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1、七下詞組檢測(cè)1. Wang Hui is _ _. P2 王輝在拍照片。 2. Ill_ _ you at the station. P2 我將在車(chē)站等你。3. Im standing on_ _ _ of China and talking to you. P2 我站在中國(guó)的長(zhǎng)城上同你說(shuō)話。4. Were on a school trip and were having_ _ _. P2 我們正在參加學(xué)校的郊游,玩得正高興呢。Were enjoying the school trip _ _. P2 我們非常喜歡學(xué)校的這次郊游 。 6. People arent getting up, wa

2、shing or _ _ . P4人們不是起床洗漱或穿衣服。7. Some are watching television or playing games _ _. P4 有些人在家看電視 或玩游戲。 8. They are eating hamburgers or hot dogs and drinking coffee or Coke. P4 他們?cè)诔詽h堡包或熱狗,喝咖啡或可口可樂(lè)。9. _ _ _, in different places of the word people are doing different things. P4 現(xiàn)在,世界各地的人們正在做著不同的事。10. W

3、ere _ _ the homes of the film stars. P5 我們正在參觀電影明星的家 。 11. Im taking _ _ photos .See you later! P5 我正在拍很多照片。再見(jiàn)!12. I want to go to bed now. _ _. 我現(xiàn)在想去睡覺(jué)了。晚安。 13. Are you _ _ _ Spring Festival? P8 你們?cè)跒榇汗?jié)做準(zhǔn)備嗎? 14. The boys are learning a _ _. P8 男孩們?cè)賹W(xué)習(xí)舞龍15. The New Year Festival finishes at_ _ after t

4、wo weeks. P10 兩周后的元宵節(jié)意味著春節(jié)的結(jié)束 16. First, we clean our houses and_ _ bad luck. P10 首先,我們打掃房間并掃除壞運(yùn)氣。 17. Hes _ .hes working P10他在上班,他正在工作. 18.We usually decorate the doors and windows with_. 我們通常用剪紙把門(mén)和窗戶裝飾一番。 19. We dont clean the house for _ _ days. P1O. 連續(xù)幾天我們不打掃房間20They are round and so they bring

5、us good luck _ _ _ _. P10 元宵圓圓的,因此它給我們一年四季帶來(lái)好運(yùn) 21. Then Im going to _ _ my test. P14 然后我要復(fù)習(xí)功課準(zhǔn)備考試22. Were going to _ _ _. P14我們要一起去野餐 23. Were going to _ _the Great Wall. P16我們要登上長(zhǎng)城24. Im _ _ _ seeing my daughter and her daughter my granddaughter. P16我期待著見(jiàn)到我的女兒和他的女兒也就是我的外孫女25. Were going to _ _ _bec

6、ause we like Chinese culture. P16我們打算去游覽因?yàn)槲覀兿矚g中國(guó)文化 26. How do you _ _New York _Beijing? P17你怎樣從紐約來(lái)到北京? 27. Why do you _ _? P17你為什么要去觀光旅游?28. What are you going to do on Saturday morning? On Saturday morning, Im going to_ _. P18你周六上午打算做什么?周六上午我要騎自行車(chē)。29. On Saturday morning, Im going to _ _. P18周六我要去購(gòu)

7、物30. You dont like _ _ in the evening.P19我不喜歡晚上出去。31. Will there be schools_ _ _? P20將來(lái)還會(huì)有學(xué)校嗎?32. And_ _ will use paper, pencils and pens. P20 也不再有人用紙鉛筆和鋼筆了 33. It will _ _at the North Pole so the seas will be very rough. P22北極會(huì)變暖,因此海上風(fēng)浪會(huì)很大。 34. There will be _ _and strong winds. P22將會(huì)有大雨和強(qiáng)風(fēng)。 35. Ch

8、inese people _ _ _ table tennis. P33中國(guó)人擅長(zhǎng)打乒乓球。 36. The Olympic visitors are going to do some sightseeing and shes going to _ them _ a Beijing siheyuan. P34奧運(yùn)游客要到北京觀光游覽 她準(zhǔn)備帶他們游覽北京的四合院。37. Is Tonys sister _ _ her homework? P39托尼的妹妹是在考慮他的作業(yè)嗎。38. The fares arent expensive and you can buy a ticket at the

