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1、雅思大作文科技類【篇一:雅思寫作科技類滿分范文解析,必看!】雅思大作文考試題材多樣,考生要想取得高分就要對每一種題材都 有所了解并掌握技巧。今天,就以科技文為例,一起來學習雅思寫 作科技類滿分范文解析吧。相信通過學習,你會了解一篇滿分作文 怎樣寫才會投考官所好,拿到滿分。科技類最常見的話題類型有兩種:1,科技產(chǎn)品評價及未來發(fā)展即 科技產(chǎn)品怎么樣,以后會怎么樣 ”的問題;具體包括對現(xiàn)有科技產(chǎn) 品的評價(優(yōu)劣勢分析、是否合乎道德標準和對個人、企業(yè)、國家以 及整個社會的影響)和自己預想以后會出現(xiàn)什么樣的產(chǎn)品或現(xiàn)有產(chǎn)品 會出現(xiàn)什么樣的功能以及未來的影響。2,科技產(chǎn)品作為媒介即 怎么用”的問題;具體包括

2、現(xiàn)代通訊技術(shù)使人類足不出戶便能操作 網(wǎng)絡(luò)購物、電視購物、網(wǎng)上銀行、視頻會議等,人類使用手機的利 弊,互聯(lián)網(wǎng)傳播信息的好處與弊端,網(wǎng)上翻譯軟件盛行因此還有沒 有學習外語的必要。要評價一篇文章的優(yōu)劣勢,首先還是讓我們熟悉一下writing task 2即大作文的評分標準。task response (tr)whether all parts of the task are addressedwhether a viewpoint is clearly expressed, developed and supported.cohesion and coherence (cc)whether the

3、response has a suitable layout and logicalordering of points(文章是否條理清晰,行文有邏輯)correct and appropriate use of connectives(是否正確使用銜接詞)lexical resources (lr)range and accuracy of vocabulary (詞7匚豐富度和準確度 ) HYPERLINK the correct form and spelling of the words (詞7匚形式和拼寫正確 )grammatical range and accuracy (gra)

4、the range and accuracy of tenses and sentence structure (時態(tài)和句式的豐富度和準確度)接下來,我們還是以一篇滿分范文為例,看看具體怎么好在哪里, 為什么會拿到了滿分,我們能學到哪些知識,技巧。題目:ve.what are your opinions on this?give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.write at least 250 words.范文:the intern

5、et has brought significant changes to our lives in recent years. yet, there remains some disagreement as to whether the overall effect of this technology has been positive or negative. while there are certainly valid arguments to the country, i personally believe that the benefits of the internet fa

6、r outweigh its drawbacks. these benefits are twofold.first of all, it is an indisputable fact that the internet has revolutionized the way we communicate. despite the risk of social isolation a problemoccasionally seen in people who spend too much time at their computer terminal rather than relating

7、 to people in the real world most of us have benefited greatly from e-mail and internet chat programs like msn messenger. these incredibly useful and powerful tools of communication facilitate both contact with loved ones in faraway places and global trade.equally importantly, though, the internet h

8、as placed the entire world (and all of the information in it) at our fingertips. in earlier times, conducting research entailed long hours searching library shelves. now, however, the same information can be accessed at the click of button. admittedly, not all of the information available on the int

9、ernet is reliable or helpful there is a vast HYPERLINK amount of material online that some would consider offensive or dangerous, ranging from pornography to instructions on how to make bombs. nonetheless, i would contend that this free flow of information has generally been a very positive developm

10、ent.by way of conclusion, i once again reaffirm my position that the internet has had a positive impact on modern life because of its influence on communication and the flow of information. (272 words)首先我們先從tr(task response)方面分析一下:whether all parts of the task are addressed經(jīng)過審題我們發(fā)現(xiàn)這是一個個人觀點類的作文,即 wha

11、t are your opinions on this?給出你 自己的觀點,其要求是give reasons foryour answers and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience , 根據(jù)自己的知識或經(jīng)驗給出相關(guān) 的例子。其中如果用自己的知識論證那就是道理論證,如果根據(jù)自 己的經(jīng)驗來論證那就涉及到了舉例論證。在這篇文章的首段,作者首先論述了 一個互聯(lián)網(wǎng)極大地改變了我們 生活的一個大背景,最后一句話直接的給出自己的觀點,表明互聯(lián) 網(wǎng)的優(yōu)勢遠遠大于劣勢。個人觀點很清晰明了。接下來兩段的論點 運

12、用了道理論證和舉例論證相結(jié)合,同時也運用了讓步的手法,來 證明自己的觀點一一互聯(lián)網(wǎng)優(yōu)大于劣。這篇文章基本上完成了題目 要求的所有任務(wù)。whether a viewpoint is clearly expressed, developed and supported :其次我們在看著作去表達的觀點是否清晰,有說服力。文章的第個論點 first of all, it is an indisputable fact that the internet has revolutionized the way we communicate.首先,互聯(lián)網(wǎng)已經(jīng)徹底改變了我們溝通的方式,這是一個不爭的事實。關(guān)于

