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1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上專心-專注-專業(yè)專心-專注-專業(yè)精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上專心-專注-專業(yè)2019年最新七年級上冊英語語法知識點大全一、代詞人稱代詞和物主代詞英語的人稱代詞(Personal Pronoun)有三種不同的人稱形式:第一人稱(First Person);第二人稱(Second Person);第三人稱(Third Person)。三種人稱又各有單、復(fù)數(shù)形式。.在上列人稱代詞的不同形式中,還包含了主格(Subjective Case)、賓格(Objective Case)兩種“格”的形式。這樣,從“格”的形式來劃分,英語的人稱代詞又可歸納為:主格

2、:I,you,he,she,it,we,you,they賓格:me,you,him,her,it,us,you,them此外,還有所有格形式。屬格:my,mine,your,yours,his,her,hers,its,our,ours,their,theirs 屬格又可分為兩類:一類是形容詞性物主代詞(my,your,his,her,its,our,their)即 “物主限定詞”;另一類是名詞性物主代詞(mine,yours,his,hers,ours,theirs),即 “物主代詞”。人稱代詞第一人稱第二人稱第三人稱單數(shù)復(fù)數(shù)單數(shù)復(fù)數(shù)單數(shù)復(fù)數(shù)主格Iweyouyoushe he itthey賓

3、格meusyouyouher him itthem物主代詞形物代myouryouryourher his itstheir名物代mineoursyoursyourshers/his/itstheirs人稱代詞用法:人稱代詞主格:做主語,表示誰怎么樣了,干什么了。I am a teacher.You are student.He is a student , too.We/You/They are student.人稱代詞賓格:作賓語,表示動作行為的對象,一般放在動詞的后面。Give it to me.Lets go.(lets=let is)形容詞性物主代詞(my/your/his/her/i

4、ts/our/their)+名詞。而名詞性物主代詞(mine/yours/his/hers/its/ours/theirs)則相當(dāng)于形容詞性物主代詞+名詞,故其后不必加名詞。如:-Is this your book?-No,it isnt,its hers(her book).its Jims,its Toms.名詞性物主代詞=形容詞性物主代詞+名詞為避免重復(fù)使用名詞,有時可用“名詞性物主代詞”來代替“形容詞性物主代詞+名詞”的形式。例:My bag is yellow, her bag is red, his bag is blue and your bag is pink. 為避免重復(fù)使用

5、bag,可寫成My bag is yellow, hers is red, his is blue and yours is pink. 練習(xí):1._(我) am a teacher.2.My father is talking with _(我).3.This is _(我的) book.4._(他的) chair is blue.5._(我們的) classroom is big.6._(他) often plays basketball after school.7._(他的) teacher is good.8._(我們) buy a pair of shoes for _(他).9.

6、Please pass_(我們) the ball.10._(他們) are listening to the radio.11._(我) am a teacher.12.This is _(她的) bag. That is_(他的)13._(他的) cap is blue. _( 我們的) are yellow.14.Our chair is better than _ ( they).15.I will give the presents to_(they).16.These books are_(I), and those are_(you).17.My ruler is long. _

7、 ( you ) is short.18.My bike is broken. May I borrow_ ( she)?19.Can you show _(I) your book?20.Its time for _(they) to go home.21.Mr. Green often tells _(we) some stories.22.These are not your desks. They are _(our).23.This is not my shirt. Its _(he)24.I saw _(she) in the shop yesterday. 參考答案:I 2. m

8、e 3. my 4. His 5. Our 6. He 7. His 8. We, him 9. us 10. They 11.I 12. her, his 13. His, ours 14. theirs 15. them 16. mine, yours 17. yours 18. hers 19. me 20. them 21. us 22. ours 23. his 24. Her人稱代詞和物主代詞練習(xí):(一)用代詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。1There is a letter for_ (her 、hers) mother. 2That is _(she ) coat. The coat is

