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1、中考英語(yǔ)試題名詞考點(diǎn)試題(2010湖南省婁底市6. 1)Its said that you have moved into a new house. Yeah, and we need to buy some in the mall nearby. A. food B.furnitureC. hamburger 【答案】B(2010.四川省內(nèi)江市26. 1)Well,you look so happy! HYPERLINK / 全品中考網(wǎng) -Because I got a good _.A.workB.newsC.job【答案】C(2010江蘇省宿遷市15. 1)Sandy didnt tel

2、l her parents that she was going home because she wanted to give them a _.A. gift B. call C. surprise D. note 【答案】C(2010年上海市33. 1)You can get much_about the World Expo on the Internet.A.mapB.pictureC.ticket HYPERLINK / 全品中考網(wǎng) D.information【答案】D(2010年上海市51. 1)The customers are pleased with the_of the

3、restaurant.A.balanceB.experienceC.surfaceD.service【答案】D(2010福建省晉江市,32,1)Lily has a silk _.Listen,she is singing in the next room! - How nice!.A. look B. noise C. voice【答案】C(2010江蘇省揚(yáng)州市,12,1)Wow,so many beautiful cars!I dont know which one to buy. -Anyway ,you have to make a_.A.conclusionB.connectionC

4、.decisionD.presentation【答案】C(2010吉林省通化市,38,1)We need to come up with a/an_and make a decision at once.A.informationB.adviceC.ideaD.news【答案】C(2010浙江省湖州市,17,1)Would you like some _? -No,thank you.Im not hungry at all.A.waterB.booksC.clothesD.bread【答案】D(2010山西省,17,1)I Iike_ a Iot, and my mother usuaIIy

5、 cooks it in different ways.A.fish B.potatoes C.noodIes【答案】A(2010湖北省荊州市,25,1) When will the 2010 World Expo(世博會(huì)) come to a close? Itll close at the end of _. ASeptember BOctober CNovember DDecember【答案】B(2010湖北省武漢市,35,1)Why are you still waiting in line? -Ive missed my _ . HYPERLINK / 全品中考網(wǎng) A. place

6、B. order C. turn D. time【答案】C(2010河南省,27,1)( )It was very hard for me to make abut J decided to leave my job A suggestion B decision C plan D speech【答案】B(2010湖北省黃岡市,42,1)Good news.We will have a _holiday. -Ive heard of it.But its coming in_.A.three days;three days timeB.three days;three daysC.three-

7、day;three daysD.three days;three-day time【答案】C(2010山東省聊城市,33,1)Why not go to Qingdao on May Day,Jim? -Im afraid its not a good _.I have been there several times.A.wayB.placeC.adviceD.idea【答案】D(2010新疆省阜康市,24,1)()Mr Black gave us _on how to learn English well.A.an adviceB.many advicesC.some adviceD.so

8、me advices【答案】C(2010湖北省黃石市,29,1) With whom did you watch 2010 World Cup Opening Ceremony ? _.A. A friend of mineB. A friend of me C. A friend of my sisterD. A friend of you 【答案】A(2010湖北省荊門(mén)市,22,1)Oh, my god! The kids are making too much_ _ here. I cant do anything. A. sound B. voice C. noise D. foots

9、tep 【答案】C(2010湖北省黃石市,32,1) You seem to like watching TV very much . Which _ do you like best ? HYPERLINK / 全品中考網(wǎng) Lucky 52. I like Li Yong very much.A. programmeB. screen C. progress D. Deseription【答案】A(2010湖北省襄樊市,26,1) Whats your job , Henry? Im a _ ,I work late . Im very busy when people go out to

10、dimters .A. waiter B. reporter C. teacherD. nurse 【答案】A(2010黑龍江省雞西市,21,1)( ) How many _can you see in the picture? Only one. A. dog B. sheep C. child【答案】B(2010廣西省定西市,2,1)( )Whats your ? I like swimming.A. job B. age C.hobby D. number 【答案】C(2010廣西省定西市,16,1)( )What would you like,sir? .A. Two pop HYPE

11、RLINK / 全品中考網(wǎng) B. Two bottles pop C. Two bottles of pop D. Two bottle of pop【答案】C(2010山東省萊蕪市,17,1)I have a_ for breakfast everyday.Ahot dog Bcookie Cdumpling Dhamburger【答案】D(2010山東省菏澤市,21,1)Please pick up the _. Dont keep it on the floor.A. water B. paperC. books D. bottles【答案】B(2010黑龍江省哈爾濱市,22,1)( )

12、 A low-carbon(低碳) lifestyle has _ effect on our daily life. People are paying more and more attention to saving _ these days. A. the, energies B. a, energy C. an, energy【答案】C(2010福建三明22. 1)What a fine day! Shall we go hiking ,Bob? -Id love to.But iss not the right _.I am busy now.A.placeB.momentC.we

13、ather【答案】B(2010天津市,31,1)If you work hard,youll get good _.A.grades HYPERLINK / 全品中考網(wǎng) B.notesC.lessonsD.answers【答案】A(2010山東省泰安市,27,1)Lucy,do you like _? -Yes.Most of my clothes are _. HYPERLINK / 全品中考網(wǎng) A.an orange an orangeB.orange ,orangeC.oranges ,orangesD.orange,an orange【答案】B(2010青海省,寧夏,29,1)( )

14、Mr. Li regards Ningxia as his second_ because he has been here for over twenty years. A. family B. house C. room D. home【答案】D(2010遼寧省沈陽(yáng)市,10,1)Im not sure about the meaning of the word. Youd better look it up in a _ Aletter Bdictionary Cpostcard Dnotice 【答案】B(2010湖北省咸寧市,31,1) I hear you have to run f

15、or half an hour every day. Right. It is one of the in my school.A. choices B. plans C. hobbies D. rules【答案】D(2010江蘇省連云港市,13,1)-Whats the news about ? -_ entertainment stars gathered to attact donations for Yushu. HYPERLINK / 全品中考網(wǎng) A.A member of B.A kind of C.A packet of D.A number of【答案】D(2010四川省巴中市

16、,32,1)My cousin gave up the chance of working abroad and returned to his hometown. A.opportunity B.challenge C.experience【答案】A(2010四川省巴中市,37,1)What a pity! Liu Xiang didnt win the_hurdles(跨欄). A.110-meter B.110-meters C.110 meter【答案】A(2010四川省卷,22,1) ( )22. When I was a student, I liked to sit in the

17、 front of the classroom so that I could see the words more clearly on the _. A. blackboard B. desk C. dictionary D. postcard【答案】A(2010浙江省東陽(yáng)市,17,1) ( ) 17. I saw many _ eating grass on the hill. A. horse B. cow C. rabbit D. sheep【答案】D(2010浙江省卷,17,1)The land in the southwest of China is in great need

18、of .Yes ,it hasnt rained for a long time there.A. milk B.tea C coffee .D water 【答案】D(2010臺(tái)灣省,3,1)The pants I bought last year are too small now. I think I need a new . (A) belt(B) pair(C) shirt(D) space【答案】B(2010臺(tái)灣省,17,1)Mike: I always forget what I want to buy when I go to the market. Oscar: Well, you can make a of things you want to buy. (A) habit(B) list(C) pack(D) wish【答案】B(2010四川省巴中市,38,1) What is the_of the 2010 World Expo(世博會(huì))? It is “Better City, Better Life”. A.song B.theme C.custom【答案】B(2010四川省眉山市,29,1)Woul


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