繪畫及 詩歌的結合或延長;Chinese Landscape painting, in general, is see

9、n as a combination or extension of calligraphy, painting, and poetry. 4 漢語“ 山水” 這個詞由“ 山” 和“ 水” 兩個漢字 組成,且與道教的哲學思想相聯(lián)系,它強調(diào)的是人與自然的和諧;The Chinese term for “ landscape ”is made up of two characters meaning “ mountains and water is linked with the philosophy of Daoism, which emphasizes harmony with the nat

10、ural world. 5 中國畫家描畫的并不總是真實的世界,他們出現(xiàn)的是自己想象出來的風景,這些風景不再只是對眼前 世界的描畫,而是畫家內(nèi)在思想的寫照;Chinese artists do not usually paint the real world but imaginary landscape, which is no longer about the description of the visible world, but a means ofexpressing the artists inner mind. 6 因此,人們認為觀賞山水畫除了可以很好地明白 畫家的內(nèi)心世界之外,

11、仍可以凈化自己的靈魂;People, therefore, believe that appreciating landscape painting is a good way to get a deep insight into the artists inner heart as well asa good way to purify their souls. 4、 中國戲曲 Chinese Opera 在中國,戲曲是一種很流行的戲劇形式, 一般來說,可以追溯到唐朝時期,當時的皇帝唐玄宗創(chuàng)立了“ 梨 園” ;如今,很多外國人也很寵愛中國的戲曲;最吸 引他們的就是戲曲的獨有風格畫臉譜,它不僅

12、是戲 曲中的一大亮點,同時仍要求特殊的繪畫技藝;每個 演員臉上夸張的扮相代表其扮演角色的性格和命運;熟知戲曲的觀眾通過觀看演員的臉譜和服裝就可以 知道角色背后的故事;通常,紅色臉譜代表忠誠與勇 敢;黑色代表兇殘;黃色和白色代表口是心非;金色和銀色代表神奇;對于中國人,特殊是老年人,觀賞戲曲是他們的一大樂趣;1 在中國,戲曲是一種很流行的戲劇形式,一般來 說,可以追溯到唐朝時期,當時的皇帝唐玄宗創(chuàng)立了“ 梨園” ;Chinese opera is a popular form of drama in China. In general, it can date back to the Tang

13、Dynasty with Emperor Xuanzong, who founded the “ Pear Garden ” . 2 如今,很多外國人也很寵愛中國的戲曲;Now Chinese opera is warmly welcomed by many foreign people. 3 最吸引他們的就是戲曲的獨有風格畫臉譜,它 不僅是戲曲中的一大亮點,同時仍要求特殊的繪畫技藝;What appeals foreigners most might be the distinctive style of facial make-up, which is one of the highlig

14、hts and requires distinctive techniques of painting. 4 每個演員臉上夸張的扮相代表其扮演角色的性格 和命運;Exaggerated designs are painted on each performers face to symbolize a characters personality and fate. 5 熟知戲曲的觀眾通過觀看演員的臉譜和服裝就可以知道角色背后的故事;Audiences who are familiar with Chinese opera can know the story by observing the

15、ir facial painting as well as their costumes. 6 通常,紅色臉譜代表忠誠與英勇; 黑色代表兇殘;黃色和白色代表口是心非;金色和銀色代表神奇;Generally, a red face represents loyalty and bravery; a black face, fierce; yellow and white faces, dishonesty; and golden and silver faces, mystery. 7 對于中國人,特殊是老年人,觀賞戲曲是他們的 一大樂趣;It is a real pleasure for Ch

16、inese, especially older folks, to listen to opera. 5、 京劇 Peking Opera 京劇是中國的一種傳統(tǒng)藝術;它是中國戲曲的一種,產(chǎn)生于于 1790年四大徽班(Four Great Anhui Troupes 入京表演的時候; 19 世紀中期得到快速進展, 到清朝 達到全盛階段;京劇被看成是中國的文化珍寶之一;雖然它被稱為京劇,但是它的起源地卻是中國的安徽 省和湖北??;京劇起初是一種宮廷表演藝術,而后才 漸漸普及到民間;在數(shù)百年前,京劇作為一種新的戲 曲形式,無論在哪里進行表演,都飽受歡迎;而在現(xiàn)代社會中,包括京劇在內(nèi)的傳統(tǒng)戲曲卻不大能被

