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1、idle adj.閑置的;懶惰的;停頓的vt.虛度;使空轉(zhuǎn)vi.無(wú)所事事;虛度;空轉(zhuǎn)Average students who work hard usually do better than clever students who are idle.通常努力工作的學(xué)生比聰明卻懶惰的學(xué)生做得更好。wield vt. 使用;行使;揮舞Mis.Parker had her car windows smashed by a gang wielding baseball bats。Mis.Parker 的車窗被一群揮舞著棒球棒的暴徒砸碎了。adapt vi. 適應(yīng) vt. 使適應(yīng);改編The world

2、 will be different , and we will have to be prepared to adapt to the change。世界將會(huì)變得不同,我們將不得不做好準(zhǔn)備以適應(yīng)這種變化。donate vt. vi. n. 捐贈(zèng);捐獻(xiàn)It seems that more and more people are willing to donate their organs for use after death。 似乎越來(lái)越多的人愿意死后捐獻(xiàn)自己的器官scratch vt. 抓;刮 ;挖出;亂涂n. 擦傷;抓痕;刮擦聲;亂寫adj. 打草稿用的;湊合的;碰巧的vi. 抓;搔;發(fā)

3、刮擦聲;勉強(qiáng)糊口;退出比賽Ralph got scratched all over when he was running through the bushes。拉爾夫在通過(guò)灌木叢的時(shí)候渾身都被刮傷了swing vt. 使旋轉(zhuǎn);揮舞;懸掛vi. 搖擺; 轉(zhuǎn)向;懸掛;大搖大擺地行走n. 搖擺;擺動(dòng);秋千;音律;漲落adj. 旋轉(zhuǎn)的;懸掛的;強(qiáng)節(jié)奏爵士音樂(lè)的the idle young man lit a cigarette and sat on the end of the table, one leg swinging。那個(gè)悠閑的年輕男子點(diǎn)了一支煙,坐在桌上,一條腿擺來(lái)擺去。sideways

4、adj. 向側(cè)面的;一旁的adv. 向側(cè)面地;向一旁if you would move sideways to the left, I can get everyone on the picture 。如果你能往左邊移一下,我就可以讓每個(gè)人都出現(xiàn)在畫面中。plot vt.vi. 密謀;繪圖;劃分;標(biāo)繪n. 情節(jié);圖;陰謀we?re plotted our projected costs for the coming year , and they show a big increase。 我們?cè)诓邉澪磥?lái)一年的計(jì)劃成本,顯示的結(jié)果是大幅增加kneel vi. 跪下,跪Jane knelt dow

5、n to pull a weed from the flowerbed 。 簡(jiǎn)從花圃跪下來(lái)把雜草除掉。recycle vt. vi. n. 再循環(huán);重復(fù)利用companies are now trying to recycle their waste or find other ways of disposing of their by-products。 公司現(xiàn)在正試圖將他們的廢料回收或找到其他的方式處理他們的副產(chǎn)品tag n. 標(biāo)簽 ;名稱;結(jié)束語(yǔ);附屬物vt.尾隨,緊隨;連接;起渾名;添飾vi. 緊隨where?s the price tag on this dress? 這件衣服的價(jià)格

6、標(biāo)簽在哪兒executive n. 總經(jīng)理;執(zhí)行委員會(huì);執(zhí)行者;經(jīng)理主管人員adj. 行政的;經(jīng)營(yíng)的;執(zhí)行的,經(jīng)營(yíng)管理的Amy is now a senior executive having worked her way up through the company 。Amy 通過(guò)自己的努力,現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)是公司的一名高級(jí)管理人員了。outlet n. 出口 ,排放孔;電 電源插座;銷路;發(fā)泄的方法;批發(fā)商店the water could not get away from the tank because the outlet was blocked。 水不能從水槽放出去,因?yàn)槌隹诒欢伦×薱lu

7、ster n. 群;簇;叢;串vt. 聚集 ; vi. 群聚;叢生something must have happened; office workers were seen clustered at every open door,taking excitedly 。一定是有什么事情發(fā)生了,因?yàn)榭梢钥吹焦ぷ鞯娜藗冊(cè)诿恳簧乳_(kāi)門處興奮地聚集著。have a hard/difficult time ( doing) 度過(guò)困難時(shí)刻;過(guò)得困難;步履艱難the injured old lady had a hard time getting to the hospital 。 受傷的那位老太太很難到達(dá)醫(yī)