9、red._(it)is a new one. 3Whose pens are these? _(their) are _ (we). 4Give _(he) a toy, please. 5_(we) eyes are black. 6Tim and Bill are twins. _(them) parents are teachers. 7Give the book to _(I ). 8These books are _(we). 9That is not _ kite. That kite is very small, but _ is very big.( I )10The dres

10、s is _. Give it to _. ( she )11Is this _ watch? (you) No, its not _ . ( I )12_ is my brother. _ name is Jack. Look! Those stamps are _. ( he )2、指示代詞(1)this“這” ,其復(fù)數(shù)形式 these “這些” ,指代近處的人或物體 ;(2)that“那” ,其復(fù)數(shù)形式 those“那些” ,指代遠處的人或物。3、指示代詞 this that these those 作主語,一般疑問句的簡略回答(1)Is this / that your aunt ?

11、Yes , it is . No , it isnt .簡略回答時,用主格代詞 it 代替(2)Are these / those your uncles ? Yes , they are . No , they arent .簡略回答時,用主格代詞 they 代替單句變復(fù)句,把句子中單數(shù)詞變成復(fù)數(shù)詞。1、This is my friend . _ _ _ _my _2、That is his parent . _ _ _ _his _3、She is her cousin . _ _ _ _her _用所給的詞選擇填空1、These are pens and _ are pencils. (

12、that, this, those)2、Tom was sick yesterday. _ is why he missed school. ( That, Those, These) 3、Which of_shirts are Toms ( These, this, that)4、This desk is mine, _is hers. ( those, this, that)5、The map of Beijing is better than _of Tianjing. (this, that, these).二、名詞名詞: 名詞分為可數(shù)名詞和不可數(shù)名詞。1、不可數(shù)名詞:表示的事物,其數(shù)

13、量不可以數(shù)清或者難以數(shù)清。例如:water “水” , “水”的數(shù)量不可以數(shù)清; rice “大米,谷?!?, 其數(shù)量難以數(shù)清。不可數(shù)名詞用法上有兩大特點:(1)、沒有復(fù)數(shù)形式;(2)、不能用不定冠詞 a / an 、基數(shù)詞、many 修飾。2、可數(shù)名詞:表示的事物,其數(shù)量可以數(shù)清 ??蓴?shù)名詞用法上的特點:(1)、有單數(shù)、復(fù)數(shù)兩種形式;(2)、能用不定冠詞 a / an 、基數(shù)詞、many 修飾。3、單數(shù)名詞后加 s 或 es 變成復(fù)數(shù)名詞。單數(shù)名詞后加 s 或 es 的方法如下:(1)、 一般情況,名詞后直接加 s (清輔音后讀 / s /, 濁輔音后讀/ z /)例如: parents“雙

14、親” ;aunts“阿姨” ;friends“朋友”(2)、以字母 e 結(jié)尾的名詞,直接加 s (讀 / z /) 例如:uncles“叔叔” ;pictures“圖畫”(3)、以字母 O 結(jié)尾的名詞,有的加 s ,有的加 es (讀 / z /)例如: photos“照片” ;tomatoes“西紅柿” ;(4)、以“輔音字母 + y”結(jié)尾的名詞,變 y 為 i,加 es (讀 / z /)例如:family families; party parties(5)、以 s x ch sh 結(jié)尾名詞,直接加 es(讀 / Iz/) 例如:buses“公共汽車” boxes“盒子” wishes“

15、希望” watches“手表” (6)、少數(shù)名詞的復(fù)數(shù)形式是不規(guī)則的,有特殊形式。man men woman women people people childchildren(7)knife的復(fù)數(shù)形式是knives4、名詞所有格 :表示“某人的” , 名詞 + 或 s 構(gòu)成 。其規(guī)則如下:(1)、一般情況下,名詞后直接加 s: Jims (吉姆的); my mothers(我的母親的)2、以 s 結(jié)尾的復(fù)數(shù)名詞,直接加 : my friends (我的朋友的);his students3、一個人或物屬各自所有,或者幾個人共有,變成所有格。Jims and Kates aunts 吉姆的阿姨和

16、凱特的阿姨Jim and Kates birthday 吉姆和凱特(共有)的生日一、寫出下列詞的復(fù)數(shù)形式am_ is_ he _ she _ it _ that_this_ you_ pen_ desk_ key_ orange_ boy_ friend_ parent_ class _ child_ shelf _ bed _ radio_ photo_ tomato_ woman _ man _ strawberry _ dictionary _ box _ watch _二、選擇填空( )1.There _ on the wall .They are very beautiful. A.