17、年輕人接受,面臨著龐大的生存危機;1 京劇是中國的一種傳統(tǒng)藝術;Peking opera is a traditional art in China. 2 它是中國戲曲的一種, 產(chǎn)生于于 1790 年四大徽班(Four Great Anhui Troupes)入京表演的時候;It is a kind of Chinese opera which was bornwhen the Four Great Anhui Troupes came to Beijing in 1790. 3 19 世紀中期得到快速進展, 到清朝達到全盛階段;It arose in the mid-19th century

18、 and was flourishing in the Qing Dynasty. 4 京劇被看成是中國的文化珍寶之一;Peking opera is regarded as one of the cultural treasures of China. 5 雖然它被稱為京劇,但是它的起源地卻是中國的 安徽省和湖北?。籄lthough it is called Peking opera, its origins are in the Chinese provinces of Anhui and Hubei. 6 京劇起初是一種宮廷表演藝術,而后才漸漸普及 到民間;Peking opera wa

19、s originally staged for the court and came into the public later. 7 在數(shù)百年前,京劇作為一種新的戲曲形式,無論 在哪里進行表演,都飽受歡迎;Hundreds of years ago, as a new drama form, wherever it was performed, it would be warmly welcomed. 8 而在現(xiàn)代社會中,包括京劇在內(nèi)的傳統(tǒng)戲曲卻不 大能被年輕人接受,面臨著龐大的生存危機;Unfortunately, in the modern world, traditional oper

20、as including Peking Opera have to face the greatest existential crisis becausethey are not easily accepted by younger generations. 6、昆曲 Kunqu Opera 昆曲是中國古老戲曲中的一種,起源于江蘇昆山,擁有 600 多年的歷史;它是連接過去與現(xiàn)在,中國與 世界的紐帶,對現(xiàn)今中國的戲曲形式,包括川劇與京劇在內(nèi),都產(chǎn)生了重要的影響;昆曲包蘊了各種意象美,從音樂、舞蹈到詩歌,人們的精神世界甚至中 國人的靈魂,都有所表達;正由于如此,昆曲在過去 廣受歡迎,也成了中國

21、文化遺產(chǎn)中最寶貴的部分;但 是現(xiàn)在,昆曲不僅面臨著來自大眾流行文化的挑戰(zhàn),而且年輕人也對其缺乏愛好;只有進行適當?shù)膼圩o,昆曲才能擁有美好的將來;1 昆曲是中國古老戲曲中的一種,起源于江蘇昆山,擁有 600 多年的歷史;Kunqu Opera, which originated in the Kunshan region of Jiangsu province, is one of Chinaclassical operas with a history of more than 600 years. 2 它是連接過去與現(xiàn)在,中國與世界的紐帶,對現(xiàn) 今中國的戲曲形式,包括川劇與京劇在內(nèi),都產(chǎn)生了

22、 重要的影響;Kunqu Opera serves asa link between past and present, China and the world. It has exerted a dominant influence on the recent forms of opera in China, including the Sichuan Opera and Peking Opera. 3 昆曲包蘊了各種意象美,從音樂、舞蹈到詩歌,人們的精神世界甚至中國人的靈魂,都有所表達;Kunqu Opera embraced every imaginable beauty, from m

23、usic and dance to poetry and Chinese people s spiritual world and even souls. 4 正由于如此,昆曲在過去廣受歡迎,也成了中國 文化遺產(chǎn)中最寶貴的部分;So Kunqu Opera was very popular in the past and became the most valuable parts of Chinas cultural heritage. 5 但是現(xiàn)在,昆曲不僅面臨著來自大眾流行文化的挑戰(zhàn),而且年輕人也對其缺乏愛好;But now, Kunqu Opera is facing challeng

24、efrom the pop culture and a lack of interest amongstthe young. 6 只有進行適當?shù)膼圩o,昆曲才能擁有美好的將來;It can only have a bright future when it is protected in a proper way. 7、唐詩 Poems of the Tang Dynasty 唐代,是中國古典詩歌的鼎盛時期,在不到 300 年 的時間里,涌現(xiàn)出了很多聞名的詩人和詩作;清朝時編輯的全唐詩 Poems of the Tang Dynasty 已收錄2200 多位詩人創(chuàng)作的48900 多首詩歌;這些詩