8、院clean up 清理,掃除,大撈一筆she?d spilt some coffee and was cleaning it up just as John walked in 。她灑出了一些咖啡,當(dāng)約翰走進(jìn)來(lái)的時(shí)候她正在清理。run out of 用完,耗盡by the time they go t to the camp they?d run out of water。他們到達(dá)營(yíng)地的時(shí)候他們的水也會(huì)耗盡。exemplify vt 例證the painting perfectly exemplifies the naturalistic style which was so popular

9、 at the time 這幅 畫是如此受歡迎,它完美地展示了自然的風(fēng)格。thrive vi. 繁榮,興旺;茁壯成長(zhǎng)tackle vt.處理;抓??;固定;與 交涉n.滑車;裝備;用具;扭倒vi.扭倒;攔截?fù)屒騳ield vt. 屈服;出產(chǎn),產(chǎn)生;放棄vi. 屈服,投降n. 產(chǎn)量;收益choke vt. 嗆;窒息;阻塞;抑制;撲滅n. 動(dòng)力 阻氣門 vi.窒息;阻塞;說(shuō)不出話來(lái)turn( a) round 轉(zhuǎn)向反方向;(生意或經(jīng)濟(jì)) 好轉(zhuǎn)here and now 此時(shí)此地;立刻shabby 破敗的 寒酸的 卑鄙的;吝嗇的;低劣的stride vt, vi , n 跨過(guò);大步行走pathetic

10、可憐的,悲哀的;感傷的;乏味的at risk 處于危險(xiǎn)中g(shù)ive away 放棄;泄露;分發(fā);出賣;贈(zèng)送on faith 不加懷疑地;單憑信仰;依賴地quote 報(bào)價(jià);引用;舉證peel 剝落;削詞組:Pick at: 吃得很少;挑毛病;指責(zé)He was no very hungry, and just the food on his plate.他不是很餓,所以只是在他的盤子里挑一些食物吃Pick up: 撿起;獲得;收拾;不費(fèi)力地學(xué)會(huì)The young man turned over to the police the wallet he had in the street.那個(gè)年輕人把在

11、街上撿到的錢包交給了警察。He the knowledge of radio just by staying around the radio station.他只是通過(guò)在電臺(tái)附近逗留而獲得無(wú)線電知識(shí)。It?s not safe to stand at the roadside hoping to by passing motorists.站在路邊搭過(guò)路車不安全。Pick on: 挑選;選中;批評(píng);欺負(fù)I objected to for such an unpleasant job.我反對(duì)被選中去做這樣一件不愉快的工作。There is no need to him all day long;

12、 he is a child after all.沒(méi)有必要整天挑剔批評(píng)他,畢竟他還是個(gè)孩子Pick out: 挑選出;辨認(rèn)出She has such a distinctive appearance that I could anywhere.她有這樣一個(gè)與眾不同的外表,我可以在任何地方把她認(rèn)出來(lái)。The director finds it difficult to the best actors for his play, they are all so good.導(dǎo)演發(fā)現(xiàn)很難選出可以演這部劇的最好的演員,他們都很好It is usually easier to the meaning of

13、 a sentence in a given context.在特定的上下文中,通常容易地挑出句子的意思.Get across: vi. 通過(guò);使.被理解The overseas teacher to his Chinese colleagues with the help of gestures.這位海外老師借助手勢(shì)向他的中國(guó)同事表達(dá)了他的觀點(diǎn).Get along: (勉強(qiáng))生活;進(jìn)展;(使)前進(jìn);與, 和睦相處How is Mr. Holmes in his new job?福爾摩斯先生的新工作進(jìn)展得怎么樣?Mike is ill- tempered. He doesn?t with an

14、ybody in the office.邁克脾氣很壞,他和辦公室里的任何人都合不來(lái)。get over克服;恢復(fù);熬過(guò);原諒Miss Green returned to work after she her illness.格林小姐在病好之后恢復(fù)了工作。The committee will have to find means to the financial difficulties.委員會(huì)必須找到辦法克服財(cái)政困難get down 下來(lái);吞下;使沮喪Here is a telephone message I for you.這是我給你打下來(lái)的電話留言。get around/round 到處走走