13、這 個論點作者是怎么來論證的呢?作者首先運用了讓步的手法(盡管會有造成社會孤立的風險)。后面作者就用到了道理論證,但是我們還是 受益于電子郵箱還有網(wǎng)絡(luò)聊天工具和遠處的親朋好友聊天。這個論 據(jù)就很有說服力地論證了互聯(lián)網(wǎng)改變我們溝通方式這個論點?;ヂ?lián)網(wǎng)的第二個優(yōu)勢是 equally importantly, though, the internet has placed the entire world (and all of the information in it) at our fingertips.互聯(lián)網(wǎng)已經(jīng)把整個世界和所有的信息放在了我們的指尖。那我們來看一下作者又是怎么來論證的呢?首

14、先作者運用了今夕對比,即過去時候,大家都是花費大量時間在圖書館的書架上來 搜索資料的,而現(xiàn)在呢,只要按一下按鈕,所有信息都在眼前了。之后,作者又 HYPERLINK 樂此不疲的采用了一個讓步的寫法(盡管很多信息是不可靠或者沒幫助的),但是作者還是很滿意于大量信息流是一個積極地發(fā)展。綜上可以看出,作者的第二三段都把論點放在了首句很清晰明了, 并且后面支持的論據(jù)也十分的有說服力。那下面我們一起看一下文章在連貫和銜接方面有什么值得借鑒的吧。cohesion and coherence (cc)文章中句與句直接的銜接詞有:yet(然而),while(雖然),despite(盡管),now(現(xiàn)在),ad

15、mittedly( 誠然),nonetheless( 盡管 如此)等等,這些單詞在文章段落中表示著一定的邏輯關(guān)系,這些詞 的實用會使段落直接更加的順暢自然。讓我們再來一起找一找段與段之間的連接詞有哪些呢?很好發(fā)現(xiàn),在每段的開頭:first of all(首先),equally importantly(同樣重要地),by way of conclusion( 通過總結(jié)),通過這些詞來連接上下兩段,起 到了承上啟下的作用,這樣就不會過度的太突兀。lexical resources (lr)這篇文章在詞匯方面也有很多可圈可點之處:valid arguments 有效的論點far outweigh 遠

16、大于its drawbacks它的缺點has revolutionized 改革social isolation 社會孤立computer terminal電腦終端faraway places遙遠 的地方entailed long hours花費長時間offensive or dangerous有攻擊性的或者危險的ranging from? to從?至U?reaffirm 重中 HYPERLINK 這些都是文章中運用的非常棒的單詞,值得我們背下來并且運用到自己的寫作中。grammatical range and accuracy (gra) :語法也是考官考查的一個方面,所以語法也要在不錯的基

17、礎(chǔ)上,盡 量多用到不同的句式句型,不同的句子成分。首先這篇文章第一個 亮眼的句子是 there remains some disagreement as to whether?這句話用到了 there remain 句型,實質(zhì)就是there be 句型,表示有, 存在。表示在?存在了一個反對意見。其次第二段的開頭句 it is an indisputable fact that the internet?這句話運用了形式主句,真正的主語是后面的that從句。第三段的開頭 equally importantly, though, the internet has placed是插入語的用法,我們

18、看到作者真的很聰明,他把好的句式句型都放到 了段落的開頭顯眼的位置,讓考官能第一眼能看到,這是一個值得 我們借鑒的小技巧。隨后的個句子 in earlier times, conducting research entailed long hours searching library shelves.在止匕句中 conductingresearch 涉及至廳 非謂語做主語。there is a vast amount ofmaterial online that some would consider offensive or dangerous, ranging from ,這里非謂語表示

19、解釋說明??傊@篇文 章句式多樣,運用正確,顯示了作者強大的語法功底。最后我們來概括一下,通過這篇文章我們怎么來寫一篇滿分作文呢1 ,讀懂文章題目,看懂題目要求,題目要求的所有問題都有涵蓋。2,論點要清晰明了,論據(jù)要有理有據(jù)有說服力,支持的論點要在 兩個及以上。3,論據(jù)最好要運用多種論證方法比如:道理論證,舉 例論證,對比論點。4,詞匯要書面要正規(guī)要高級,切忌出現(xiàn)口語化 詞匯或者俚語。5,文章條理要清晰,多使用連接詞,段與段直接多加承上啟下的 句子。6,語法要多樣,多應(yīng)用高分句式,比如:非謂語,強調(diào)句,同位 語從句,形式主語等。以上就是雅思寫作科技類滿分范文解析的詳細介紹,高分的取得并 非一蹴