25、歌讓人們深化明白到當時社會生活的各個方面;中國人很喜 歡唐詩,就連小孩子也能背出幾首,如李白的靜夜 思Thoughts in the Silent Night,杜甫的春夜喜雨Good Rain on a Spring Night 等等;唐詩不僅是中國古 代文學史上最光輝的一頁,而且也是人類文化史中的 一個奇跡;1 唐代,是中國古典詩歌的鼎盛時期,在不到 300 年的時間里,涌現(xiàn)出了很多聞名的詩人和詩作;The Tang Dynasty witnessed the peak of Chinese ancient poetry, with many renowned poets and famou

26、s works appearingover a period ofless than 300 years. 2 清朝時編輯的全唐詩Poems of the Tang Dynasty已收錄 2200多位詩人創(chuàng)作的 48900 多首詩歌;Poems of the Tang Dynasty, edited during the Qing Dynasty, has collected more than 48,900 poems composed byover 2,200 poets. 3 這些詩歌讓人們深化明白到當時社會生活的各個 方面;These poems provide an insight

27、intoall aspects of the social life of the period. 4 中國人很寵愛唐詩,就連小孩子也能背出幾首,如李白的靜夜思 Thoughts in the Silent Night,杜 甫的春夜喜雨 Good Rain on a Spring Night 等等;Chinese people are very fond of Tang poetry, and even children can recite some from memory, such as Thoughts in the Silent Nightby Li Bai, Good Rain o

28、n a Spring Nightby Du Fu, etc. 5 唐詩不僅是中國古代文學史上最光輝的一頁,而 且也是人類文化史中的一個奇跡;Tang poetry not only serves as a most brilliant page/chapter in the history ofancient Chinese literature but is also a miracle in the history of human culture. 8、中國武術 Chinese Martial Arts/ Kungfu 中國武術擁有悠久的歷史,在中國廣為流行;受中 國古典美學所提倡的剛柔

29、并濟的影響,中國武術形成 了自己的審美標準;現(xiàn)在很多人習武是為了健康、娛 樂和競技;為了更好地傳承這一古老的技藝,全國各 地開設有很多的武術俱樂部和協(xié)會;自 1980 年起,一大批武術專業(yè)的畢業(yè)生被安排到學校里教授武術;現(xiàn)在很多專家通過將搏斗技巧和健康結合到一起,試 著將武術變?yōu)橐豁椏茖W的運動;他們期望有一天,武 術可以作為一項賽事納入奧運會中;1 中國武術擁有悠久的歷史,在中國廣為流行;Chinese martial arts enjoy a long history and great popularity in China. 2 受中國古典美學所提倡的剛柔并濟的影響,中國 武術形成了自己

30、的審美標準;Influenced byancient Chinese aesthetics whichadvocated a balance between hardness and softness, Chinese martial arts have formed their own aesthetic standards. (3)現(xiàn)在很多人習武是為了健康、消遣和競技;Today, many people practice it to pursue health, entertainment and competition. (4)為了更好地傳承這一古老的技藝,全國各地開 設有很多的武術俱

31、樂部和協(xié)會;In order to inherit the ancient art, many martial arts clubs and associations have been established across/throughout China(5)自 1980 年起,一大批武術專業(yè)的畢業(yè)生被安排 到學校里教授武術;Since 1980, a large number of graduates majoring in martial arts have been assigned to teach martial arts in schools. 6 現(xiàn)在很多專家通過將搏斗技巧和

32、健康結合到一起,試著將武術變?yōu)橐豁椏茖W的運動;Many specialists today are tying to turn martial arts into a scientific sport by combining fighting skills with health. 7 他們期望有一天,武術可以作為一項賽事納入奧 運會中;They hope that one day martial arts will become a sport event at the Olympic Games. 9、長城 The Great Wall 長城,作為中國的象征之一,不僅是中國的奇跡,也是整

33、個世界的奇跡;它始建于春秋戰(zhàn)國時期,秦始皇統(tǒng)一中國后,連結了各段長城以抵擋外敵入侵;現(xiàn)存的長城遺跡主要為建于 著兩千多年的歷史,于14 世紀的明長城;長城有 1987 年被聯(lián)合國教科文組織列為世界遺產(chǎn);現(xiàn)如今,長城仍是世界上最受歡迎的景點之一;1 長城,作為中國的象征之一, 不僅是中國的奇跡,也是整個世界的奇跡;As one of the symbols of China, the Great Wall is a wonder not only to China but alsoto the whole world. 2 它始建于春秋戰(zhàn)國時期,秦始皇統(tǒng)一中國后,連 結了各段長城以抵擋外敵入侵;

