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1、臭氧層的重要性There is a special day to recognize the importance of the ozone layer. In 1995, the United Nations General Assembly decided September 16th is the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer. This is the date on which countries signed the Montreal Protocol on substances that depl

2、ete the Ozone Layer in 1987. The U.N. said it was urgent we consider the need to preserve the ozone layer, which filters sunlight and prevents the adverse effects of ultraviolet radiation reaching the Earths surface, thereby preserving life on the planet. It Invited every country to devote this spec

3、ial day to promotion, at the national level, of concrete activities in accordance with the objectives and goals of the Montreal Protocol.世界上有專一天來認(rèn)識臭氧層的重要性。1995年,聯(lián)合國大會決定將9月16日設(shè)為臭氧層保護(hù)日。這一節(jié)日的時間與1987年關(guān)于消耗臭氧層物質(zhì)的蒙特利爾議定書的簽署日期相同。聯(lián)合國宣稱我們考慮臭 氧層保護(hù)的事迫在眉睫,“因為臭氧層能過濾陽光,防止照到地球表面的紫外線輻射的負(fù)面 影響,從而保護(hù)地球上的生命。”聯(lián)合國邀請每個國家在這特

4、殊的一天有所表示,在國家層 面上采取與蒙特利爾協(xié)議的目標(biāo)相關(guān)的具體行動。The ozone layer is a layer in Earths atmosphere that contains high concentrations of ozone (O3). This layer absorbs up to 99 per cent of the suns damaging ultra-violet (UV) rays. These rays contain radiation from the sun and can give us skin cancer. They also dama

5、ge plant and marine life as well as warm the temperature of the Earth. The ozone layer surrounds the Earth roughly 25km above us. Many human activities are thinning the layer. In several places, there are large holes that let in pure UV light. The chemicals used in fridges, air conditioners, foam pa

6、ckaging and fire extinguishers rise into the atmosphere and attack the ozone. Ozone cover is dropping by roughly four per cent a decade.臭氧層是地球大氣層中的一層,含有高濃度的臭氧(O3)。臭氧層吸收了高達(dá)99%的破壞性紫外線輻射。這些來自太陽的紫外線輻射會導(dǎo)致皮膚癌,也會損害植物 和海洋生物,同時使全球升溫。臭氧層在地球表層上空大約25km的位置。許多人類活動正削薄臭氧層。在幾個地方,甚至出現(xiàn)了臭氧漏洞,導(dǎo)致太陽直射。冰箱、空調(diào)、泡沫包裝和 滅火器中的化學(xué)物

7、質(zhì)泄漏到大氣中,使臭氧層受損。臭氧的覆蓋率以每十年大約4%的速度減少。.the Ozone Layer 臭氧層例句:And it claimed that international efforts to protect the ozone layer has averted millions of cases of skin cancer worldwide.同時聲稱,國際上為保護(hù)臭氧層所做的努力已避免了全世界的數(shù)百萬人患皮膚癌。.the Montreal Protocol蒙特利爾議定書例句:The delegates in Canc n would need only to ask tha

8、t the Montreal Protocol take on the further authority to regulate HFCs. ?在坎昆的代表們只需讓蒙特利爾議定書對管制氫氟碳化合物有進(jìn)一步的權(quán)威性。.ultraviolet radiation 紫外線輻射例句:Ozone in the stratosphere is important because it absorbs some of the Sun s dangerous ultravioleradiation.在平流層的臭氧是重要的,因為它吸收了一些太陽中危險的紫外線輻射。4.in accordance with 依照

9、; 與,一致例句:It does so not for financial gain but to ensure that its information is used in accordance with the organizations principles.它這樣做的目的并非為了經(jīng)濟(jì)利益,而是要確保根據(jù)本組織的原則使用其信息。2016年美國總統(tǒng)大選希拉里敗選演講It has been a joy getting to know them better and it gives me great hope and comfort to know thatTim will remain

10、on the front lines of our democracy representing Virginia in the Senate.很高興能更好地了解他們,讓我感到大有希望而且欣慰的是,我知道蒂姆將繼續(xù)奮戰(zhàn)在民主前線,在參議院代表維吉尼亞州。To Barack and Michelle Obama, our country owes you an enormous debt of gratitude.對巴拉克和米歇爾奧巴馬,我們的國家欠你們太多的感激。We thank you for your graceful, determined leadership that has mea