15、;逃避;說(shuō)服;傳開(kāi)來(lái)(=get round);有辦法應(yīng)付;有辦法應(yīng)付局面The news soon that the firm was closing down.公司即將倒閉的消息很快就傳開(kāi)了。It is difficult for the elderly lady to without a cane.對(duì)老年婦女來(lái)說(shuō),沒(méi)有手杖就很難到處走動(dòng)。get around to 抽出時(shí)間來(lái)做 ;開(kāi)始考慮做I?ve been thinking of giving my room a thorough cleaning, but with so many things to do, I it yet.我一直

16、想把房間徹底打掃一下,但有這么多事情要做,我還沒(méi)動(dòng)手呢.get by 通過(guò);過(guò)得去;獲得認(rèn)可How can I while you stand in the way?你站在路上讓我怎么過(guò)去。The old lady never seemed to have much money, but somehow she managed to though I don?t know how.老太太似乎從來(lái)沒(méi)有多少錢,但不知怎么回事,她總是能夠過(guò)下去,雖然我不知道 如何。get down to開(kāi)始認(rèn)真考慮;著手處理 facts, I can?t see anything to support what h

17、e says.根據(jù)事實(shí),我看不出有什么能支持他所說(shuō)的。get through 通過(guò);到達(dá);做完;接通電話;度過(guò),熬過(guò)(困難時(shí)期等)I?ll be with you as soon as I this work.我一做完這工作就和你在一起.I tried to telephone you bu t I couldn?t . The wires were down in the snowstorm.我試著給你打電話,但我打不通,因?yàn)殡娋€由于暴風(fēng)雪中的原因不通了。get at 理解;意指;賄賂;到達(dá);著手處理Although I followed carefully all he said I co

18、uld not see what he .盡管我很仔細(xì)地相跟上他,但我還是搞不清他在說(shuō)什么。CLOZE (完型)On an April afternoon last year, Father George Clements sat alone in his study and wept.去年 4 月一個(gè)下午,神父喬治克萊門茨獨(dú)自坐在書房中哭泣。As (1) minister of Holy Angels Catholic Church on Chicago,s South Side, he had just officiated at a funeral for (2) an 18-year-

19、old named Joey. Over the past two years, Father Clements had conducted far too many (3) services for young people who, like (4) Joey, had died of drug overdoses.作為神圣天使天主教在芝加哥南部的部長(zhǎng),他剛剛主持,一個(gè)18 歲的名叫Joey的葬禮。在過(guò)去的兩年中,神父Clements 已經(jīng)為這樣像喬伊一樣的年輕人進(jìn)行了太多次的服務(wù),他們都是死于藥物過(guò)量。Surrounding the church and Holy Angels Scho

20、ol were record shops and grocery and convenience stores where (5) kids went after classes. Prominently displayed in these stores (6) was a wide array of drug paraphernalia ( 隨身物品) , including (7) crack pipes and syringes. In (8)Clement,s mind, such displays not only aroused (9) the curiosity of impr

21、essionable children but also seemed to legitimize drug (10) use.教堂和圣天使學(xué)校的周圍是孩子們課后經(jīng)常去的唱片店、雜貨店和便利店。在這些商店中顯著的陳列出了大量的吸毒用具(隨身物品),包括裂紋管和注射器。在神父的心中,這樣的表現(xiàn)不僅引起了敏感的孩子的好奇心,也似乎讓吸毒變得合法。Now Joey was gone, and soon other young people would die (11) . Where was it going to end? By God , the 57-year-old priest vowed

22、, pulling himself out (12) of his chair, it ?s going to end hereand now (13)! 現(xiàn)在 Joey走了,不久其他年輕人就會(huì)死去。它會(huì)在哪里結(jié)束呢?57 歲的牧師從椅子上重新站了起來(lái)并對(duì)上帝發(fā)誓,現(xiàn)在就要結(jié)束了!Clements marched to a convenience store a few blocks from (14) the church and confronted the store owner. “ I want you to get (15) rid of all this drug paraphe

23、rnalia, ” the priest demanded.克萊門茨向著離教堂幾個(gè)街區(qū)遠(yuǎn)的便利店堅(jiān)定地走去,并遇上了店面的店主。 “我想讓你把這所有的吸毒用具全都撤掉,”牧師要求道。The store owner looked at Clements as though (16) he were crazy. “ Get the hell out of my store, ” he barked. 店主看著克萊門茨就像看著一個(gè)瘋子?!皬奈业牡昀餄L出去”他吼道?!?Would you sell this stuff to your own(17) son or daughter? ” Cleme