34、The Great Wall was first built in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. After the unification of China, the first Emperor of Qin linked updifferent sections of the walls to prevent the invasion of the enemies. 3 現(xiàn)存的長城遺跡主要為建于14 世紀的明長城;The present preserved Great Wall of China is

35、 the major parts built in the 14th century, called Ming Great Wall. 4 長城有著兩千多年的歷史, 于 1987 年被聯(lián)合國教 科文組織列為世界遺產(chǎn);With a long history of more than 2,000 years, the Great Wall of China was listed asWorld Heritageby UNESCO in 1987. 5 現(xiàn)如今,長城仍是世界上最受歡迎的景點之一;Until now, the Great Wall is still one of the most po

36、pular attractions in the world. 10、故宮 The Imperial Palace 故宮又名紫禁城,位于北京市中心,占地面積 72萬平方米;它擁有眾多的庭院,四周有高墻和護城河愛護;明清兩代的皇帝和他們的家眷以及數(shù)百名宮女、太監(jiān)曾在這里居?。蛔辖怯诿鞒?420 年建成,普通百姓不能進入;在 1924 年清朝末代皇帝被逐出故 宮后,故宮于 1925 年變成了故宮博物院并對外開放;1 故宮又名紫禁城,位于北京市中心,占地面積 72 萬平方米;Standing/Lying in the center of Beijing, the Imperial Palace,

37、also known as the Forbidden City, covers an area of 720,000 square meters. 2 它擁有眾多的庭院,四周有高墻和護城河愛護;It consists of dozens of courtyards and is protected by high walls and a moat on all four sides. 3 明清兩代的皇帝和他們的家眷以及數(shù)百名宮女、太監(jiān)曾在這里居??;The emperors of two dynasties, the Ming and the Qing, lived here with the

38、ir families and hundreds of court ladies and palace eunuchs. 4 紫禁城于明朝1420 年建成,一般百姓不能進入;The Forbidden City was completedin 1420 during the Ming Dynasty, which was not accessible to the common people. 5 在 1924 年清朝末代皇帝被逐出故宮后,故宮于 1925 年變成了故宮博物院并對外開放;The Palace was converted into a museum in 1925 and has

39、 been open to the public after the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty was driven out of the Palace in 1924. 一、對龍圖騰的崇拜在中國大約已綿延了八千多年;中國龍是古人將魚、蛇、馬、牛等動物與云霧、雷電等自然天象集合而成的一種神物;中國龍的形成 與中華民族的多元融合過程同步;在中國人的心目中,龍具有開拓變化和團結凝結的寓意;1 對龍圖騰的崇拜在中國大約已綿延了八千多年;Chinese Dragon totem worship in China has been around for over

40、8,000 years. 2 中國龍是古人將魚、蛇、馬、牛等動物與云霧、雷電等自然天象集合而成的一種神物;The ancients in China considered the dragon or loong as a fetish that combines animals including the fish, snake, horse and ox withcloud, thunder, lightning and other natural celestial phenomena. 3 中國龍的形成與中華民族的多元融合過程同步;The Chinese dragon was forme

41、d in accordance with the multicultural fusion process of the Chinese nation. 4 在中國人的心目中,龍具有開拓變化和團結凝結 的寓意;To the Chinese, the dragon signifiesinnovation and cohesion. 二、秧歌舞是中國漢族的一種民間傳統(tǒng)舞蹈,通常在 北方省份表演;秧歌舞者通常穿上光明多彩的表演服 裝,他們的表演動作有力快速;在農(nóng)歷春節(jié)、元宵節(jié) 等節(jié)日期間,人們一旦聽到鑼鼓聲,不管外面天氣有 多冷,他們都會蜂擁到街上看秧歌舞表演;近年來,中國東北某些城市的老年人自發(fā)組

42、織了了秧歌隊,隊 員常年通過跳秧歌舞來保持健康,同時他們也樂在其 中;1 秧歌舞是中國漢族的一種民間傳統(tǒng)舞蹈,通常在 北方省份表演;Yangko is one of the traditional folk dances of Han nationality in China. It is usually performed in Northern provinces. 2 秧歌舞者通常穿上光明多彩的表演服裝,他們的 表演動作有力快速;The dancers usually wear / are dressed in colorful and light costumes, and the p

