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1、several group number, then with b a, =c,c is is methyl b two vertical box between of accurate size. Per-23 measurement, such as proceeds of c values are equal and equal to the design value, then the vertical installation accurate. For example a, b, and c valueswhile on horizontal vertical errors for

2、 measurement, General in iron angle code bit at measurement level points grid errors, specific method is from baseline to methyl vertical box center line distance for a, to b vertical box distance for b, list can measuredseveral group number, then with b a, =c,c is is methyl b two vertical box betwe

3、en of accurate size. Per-23 measurement, such as proceeds of c values are equal and equal to the design value, then the vertical installation accurate. For example a, b, and c valueswhile on horizontal vertical errors for measurement, General in iron angle code bit at measurement level points grid e

4、rrors, specific method is from baseline to methyl vertical box center line distance for a, to b vertical box distance for b, list can measured PAGE 13several group number, then with b a, =c,c is is methyl b two vertical box between of accurate size. Per-23 measurement, such as proceeds of c values a

5、re equal and equal to the design value, then the vertical installation accurate. For example a, b, and c valueswhile on horizontal vertical errors for measurement, General in iron angle code bit at measurement level points grid errors, specific method is from baseline to methyl vertical box center l

6、ine distance for a, to b vertical box distance for b, list can measured法律條文與合同 理論探討合同,也叫“契約”,是雙方或者多方為了一定的事由,設立、變更或者終止各自的權利和義務關系而訂立的條文或協(xié)議,其主要功能是規(guī)定合作各方的權利、義務以及相關的經(jīng)濟、技術、法律等問題,是一種具有法律效力的憑證。法律合同語言精確,內(nèi)容周密,因此在翻譯此類文章時,一定要注意忠實于原文。翻譯法律文件,最主要的要求應當是“嚴謹”,因為法律文書直接影響到有關各方的管理和義務,文字略有出入會產(chǎn)生嚴重后果,尤其是翻譯對外法律條款時更是如此。合同的特點


8、、保險、技術、金融、法律等內(nèi)容,并涉及該領域的規(guī)范和專業(yè)術語。語言的嚴謹性用詞規(guī)范在合同文本中,為了保證語言的嚴謹性,協(xié)議各方注意正式詞匯(包括使用古詞)和專有詞匯的使用,以突出其規(guī)范性和約束力。例:The Appendix hereto shall, through the contract period, be deemed to be construed as part of this Contract.譯文:整個合同期間,本合同的附件應被視為合同的一部分予以解釋。句中be deemed(被認為)和construed(理解)為正式用詞.合同是具有法律效力的文書,詞語的使用應力求正式、規(guī)范

9、,因此常常使用一些組合性副詞。這類副詞是由here, there, where等副詞分別加上after, by, in, of, on, to, under, with等組合構成。例如,今后(hereafter)、此后(thereafter)、對此(hereto)、對那個(whereto)、在上文中(herein above, herein before)、在下文中(herein below)等等。合同中常常使用一些專業(yè)名詞和術語,例如有關價格的術語FOB(離岸價),CIF(到岸價);有關付款的術語documentary bill(跟單匯票),sight bill/draft(即期匯票),ac

10、ceptor(承兌人)等等.例:The Licensee agrees that the Licensee shall keep the know-how supplied by the Licensor under secret and confidential conditions within the validity period of the Contract.譯文:受讓方同意在本合同的有效期內(nèi),對出讓方提供給受讓方的專有技術予以保密。例句中的Licensee(受讓方)和Licensor(出讓方)都是專有名詞。2) 句法結構嚴謹,語言表達精確合同中語言的組織很嚴格,表述時常常字斟句酌

11、。合同的句子結構邏輯嚴謹,表達簡潔流暢,意思清晰準確。為了體現(xiàn)合同文本的嚴謹性,為了表達完整的意思,避免疏漏和不至于產(chǎn)生模糊的意義,合同的句子往往較長,結構比較復雜。例:If the Subcontractor fails to commence and satisfactorily continue correction of a default within three working days after Receipt by the Subcontractor of the notice issued under Article 10.11, then the Contractor m

12、ay, in lieu of or in addition to Article 10.11, issue a second written notice, by certified mail, to the Subcontractor and its surety, if any.譯文:如果按10.11條款發(fā)出的通知被分包商收到后的三個工作日之內(nèi),分包商未能開始并持續(xù)改正,使之令人滿意,那么承包商可以用掛號郵寄的方式向分包商或分包商的擔保人(如果有擔保人的話)再寄一份書面通知,以替代或者補充條款10.11.合同的翻譯力求措辭清晰、準確,避免歧義詞語是合同構成的基本單位,對詞義的正確選擇是合同

13、翻譯的前提和基礎,翻譯合同時應結合專業(yè)特點和上下文對有關詞匯進行推敲、選擇和確定。例:雙方都應遵守合同的規(guī)定。譯文:Both parties shall abide by the contractual stipulations.例:雙方的一切活動都應遵守合同的規(guī)定。譯文:All the activities of both parties shall comply with the contractual stipulations.Abide by與 comply with都有“遵守”的意思。但是當主語是人時,需用 abide by; 當主語是物時,則用comply with。例:買賣雙方同

