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1、2019-2020年高考英語一輪復習高考提能練四十四Module2TheRenaissanee 外研版選修完形填空(XX 山西省太原市高三年級模擬試題一)Whenmy kids were small, I started a tradition in our house of giving eight gifts over the course of the eight days of Hanukkah (光明節(jié)).I liked theidea of _1_a candle every night and giving my children a gift to unwrap to _2_.

2、 It was easy to go into a toy store and pick up somethi ng _3_ less tha n $10 each, or even $1 each (at the dollar store). My childre n did nt ask for any thi ng much inparticularand they _4_ whatever they got.As the years progressed, I _5_ the traditi on of eight gifts for each ni ght of Han ukkah.

3、But this year, Hanukkah _6_ something else. My special-needsson decided thathe wan ted to _7_ a puter, and it was up to me to buy all the parts of it. WhenI would nt _8_ that, he decided he wan ted a PlayStati on. Then Amaz on gift cards. Then money. And when it became clear that it wasnt going to h

4、appen, he got _9_.I keep _10_ him that Han ukkah isnt about greed or materialism. Its about the miracle of an oil lamp that _11_ for ejght days. Its about being _12_ of our heritage. Its about freedom.But he _13_. I know deep down that his obsessions (迷戀的物 )are out of his_14_, and defi nitely out of

5、 mine. Having a special-needs childis as _15_ asit gets. Somedays are better than others and not all holidays16_ the way I hope.But despite his un realistic requests, hes a(n)17 child who is show ing me thetrue meaning of life.And as we en ter a new year and light the _18_ approach ing the time, I w

6、ele his differe nces _19_ I lear n how to turn n egative requests into _20_ on es.【語篇解讀】本文主要講述了作者一家過光明節(jié)的傳統(tǒng)、變化及作者的應對策略和反思。 A.buyingB. donatingC. lighting D . drawing答案與解析:C 根據(jù)下文的And as we enter a new year and light the _18_approachi ng the time”可知,此處指點蠟燭。A.celebrate B . presentC. send D . play答案與解析:A

7、根據(jù)上文的“ Hanukkah(光明節(jié))”可推知,節(jié)日是用來慶祝的。A.at B . forC. in D . from答案與解析:B 根據(jù)語境“ less than $10 each, or even $1 each (at the dollar store) ”可推知,此處表示東西的價格,故用介詞for 。 A.ateB. threwC. liked D. drank答案與 解析:C 結合語境 “ My childre ndid ntask forany thi ngmuch inparticular ”可推知,孩子們并不挑剔,很喜歡拿到的禮物。5 . A.held up B . gave

8、 inC . han ded in D . kept up答案與解析:D 結合下文的轉折“ But this year, Hanukkah _6_ something else. ”和My special-needs son ”可推知,作者保持那個傳統(tǒng)很多年。A.made B . becameC. found答案與解析:special-needs son7. A.build BC. use D答案與解析:D . designedB 根據(jù)轉折But this year, Hanukkah _6_something else ”和My”可推知,今年有些不同,有了新變化。.buy.watch”可A

9、根據(jù)語境and it was up to me to buy all the parts of it推知,兒子要組建一臺電腦,要作者去買零配件。A.rely on B . learn fromC . agree to D . dream about答案與解析: C 根據(jù)下文的And when it became clear that it wasnt going to happen, he got _9 _. ”可推知,作者沒同意兒子的要求,兒子就有了其他更多的要求。 agree to 同意”。. A.calm B . happyC . selfish D . upset答案與解析:D很明顯,

10、作者沒同意兒子的要求,兒子感到難過。upset “難過”。. A.telli ngB . warni ng答案與解析:A11. A.lays BC. waits D 答案與解析:D approachi ng the time12 . A.tired BC. afraid D 答案與解析:BC. promis ing D . accus ing很明顯,作者在不斷地給兒子講道理,說明節(jié)日的意義。.hangs.burns根據(jù)下文的“ And as we enter a new year and light the _18”可推知,D項burn “燃燒,發(fā)亮”符合語境。.proud.lack固定搭配b