17、 are photoes B. are photos C. is a photo D. is photos ( )2. The old man wants_ . A. six boxes of apples B. six boxes of apple C. six box of apples D. six boxs of apples( )3. There _two _in the box. A. is ,watch B. are ,watches C. are , watch D. is , watches( )4. The _ meeting room is near the readin

18、g room. A. teacher B. teachers C. teachers D. teachers( )5._ shirt is white. A. My brother B. My brothers C. My brothers D. My brothers( )6. Today is September 10th. It is _ Day. A. Teachers B. Teachers C. the Teachers D. Teachers( )7. Its June 1st, its _ Day. A. Childrens B. Childrens C. Childrens

19、D. Childrenss ( )8. This year, _ is on May 9th. A. my mothers birthday B. my mothers brithday C. my mothers birthday D. my motherss birthday ( )9. This is _ . A. Mike and Jims bikeB. Mikes and Jim bike C. Mikes and Jims bike D.Mike and Jim bike 三、變換句型(把下列句子變?yōu)閺?fù)數(shù)句)。This is my friend. 2. This is a tabl

20、e. 3.That is her brother. 4.This is a book. 5.That is an eraser. 6.It is a red orange. 7.He is a teacher. 8. Whats this? 四、按中文意思填空1. _(李明的)parents work in a big hospital.2. This is _ (我妹妹的) Chinese book.3. _ (我的姐姐和弟弟的)rooms are very nice.4. _ (王平和王明的) father is a hotel manager.5. Is this _(你的好朋友的)pe

21、n ?6. They are_(Peter 和Sam的) teachers.7. _(教師節(jié)) is on September 10th. .8. _(學(xué)生們的) desks and chairs are very new.9. _(趙敏的) shoes are white.10. _(John和Sally的)mothers are American.11. _(Tony哥哥的)computer is broken.12、Its _(婦女節(jié)) on March 8th.三、冠詞只有不定冠詞a (an)和定冠詞the 兩個,不用冠詞叫零冠詞。1、不定冠詞a和an :a用在輔音前,如 a pen

22、a chair an 用在元音前。an old teacher an English book 注意輔音字母第一個音是元音的情況:F H L M N S X這七個字母的第一個音是元音在說一個以上字母時要用an ,如an“F” (一個F) 同時注意字母U,它是元音字母,但它的第一個音是輔音,因此說一個U,應(yīng)為 a “U”2、定冠詞the:當(dāng)一個名詞第二次出現(xiàn)時前面用the 。注意在三餐飯(breakfast、 lunch 、dinner )前不用the ,月份和星期前都不用the ,體育活動的球類運動前面不用the 。如:have dinner in January December Sunda

23、y play basketballplay tennis (volleyball soccer Ping Pong chess baseball) 3、如單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞前有this、that、my等代詞修飾時,則不再使用a或an。 冠詞練習(xí)( )1. There is _ art room in the building. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( )2. -What color is _ orange? - Its _ orange. A. an, the B. /, an C. an, / D. /, the( )3. There is_ “u” and _ “s”

24、in the word “rulers”. A. a, a B. an, a C. a, an D. an, an( )4. Its not _English book. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( )5. I have _ very interesting book. It is about_ exciting game. A. an, the B. the, a C. a, an D. a, a( )6Is that your _ ? Aa picture Bpicture Cpictures Dnice pictures( )7Are _ Kates _? Athi

25、s, book Bthat,book Cthese,books Dthose,book( ) 8.Thats _ art book. A. an B. a C. the D are四、數(shù)量詞1、基數(shù)詞 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen 2、序數(shù)詞 first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth 口訣:1、first, second, third特殊記;4到19加th,注意fifth, e