9、 _ _. P46 票價(jià)不貴,而且你在公共汽車(chē)站就能買(mǎi)到票 40. I _ _ in small village in Shanxi Province. P50我出生在山西省的一個(gè)小村莊。41. It was Darwin _ _. P50 這是達(dá)爾文小學(xué)。42. There was a big_ _with a TV, a kitchen, a bathroom and there bedrooms. P52有一間很大的起居室,里面有一臺(tái)電視機(jī),此外還有一間廚房一個(gè)衛(wèi)生間和三個(gè)臥室 43. One day Ill _ _. P52 總有一天我還會(huì)回去的。44. _ _ _ _there wa

10、s a king. P56從前有一個(gè)國(guó)王。45. She decided to _ _ _ _ in the forest. P56 他決定到森林里去騎馬46. She _ _ the biggest bowl but she didnt like it. P56她拿起最大的那只碗,但是她不喜歡。 47. She _ _ her Then she noticed little house. P59他向四周看了看, 這時(shí)他注意到一所房子48. The stories often include animals that can speak or people who _ _animals. P6

11、1這些故事通常包括能說(shuō)話的動(dòng)物或變成動(dòng)物的人。49. Did you _ _ in summer? P63 在夏季你出去嗎? 50. He decided to be an actor when he finished school _ _ _ _ _fourteen. P64 在他14歲畢業(yè)那年他決定成為一名演員。51. A tunnel _ _ a mountain. P69隧道是從山里穿過(guò)的。52.Im _ _in London with my friend Jenny.P76我現(xiàn)在正和我的朋友珍妮在倫敦度假53. Finally today I_ _ _ and Jenny liste

12、ned to a concert in the park. P76最后,也就是今天,我去買(mǎi)了些東西 珍妮去公園聽(tīng)音樂(lè)會(huì)。 54. What friends did you_ _? P80 和什么朋友一起玩?55. How do you _from New York _ Beijing? P17 從紐約到北京你怎么去?八年級(jí)上冊(cè)詞組練習(xí)56. Why dont you _ it _? P2你們?yōu)楹尾话阉浵聛?lái)?57. I thing everyone should have a pen friend and write email messages to _ _. P2我認(rèn)為每個(gè)人都應(yīng)該交一個(gè)筆

13、友,并互相發(fā)送電子郵件。58. I thing everyone should have a _ _ and write email messages to each other. P2我認(rèn)為每個(gè)人都應(yīng)該交一個(gè)筆友,并互相發(fā)送電子郵件。59. Just _ _. P4會(huì)很開(kāi)心60. I speak English _ _ _ in class. P5在課堂上我一直講英語(yǔ)。61._ _from Beijing Capital Airport and land in London.P10從北京首都機(jī)場(chǎng)飛抵倫敦。62. It was my dream _ _! P12我的夢(mèng)想實(shí)現(xiàn)了!63Wang M

14、ing has been to a Li Huan concert in Beijing with _ _ 2000 people .王銘聽(tīng)過(guò)劉歡在北京舉辦的一個(gè)兩千多人的演唱會(huì)。P1264. Hes given concerts all over China and the tickets have always _ _.他在中國(guó)各地舉辦過(guò)演唱會(huì),門(mén)票總是一售而光。 P1266. Astronauts take the _ _ to get to the space station.宇航員成航天飛機(jī)到達(dá)太空站。 P1867. Ive just made this model of the _

15、 _.我剛剛制作了太空站的模型。 P1868. Do you know our _ _? 認(rèn)識(shí)我們校長(zhǎng)嗎? P2669. But I _ _ _ _her. We like the same things.不過(guò)我和他相處的很好,我們有著相同的愛(ài)好 P2670. Her school orchestra has some concerts, but she has _ _ the Hope Schools and she wants to visit a school in Gansu or Qingdao.她的學(xué)校的樂(lè)隊(duì)要來(lái)開(kāi)幾場(chǎng)音樂(lè)會(huì),但是她聽(tīng)說(shuō)了有關(guān)希望學(xué)校的事情,想到甘肅或青島參觀一所希