11、nt so much to so manyAmericans and people across the world.我們感謝你們優(yōu)雅和堅定的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)力,這對很多美國人和全世界的人來說意義重大。And to Bill and Chelsea, Mark, Charlotte, Aidan, our brothers and our entire family, my love foryou means more than I can ever express.比爾、切爾西、馬克、夏洛特、艾丹,我們的兄弟和整個家庭,我對你們的愛是我從來也無 法充分表達(dá)的。1114.jpgYou crisscross

12、ed this country on our behalf and lifted me up when I needed it most, even 4-month-old Aidan, who traveled with his mom.你們代表我們在全國奔走穿梭,在我最需要的時候振奮我的精神,即使是4個月大的艾丹也在跟著媽媽奔波。I will always be grateful to the creative, talented, dedicated men and women at our headquarters inBrooklyn and across our country.我

13、永遠(yuǎn)會感謝布魯克林總部和全國各地的才華橫溢、堅定執(zhí)著的男女同仁。You poured your hearts into this campaign. To some of you who are veterans, it was a campaign after you had done other campaigns.你們?yōu)檫@次競選戰(zhàn)役付出了心血。你們有些人是退伍軍人,在參加了其它的戰(zhàn)役之后又打了一場戰(zhàn)役。Some of you, it was your first campaign. 你們有些人是第一次參加競選戰(zhàn)役。I want each of you to know that you w

14、ere the best campaign anybody could have ever expected or wanted.我希望你們每一個人都要知道,你們打的這場選戰(zhàn)是任何人所能預(yù)想或希望的最棒的選戰(zhàn)。And to the millions of volunteers, community leaders, activists and union organizers who knocked on doors, talked to their neighbors, posted on HYPERLINK Facebook - even in secret private Faceboo

15、k sites.對數(shù)百萬的志愿者、社區(qū)領(lǐng)袖、活動人士和工會組織者,你們挨家敲門,與鄰居交談,在臉 書、甚至是個人隱秘的臉書網(wǎng)址上發(fā)帖。I want everybody coming out from behind that and make sure your voices are heard going forward.我希望你們每個人從這樣的努力中挺身而出,確保你們的聲音今后不會湮滅。The time Ive spent with them during this campaign has been among my greatest honors.在我競選期間與他們一起度過的時光是我無上

16、的榮耀。Our veterans are incredible people. We will embark upon a project of national growth and renewal.我們的退伍軍人中有著很棒的人才。我們將開始一項增長和恢復(fù)全國經(jīng)濟(jì)的計劃。I will harness the creative talents of our people and we will call upon the best and brightest to leverage their tremendous talent for the benefit of all.我會好好利用民眾的

17、才能,我們會呼吁最優(yōu)秀最聰明的精英為了所有人的利益而發(fā)揮他們的卓越才能。It is going to happen. 這是一定會發(fā)生的。We have a great economic plan. We will double our growth and have the strongest economy anywhere in the world.我們有一個偉大的經(jīng)濟(jì)計劃。我們會讓我們的經(jīng)濟(jì)雙倍增長,我們將成為世界上最強(qiáng)大經(jīng)濟(jì)體。At the same time we will get along with all other nations, willing to get along

18、with us. We will be. 同時,我們會和其他國家和平相處。我們一定會的。1114.jpgWe will have great relationships. We expect to have great, great relationships.我們會擁有好的關(guān)系,我們期待彼此之間有偉大的合作。No dream is too big, no challenge is too great.沒有什么夢想是不可能的,沒有什么挑戰(zhàn)是過不去的。Nothing we want for our future is beyond our reach. 沒有我們達(dá)不到的未來。America wi

19、ll no longer settle for anything less than the best.美國無法接受比最好要差的情況。We must reclaim our countrys destiny and dream big and bold and daring. We have to do that. 我們要為我們國家的命運(yùn)高呼,大膽、勇敢地去追求夢想。我們必須這樣。Were going to dream of things for our country, and beautiful things and successful things once again.我們要再次為我

20、們的國家創(chuàng)造更美妙、更成功的夢想。I want to tell the world community that while we will always put Americas interests first, we will deal fairly with everyone, with everyone.我想告訴世界,美國總是也一直會把美國人的利益放在第一位,但我們會和每一個人和平相處。All people and all other nations. We will seek common ground, not hostility, partnership, not conflic