11、e proud of 意為“以為傲,為而自豪”,符合語 境。. A.n odded B . sleptC. in sisted D . failed答案與解析: C 根據(jù)下文的“ I know deep down that his obsessions(迷戀的物 )areout of his _14 , and defi nitely out of mi ne.”可推知,兒子不為所動,堅持自己的要求。. A.mi ndB . sightC. con trol D . place答案與解析:C根據(jù)“ obsessions(迷戀的物)”可推知,兒子陷入迷戀的事物之中, 已經(jīng)失控。out of co

12、ntrol “失控”。. A.w on derful B . dan gerousC. in terest ing D . challe nging答案與解析:D很明顯,作者應對有特殊需求的兒子有些棘手。challenging“挑戰(zhàn)性的”。. A.ru n out B . break dow nC. work out D . put dow n答案與解析:C根據(jù)“ the way I hope”可知,有些事情并不像作者希望的那樣發(fā)展。 work out “成功地發(fā)展”。. A.stra nge B . amaz ingC. bad D . energetic答案與解析:B 根據(jù)語境“ who

13、is showing me the true meaning of life”可推知,此處的語氣表示肯定、贊賞,故選B。amazing “了不起的”。. A.ca ndles B . lampsC. torches D . lanterns答案與解析:A 根據(jù)上文的“ I liked the idea of 可知,節(jié)日期間作者一家點蠟燭慶祝。 A.whenB . asC. uni ess D . un til答案與解析:B根據(jù)語境可知,此處表示邏輯上的因果關系,故選A.relative B . possible C. reas on able D . positive答案與解析:D與語境中的“

14、 negative ”形成對比可知,此處表示把負面要求變成積 極要求。posi tive “積極的”。n .語法填空(xx 廣西南寧二中、柳州高級中學、玉林高級中學上學期聯(lián)考)Street art is a very popular form of art _1_ is spreadi ng quickly all over the world. You can find it on _2_ (build in g),sidewalks and street sig ns. Noweve nart museums and galleries _3_ (collect) the works of

15、 street artists.People often have different opinions about street art. Some thinkit isof destruct ion (破壞)and _4_ think it is avery beautiful new form of culture.In the street art world graffiti (涂鴉)can be the most popular. It began inNewYork in the 1960s. First some young people pain ted words and

16、images on the They found the paintings could show their _5_ (disagree)against society.this colorful, en ergetic style of writi ng became _6_ (know) as graffiti.Street artists do this for _7_ reas on. Some of them think they are closer to the people, while others try to express their _8_ (politics) o

17、pinions.In todays world, the Internet has a big in flue nce _9_ street art._Artists can show their pictures to audie nces all over the world. The street art moveme nt lives with the energy and life of cities. It willcontinue10_ (change) and grow.【語篇解讀】這篇文章講的是有關街道藝術的問題。街道藝術作為一種藝術形式在世 界上非常流行,文中說明了街道藝術

18、的發(fā)展歷史。1 .答案與解析:which/thatart作先行詞,指物,在后面的定語從句中作主語,故填which/that 。 答案與解析:buildi ngs句意:你可以在建筑物、人行道和街道上找到它。根據(jù)句 意可知此處用名詞復數(shù),故填1_ a can dle every ni ght”Bo as 因為”。a ki ndwalls.Later,build ings 。 答案與解析:collect/arecollecti ng進行時態(tài),主語是art museums and galleries 答案與解析:otherssome., others.答案與解析:disagreeme nt(s) 形容

19、詞性物主代詞后面用名詞,故填答案與解析:答案與解析: &答案與解析:9.答案與解析: 故填 on/upon。10 .答案與解析:根據(jù)Now可知,此空用一般現(xiàn)在時態(tài)或現(xiàn)在 ,故填 collect/are collecting 一些,另一些,故填 句意:他們發(fā)現(xiàn)這些畫可以顯示他們對社會的異議。oothers 。disagreeme nt(s)。known固定搭配:be/bee known as “作為而聞名”,故填a/some句意:街頭藝術家是因為某種原因。故填 political形容詞修飾名詞,故填politicalon/upon固定搭配:have an in flue nceon/up onk

20、nown。a/some。“對造成影響”。to change continue to do sth.繼續(xù)做某事”練習(二)n卷強化增分組塊專練一一練規(guī)范(本欄目內容,在學生用書中以獨立形式分冊裝訂!)(限時:45分鐘),故填 to change。I .語法填空(xx 成都外國語學校月考)On li ne shopp ing is gett ing more and more popular in most cities, where people are able to make full use of the rapidly-developed Internet tech no logy.It