16、望學(xué)校。 P2671.take part 參加 P28People who have _ _ are 294006. 參加的人數(shù)為29萬(wàn)4千零六人。72 His parents want him to _ _ _ _.他的父母想讓他輟學(xué)。P28.73. His parents have been ill and he has to_ _ them.他的父母一直有病他得照顧父母。 P2874. Most people in China have _ _project Hope and have given money.在中國(guó)大多數(shù)人都聽(tīng)說(shuō)過(guò)希望工程都捐過(guò)錢(qián)。P2875. What_ _ is t

17、hat?那究竟是什么? P2876. What did Mozart write _ _ _operas?除了歌劇以外莫扎特還寫(xiě)了什么。 P3777. You are coming, arent you? Yes, _ _!你會(huì)來(lái)的,是吧? 是的,當(dāng)然 P3778. One day he went to a _ _ and made a song for his mother on her birthday.一天他在她媽媽生日時(shí)去錄音室為他媽媽創(chuàng)作了一首歌。 P4079. Suddenly, all the lights in my house were _ _ .There was a bi

18、g storm outside.突然間,我房間里的燈都熄滅了。外面下起了暴雨 P4680I was teaching sports swimming and _ _.我正在教體育運(yùn)動(dòng)-游泳和滑冰。P5481. Well, at first I often feel _ _ sad when I leave my mum and dad for a few days, and Im quite shy when Im with strangers. P58嗯,要離開(kāi)爸爸媽媽幾天,在開(kāi)始時(shí)我會(huì)經(jīng)常感到有點(diǎn)傷心,而且和陌生人在一起時(shí)我非常靦腆。82. Americans dont touch peo

19、ple a lot, but they _ _ with each other when they first meet or when they meet again. P64美國(guó)人不經(jīng)常接觸別人,但是當(dāng)他們第一次遇見(jiàn)或再次遇見(jiàn)時(shí)會(huì)彼此握手。83. And can you tell me the way to _ _?你能告訴我去游泳池的路嗎? P6484.Lets _ _what we can do to save them讓我們找出我們能做些什么保護(hù)它們的事 P7285. _ _ are forests or large parks where animals can live in p

20、eace.自然保護(hù)區(qū)是動(dòng)物們可以平靜的生活的森林或大公園。P7386. They mainly _ _bamboo, and each panda needs to eat a lot of bamboo every day. P74它們的主要食物是竹子并且每個(gè)熊貓每天要吃很多竹子。87. Pandas have _ _ land to live on. P74熊貓賴以生存的土地越來(lái)越少。 88. _ _, the panda mainly eats bamboo.例如熊貓主要吃竹子P7889.It_in a teahouse in old Beijing and it tells us th

21、e story of Wang Lifa and his customers.故事發(fā)生在老北京的一個(gè)茶館里,講述的是王利發(fā)和他的顧客們的故事。90. In Texas and the southeast, there are storms _ _ _ _ in summer and fall.在得克薩斯州和東南部地區(qū),夏天和秋天時(shí)常會(huì)有暴風(fēng)雨。P9091. Its usually very hot and sunny _ _ many other places.和許多其他地方相比,那里常常驕陽(yáng)似火。 P9092. _ _ _, there wont be so many people. P95

22、最好的是,將不會(huì)有太多人。P9093. _ _! Youre a big boy. Dont always say “My mum says ”.打住 你是個(gè)大男孩子別老把媽媽說(shuō)掛在嘴邊上。P9094You mustnt _ _ _on the first day of the Chinese New Year.你一定不要在大年初一打掃衛(wèi)生。P9695. I can _ _.我可以洗餐具 P10096. They must put it in the _ _. 他必須放在垃圾箱里P102八年級(jí)下冊(cè)詞組練習(xí)97. Ill_ _ the table and chairs. 我來(lái)收拾一下桌椅。P2

