六上香港朗文chapter six復(fù)習(xí)提要_第1頁
六上香港朗文chapter six復(fù)習(xí)提要_第2頁
六上香港朗文chapter six復(fù)習(xí)提要_第3頁
六上香港朗文chapter six復(fù)習(xí)提要_第4頁




1、朗文 6A Chapter Six 復(fù)習(xí)提要1. speNew words and phrases(要求:知道中文意思,聽得懂,會讀,會拼寫)l people 特殊的人物2. be at an exhibition 在一個展覽館3. a world-famous pianist 一位世界知名的鋼琴家4. begin playing thano=bego play thano 開始彈鋼琴5. atof three 在三歲的時候6. my trophy /my trophies獎杯7. at an awards ceremony 在上8. former Olympic diver 前奧運跳水運動員

2、9. Olympic medals 奧運獎牌10. olive leaf wreaths 橄欖葉花環(huán)11. at the 2004 Olympic Games2004 年奧運會(拼寫時注意 Olympic Games 的首字母要大寫)12. huge diving pool 巨大的跳水池13. the diving competitions 跳水比賽Senten(要求:會讀,知道其中文意思,會拼,會寫,會運用。)1. This is the world-famous pianist, Lang Lang, who began playing thano at theage of three.這

3、就是從三歲就開始彈鋼琴的世界知名鋼琴家-。2. These are the trophiest Lang Lang received at an awards ceremony inGermany in 2015.Part A and B2015 年在德國(古典回聲獎)這些就是上得的獎杯。3. This is the music school where Lang Lang studied.=This is the music school in which Lang Lang studied.這就是學(xué)習(xí)的音樂學(xué)校。友情提示:孩子們在翻譯定語從句時,從句中的謂語動詞形式易出錯。1. This

4、is the girl whothe hardest in our class.2. This is the girl who Ihe street yesterday.Part C(頭腦敏捷的你,快快這個力大考驗吧讀熟 C 部分。)New words and phrases (四會)1. focus on: 集中2.heir lives: 在他們的生命中3. inspire us: 激勵4. admire their achievements: 敬佩他們的成就5. learn lessons from them: 從他們身上吸取經(jīng)驗教訓(xùn)6. a basketball legend:籃球7.

5、be born: 出生8. used to be the tallest player:曾經(jīng)是最高的(籃球)運動員9. the captain of the womens national basketball team: 國家女子籃球隊隊長10. theAsian Chionships: 首次亞洲錦標(biāo)賽11. leave his beloved family:離開了他深愛的家庭12. live in a se sports school: 住在國家體校13. retire in 2011: 在 2011 年退役Part C and Dmetworks14. take part in char

6、ity events: 參與慈善事業(yè)15. rocket Shenzhou-5: 神舟五號16. a cadet pilot: 實習(xí)17. fly fightlanes: 開戰(zhàn)斗機(jī)18. no matter what difficulties:無論什么19. the whole nation:整個民族20. be proud of him: 以他為榮21. persistent people: 堅持不懈的人New words and phrases (三會,不做拼寫要求)1. the NBA:National Basketball Assotion職業(yè)籃球聯(lián)賽New words and phr

7、ases(要求:知道中文意思,會讀,會拼寫。)a famous animator 一位有名的動畫制作者a movie company 一家公司be in charge ofthe animation 負(fù)責(zé)制造動畫he studio 在show the viewers the Oscar 給觀眾看金像(show sb. sth.=show sth. to sb.)your colleagues 你的同事Senten(要求:知道中文意思,會讀,會拼寫,會運用。)1. He was thewho was in charge of producing the animation for Shrek.他

8、是負(fù)責(zé)給怪物制作動畫的人。2. Sometimeswe work all day seven days ak so I have to sleep in theproducingPart Estudio.有時候一周七天夜以繼日的工作,所以我不得不在睡覺。3. This is the man who chose the drawings of the people and plain Shrek.這就是給怪物挑選人物和場景圖畫的人。4. Im sure our viewers know more about you and your colleagues.我相信現(xiàn)在觀眾對你和你的同事有了進(jìn)一步的了解。New words and phrases(要求:知道中文意思,會讀,會拼寫。)1. a ChiParalympic swimmer: 一位中國參加游泳運動員2. in a terrible car accident: 一場慘烈的3. be worried about him:擔(dān)心他4. take up swimming: 開始游泳5.e the loss of arms:克服了失去胳膊(的)6. win gold medals:贏得金牌7. Im honoured to represent my


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