26、ighth, ninth, twelfth2、整數(shù)則是去y變ie, 加th, 如:twentieth;3、表示“幾十幾”,整數(shù)為基數(shù)詞,個數(shù)為序數(shù)詞 如:thirty-third fifty-fifth數(shù)詞練習(xí)1、Mr Green has _ ( two ) daughters .2、Kate is Mr Greens _ ( one ) daughter.3、There are _ ( twelve ) months in a year.4、March is the _ ( three ) month of a year .5、They have _ ( twenty ) computers

27、.6、I can afford _ ( eight ) sweaters .7、 Mr Greens _ ( nine) store is very big .8、-How old is your friend ?-She is _( 12)years old . .9、-How old is her father?- He is _(30) years old . 10. January the_month of a year.11、February the_month of a year.12、April the_month of a year.13、May the_month of a

28、year .14、August the_month of a year.15、December the_month of a year.五、介詞介詞:本冊的介詞較少,主要用在介詞短語里面,如on:on sale (銷售) on April 8th, (在四月八日) on the desk (在桌子上) on TV (在電視上)in:in English (用英語) in the afternoon (在下午) in the case (在盒子里) T-shirt in red (紅色T恤) be in the movie(出演這部電影) in September (在九月)be in our

29、school music festival (參加我們學(xué)校的音樂節(jié))at:call sb.at 3356 (撥打3356找某人) at your school (在你們學(xué)校里) at Huaxing Clothes Store (在華興服裝店) at a very good price (以非常優(yōu)惠的價格) at six (六點鐘) have a look at (看一看) of:a set of (一串) the photo of your family (你的全家照) lots of =a lot of (許多) date of birth(birthday)(生日)with:with s

30、b. (同某人一起) be good with (和相處得好) help sb. with sth. (幫助某人做某事)for:thanks for =thank you for (謝謝某人的.) bag for sports (運動包) pants for $30(賣30元的褲子) see for yourself (親自看看) for girls (對女孩子來說) like sth. for lunch (喜歡吃當(dāng)作午餐)about:about Chinese history (有關(guān)中國歷史)under:under the desk (在桌子下面)六、形容詞本冊所學(xué)的形容詞不多,注意拼法和

31、反義詞big (small) long (short) sad (happy) boring (interestingfunny )exciting difficult relaxing great healthy old (new) white (black)七、副詞副詞:除疑問副詞外,本冊的副詞有only too very well often also really 副詞only often also really 等在句中的位置都是在行為動詞前面或是系動詞的后面。注意幾組詞的區(qū)別:1、too 和also :too一般放在句子的末尾,also在行為動詞前面或是系動詞的后面。2、well

32、和 good :兩個詞都有“好”的意思,但well 是副詞,而good 是形容詞,well修飾動詞,放在動詞的后面,good 修飾名詞,放在名詞的前面。如play basketball well speak English well a good student Good morning 八、連詞連詞:本冊所學(xué)連詞有and but or then and 連接兩個詞或兩個句子,表示前后的句子意思順接。如:I like thrillers and I like action movies but 連接兩個句子,表示后面意思轉(zhuǎn)折。如:He likes tomatoes but she doesnt

33、 like broccolisor 表示選擇關(guān)系。如:Can you play the piano or the violin? then表示動作的先后順序。本冊所學(xué)的祈使句類型有Spell it, please.Please take these things to your sister.Lets play ping-pong. (tennisbasketballvolleyball)Come and buy your clothes.Have a look at Huaxing Clothes Store.九、動詞及句型轉(zhuǎn)換1、 動詞的種類(四類) (1)系動詞:如 be動詞(is am