23、98. Which hobby do you think _ _ the least space? P2你認(rèn)為那種愛(ài)好占用最少的空間?99. I play the violin and I listen to music _ _ _.P2我一直拉小提琴和聽(tīng)音樂(lè)。100. What made you so _ _ music? P2 是什么讓你對(duì)音樂(lè)如此感興趣?101. _ _ _ the usual activities, such as sailing, climbing and mountain biking, there was a writing workshop with a pro

24、fessional writer. P4 除了普通的活動(dòng),如帆船、攀登和騎山地自行車(chē)外,還有一個(gè)專(zhuān)業(yè)作家主持的寫(xiě)作研習(xí)班。102. Many students have hobbies,_ _ reading, painting, growing, vegetable in their gardens, and looking after animals. P4很多學(xué)生都有愛(ài)好,比如閱讀、繪畫(huà)、在他們的花園里種菜和照顧動(dòng)物。103. In senior high school David wrote a story about teenage life ,and it _ _ as a boo

25、k in 2003. P42003年大衛(wèi)寫(xiě)了一個(gè)關(guān)于青少年生活的故事,并于2003年成書(shū)出版。104. Many teenagers love his book, and _ _ _, David has become a successful young writer. 很多青少年都喜歡他的書(shū),大衛(wèi)也因此成為一名成功的年輕作家。P4105. Ok, _ _Sally, welcome to China! 好,現(xiàn)在開(kāi)始薩利,歡迎來(lái)到中國(guó)!106. I asked your secretary _ she could come_ _. P10我問(wèn)過(guò)你的秘書(shū)她是否能來(lái) 107._ _ ,Im st

26、udying Chinese.事實(shí)上,我在學(xué)習(xí)漢語(yǔ)。P10108. Our last public concert will be here on Star search in _ _ _ months. P10是的,我們最后一場(chǎng)公眾音樂(lè)會(huì)幾個(gè)月以后將在這里明星大搜素節(jié)目中上演。 109. What does it _ _? P10 (你)感覺(jué)如何?112. _ _ _, why dont you bring all your friends for a visit to Radio Beijing? P10順便問(wèn)一下,為什么不把你的朋友都帶到北京電臺(tái)來(lái)做客呢? 113. It was the

27、 early autumn of my first year at a junior high school, and my old school was_ _. P12 那是在我上初中一年級(jí)時(shí)的初秋,我原來(lái)的學(xué)校離我遠(yuǎn)去。114. I was very lonely, and _ _ make friends with anyone. P12我感到很孤單,不敢與任何人交往。117. I didnt want my parents to _ _ me. P12我不想讓我的父母為我擔(dān)心118. _ _ _, a boy entered the classroom. P12在那時(shí),一個(gè)男孩進(jìn)入教室

28、。119. _ _ _, I became close to everyone in my class. P12一天天地,我和班里的每個(gè)人都更親近了.120. I was a bit lonely _ _ , but people here are friendly ,so I am never alone any more! P15起先我有點(diǎn)孤單,但是這的人很友好,所以我就不再孤單了!121. I was very lonely, and afraid to_ _ _ anyone. P12我感到很孤單,不敢與任何人交朋友。122. Remember to _ _ _ the red lig

29、ht! P18 記得要注意紅色信號(hào)燈!123. At the age of nine, I_ _jobs in small radio stations.P20 9歲的時(shí)候 ,我去過(guò)小電臺(tái)求過(guò)職。124. I _ _ the computer and did my homework. P20我關(guān)掉電腦,然后做作業(yè)。125. If you want to_ _the recorder, press the blue button. P26如果你想打開(kāi)錄音機(jī),按綠色按鈕。126. If the red light doesnt _ _, wait for thirty seconds. P26如果

30、紅燈沒(méi)亮等待,等待30秒。127. If you dont like the programme, _ the TV _. P30如果你不喜歡這個(gè)節(jié)目就關(guān)上電視機(jī)。128. Well, we play some music _ _. P34噢,我們一起演奏了幾段樂(lè)曲。 129. And then one of us plays a solo of some Irish dance music _ _ _ _the Starsearch concert. P34然后我們中的一位在“明星大搜索”結(jié)束時(shí)獨(dú)奏愛(ài)爾蘭舞曲。130. We copied it onto the computer and w