21、 is weled by most people due to _1_(vary)_reas ons. From the an gle of the con sumers, it can save much time for a pers on who _2_(have) little spare time togo shopping in the malls. By _3_ (simple) clicking the mouse, they can get whatever they want while stay ing at home, _4_ may be tens of thousa

22、 nds kilometers away from the online shops. For the retailers, it can cut some costs for those who dont have much circulat ingfun ds. It also saves them the n eed _5_ (rent) a house paredwith traditionaltrade style._6_, there are still some disadvantages in onlineshopp ing. First, a face-to-face dea

23、l makes on li ne-shopp ing less _7_(rely) andtrustworthy. Second, people will lose the fun of barga in._8_ is undeni able that shopp ing on the Internet has bee an irresistible trend in modern society. It is of great importance that we make the relative laws with the rapid _9_ (grow) of online shopp

24、ing. Only in this way can we enjoy the pleasure and convenience of on li ne shopp ing without the fear of _10_ (cheat).【語篇解讀】本文介紹,網(wǎng)上購物在多數(shù)城市越來越受歡迎,人們能夠充分利用快速發(fā)展的網(wǎng)絡科技。同時也指出了網(wǎng)購的弊端。 答案與解析:various reasons ”是名詞,形容詞修飾名詞,故答案為various。 答案與解析:has此處a person ”是先行詞,單數(shù)形式,在后面的定語從句中作 主語,句子用一般現(xiàn)在時態(tài),所以謂語動詞用動詞的第三人稱單數(shù)形式,答

25、案為has。 答案與解析:simply副詞修飾動詞,故答案為simply 。 答案與解析:which此處“ home是先行詞,指物,在后面的非限制性定語從句中 做主語,故答案為 which。 答案與解析:to rent句意:與傳統(tǒng)貿易相比,這也節(jié)省了他們租房的需要。動詞 不定式做后置定語,答案為to rent 。答案與解析:However/Nevertheless 句意:與傳統(tǒng)貿易相比,這也節(jié)省了他們租房的需要。然而,網(wǎng)上購物還有一些不足之處。前后表示一種轉折關系,故答案為 However/Nevertheless 。 答案與解析:reliable句意:面對面的交易使網(wǎng)上購物更不可靠。make

26、+賓語+形容詞做賓語補足語,故答案為reliable 。&答案與解析:It句意:不可否認,網(wǎng)上購物已經(jīng)成為一種不可抗拒的誘惑。此處 it是形式主語,that引導的主語從句是真正的主語,故答案為It。答案與解析:growth句意:隨著網(wǎng)上購物的快速增長。形容詞修飾名詞,故答案為 growth 。 答案與解析:being cheated句意:只有用這種方法我們才能沒有被騙的恐懼,享 受網(wǎng)上購物的快樂和方便。介詞“ of ”后面用doing,但是we和cheat之間是一種被動關系,所以用動名詞一般式的被動式,故答案為bei ng cheated 。n .短文改錯(xx 廣西三校聯(lián)考)Whenl wa

27、s young, I lived in the countryside.At that time, the trees there werevery green, that left a deep impression on me and the water there was so much clear that I even could see the fish swimming. When it gets dark, the air was cooler than it in the daytime. People liked to walk out their houses to ch

28、at together. I liked to play games with my friends but ran along the village happily. As the moon rose highly in the sky, the village was lighting. Whenl looked up, I could see the moon and a few star. They were so close to me. It seemed that I could touch them. The life in the coun tryside were so

29、won derful. 答案與解析:that twhich考查定語從句。which left a deep impression on me 是一個非限制性定語從句,that不能引導非限制性定語從句,關系詞在從句中作主語,指代 整個主句內容,所以that改成which。 答案與解析:去掉much考查固定句型。那里的水是那樣清澈,以至于我都能看到 水里游著的小魚。So.that 太以至于,是固定句型,所以去掉much。 答案與解析:getstgot考查時態(tài)。表示發(fā)生在過去的事情,用一般過去時,所以 gets 改成 got。 答案與解析:it tthat考查it與that的區(qū)別。表示同一事物時,用