34、 are);become,sound等 (2)情態(tài)動詞如 can 、may、need;(3)助動詞( do does);(4)行為動詞如 take 、bring、eat、have(has)、like、sell、buy、play、see、go、watch 等 2、 動詞的第三人稱單數(shù)(與名詞的復(fù)數(shù)一樣 ) 如 eat(eats) take (takes) buy (buys) play (plays) have(has) is (are) 3、 動詞的時態(tài)(一般現(xiàn)在時 )( 1)含有be動詞的 有be動詞的句子在變一般疑問句時,將be動詞放到句首,(注意第一人稱變?yōu)榈诙朔Q Are you a

35、Chinese boy ? Is she twelve ? Is he Tims brother ?含有be動詞的句子在變否定句時只須在“be 動詞后+not”, 注意: someany andor Im not a Chinese boy. She isnt twelve . He is not Tims btother . Her mother isnt an English teacher .(2)含有情態(tài)動詞的句子 ( can等,以can為例 ), She can play basketball. His mothers cousin can sing many English son

36、gs. 含有情態(tài)動詞的句子在變一般疑問句時只須將“情態(tài)動詞放到句首”,Can she play basketball ?Can his mothers cousin sing many English songs ?含有情態(tài)動詞的句子在變否定句時直接在情態(tài)動詞的后邊加上not 。注意: someany andor 例:She can not play basketball . His mothers cousin can not sing many English songs .(3)含有行為動詞的句子 We have many friends. They watch TV at 7 in t

37、he evening . The students take their books to school . I have lunch at school . You have a sister . 含有行為動詞的句子在變一般疑問句時要在原句子的前面加do. Do you have many friends ? Do they watch TV at 7 in the evening ? Do the students take their books to school ? Do you have lunch at school ? Do you have a sister ? 含有行為動詞

38、的句子在變否定句時只須在行為動詞前加dont . 注意: someany andor We dont have many friends. They dont watch TV at 7 in the evening . The students dont take their books to school . I dont have lunch at school . You dont have a sister . 含有行為動詞的句子,當(dāng)主語是第三人稱單數(shù)時,行為動詞要加s (或es)如: She has a red pen . He has eggs for breakfast . H

39、er mother buys a skirt for her . She likes thrillers . My brother watches TV every evening . He wants to go to a movie .含有行為動詞的句子,當(dāng)主語是第三人稱單數(shù)時,變一般疑問句要“加does ,行為動詞要還原”。 注意: someany Does she have a red pen ? Does he have eggs for breakfast ? Does her mother buy a skirt for her ? Does she like soccer? D

40、oes your brother watch TV every evening ? Does he want to go to a movie ?含行為動詞的句子,當(dāng)主語是第三人稱單數(shù)時,變否定句時“在行為動詞前面加doesnt , 同時原行為動詞要還原”。 注意: someany andor She doesnt have a red pen . He doesnt have eggs for breakfast . Her mother doesnt buy a skirt for her . She doesnt like thrillers . My brother doesnt wa

41、tch TV every evening . He doesnt want to go to a movie .練習(xí)be動詞: be動詞有三兄弟:is,am, are 。I(我)用am, you(你)用are, is跟著he(他) she(她) it(它),we(我們) you(你們)和they(他們),復(fù)數(shù)(兩人以上)永遠連著are.解析: I am; You are; He is; She is; It is; We are; You are; They are.(1)、在下面的題目中填上恰當(dāng)?shù)腂e動詞。1. I _ Kitty. 2. She _ a student.3. Jane an

42、d Tom _my friends. 4. My sisters _ tall.5. I _ at school now. 6. We _ students.7. They _ in the zoo. 8. Yang Ling _ ten years old.9. Where _ your friends? 10. How old _ you? 11.I_astudent. 12. You_adoctor.13._sheKitty? 14. _ youChinese?15. He_inShanghai. 16. It_acar. 17. They_cars 18. _yourmotherint

43、he room?19. _yourfriendsinthe room? 20. What_ yourname? 21. These_buses. 22. Those_oranges. (2)、在下面的短文中填上恰當(dāng)be動詞。I _ a girl. My name _ Mary.I _ 12 years old. Here _ my family photo. Look! These _ my parents and those _ my grandparents. This boy _ my brother. He _ 15 years old now. That _ my cat, Mimi