20、而就的,考生在掌握技巧的同時還要多加練習,不斷總結(jié), 一定會有所進步?!酒貉潘即笞魑目萍碱惤滩摹靠萍碱?technology話題:主要圍繞著科技的發(fā)展給人們帶來的影響是positive還是negative 。科技的發(fā)展和科技產(chǎn)品帶來的影響。technology 是否加大了貧富的差距technology 是否可以取代書信、圖書館、博物館博物館:for one thing, people can feel a great sense of history from those cultural objects(文物) and appreciate humanwisdom ( 才智)and in

21、spiration from the works of arts. the integral architectural layout and design will help visitorswitness a particular art atmosphere, proving people withstronger aesthetic value( 審美觀),whereas computers cannot reach this level.technology 改變工作和生活方式(在家工作,電子商務(wù)e- business / e-commerce)technology 通過手機、網(wǎng)絡(luò)產(chǎn)

22、生犯罪technology 使人們變得相互依賴還是更加獨立technology 產(chǎn)生什么樣的身體與心理健康問題(過度依賴overdependence )電視、手機、電腦的影響、飛機旅行的利弊、太空探索( space exploration )的利弊2012年科技話題真題再現(xiàn) 常用詞匯:positive:科技正以驚人的速度(in a staggering rate )發(fā)展,特別是互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 的廣泛應(yīng)用(the proliferation of the internet )帶來了許多科技的 創(chuàng)新(innovation),例如交流工具 (communication tool) 、遠程通信 (teleco

23、mmunication) 等,它重新塑造我們的生活 (reshape our life) , 改變了傳統(tǒng)的生活方式,世界變得比以往更加地相互依賴( made the world more interdependent than ever )。它方便快捷 (convenient and efficient) , 克服了地域的障礙 (overcome geographical barrier) ,力口快了人們的生活節(jié)奏(accelerate the pace of life ),拉近了人們之間的距離(shorten the distancebetween people),提高個人效率 (indiv

24、idual efficiency )。生產(chǎn)也逐步走向了自動化(automation ),越來越多取代人力的機 器(labor-replacing machinery )大大提高了生產(chǎn)效率( enhance efficiency ),意味著花少錢獲得更大的受益(means more earnings and less costs for business )。negative.大量的新聞報道過青少年上癮 (be addicted to/ indulge in) 玩電 腦游戲,或是過度依賴手機的現(xiàn)象(over-dependence on mobilephones).正因為如此,他們往往忽視戶外活動

25、(neglect/ ignoreoutdoor activities) , 并與夕卜界隔離 (be isolated from the outside world);結(jié)果變得不善交際的(unsociable)、近視(near-sighted)、 使人變得更加被動(make people more passive) 、暴力等不良信息(teenagers will be exposed to some negative information suchas violence ) 誤導(mislead) 青少年。.缺少面對面交流會產(chǎn)生不信任。the absence of face-to-faceco

26、ntact may induce distrust.語法句型:not only but also?連接謂語動詞the americans and the british not only speak the samelanguage but also share a large number of social customs.?連接賓補light and bright colors make people not only happier but also more active.?連接表語he was not only a writer but also an actor.teacher

27、is not only a guider but also a good partner forstudents.老師不僅是學生的引導者,還是伙伴。? * 注意 not only后面不倒裝??萍疾粌H能提高工作效率,還能加快生活節(jié)奏。同位語同位語即一個主語,后面跟一個名詞短語解釋主語,再繼續(xù)句子。(在主語和謂語中間插入一個名詞短語,拿掉了還是個完整的句子)-shopping , increasing time-consuming due to the multiple choices available to consumers.-technology, the chief driving fo

28、rce of the development of society, has greatly transformed human life.- teacher, a good partner of students, should usually communicate with them.-travelling, a good way to relieve stress , makes people happy.練一練with the increasing use of mobile phones and the internet, fewer people write letters. s

29、ome people think that the traditional skill of letter writing will disappear completely. to what extent do you agree or disagree?【篇三:雅思寫作大作文-科技類范文】雅思寫作大作文-科技類范文questionnowadays, more modern technologies have been used in entertainment, which may lead to the decrease of human creative power. do you a

30、gree or disagree?model answerwith more advanced technologies applied widely in our entertainment, some people are quite worried about the possibility that human creative power will be hampered and we tend to be less innovative compared with that in the past. as for me, however, it is somewhat exagge

31、rated. the wide technological applications have aroused great interests in modern technology, thereby boosting strong passion for science. in the past, lack of modern techniques, entertainment seemed rather monotonous, and people usually resorted to exercises in the open air to relax. at present, re

32、laxation has been rendered more comfortable and convenient, such as playing on-line games, singing karaoke, both diversifying peoples after-work time. meanwhile, people marvel at this dramatic change, and focus more on miraculous human wisdom, which partly accounts for an increasing number of youngsters choosing science and engineering as their majors. moreover, modern people have gained easy access to recreational activiti


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