30、it ;表示同 類事物時,用that,所以it改成that。5答案與解析:to iof 考查固定短語。人們喜歡走出他們的房子,一起聊天。walk out of “走出”,是固定短語。 答案與解析:but tand考查連詞。play games with myfriends ”與ran along the village happily ”是并列關系,所以 but改成and。 答案與解析:highly thigh考查副詞。當月亮在空中高高地升起。 雖然high和highly 都是副詞,但是它們的意思不同,high 高”,highly 非常”,所以 highly改成high。&答案與解析:ligh

31、ting tlighted考查語態(tài)。村莊”與點亮”之間是被動關系,所以用被動語態(tài)。 答案與解析:star tstars考查名詞。我看到一輪月亮和幾顆星星。“幾顆星星”是復數(shù)意義,所以 star改成stars。 答案與解析:wereTwas 考查主謂一致。鄉(xiāng)村的生活真好。“鄉(xiāng)村的生活”是單 數(shù)意義,所以 were 改成 was。in.書面表達(xx 江西名校聯(lián)盟檢測)假定你是李華,是某國際學校高三(1)班的班長,為了動員大家積極參加學校組織的一次有關環(huán)保的辯論賽,你準備進行一個以“EnvironmentalProtection ”為主題的班會。請你根據(jù)以下提示用英語寫一篇發(fā)言稿,要點如下:陳述目

32、前的環(huán)境狀況;簡析環(huán)境污染的原因及影響;提出保護環(huán)境的措施。注意:1.詞數(shù)100左右;可以適當增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫;開頭語與結尾語已為你寫好,不計入總詞數(shù)。Good morning, every one!Thank you!【參考范文】Good morning, every one!With the increasingly serious environmental pollution, we really need to dosomething to deal with it. Itsnoticeable that the air quality in cities is recentl

33、ybeing worse and worse. Various causes con tribute to this terrible situatio n. Morepeople drive private cars and factories keep sending poisonous gases into the air. Peoples health is harmed once they take in these gases, which may cause a series of diseases like lung cancer. To improve the situati

34、on,we should control the numberof cars and prevent the factories pouring wastes casually. As students, wed better walk or take public means of transportation rather than take private cars and try our best to arouse peoples aware ness of environmen tal protect ion.Thank you!2019-2020年高考英語一輪總復習第二部分學生作

35、業(yè)手冊Module1Basketball外研版選修7單詞拼寫1. The union said that they would take action to (保衛(wèi))their membersA. continuedB. immediatejobs.2 It was ( 自私的 ) of him to leave all work to you.3 It is ( 自然的 ) that such a hardworking student should passthe exam.4 Youve been working all morning you ( 應得 ) a rest.5 The s

36、ecretary hasleft, so you must ( 任命 ) a new one as soonas possible.6 This letter requires your ( 立即的 ) reply.7 One cannot escape being punished after he ( 犯罪 ) crimes.8 The tournament is open to amateurs as well as ( 職業(yè)選手 ) 9 Four ( 代) living under one roof is not very mon.10 Its then that the song g

37、ained ( 流行) 答案: 1.defend 2.selfish 3.natural 4.deserve 5.appoint6 immediate/instant 7fessionals9 generations 10.popularityn.完成句子1 He ( 被委任 )the captain of the football team.2 What the teacher said ( 激發(fā)他好好學習 ) 。3 The old man ( 習慣生活 )in the country.4 We fail two students per year ( 平均而言 ) He

38、became( 對粗暴)everyone in the castle and behavedlike a mad man.答案: 1.was appointed as 2.motivated him to work hard3.is used to living4.on average 5.rude to川.單項填空There is some doubt he will do very well in the exam.A. thatB. whichC. whetherD. why答案:C There is some doubt whether. 表示不確定是否”。此處 whether引導同位

39、語從句。Im sure that your letter will get attention.They know youre waitingfor the reply.C carefulD generalAanxiousBafraid答案: B 句意為:我確信你的信會立即受到注意,他們知道你在等答復。 immediate 意為“立即的,迅速的”,符合句意,故 B 項正確。3 Dont waste lots of time looking for the answer to one question.Leave it and e back to it later .A if it necess