21、t.所有的人民、所有的國家,我們尋求一致而不是敵對,合作而不是沖突。And now I would like to take this moment to thank some of the people who really helped me with this, what they are calling tonight a very, very historic victory.現(xiàn)在,我想感謝那些真正幫助我的人們,讓我有了今天晚上,他們稱之為非常歷史性的勝利。That I now lead as mayor I want to do something that has probabl

22、y never been done before at this university.而我現(xiàn)在則是這座城市的市長我的講法可能在這座學(xué)校歷史上前無古人I want to stand here as a Christian in all of my non-Jewish self and give you all a Dvar Torah.我站在這里作為一名基督徒一名非猶太教徒而演講卻是摩西五經(jīng)宣講For those of you who have no idea what Dvar Torah is.我稍微講一下免得有人不理解摩西五經(jīng)宣講It actually is to speak on a

23、 religious view from the Torah or many of you the Old Testament.它也就是從摩西五經(jīng)的宗教觀點(diǎn)來宣講摩西五經(jīng)可以看作是舊約And if those of you want some clarity for those Jews and Jew-curious people or those of you who are behind Jane seek Christian.如果你對猶太教或者好奇猶太教的人感興趣而自己又是基督教徒對此不甚了解We can have a conversation afterwards if you ne

24、ed some help or translation with this but actually I want just to go to the subject of vision.演講后可以找我談?wù)勎铱梢愿阒v得更明白一些實際上我這里是想強(qiáng)調(diào)異象這一主題I was taught this in a black church in New Jersey and relearnt it studying Torah here at Yale.我又獲得了新的認(rèn)識我是在新澤西的黑人教會中學(xué)到這一點(diǎn)的之后在耶魯研讀摩西五經(jīng)后Theres this wonderful phrase many of

25、 you might know Without vision.有一句話說得很好你們很多人可能也都知道沒有異象The people will perish and being that I saw no heads nod up-and-down that they knew that verse.民就滅亡我沒有看到有人點(diǎn)頭表示自己認(rèn)得這句經(jīng)典I guess Rick Santorum is right. This is a godless university So I want to speak just very quickly of two stories.我想里克.桑托勒姆是對的這是一

26、所無神主義大學(xué)我想快速講兩個故事Two stories about this idea of vision and why I actually do believe without vision, the people will perish.兩個故事都是關(guān)于異象的我會談到為什么我相信沒有異象民就滅亡Now Im going to borrow from two traditions in my family from the African-American aural tradition.我將借由我的兩個家庭傳統(tǒng)來講這個這是非裔美國人的聽覺傳統(tǒng)And now you have to un

27、derstand that my tradition the aural tradition in my family strangely was very bifurcate.我想讓你們理解我家的聽覺傳統(tǒng)被奇怪地分為兩種There was a tradition that my father and my grandfather upheld and there was one that my mother and my grandmother.一種傳統(tǒng)來自我的父親和祖父另一種來自我的母親和祖母A matriarchal tradition and a patriarchal traditi

28、on and I saw that actually in my last graduation right here at Yale university.一邊是母系傳統(tǒng)一邊是父系傳統(tǒng)我最后在耶魯畢業(yè)的時候就經(jīng)歷過這些科里布克講了自己生活中的一些親身經(jīng)歷。他告訴畢業(yè)生,沒有什么是不可能的,他一直在說:“我媽媽教過我,沒有什么是不可能的”。他還告訴畢業(yè)生不要忘記身邊的小事情,而 只專注于“大事情”,否則最后會追悔莫及。整個演講過程有點(diǎn)類似于中國的單口相聲,歡聲 雷動,又不乏煽情。The time Ive spent with them during this campaign has been

29、 among my greatest honors.在我競選期間與他們一起度過的時光是我無上的榮耀。Our veterans are incredible people. We will embark upon a project of national growth and renewal.我們的退伍軍人中有著很棒的人才。我們將開始一項增長和恢復(fù)全國經(jīng)濟(jì)的計劃。I will harness the creative talents of our people and we will call upon the best and brightest to leverage their trem

30、endous talent for the benefit of all.我會好好利用民眾的才能,我們會呼吁最優(yōu)秀最聰明的精英為了所有人的利益而發(fā)揮他們的卓越才能。It is going to happen.這是一定會發(fā)生的。We have a great economic plan. We will double our growth and have the strongest economy anywhere in the world.我們有一個偉大的經(jīng)濟(jì)計劃。我們會讓我們的經(jīng)濟(jì)雙倍增長,我們將成為世界上最強(qiáng)大經(jīng)濟(jì)體。At the same time we will get along

