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1、內(nèi)容索引晨讀晚誦走進新課 一起讀文閱讀鑒賞 一起思考隨堂練習(xí)晨讀晚誦導(dǎo)語:我們都知道,選擇一份適合自己的職業(yè)是非常重要的。那么選擇職業(yè)時應(yīng)該注意哪些問題呢?下面的文章會給你些提示。A career means a job in which opportunities for advancement of promotion can be gained.In a broad sense,a career is an important aspect of ones life pattern.For example,some of you who find a job as an office a

2、ssistant may become office supervisor1 and may even be promoted as office manager.The work you do in different positions may be called your career path and it is likely to influence your work habits and daily routine2.Choosing a career is an important aspect of life.Many of you may be thinking of ge

3、tting a job in a firm or running a business of your own.Whether you will be able to do so depends on how you prepare yourself for the work you would like to do.And it also depends on what kind of life you would like to lead.Career choices will probably affect a persons lifestyle more than any other

4、choices he or she makes.Most of your thoughts on what you want to become probably come from what you have heard while watching television or surfing the Internet;you may also have read newspapers and magazines,which advertised jobs,or you may have been advised by parents and relatives about what you

5、 should be.On the basis of your understanding,you may think about the kind of work which can be handled easily by you.Youmay start thinking clearly about your abilities and qualifications3 for the future career.This makes it necessary to know what employment opportunities are available4 and what abi

6、lities are required for different types of employment.譯文:事業(yè)意味著一份工作,在這份工作中可能會獲得提升進步的機會。從廣義上說,事業(yè)是一個人生活模式的重要方面。例如,你們中的一些人找到了辦公室助理的工作,他們可能會成為辦公室主管,甚至可能被提拔為辦公室經(jīng)理。你在不同崗位上做的工作或許可以被叫作你的職業(yè)之路,它很可能影響你的工作習(xí)慣和日常生活。選擇一份職業(yè)是生活中的一個重要方面。你們中的很多人或許想在一個公司里得到一份工作或者自己做生意。你能否做成取決于你為想做的事情準備得怎么樣,還取決于你想過什么樣的生活。職業(yè)選擇可能比一個人所做的其他選

7、擇更能影響自己的生活方式。你們中的大多數(shù)人關(guān)于想做什么的想法或許來自看電視或上網(wǎng)時所聽到的東西;你或許也看了刊登著工作廣告的報紙和雜志;或者是父母和親戚勸你應(yīng)該做什么。根據(jù)你的理解,你或許會考慮你可以很容易駕馭的工作。你或許開始清晰地思考你在未來事業(yè)方面的能力和資質(zhì)。這就有必要了解哪些工作機會是可以得到的以及不同類型的工作需要什么樣的能力?!驹~海拾貝】 1.supervisor/supvaIz(r)/ n.指導(dǎo)者;主管人2.routine/rutin/ n.常規(guī)3.qualification/kwlIfIkeIn/ n.資格;資歷4.available/veIlbl/ adj.可獲得的【理解誘

8、思】 We can infer from the passage that .A.our parents and relatives can make a decision for usB.we can depend on the advertisements completely when choosing a careerC.choosing a career is very important for usD.everyone is sure to become an officer manager答案:C走進新課 一起讀文詞匯新知一、單詞英漢互譯1./bans/ vi.& vt.(使)

9、彈起;上下晃動n.彈性;彈跳;活力2./ptItjud/ n.天資;天賦3./snri/ n.設(shè)想;方案;預(yù)測4./sembl/ vt.組裝;裝配vi.& vt.收集;聚集;集合5./dimtri/ n.幾何學(xué);幾何圖形6./det/ n.債務(wù);欠款7./ktraIz/ vt.把分類(加以歸類)8./prfaIl/ n.簡介;概述;側(cè)面輪廓vt.扼要介紹;概述;寫簡介bounceaptitudescenarioassemblegeometrydebtcategoriseprofile9.participant/ptIsIpnt/ n.10.code/kd/ n. vt.11.orient/ri

10、ent/ vt.12.detective/dItektIv/ n.13.graphic/rfIk/ n. adj.14.estate/IsteIt/ n.15.accountant/kantnt/ n.16.spy/spaI/ n.vi. vt. 參與者;參加者代碼;密碼 使適應(yīng);使面對;確定方向 偵探;警探 圖表;圖形;圖畫繪畫的;圖案的 莊園;住宅區(qū);工業(yè)區(qū) 會計;會計師密探;間諜突然看見;發(fā)現(xiàn)編碼;把譯成密碼 從事間諜活動二、短語英漢互譯1.bounce around2.decide on3.be suited to4.回顧5.集中于6.總之 蹦來蹦去;彈來彈去選定適合look back