14、意按下述條款購買和出售下列商品并簽訂本合同。譯文:This Contract is made by and between the Buyer and the Seller, whereby the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the undermentioned commodity subject to the terms and conditions stipulated below.By and between體現(xiàn)了合同是在買賣雙方平等協(xié)商的前提下簽訂的,by體現(xiàn)由雙方直接參與簽訂的過程,between體現(xiàn)合同所規(guī)定

15、的權利和義務關系對雙方產(chǎn)生約束力。例:本合同簽字之日一個月內(nèi),即不遲于12月5日,乙方須將貨物裝船。譯文:Party B shall ship the goods within one month of the date of signing this Contract, i.e. no later than December 15.No (not) later than (+date)即“不遲于某月某日”, 其中no later than (+date)的意思更加肯定,意思為“絕對不能遲于某月某日”。例:如果上述貨物對船舶和(或)船上其他貨物造成任何損害,托運人應負全責。譯文:The shi

16、pper shall be liable(負責任)for all damage caused by such goods to the ship and/or cargo on board.And/or 體現(xiàn)兩種可能:一是and 所體現(xiàn)的兩種可能同時發(fā)生的情況,另一個是or所體現(xiàn)的兩種情況中只有一種發(fā)生,兩種可能都是符合合同的規(guī)定的。首先,要注意有些詞匯在合同文本中的意思與其原來的意思有所不同。例:Both Party A and Party B agree that a technology transfer agreement shall be signed between the Joi

17、nt Venture and Party X (or a third party)譯文:甲、乙雙方同意,由合營公司與X方(或第三方)簽訂技術轉(zhuǎn)讓協(xié)議例句中的Party A和Party B指合同當事人,在合同中只能翻譯成甲方和乙方。類似的還有如the Seller(賣方),the Buyer(買方);the Transferor(轉(zhuǎn)讓方),the Transferee(受讓方)等。其次,同一個單詞在不同的合同文本中所表達的意思也有差別。譯者應根據(jù)專業(yè)特點和搭配關系等方面來判斷確定具體的詞義。例:(1)If Party A insists on its original quotation, Pa

18、rty B will have to cover its requirements elsewhere. 譯文:如果甲方堅持原報價,乙方則只能從其他地方購進所需貨物。(2)Party B shall cover the goods with particular average. 譯文:乙方將對該貨物投保水漬險。(3)In order to cover our order, we have arranged with the Bank of China, Dalian Branch, a credit for USD 86,000. 譯文:為支付我方訂貨款項,我方已委托中國銀行大連分行開立86

19、000美元的信用證。動詞一般是做“包括,囊括”的意思講,但在以上三個例句中,不但不能按原來的意思翻譯,而且在各句中由于所屬領域范圍不同,其所表達的意思也是不同的。在(1)句、(2)句、(3)句中分別表示“購進貨物”、“投保險”、“償付”等意思。2. 注意規(guī)范組句翻譯合同時,應注意分析句子結構,理清思路,規(guī)范組句,以實現(xiàn)順暢而清晰的表達。例:We hereby certify to the best of our knowledge that the foregoing statement is true and correct and all available information and

20、 data have been supplied herein, and that we agree to provide documentary proof upon your request.譯文:我們保證就我們了解的上述聲明真實無誤,并提供了全部現(xiàn)有的資料和數(shù)據(jù),應貴方要求,我們同意出具證明文件。這個句子有that引導的兩個并列賓語從句為certify的賓語。翻譯時應理清思路,正確理解,做到清楚表達。3. 了解相關的專業(yè)知識在合同文本的翻譯中,相關的專業(yè)知識也是正確理解和表達的基礎,因此譯者熟悉和了解相關的專業(yè)知識,顯得非常重要,因為在合同翻譯中出現(xiàn)的問題大多與缺乏專業(yè)知識有關。例:Th

21、e lead partner submits a copy of the short term cash flow which covers the period September 1997 to February 1998. Mr. Marchesini highlights the main items of the cash flow which are the Endowment fund and the Advance Payment as far as the Receipt is concerned and the down payment for TBMs and plant

22、s, purchase of fixed assets and the advance payment to subcontractors for the Expenditures.這段文字中有一些財經(jīng)術語,即cash flow資金流動、現(xiàn)金流量,endowment留本基金、捐贈基金, advance payment預付款,receipt收款、收入,down payment分期付款的定金,fixed asset固定資產(chǎn),expenditure支出款、消費額。這些財經(jīng)術語是翻譯本段文字的關鍵。譯文:責任方遞交了一份從1997年9月到1998年2月間的短期現(xiàn)金流量表。馬切西尼先生強調(diào)指出:主要的現(xiàn)