40、aryB if you are necessaryC if is necessaryD if necessary答案: D 考查省略句。句意為:不要浪費大量時間去尋求一個問題的答案。先把它放 在一邊,若有必要的話,回頭再來解決。 if necessary 是 if it is necessary 的省略。4 Father Christmas , on a real person in history ,wears red clothes anda long white beard.A to baseBis basedCbasingDbased答案:D be based on意為 以為基礎, 根

41、據(jù)”。 based on a real person in history作定語,相當于定語從句who is based on a real person in history。句意為:圣誕老人來源于歷史上一個真實的人物,身穿紅衣服,蓄著長長的白胡須。5 He was too trustingor,another way , he had no head for business.A to put itBto make itC to get itDto take it答案: A 考查固定表達。to put it another way意為“換句話說”。6 Broadly speaking,I

42、would agree with Shirley, though notA entirelyBwidelyC extremelyDeventually答案:A句意為:盡管不是完全地,但總體來說我同意雪莉的意見。entirely 意為“全 部地”; widely 意為“廣泛地”; extremely 意為“極其”; eventually 意為“最終”。由句意可知 A 項正確。7 Pauls poor performance at school his parents.A answeredB regrettedC addedD angered答案: D 句意為:保羅在學校表現(xiàn)不佳,這使他父母很生氣

43、。anger 此處用作動詞,意為“使某人生氣”。8 As teachers , we should be of our students feelings.And then theywill trust us.C defenceDfavorC delightedD considerate答案: D 句意為:作為老師,我們應該體諒學生的情感, 那樣的話他們才會信任我們。be con siderate of意為為著想”,符合句意,故D項正確。9 Is Peter there? , please.Ill see if I can find him for you.A Hold upB Hold on

44、C Hold outD Hold off答案:B答語意為:請稍等。我看能否找到他。hold up意為“舉起,支撐,使停頓”; hold on 意為“稍等”; hold out 意為“伸出,維持”; hold off 意為“拖延”。只有 B 項符合語境,故 B 項正確。10 The story of the missing taxi driver has sympathy from the public.A arousedB attractedC defendedD adopted答案: A 句意為:失蹤出租車司機的故事引起了公眾的同情。arouse 意為“引起,激起”; attract 意為“

45、吸引”; defend 意為“保衛(wèi)”; adopt 意為“采納,收養(yǎng)”。由句意 可知 A 項正確。11 Could you to this matter immediately?A solveB work outC doD attend答案: D attend to “處理”,屬固定短語; solve, work out 不必加介詞 to ; do 需 將題干中介詞 to 改為 with 。12 Children and women were the first on board.A goingB to goC wentD go答案: B 序數(shù)詞修飾的名詞后常接不定式作定語。13 . (xx

46、遼寧鐵嶺六校聯(lián)考試題)The brave man was greatly honoured when theorganizer announced, “ You a medal !”A earnB expectC deserveD reserve答案: C 句意為:當他聽到組織者宣布“你應得到這枚獎牌!”這個勇敢的男士覺得 非常光榮。 deserve 意為:應得到的。14Hundreds of people gave their lives in of freedom.A protectionB guard答案:C in defenee of 意為為了保衛(wèi)”,是固定搭配。15. His att

47、ention which should be paid to is now being drawn to games.studying; playB. his study; playingC. his study; playD. study; play答案:B句意:他本應該將注意力集中到學習上,如今卻轉移到了打游戲上。payattention to禾口 draw ones attention to 中的 to 者E是介詞。IV.完形填空Dr. James Naismith is known worldwide as the inven tor of basketball. He was bor

48、nin 1861 in Ramsay tow nship, n ear Alm on te, On tario, Can ada.After _1_ as McGills Athletic Director, James Naismith moved on to the YMCA Training School in Springfield, Massachusetts, USA in 1891, _2_ the sport of _ basketball was born.In Springfield,James Naismith _3_ by Luther H. Gulick, the H

49、eadmaster of theschool for Christia n Works to invent a new _4_. The main idea of the sport was mainly to play _5_ whe n it was too cold to go outside. The new sport also had to keep _6_ in their top conditionbetween the baseball and football_7_. Naismithbegan to work. The _8 _ game-ball was a footb