31、hen we finished, we _ it _ the computer. P36我們把它考到電腦上,玩后就把它從電腦上刪了。131. If you tell him the truth, hell be angry with you, but_ _ youll prove how honest you are. P36 如果你告訴他實(shí)情,他會(huì)很生你的氣,但至少你證明了自己是誠(chéng)實(shí)的。 132. _ _, your parents gave you that money. P36畢竟那是你父母給你的錢(qián)。133. If you _ your father _his work, hell re

32、alize that youre truly sorry. P36如果你幫爸爸工作,他就會(huì)意識(shí)到你確實(shí)感到很內(nèi)疚。134. _ _, well be late. P38 快點(diǎn),我們就要遲到了。135. Then they come _ _ _ with some terrible men, and have to fight them. P50后來(lái),他們遇到了一些壞人,不得不與他們展開(kāi)搏斗。136. Its an enjoyable film, although _ _ _ theres too much fighting. P50這是一部很好看的影片,雖然我覺(jué)得打斗鏡頭過(guò)多了。137. Th

33、eres _ _ food and drink, so no one is hungry. P 52有許多食品和飲料,所以沒(méi)有人感到餓。138. I _ _ Lingling and her uncle, and I asked them what the noise was. 我叫醒玲玲和她的叔叔,問(wèn)他們那是什么聲響。P58139. In the USA, _ _is a national holiday, but on a different date, too. 在美國(guó),勞動(dòng)節(jié)是一個(gè)全國(guó)性的節(jié)日,但日期也不相同。P64140. We also go back to school _ _

34、_ the May Day holiday is over.我們也是五一節(jié)一結(jié)束就回到學(xué)校. P64141. People _ _ the world celebrate the New Year. P66全世界人們都慶祝新年。142. It can _ _ the seasons ,the moon or the sun. P66它能依據(jù)季節(jié)、月亮或太陽(yáng)的變化而改變 143. Just before 12oclock ,everyone _ _from 10 :10,9,8 臨近12點(diǎn)的時(shí)候,每個(gè)人開(kāi)始從十倒著數(shù)數(shù):10,9,8 (p66)144. Some families _ _for

35、a special meal with grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. P66一些人呆在家中放松一下,一些家庭會(huì)和(孩子的)祖父母,姑姑,舅舅和表兄弟姐妹們聚一聚,吃頓過(guò)年飯。 145. They write down _ _ _ things, such as I will help out more at home.他們會(huì)將這些決心寫(xiě)下來(lái)列個(gè)單子 如我將要在家鄉(xiāng)幫忙。P66146. They write down a list of things, such as I will _ _more at home.他們會(huì)將這些決心寫(xiě)下來(lái)列個(gè)單子

36、 如我將要在家鄉(xiāng)幫忙。P66147. She missed the final practice _ _Kylie could play this piece of music on her own.她沒(méi)有參加最后的排練,為的是能讓凱利獨(dú)自揍這支曲子。P72148. She missed the final practice so that Kylie could play this piece of music _ _ _她沒(méi)有參加最后的排練,為的是能讓凱利獨(dú)自揍這支曲子。P72149. But the last piece is _ _. P72但最后一支曲子馬上就要開(kāi)始了。150. He

37、_ _ _ _ helping the Chinese people. P74他為了幫助中國(guó)人而獻(xiàn)出了自己的生命 。151. He continued working _ _ _ cutting his hand during an operation. P74盡管在做一個(gè)手術(shù)時(shí)割破了手,但他仍然繼續(xù)工作。152. _ _ _,he died because he did not stop to take care of his hand. 最后他由于沒(méi)有停下來(lái)去醫(yī)治自己的手而犧牲。P74153 .In the end ,he died because he did not stop to _

