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1、人教九年級(上冊)人教五年級(下冊)英 語Unit 1 My day第五課時Part B(Lets try & Lets talk)1.能聽懂會說本課時的重點句型:What do you do on the weekend?等。2.能用本課時目標語言交流,詳細談論周末情況。學習目標-What do you do on the weekend?-I always/ often/ sometimes .Revision Where is Sarah?Listen and circle.聽力原文Sarah: Hello, Mrs Green. Good to see you!Shopkeeper:

2、Hi, Sarah. Welcome to our shop again.Sarah: I want to buy some vegetables.Shopkeeper: Here are some fresh carrots. You dontoften shop here on Saturdays. Sarah: No, not often.Lead inIt is Saturday. Sarah goes shopping. 點擊圖片,播放視頻Why is Sarah shopping today?What does Sarah do on the weekend?Because her

3、 mum worked last night.She often watch TV and play ping-pong with her father.What does Sarah need?She needs a robot. 詢問周末活動課文原句:What do you do on the weekend? I often watch TV and play ping-pong with my father.句型結構:問句 What do you do on the weekend? 答句 I/We+(頻度副詞)+動詞原形+其它.注意:當主語是第三人稱單數(he/she或單數名詞)時,

4、助動詞do要變?yōu)閐oes。Language point頻 度 副 詞always: 意為“總是”,發(fā)生頻率100%usually:意為“通常”,發(fā)生頻率為80%often:意為“經?!保l(fā)生頻率為60%sometimes:意為“有時”,發(fā)生頻率為40%never:意為“從不”,發(fā)生頻率為0%Ask the question and then pass it on.Excuse me,can I ask you some questions?What do you do on the weekend.I often Excuse me,can I ask you some questions?D

5、o you on the weekeed?Yes, I do/No, I dont.句型1句型2班級小調查:調查一下你們小組的成員在周末都做哪些活動Exercise 1.當你想知道同學周日會做什么時,你應該問: A. What do you do on Sundays? B. What is Sunday?2.你想告訴同學有時你會在周末看電視,你應該說: A. I usually watch TV on the weekend. B. Sometimes I watch TV on the weekend.情景交際選一選(聽、說、認讀)詞匯:why,shop,work,last,sound,also,busy, need句子:What do


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