11、focus onin conclusion閱讀理解一、閱讀課文“WORKING OUT WHAT YOU WANT TO DO”,判斷正(T)誤(F)1.While you are at school,youd better not consider something about your career.()2.Its always easy to make a choice about your career.()3.There are no right or wrong answers to a career aptitude test.()FFT二、閱讀課文“WORKING OUT W

12、HAT YOU WANT TO DO”,選擇正確答案1.We can infer from the first paragraph that .A.thinking about the careers is very important for young peopleB.when meeting someone new,you are sure to be asked about your careerC.your career is the most important thing in your lifeD.young people cant consider their careers

13、答案:A 2.Which of the following statements is NOT true about a career aptitude test?A.While completing the tests,you dont need to worry about the answers.B.There are a variety of such tests only for young people.C.One popular career aptitude test deals with a persons preferences.D.The results of the t

14、ests will tell you which job is more suitable for you.答案:B 3.The main idea of the third paragraph is .A.we can find some free tests onlineB.everyone will regret that he/she has chosen a wrong careerC.why we should complete a career aptitude testD.all the tests will tell you how much you will get fro

15、m a job答案:C 4.The code indicating the participants work personality will be used to .A.offer you some advice on careersB.evaluate your education and experience levelC.decide on where you will liveD.help you find something interesting答案:A 三、仔細閱讀課文“WORKING OUT WHAT YOU WANT TO DO”,并根據(jù)課文內(nèi)容將短文補充完整As an

16、adult,your career is a very important part of who you are,so 1.(take)time to think about your career is an essential exercise for young people.The best time 2.(start) thinking about possible careers is while you are still at school.However,it is not always easy.One of the most 3.(effect) ways to get

17、 some insight on a possible career path is to complete a “career aptitude test”.The results of the test will tell you about your strengths and interests,and some tests also suggest careers that you may be 4.(suit) to.Getting a head start in 5. (consider) yourtakingto starteffectivesuitedconsideringf

18、uture career may help you for 6. rest of your life.There are many different kinds of career aptitude tests.While 7.(complete) these sorts of tests,it is very important to be honestand dont worrythere are no right 8.wrong answers.One popular test asks the participants to grade their preferences 9.a v

19、ariety of work tasks,which will tell you some suggestions on your career.Of course,these suggestions are based on your education and experience level.In conclusion,career aptitude tests are 10.(clear) a very useful tool.However,the secret to a good career is finding something that you are passionate

20、 about.thecompletingorforclearly閱讀鑒賞 一起思考1.This,however,is not always easy.(Page 50)然而,這并不總是那么容易。剖析 句中的not always.表示部分否定。當all,everything,everybody,everywhere,always,both,the whole等與not連用時,表示部分否定。 The girl doesnt always like studying with her friend.這個女孩并不總是喜歡和朋友一起學(xué)習(xí)。【合作探究】 讀一讀細觀察閱讀并翻譯下列句子,體會黑體部分的用法A

21、s a matter of fact,he hasnt paid the whole amount.事實上,他還沒有付清全部款項。Not everything here makes him satisfied.并不是這里的一切都讓他滿意?!炯磳W(xué)即用】 翻譯句子她的情況我并不全都知道。他上午并不都在這里。 答案:I dont know everything about her. 答案:He is not always here in the morning. 2.Some people know what they want to do from a young age,but many oth

22、ers just have a few ideas bouncing around in their heads.(Page 50)有些人年輕時就清楚自己想做什么,但更多的人往往是只有一些想法在腦子里晃來晃去。bounce vi.& vt.(使)彈起;上下晃動n.彈性;彈跳;活力The ball bounced twice before he could reach it.球彈跳了兩次他才接到。Theres not much bounce left in these balls.這些球已沒有多少彈性了?!竞献魈骄俊?讀一讀細觀察閱讀下列句子,寫出句中黑體詞的詞組和含義The little gi

23、rl bounced up and down excitedly on the bed.詞組 bounce up and down含義 蹦蹦跳跳Hes had a lot of problems,but he always seems to bounce back pretty quickly.詞組 bounce back含義 恢復(fù)健康(或信心等)The idea has been bouncing around in his head these days.詞組 bounce around含義 蹦來蹦去;彈來彈去說一說勤歸納 【即學(xué)即用】 單句語法填空The little girl(boun

24、ce) up and down there is my daughter.翻譯句子The boy once lost heart,but later he bounced back.We were bounced around in the back of the carriage.After the defeat,she bounced back to win the championship.bouncing答案:這個男孩曾經(jīng)失去過信心,但是后來他又恢復(fù)了。 答案:我們在四輪馬車的后面顛來顛去。 答案:經(jīng)過這次失敗后,她又重整旗鼓贏得了冠軍。 3.I wish I had thought