31、with all other nations, willing to get along with us. We will be. 同時,我們會和其他國家和平相處。我們一定會的。1114.jpgWe will have great relationships. We expect to have great, great relationships.我們會擁有好的關(guān)系,我們期待彼此之間有偉大的合作。No dream is too big, no challenge is too great.沒有什么夢想是不可能的,沒有什么挑戰(zhàn)是過不去的。Nothing we want for our futu

32、re is beyond our reach.沒有我們達(dá)不到的未來。America will no longer settle for anything less than the best.美國無法接受比最好要差的情況。We must reclaim our countrys destiny and dream big and bold and daring. We have to do that. 我們要為我們國家的命運(yùn)高呼,大膽、勇敢地去追求夢想。我們必須這樣。Were going to dream of things for our country, and beautiful thi

33、ngs and successful things once again.我們要再次為我們的國家創(chuàng)造更美妙、更成功的夢想。I want to tell the world community that while we will always put Americas interests first, we will deal fairly with everyone, with everyone.我想告訴世界,美國總是也一直會把美國人的利益放在第一位,但我們會和每一個人和平相處。All people and all other nations. We will seek common gro

34、und, not hostility, partnership, not conflict.所有的人民、所有的國家,我們尋求一致而不是敵對,合作而不是沖突。And now I would like to take this moment to thank some of the people who really helped me with this, what they are calling tonight a very, very historic victory.現(xiàn)在,我想感謝那些真正幫助我的人們,讓我有了今天晚上,他們稱之為非常歷史性的勝利?!颈尘啊?個月大的嬰兒在從昆明飛往上海虹

35、橋的航班上疾病發(fā)作,情況危急,中國民航華東空中交 通管理局浙江分局連同相關(guān)單位,緊急調(diào)整10多架航班降落杭州蕭山國際機(jī)場的順序,為嬰兒搭乘的航班開辟“空中超車道”,使航班緊急備降,將患者迅速送醫(yī)治療?!拘侣劇?請看中國日報的報道Hangzhou International Airport asked several airplanes to postpone landing in order to make way for an airplane carrying a 4-month-old baby in need of emergency medical aid on Nov 9.11月9

36、日,一名4個月大的嬰兒在飛機(jī)上突發(fā)疾病,需要急救,因此杭州國際機(jī)場要求多 架飛機(jī)推遲降落時間,為這架飛機(jī)讓路。【講解】emergency medical aid 是急救。11月9日,從昆明飛往上海的吉祥航空H01094在杭州備降(made an unexpected landing),因為4個月大的濤濤在該飛機(jī)上病情惡化( develop worsening symptoms )。為了給這架航班 讓路(make way for,為,,讓路),五六架將降落的飛機(jī)在上空盤旋(hover)等待O空管人員 (air traffic controllers )為航班安排了就近跑道 (land on a

37、runway close to the airport ) 并協(xié)調(diào)就近停機(jī)位,并通知機(jī)場急救人員( first-aid personnel )救護(hù)車(ambulance)在降 落跑道待命(standby)。從孩子的就診記錄里可以看到,孩子患有重癥肺炎( severe pneumonia)、先天性心臟病 (congenital heart disease)、疑似有21-三體綜合征(即小兒唐氏綜合癥)。家長本打算帶孩子從昆明前往上海醫(yī)院看病(seek medical attention),但孩子在飛機(jī)上突然發(fā)病。不幸的是,這些努力并沒有能挽救濤濤的生命( save his life)。2015年全

38、國快遞包裝垃圾數(shù)量驚人By 2016, up to 30 billion packages will have been delivered in China, and that number could riseto 50 billion by 2018, according to the report issued by the State Post Bureau (SPB).根據(jù)國家郵政局(SPB)發(fā)布的報告顯示,至IJ2016年,中國運(yùn)送的包裹將達(dá)到300億個,到2018年這一數(shù)量可能會增加到500億個。The report aimed to warn against excessiv

39、e packaging, and called to standardize the disposal of packing materials.該報告旨在警告過度包裝,并呼吁標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化包裝材料的處置。China is home to the worlds fastest growing postal market, the Xinhua News Agency reported. Meanwhile, the booming industry hardly bothers itself over environmental protection.據(jù)新華社報道,中國是世界上增長最快的郵政市場的所在