44、. It _ very lovely.(3)、在橫線上填寫be動詞的正確形式,然后變成一般疑問句并做肯定與否定回答1.I_ aboy. _ youaboy? Yes, I am/No,Iam not.2.Thegirl_hissister.3.Miss Zhang _ateacher. 4.This_ my dress. 5.That_myredskirt. 2.主語(非第三人稱單數(shù))+行為動詞原形+其他 (用助動詞do 幫助構(gòu)成否定句、一般疑問句和特殊疑問)3.主語(第三人稱單數(shù))+行為動詞的第三人稱單數(shù)+其他(用助動詞does 幫助構(gòu)成否定句、一般疑問句和特殊疑問句)行為動詞第三人稱單數(shù)加

45、-s的形式1.- s 2. 輔音+y: study-studies 3.以s,x,ch,sh結(jié)尾watch-watches teach-teaches4特殊have-has do-does go-goesdo 類動詞(行為動詞)用原型或第三人稱單數(shù)形式?!霸蝿釉~ + s / es”構(gòu)成“第三人稱單數(shù)形式”,與單數(shù)名詞變復(fù)數(shù)名詞方法一樣。(1)、一般情況,動詞后直接加 s (清輔音后讀 / s /,濁輔音后讀/ z /)例如:brings 帶來 calls 打電話 meets 遇見 needs 需要(2)、以字母 e 結(jié)尾的動詞,直接加 s (讀 / z /) 例如:likes 喜歡 take

46、s 帶走(3)、以字母 s, x, ch, sh, o 結(jié)尾的動詞,加 es ( 讀 / z / 或 / Iz/)例如: does 做 goes 走,去 watches 觀看(4)、以“輔音字母 + y”結(jié)尾的名詞,變 y 為 i,加 es (讀 / z /)例如: study studies 學(xué)習(xí)( 思考:enjoy play have 的第三人稱單數(shù)形式是 )練習(xí):1)His parents _(watch) TV every night. 1) My brother _(do) homework every day.2)His parents _ (not watch) every ni

47、ght.否定句2)My brother_ (not do) homework every day. 3)_his parents_(watch) TV every night? Yes, they _. No, they _.一般疑問句3)_ your brother _(do)homework every day? Yes, he_. No, he _.4)When_his parents _(watch) TV? They watch TV every night.特疑問句4)When _ your brother _(do) homework? He does homework ever

48、y day.本塊習(xí)題:用所給詞的正確形式填空1、I _ ( have ) a soccer ball .2、She _ ( have ) two ping-pong balls .3、He _ ( play ) sports every day .4、We _ ( speak ) English .5、Tom _ ( call ) Jim every day .6、My daughter _ ( like ) apples .7、His friend_ (know) English .8、The girl _ ( study ) English sometimes .9、The boy oft

49、en _ (watch) TV .10、Her uncle _ ( go ) home on foot本塊練習(xí)題 把下列肯定句變成否定句、一般疑問句,并作簡略回答。1、They like computers .否:They _ _ computers .疑:_they_ computers ? _ 2、He has a sports club .否: He _ _ a sports club .疑:_he_ a sports club ? _3、 We watch TV sometimes .否:We _ _ TV sometimes .疑:_ _ _ TV sometimes ? _4、To

50、m often plays computers .否:Tom _ often _ computer games .疑:_ Tom often _ computer games ? _5、She has some basketballs .否:She _ _ _ basketballs .疑:_ she _ _ basketballs ? _6、I enjoy playing sports every day .否:I _ _ playing sports every day .疑:_ _ _ playing sports every day ? _7、. My daughter calls m

51、e sometimes .否:My daughter _ _ me sometimes .疑:_ _ daughter _ me sometimes ? _8、The girl speaks English and Chinese .否:The girl _ _ English_ Chinese .疑:_ the girl _ English _ Chinese ? _練習(xí):1、Tom likes some fruits for lunch(一般疑問句) ._ Tom _ _ fruits for lunch ?2、I like vegetables for dinner(同上) ._ _ l