38、 _ _ his hand. 最后他由于沒(méi)有停下來(lái)去醫(yī)治自己的手而犧牲. P74154. You could go by boat or by train, although it would take _ long _ youd need to come back immediately.你可以坐船或坐火車(chē),但那樣會(huì)花很長(zhǎng)時(shí)間,所以你會(huì)需要立即回來(lái)。155. They dont learn any life skills until they _ _ _.他們直到上了大學(xué)才學(xué)會(huì)一些生活技能。P82156. For most teenagers it would_be a holiday_ _

39、.對(duì)于大多數(shù)青少年來(lái)說(shuō),這根本就算不上假期 。P82157. You go to the airport and _them _. 你去機(jī)場(chǎng)給他們送行。 P86158. It_ _ Captain Flint. P93它是弗林特船長(zhǎng)的。159. He helps Jime and his friends _ _ _. P93 他在某種程度上幫助了Jime和他的朋友。九上詞組檢測(cè)1. Right, _ _, everyone. P2 對(duì),每個(gè)人都注意聽(tīng)。2. I _ _ _ the car, went through a gate and walked along a path.我下了車(chē)穿過(guò)一道

40、門(mén)沿著一條小路走。P43. I was _ _ _ _the Grand Canyon, one of the wonders of the natural world. P4我是在邊緣的大峽谷,一個(gè)自然奇觀。 4. If you put the there tallest buildings in the world _ _ _ _the canyon, they still wont reach the top. P4 如果你把有世界上最高的建筑物在底部的你,他們也不能達(dá)到頂部。5. _ _ _ I remember, it was started by Becky Wang. 憑我記憶,

41、它是貝基王創(chuàng)辦的。 P106. We do_ have a school magazine _ _. 我們?cè)僖矝](méi)有???。P107. Shakespeares plays are seen by _ _ people every year. 每年數(shù)百萬(wàn)人都看莎士比亞的戲劇。P108. He _ _ with his two friends. 他和他的兩個(gè)朋友逃走了。P129. The themes of the story are to do with children _ _ and becoming more serious. 這個(gè)故事的主題與孩子們長(zhǎng)大成人并變得成熟起來(lái)有關(guān)。P1210.

42、 It _ _ freedom, social rules and how people are published for bad behavior. 它談?wù)摿俗杂?,社?huì)規(guī)則和人們是怎樣因?yàn)椴缓玫男袨槎獾綉土P的。P1211. What does it _ _? 這代表了什么? P1812. A special programme was _ _ in 2001 to help young sportsman and sportswomen. 2001年一個(gè)特殊的項(xiàng)目被創(chuàng)立,用于幫助年輕的男女運(yùn)動(dòng)員。 P2013. _ _ _, he will be invited to competiti

43、on around the world. 首先,他將被邀請(qǐng)到世界各地參加比賽。P2014. Every evening my mother _ _ magazines at home. P28 每天晚上我媽媽在家翻閱雜志。15. Books could only be produced one _ _ _.書(shū)一次只能生產(chǎn)一本。P2816. Books could only be produced _ _. 書(shū)由手工只制成。P2817. Printing was developed greatly _ _ _ _ the 11th century. 印刷術(shù)在11世紀(jì)初期,印刷術(shù)得到了很大地發(fā)展。

44、P2818. Today information can be downloaded from the Internet _ _ found in books.如今,信息能從網(wǎng)絡(luò)上下載而不是從書(shū)本上獲得。P2819. Will books be replaced by computers _ _? 書(shū)有一天會(huì)被電腦代替嗎? P2820. I wasnt _ _ _ what you were saying. 我沒(méi)注意到你剛才說(shuō)的什么。P3421. The Natural Museum is closed until January _ _. 自然博物館也是閉館到一月份。P3422. Its a

45、 great way to learn about science here because you can _things _ and _ _ ideas. P 36 在這學(xué)習(xí)科學(xué)是一個(gè)很好的方法,因?yàn)槟隳茉谶@尋求答案和嘗試想法。23. _ _, the Science Museum is free.最重要的是,科學(xué)博物館是免費(fèi)的。P3624. That means you can _ _ for a few minutes. 這意味著你能順便來(lái)看看。P3625. That means you can stay _ long _ you like. 這意味著你愿意待多久就待多久。P3626.