43、erformance is powerful and rapid. 3 在農(nóng)歷春節(jié)、元宵節(jié)等節(jié)日期間,人們一旦聽到 鑼鼓聲,不管外面天氣有多冷,他們都會蜂擁到街上看秧歌舞表演;During some festivals such as the Spring Festival, the Lantern Festival, on hearing the sound of drum and gong, no matter how cold the weather is, people will come to the street and appreciate the Yangko. 4 近年來,中

44、國東北某些城市的老年人自發(fā)組織了 了秧歌隊,隊員常年通過跳秧歌舞來保持健康,同時他們也樂在其中;In recent years, the old people in some east-northern cities of China have organized the team of Yangko by themselves; the team members keep healthy by dancing Yangko the whole year round. 三、長城是人類制造的世界奇跡之一;假如你到了中國卻沒去過長城,就像到了巴黎沒有去看看菲爾鐵塔,或者就像到了埃及沒有去看金字塔一

45、樣;人們常說:“ 不到長城非英雄; ” 實際上,長城最初只是一些斷斷續(xù)續(xù)的城墻,直到秦朝才將其連城長城;然而,今天我們看到的長城東起山海關西至嘉峪關大部分都是在明代修建的;1 長城是人類制造的世界奇跡之一;The Great Wall is one of the wonders of the world that have been created by human beings. 2 假如你到了中國卻沒去過長城,就像到了巴黎沒 有去看看菲爾鐵塔,或者就像到了埃及沒有去看金字塔一樣;If you come to China without climbing the Great Wall, it

46、s just like going to Paris without visiting the Eiffel Tower; orgoing to Egypt withoutvisiting the Pyramids. 3 人們常說: “ 不到長城非英雄; ”It is often said, “ He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man.” 4 實際上,長城最初只是一些斷斷續(xù)續(xù)的城墻,直 到秦朝才將其連城長城;In fact, it began as independent walls for different states

47、 when it was first built, and did not become “ the Great Wall ” until the Qin Dynasty. 5 然而,今日我們看到的長城東起山海關西至嘉峪關大部分都是在明代修建的;However, the wall we see today, starting from Shanhaiguan Pass in the east to Jiayunguan Pass in the west, was mostly built during the Ming Dynasty. 四、餃子是深受中國人民寵愛的傳統(tǒng)食品;相傳為古代醫(yī)圣張仲

48、景創(chuàng)造;餃子的制作包括:1) 搟皮、2) 備餡、 3) 包餡水煮三個步驟;其特點是皮薄餡 嫩,味道鮮美,外形特殊,百食不厭;民間有“ 好吃 不過餃子 ” 的俗語;中國人接親待客、逢年過節(jié)都有 包餃子吃的習俗,寓意吉利;對崇尚親情的中國人來說,“ 更歲交子 ” 吃餃子,更是歡慶除夕、辭舊迎新必 不行少的內(nèi)容;1 餃子是深受中國人民寵愛的傳統(tǒng)食品;Dumplings are one of the Chinese people favorite traditional dishes. 2 相傳為古代醫(yī)圣張仲景創(chuàng)造;According to an ancient Chinese legend, dum

49、plings were first made by the medical saintZhang Zhongjing. 3 餃子的制作包括:餡水煮三個步驟;1) 搟皮、 2) 備餡、 3) 包There are three steps in making dumplings: 1 make dumpling wrappers out of / with dumpling flour; 2 prepare the dumpling stuffing; 3 make dumplings and boil them. 4 其特點是皮薄餡嫩,味道鮮美,外形特殊,百食 不厭;With thin and

50、elastic dough wrappers, fresh and tender stuffing, delicious taste, and unique shapes, dumplings are very delicious to eat. 5 民間有 “ 好吃不過餃子 ” 的俗語;Therean old saying that, “ Nothing could be moredelicious than dumplings” . 6 中國人接親待客、 逢年過節(jié)都有包餃子吃的習俗,寓意吉利;During the Spring Festival and other holidays or

51、when entertaining relatives and friends, Chinese people like to follow the auspicious custom of eating dumplings. 7 對崇尚親情的中國人來說,“ 更歲交子 ” 吃餃子,更是歡慶除夕、辭舊迎新必不行少的內(nèi)容;To Chinese people who believe in family affection/ties, having dumplings at the moment of the old year replaced by the new is an essential p