52、ike vegetables for dinner?3、The running star has lots of healthy food(否定句) .The running star_ _ lots of healthy food4、They have a lot of chicken . (同上)They _ _ a lot of chicken.5、Do you run in the morning every day ? (假設(shè)是,回答) _6、Does your friend enjoy fruits for lunch ? (假設(shè)不是,回答)_7、A lot of people l

53、ike eating healthy food .(同義句)_ people like _ healthy food.練習(xí)題 (一)、1、肯定句 This is my pencil . (這是我的鉛筆)否定句 This _my pencil . (這不是我的鉛筆)一般疑問句 _ this_ pencil ? (這是你的鉛筆嗎)肯定回答 _. 否定回答. _2、肯定句 That is my eraser .(那是我的橡皮擦)否定句 That _eraser . (那不是我的橡皮擦)一般疑問句 _that _eraser ? (那是你的橡皮擦)肯定回答 _ 否定回答 _3、肯定句 These ar

54、e my pens . (這些是我的鋼筆)否定句 These_ my pens . (這些不是我的鋼筆)一般疑問句 _ these _pens ? (這些是你的鋼筆嗎)肯定回答 _. 否定回答 _ .4、肯定句 Those are his baseballs . (那些是他的棒球)否定句 Those _ his baseballs . (那些不是他的棒球)一般疑問句 _those _ pens ? (那些是他的棒球嗎)肯定回答 _ 否定回答 _5 、肯定句 I am Helen (我是海倫)否定句 _ _Helen . (我不是海倫)一般疑問句 _ _Helen . (你是海倫嗎)肯定回答 _

55、. 否定回答 _ .6 、肯定句 It is her notebook . (它是她的筆記本)否定句 It _her notebook . (它不是她的筆記本)一般疑問句 _ _ her notebook ? (它是她的筆記本嗎)肯定回答 _. 否定回答 _ .7、肯定句 A lot of keys are in the pencilcase .(否定句 A lot of keys _ in the pencilcase .一般疑問句 _a lot of keys in the pencilcase ? 肯定回答 _. 否定回答 _ .就劃線部分提問是特殊疑問句(是特殊疑問詞部分+一般疑問句)

56、這學(xué)期學(xué)的一些特殊疑問句:1、What+一般疑問句:例:What is your name? What color+一般疑問: 例What color is your bag?2、Who +一般疑問句: 例Who are they?3、Why +一般疑問句: 例Why do you like music?4、Where+一般疑問句: 例:Where is my bag?5、How+一般疑問句: 例:How are you?就加黑斜體部分提問1.My name is Gina. name?2.Im fine. you?3.Its an orange. in English?4. My bag i

57、s red. is your bag?5. This is “V”. in English?6. O-R-A-N-G-E,orange. you “orange”? 7. My telephone number is . telephone number?8. Her name is Linda. name? 9. My first name is Jack. first name?10. She is my sister. she?11. Theyre on the floor. they?12. The baseball is on the sofa. the baseball?13. T

58、he keys are in the drawer. the keys?14. I want a sweater. you ?15. These socks are two dollars. these socks?16. - Blue. do you want? 17. The T-shirt is seven dollars the T-shirt?18. My birthday is October tenth. birthday?19. Her birthday is June 8th. birthday?20. Im thirteen. you?21. Its Monday toda

59、y is today?22. My school day is on October 18th. school day?23. Its August 8th. the date?24. My favorite subject is Chinese . favorite subject?25. Her favorite subject is English . favorite subject?26. I like P.E. because its fun. you like P.E? 27. My music teacher is Miss Xie. music teacher?28. His

60、 favorite sport is basketball. favorite sport?29. I have rice and chicken. you for lunch?30. He likes P.E. best. he best?本冊出現(xiàn)的短語first name 名字 last name/ family name 姓氏phone number 電話號碼 an ID card 一張身份證 pencil box 鉛筆盒 computer game 電腦游戲play computer games玩電腦游戲 lost and found 失物招領(lǐng)call sbat 347-2365 給某


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