40、地。同時,這個蓬勃發(fā)展的行業(yè)幾乎不為環(huán)境保護(hù)所擾。2015年全國快遞包裝垃圾數(shù)量驚人The non-biodegradable plastic bags and tape used on packages could mean annual carbon dioxide emissions of 20 to 30 million tons.包裝上使用的不可生物降解的塑料袋和膠帶可能意味著每年排放二氧化碳2000至3000萬噸。At the same time, fewer than 20 percent of packages are properly recycled, largely be

41、cause tape is hard to detach from paper boxes.同時,只有不到20%的包裝被正確回收,這很大程度上是因為膠帶難以從箱子上分離。Chinese express delivery companies are adjusting their own policies. 中國的快遞公司正在調(diào)整自己的政策。Express delivery giant SF Express began to use thinner tape and boxes in 2014, while several e-commerce platforms have been promo

42、ting package recycling.快遞巨頭順豐速運(yùn)于2014年開始使用更薄的膠帶和箱子,而一些電子商務(wù)平臺則一直在提倡包裝回收。In 2015, recycled boxes totaled 2 million in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.2015年,在北京、上海和廣州回收的箱子總數(shù)達(dá)到200萬個。A total of 32 express delivery companies have pledged to reduce their packaging materials by half, and to make 100 percent

43、of their cushioning materials biodegradable by 2020.目前,共有32家快遞公司承諾將其包裝材料減少一半,并且到2020年,使其減震保護(hù)材料做到100 %可生物降解。China plans to launch Kuaizhou-1 solid-fuelled carrier rocket in December, a breakthrough in its commercial rocket launches.我國計劃于12月發(fā)射快舟一號固體燃料運(yùn)載火箭,這是我國商業(yè)火箭發(fā)射領(lǐng)域的一次突破。The news was announced last

44、Wednesday at the 11th China International Aviation And Aerospace Exhibition by Lyu Xiaoge, a spokesperson for China Aerospace Science and Industry Corp. 中國航天科工集團(tuán)發(fā)言人呂曉戈于上周三在第十一屆中國國際航空航天博覽會上宣布了該 消息。我國快舟一號火箭將于12月完成首個商業(yè)發(fā)射Kuaizhou is a low-cost carrier rocket with high reliability and short preparation p

45、eriod.快舟火箭是一種成本低、可靠性高、準(zhǔn)備周期短的運(yùn)載火箭。It was designed to launch low-orbit satellites weighing under 300 kg.它是為發(fā)射重量在300公斤以下的低軌道衛(wèi)星而設(shè)計的。The rocket is launched via a mobile launch HYPERLINK vehicle vehicle and will primarily launch satellites to monitor natural disasters and provide disaster-relief informati

46、on.快舟火箭將由一臺移動發(fā)射車發(fā)射,將主要發(fā)射監(jiān)測自然災(zāi)害、提供救災(zāi)信息的衛(wèi)星。云南高校教學(xué)樓電腦被黑黑客借上課時間表白A university student in Southwest China is hacking his way into one womans heart.中國西南部的一個大學(xué)生正在以自己的方式闖入一個女人的心。As students at Yunnan University in Kunming sat through powerpoint lectures, a surprise error message popped up on screens through

47、out the schools Wenyuan building.日前,位于昆明的云南大學(xué)的學(xué)生們在課上看幻燈片時,一條意外的錯誤消息在學(xué)校文淵樓的屏幕上彈出。My lady likes excitement, began the message. She hoped I could show my love like this. 消息開頭是:“我家媳婦兒比較喜歡刺激,她希望來個這樣的表白。”云南高校教學(xué)樓電腦被黑黑客借上課時間表白But the hacker, who remains unidentified, used most of the text to apologize.但是這個身

48、份不明的黑客,在消息文本中用了大部分的篇幅來道歉。I know this is taking up class time, because the whole building is seeing this. Sorry about that.Just restart the computer and itll be back to normal. My fault, Im not that good at hacking yet, read the message, signed, worlds most apologetic hacker.消息這樣寫道:“我知道這是占用上課時間,因為整棟樓都在看這條消息。對不起。電腦重啟一會兒就好了。是我的功力還不夠?!笔鹈恰叭澜缱畋傅暮诳?。”Some students said the electric Romeos timing could have been better.有些學(xué)生表示,這個用電腦表白的時機(jī)本來可以更好。It happened the day leaders came to our scho


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