24、nts asked.“你會(huì)把這些東西賣給你自己的兒子或女兒?jiǎn)??”“克萊門茨問(wèn)“ No, of course not(18). ” “不,當(dāng)然不會(huì)?!薄?Then why are you selling it to ours(19) ? ” “那你為什么賣給我們”“ Because you niggers don?t (20) care . Now get out. ” “因?yàn)橄衲氵@樣的黑鬼不會(huì)在乎?,F(xiàn)在滾出去?!盩hrough (21) the windows, Clements saw a customer approaching. The priest went out (22) and

25、stood in front of the store, “ You don ?t want to go in there, ” he said. “ This man is selling drug paraphernalia to our (23) kids . People like him are why (24) kids are getting addicted and dying .” 透過(guò)窗戶,克萊門茨看到一個(gè)客戶正在走近。牧師走出去,站在商店前面,“你 不會(huì)想要進(jìn)去的,”他說(shuō), “這個(gè)人賣毒品給我們的孩子,就因?yàn)橄袼@樣的人,孩子才會(huì) 染上毒癮并死亡?!薄?You ?re r

26、ight , Father . I don ?t (25) want to go in there . ” “你是對(duì)的, 神父, 我不進(jìn)去了?!盕or the next 45 minutes, the priest said the same (26) thing to each would-be customer and received the same (27) response. A small crowd accumulated, waiting to see what (28) the store owner would do. Finally he came out. “ Oka

27、y , you win , ” he said.“ I?ve taken the stuff off (29) the shelves.” 在接下來(lái)的45 分鐘里,牧師對(duì)每個(gè)準(zhǔn)顧客說(shuō)了同樣的話,并得到了同樣的回應(yīng) . 。一小群人聚在店門口等著看店主會(huì)怎么做。最后他出來(lái)了,“好吧,你贏了,”他說(shuō),.”“ Good, ” said Clements .“ Now bring it (30) out here. You and I are going to smash up that stuff right in front of all these people. ”“好,”克萊門茨說(shuō), “現(xiàn)在把

28、它拿出來(lái)。你和我要把這些東西砸在所有這些人面前?!备腻e(cuò):A nine-year-old Malaysian boy was waiting for his mother to pick him up at school one after noon last year, when a man and woman approached him. “ You pr arents are busy and they asked us to bring(改為fetch)you, ” the man said. The boy knew he shouldn?t go with the stranger

29、s,so he ran toward the school?s gymnasium, which( 改為 where或 in which) he knew other students were gathered. The couple followed him, but fled until (改為before)he reached the gym.The boy was lucky-he sensed the danger before it was late( 改為 too late) and knew what to do.Kidnapping by a stranger is a r

30、elatively frequent( 改為rare) crime, but it does happen. Forexample, the Royal Malaysia Police says many children were reported missed(改為missing) inMalaysia last year, and experts agree that some of these children were abducted. “ I tis na?ve to think that children are always safe, s”ays Wan, director

31、 of a private organization in Malaysia that teaches children how to avoid become(改為becoming) crime victims.Even though ( 去 掉 though ) in low-crime Singapore, authorities are taking the matter seriously. “ Children need to be reminded constantly what to do to prevent crime and protect them(改為 themsel

32、f) , ” says Chan, head of crime prevention for the Singapore Police Force.Indeed, when children are taught what to do for(改為at)an early age they have a muchbetter chance of staying safe.去年一個(gè)下午,一個(gè)九歲的馬來(lái)西亞男孩在等母親接他放學(xué)的時(shí)候,一對(duì)男女走上前去。男人說(shuō):“你父母很忙,讓我們來(lái)接你?!?男孩知道不該跟陌生人走,所以向?qū)W校體育館跑去,他知道其他學(xué)生都在那里。那對(duì)夫婦跟著跑,但在他還沒(méi)有跑到體育館之前就逃走了。這個(gè)男孩很幸運(yùn),他及時(shí)感覺(jué)到了危險(xiǎn),并且知道該怎么做。綁架陌生人是較少發(fā)生的犯罪案件,但的確會(huì)發(fā)生。例如,馬來(lái)西亞皇家警方稱,據(jù)報(bào)道過(guò)去一年中馬來(lái)西亞有許多孩子失蹤,專家一致認(rèn)為,有些孩子是被綁架/誘拐了。萬(wàn)是馬來(lái)西亞一個(gè)私人組織負(fù)責(zé)人,該組織教孩子們?nèi)绾伪苊獬蔀榉缸锸芎φ?。萬(wàn)說(shuō):“認(rèn)為


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