52、art of bidding farewell to the old and ushering in the New Year. 五、針灸是中醫(yī)學的重要組成部分;依據(jù)中醫(yī)的經(jīng)絡 理論,針灸療法主要是通過疏通經(jīng)絡、調(diào)和氣血,來 達到陰陽歸于平穩(wěn),使臟腑趨于調(diào)和之目的;其特點 是“ 內(nèi)病外治 ” ;主要療法是用針刺入病人身體的肯定 穴位,或用艾火的溫熱刺激燒灼病人的穴位,以達到 刺激經(jīng)絡、治療病痛的目的;針灸以其特殊的優(yōu)勢,流傳至今并傳播到了世界,與中餐、功夫、中藥一起 被海外譽為中國的 “ 新四大國粹 ” ;1 針灸是中醫(yī)學的重要組成部分;Acupuncture is an important

53、part of the traditional Chinese medicine TCM. 2 依據(jù)中醫(yī)的經(jīng)絡理論,針灸療法主要是通過疏通 經(jīng)絡、調(diào)和氣血,來達到陰陽歸于平穩(wěn),使臟腑趨于 調(diào)和之目的;In accordance with the “ m ain and collateral channels theory ” in TCM, the purpose of acupuncture is to dredge the channel and regulate qi and blood so as tokeep the bodys yin and yang balanced and a

54、chieve reconciliation between the internal organs. 3 其特點是 “ 內(nèi)病外治 ” ;It features in traditional Chinese medicine that “ internal diseases are to be treated with external therapy ” .4 主要療法是用針刺入病人身體的肯定穴位,或用 艾火的溫熱刺激燒灼病人的穴位,以達到刺激經(jīng)絡、治療病痛的目的;The main therapy of acupuncture involves using needles to pierce

55、certain acupoints of the patient s body, or adopting moxibustion to stimulate the patient s acupoints so as to stimulate the channels and relieve pain. 5 針灸以其特殊的優(yōu)勢, 流傳至今并傳播到了世界,與中餐、功夫、中藥一起被海外譽為中國的“ 新四大國粹” ;With its unique advantages, acupuncture has been handed down generation after generation and h

56、as now spreadall over the world. Nowadays, acupuncture, along withChinese food, kung fu otherwise known as Chinese martial arts, and traditional Chinese medicine, has been internationally hailed asone of the “ four new national treasures.”六、中國功夫即中國武術承載著豐富的中國民族傳統(tǒng) 文化,是將攻防技術寓于搏斗和套路運動之中的中國 傳統(tǒng)體育項目;其核心思想是

57、儒家的中和養(yǎng)氣之說,同時兼容了道家、釋家的思想;中國武術源遠流長、流派林立、拳種繁多,講究剛柔并濟、內(nèi)外兼修,蘊 含著先哲們對生命和宇宙的參悟;后世所稱十八般武 藝,主要指:徒手拳藝,如太極拳、形意拳、八卦掌等;器械功夫,如刀槍劍戟ji3、斧鉞 yue4鉤叉等;1 中國功夫即中國武術承載著豐富的中國民族傳統(tǒng) 文化,是將攻防技術寓于搏斗和套路運動之中的中國 傳統(tǒng)體育項目;Chinese Kung Fu, or Chinese martial arts, carries traditional Chinese culture in abundance. It is a traditional Ch

58、inese sport which applies the art of attack and defense in combat and the motions. 2 其核心思想是儒家的中和養(yǎng)氣之說,同時兼容了 道家、釋家的思想;The core idea of Chinese kung fu is derived from the Confucian theory of both “ the mean and harmony” and “ cultivating qi ” otherwise known as nourishing ones spirit. Meanwhile, it al

59、so includes some thoughts of Taoism and Buddhism. 3 中國武術源遠流長、流派林立、拳種繁多,講究 剛柔并濟、內(nèi)外兼修,包蘊著先哲們對生命和宇宙的參悟;Chinese kung fu has a long history,with multi-various sects and many different boxing styles, and emphasizes coupling hardness with softnessand internal and external training. It contains the ancient

60、great thinkers pondering of life and the universe. 4 后世所稱十八般武藝,主要指:徒手拳藝,如太 極拳、形意拳、八卦掌等;器械功夫,如刀槍劍戟 ji3、斧鉞yue4鉤叉等;The skills in wielding the 18 kinds of weapons, named by the later generations, mainly involve the skills of bare-handed boxing, such asshadow boxing Taijiquan, form and will boxing Xingyi


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