46、 Its wasteful to _ _ glass, paper and metal. 扔掉玻璃、紙張和金屬是浪費(fèi)的。P4227. Do you take your own cloth bag when shopping _ _ using plastic bags? P44 去購(gòu)物的時(shí)候,你會(huì)帶上自己的紙袋來(lái)代替塑料袋嗎?28. In fact, even the simplest everyday activities can _ _ _ _ the environment. P44 事實(shí)上,即便是最簡(jiǎn)單的日?;顒?dòng)也會(huì)對(duì)環(huán)境產(chǎn)生重大的影響。29. We produce waste eve

47、ryday and it _ _ _ our environment. 我們每天都制造廢物,并且這對(duì)環(huán)境有害。30. We have also _ _ posters to tell the other students how to be green and save energy. P52我們也張貼海報(bào)來(lái)告訴其他學(xué)生怎樣才能環(huán)保和節(jié)約能源。31. The web is _ _ _ millions of documents called web pages. P54網(wǎng)站由數(shù)百萬(wàn)個(gè)叫做網(wǎng)頁(yè)的文件組成。32. Many people have a favourite website with

48、_ _ _ web pages on the same subject. P54許多人都有一個(gè)鐘愛(ài)的網(wǎng)站,上邊有很多關(guān)于同一主題的網(wǎng)頁(yè) 33. Well, _ _ _ _ these.P56 好,看一下這些照片。34. Their family life is _ _ ours, and they enjoy the same food and hobbies. P58 它們的家庭生活和我們的相似 ,并且他們喜歡同樣的食物,有著相同的愛(ài)好。35. I got some great shots of the boy who plays the guitar _ _ _. P64 我拍了一些在左邊

49、彈吉他的那個(gè)男孩的很棒的照片。36. _ _all the photos are excellent, we cant give prizes to everyone. P66盡管所有的照片都很棒,我們不能給每個(gè)人頒獎(jiǎng)。37. He is _ _. 他在那邊。P7238. Could you tell him Id like to _ _ _ _him? P72 你能告訴他我想和他說(shuō)句話嗎?39. Nemo and Sherk have _ _ _ _ young people in China and all over the world. P74 Nemo 和Sherk 已經(jīng)贏得了中國(guó)和全

50、世界年輕人的心。40. Tintin has been popular for 75 years, _ _ Belgian cartoonist Herge invented the character in 1929. P74從比利時(shí)卡通畫(huà)家Herge 在1929年創(chuàng)造了Tintin 這個(gè)角色開(kāi)始,它已經(jīng)流行了75年之久了。41. Dont _ _ if you want to stay fit. P80 如果你想保持健康 ,請(qǐng)不要放棄。42. Ive just _ _ the head teacher. P80我剛剛碰到班主任。43. _ _ the crowds, the smoke,

51、and the transport problems. P88 還有人口、煙霧以及交通燈問(wèn)題。44. Thats _ _ my “Homework Help” P88 這要?dú)w功于我的“作業(yè)助手”。45. It takes Jo an hour to get to school, and this _ _ the traffic and pollution. P90Jo 花一個(gè)小時(shí)到達(dá)學(xué)校,這增加了車(chē)流量和污染。46. We provide weekly tests to see the _ youre _ with your language skills of reading, writin

52、g, speaking and listening. P98我們每周有測(cè)試,衡量你們的聽(tīng)、說(shuō)、讀、寫(xiě)技能的進(jìn)步。47. There are also weekend visits organized to San Francisco and other _ _ _ in California. P98 周末也有去舊金山和加利福尼亞州其他景點(diǎn)的旅游活動(dòng)。48. If you re interested, please _ _ our application from. P98如果你對(duì)課程感興趣的話,請(qǐng)?zhí)顚?xiě)申請(qǐng)表。49. But we need to _ _ immediately. 但是我們需要立即辦理登記手續(xù)。50. Its a great way to learn about science because you can _ things _ and _ _ ideas.


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