50、all. The first baskets were baskets that Naismith cleverly_9_ hanging on the wall. From then, the sport of basketballbegan. _10_ , there were 9 men to each team, but the _11_ was still the same as todays: to _12_ _the ball to other players on your team and put the ball in the _13_ teams net or baske

51、t back then. From then, basketball _14_ like a _ wildfire.After the first game played, Naismith drafted (起草)13 rules as regulations, _15_ many more were yet to e. The hoops (籃圈)we know today were inven ted in 1906. They were steel, with a net _16_ from its rim.17 the creatio n of the basketball, Jam

52、es Naismith graduated as a medicaldoctor. He was _18_ in sports physiology (生理學)and _19_ we would today callsports scie nee.Basketballwas introducedat the Berlin Olympics in 1936. Today basketball hasbee one of the worlds most _20_ sports.本文為記敘文,介紹了James Naismith先生是如何發(fā)明籃球的。A.servingB. regardingC. tr

53、eatingD. having答案: A serve as “擔任B that2 A.whenC whoD where答案: D where 引導一個非限制性定語從句,修飾先行詞 Springfield 3 A.was orderedB was askedC was forcedD was liked答案:B be asked to do sth.是“被要求做某事”之意。A、C兩項的語氣太強硬。4A.classBinstrumentC sportD tool答案: C 后一句有提示。他被要求發(fā)明一種新的運動項目。BoutsideCupstairs答案: A 從 too cold to go o

54、utside6A.boysDdownstairs可以看出,這項新的運動應該在室內進行。Bstudents球”Cworkers答案: D 運動應該與 athletes 有關。7A.gameCsportDathletesBseasonDyear答案: B 這項運動要使運動員在棒球和足球賽季期間保持最佳的運動狀態(tài)。8A.secondC first答案: C 從后一句中的“ The first basketsBthirdDlast可得到暗示,這里指的是“第一個籃9A.dreamed ofBremindedC thought ofD heard of答案: C think of 是“想到”之意。10A.

55、OriginallyBFinallyC LuckilyDEspecially答案: A 這里講的是最初的情況。 originally“最初地”。11A.aimBreasonCcauseDprocess答案: A 打球的目的與現(xiàn)在是一樣的。12A.kickBhitC struckDpass5A.inside答案:D把球傳給隊友。pass “傳遞,傳給”。13. A.fightingB.playi ngC. cryingD.oppos ing答案:D opposing在此是對抗的”之意。14. A.caught upB.caught onC. went onD.turned up答案:B catc

56、h on是固定短語,意為風行起來,流行起來”。15. A.thereforeB.butC. soD.furthermore答案:B前后意義發(fā)生轉折。16. A.pullingB.push ingC. hangingD.catchi ng答案:C球網(wǎng)掛在籃圈的邊緣。ha ng “懸掛,吊”17. A.In addition toB.In spite ofC. With respect toD.In resp onse to答案:A in addition to表示“除 之外”的意思。18. A.inspiredB.charmedC. interestedD.tired答案:C James Nai

57、smith 對體育生理學感興趣。19. A.thatB.ifC. whenD.what20. AmonC. special答案:D what引導一個賓語從句,作介詞 in的賓語。popularD. splendid答案:B籃球現(xiàn)在成了世界上最受歡迎的體育運動之一。V .短文填空選項中有兩項為多余根據(jù)短文內容,從短文后的選項中選出能填入空白處的最佳選項。選項。No fight can end, and no frien dshipcan move on, un tilevery one says these littlewords : rm sorry.Sometimes , though ,

58、they can be difficult to say._1_It is not about winning.Friendships arent like the Super Bowl, and there should never be a winner and a loser.When you start fighting with a friend , it may feel important that you “win ” the fight by proving youre right and he is wrong, or by making him be the first

59、to apologize.In reality , youll both lose if you let your fight ruin your friendship, andyoull both win if you find a way to heal it._2_You may have heard the expressi on “ His pride stood in the way”. It is usually used to describe a person who is so determined to beright ” that he lets anopport un

60、ity for happ in ess pass him by forever._3_Remember: as time goes on , weusually forget who was right and who was wrong in a disagreement , and only remember the sad ness of los ing a friend.Take the first step.Are you sick of fighti ng? Do you think this fight is just notimporta nt eno ughto ruin y


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