25、more about what I really wanted to do.(Page 50)我真希望當年能再多想想自己真正想要做什么。剖析 句中的wish表示愿望,其后接賓語從句時,從句要用虛擬語氣。從句的謂語動詞可用過去式,表示與現(xiàn)在事實相反;也可用had+done,表示與過去事實相反;還可用would+do表示對未來的希望。I wish I had enough money to help the poor children.我希望我有足夠的錢來幫助那些可憐的孩子。She looks so sad. I wish I hadnt told her the news.她看上去那么傷心。要是

26、我沒有告訴她那個消息就好了。I wish you would stay longer.我希望你多待一會兒?!竞献魈骄俊?讀一讀細觀察閱讀下列句子,寫出句中黑體詞的詞組和含義This course is designed for people wishing to update their computer skills.詞組 wish to do sth含義 希望做某事I wished her a happy birthday.詞組 wish sb sth含義 祝愿某人某事【即學(xué)即用】 用所給詞的適當形式填空Everyone wishes (have) a happy holiday.The

27、film was boring.I wish I (not go) to see it.翻譯句子I wish you wouldnt leave your clothes all over the floor.Before saying goodbye to us,he wished us a safe journey.to havehadnt gone答案:我真希望你不要把衣服丟得滿地都是。 答案:在和我們道別之前,他祝我們一路平安。 4.Help and advise people in serious debt(Page 50)幫助和勸慰那些負債累累的人debt n.債務(wù);欠款I(lǐng) nee

28、d to pay off all my debts before I leave the country.我需要在離開該國前償清所有債務(wù)。He had run up credit card debts of thousands of dollars.他積欠了數(shù)千美元的信用卡借款?!竞献魈骄俊?讀一讀細觀察閱讀下列句子,寫出句中黑體詞的詞組和含義I will try my best to help the person who is in heavy debt.詞組 in debt含義 欠債We were poor but we never got into debt.詞組 get into d

29、ebt含義 負債To her relief,her son is out of debt now.詞組 out of debt 含義 不負債說一說勤歸納 【即學(xué)即用】 單句語法填空I heard that the young man got debt after his company was set up.His father is debt,so he hasnt enough money to study in that country.翻譯句子十年后,這對夫婦還清了所有的債務(wù)。intoin答案:Ten years later,the couple paid off all the de

30、bts. 5.Categorise employee profiles (Page 50)把雇員的簡介分類categorise vt.把分類(加以歸類)Participants were categorised according to age.參加者按年齡分組。His latest work cannot be categorised as either a novel or a poem.他最近的作品既不屬于小說也不屬于詩歌?!竞献魈骄俊?讀一讀細觀察閱讀下列句子,寫出句中黑體詞的詞性、詞組和含義【高考典句】(2019天津高考)Individuals or groups may enter

31、 one of the following categories.詞性 名詞含義 類別;種類The books in the library are classified according to the subject.詞性 動詞含義 分類Patients are classified into three categories.詞組 be classified into.含義 被分為說一說勤歸納categorise vt.把分類(加以歸類)category n.類別;種類classify vt.分類be classified into.被分為【即學(xué)即用】 單句語法填空The student

32、s will be (categorise) according to their hobbies.Computer viruses fall into three broad (category).完成句子人口按照年齡和性別分類。The population age and sex.categorisedcategoriesis categorised according to6.accountant n.會計;會計師(Page 51)The old man used to be a famous accountant when he was young.這位老人年輕時是一位著名的會計。【合

33、作探究】 讀一讀細觀察閱讀下列句子,寫出句中黑體詞的詞性、詞組和含義I paid the cheque into my savings account.詞性 名詞含義 賬戶In English law a person is accounted innocent until they are proved guilty.詞性 動詞含義 認為是;視為The ceremony was put off on account of the bad weather.詞組 on account of 含義 因為;由于When making a decision,youd better take every

34、thing into account.詞組 o account含義 考慮到;顧及The bad weather may have accounted for the small crowd.詞組 account for含義 是的原因;導(dǎo)致The Japanese market accounts for 30% of the companys revenue.詞組 account for 含義 (數(shù)量上、比例上)占說一說勤歸納accountant n.會計;會計師account n.賬戶vt.認為是;視為on account of因為;由于o account考慮到;顧及account for是的原因;導(dǎo)致;(數(shù)量上、比例上)占【即學(xué)即用】 單句語法填空She cant work much account of the chil


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