23、金流量,就收入款而言,有集資款和預付款,就支出款項而言,有(隧道掘進機)設備定金、固定資產(chǎn)購置費和分包商預付款。除了上述幾點,翻譯合同時還應注意:(1)有關金額的數(shù)字(特別是貨款總金額)一律用漢語的大寫形式表達。例:甲方(聘方)須每月付給乙方(受聘方)美元500元(大寫:伍佰美元整)譯文:Party A shall pay Party B a monthly salary of USD $500 (SAY FIVE HUNDRED US DOLLARS ONLY)注:“大寫”可以譯為word number, 或者say;而“整”譯做only。且金額數(shù)字必須緊靠貨幣符號,不留空格,如應該寫作:C

24、an $891,568,而不能寫成Can $ 891,568.(2)有關價格、品質(zhì)、交貨的方式和時間地點、違約責任等方面的詞句要準確、詳細。例:我公司的條件是,3個月內(nèi),即不得晚于5月1日,支付現(xiàn)金。譯文:Our terms are cash within three months, i.e. on or before May 1.(3)有關指稱應保持一致。例如,在合同或者協(xié)議中如果將銷售方(the Seller)定義為“甲方(Party A)”,在下文中就應該一直使用“甲方”的指稱方式,避免一會兒使用“銷售方the Seller”,一會兒使用“甲方Party A”。三、合同翻譯實例例1:Co

25、ntract of BusinessNo.005327Date: May 18, 2010-8-16Buyers: Peter Company Limited (Co. Ltd.) 18 Lincoln Street, London, U.K.Sellers: John Hayde, Inc 20 Maiden Lane, New York, N.Y., U.S.A.This Contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers; whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the seller agr

26、ee to sell the undermentioned goods on the terms and conditions stated below:Names of Commodity: Printed Cotton SheetingSpecifications: No. 127 30s 30s, 6860 35.36 inch in width 40 yards per pieceQuality: As per sample submitted by Peter Company Limitedon March 9, 2010Quantity: 40,000 yardsPrice: US

27、D6.6 per yard CIF LondonAmount:USD264,000.00Shipment: Shipment with the first ten-day period of June 2010.Partial shipment not allowed.Destination: LondonTerms of payment: In order to cover the order, a credit for 100% value of goods will be arranged with the Bank of London against the commercial bi

28、lls.This Contract is made in duplicate and each party shall keep one copy. This Contract shall come into force after the signature by the authorized representatives of both parties.Buyers: Peter Company Limited(Co.Ltd.) Sellers: John Hayde, Inc Manager: (signature) Manager: (signature)譯文: 商務合同合同編號:0

29、05327簽訂日期:2010年5月18日買方:皮特有限公司(英國倫敦林肯街18號)賣方:約翰 海德有限公司(美國紐約市梅頓巷20號)本合同系買賣雙方共同訂立。據(jù)此,買方同意購買,賣方同意出售符合下列條款的商品:貨物名稱:印花棉布產(chǎn)品規(guī)格:標號:127 紗支:30s 30s, 6860 寬度: 35.36英寸 長度:每匹40碼質(zhì)量要求:以買方2010年3月9日所寄樣品為準。訂購數(shù)量:40000碼產(chǎn)品價格:倫敦到岸價每碼6.6美元總金額:264000美元(二十六萬四千美元)裝運:2010年6月上旬裝運。不得分批發(fā)運。目的地:英國倫敦支付條款:買方見票后,將委托倫敦銀行開立全額貨款的信用證。本合同一

30、式兩份,雙方各保存一份,并在雙方代表簽字后生效。買方:皮特有限公司 賣方:約翰 海德有限公司簽字:(經(jīng)理) 簽字:(經(jīng)理)例2: 購銷合同合同編號:第2003089號合同簽訂地:北京買方:中國化工進出口公司公司地址:中國北京二里營賣方:宏頓化工有限責任公司公司地址:美國紐約市凱瑟琳大街1025號買賣雙方經(jīng)協(xié)商一致,特制定本合同,同意按照合同條款的規(guī)定買賣以下貨品。貨品名稱與規(guī)格:貨品數(shù)量:15000桶單價:中國寧波到岸價6美元桶總價款:90000美元包裝:密封桶裝產(chǎn)地:伊拉克付款條件:即期不可撤銷信用證保險:由買方承擔裝運時間:2006年11月25日裝運港:美國紐約目的港:中國寧波發(fā)貨標簽(嘜

31、頭):每個包裝件上都要標明目的地、總件數(shù)、毛重和凈重、計量單位。標簽要貼在包裝件的右側(cè)。(對于危險品或有毒物品,其種類和常用標志都要在每個包裝件上標明。)其他條款:1.其他依照交付條款與本合同相關的事宜可以另附說明,并視作合同的一部分。 2.本合同有中文和英文兩個版本,兩個版本的內(nèi)容真實一致。補充條款:如果本合同的任何其他條款與本補充條款發(fā)生沖突,本補充條款視為最終條款,并具有約束力。 買方(簽字):中國化工進出口公司 汪海堂 賣方(簽字):宏頓化工有限責任公司 Haman Kusch譯文Sales ContactContract No. :2003089Place: BeijingBuyer

32、s: China National Chemicals Import and Export Corporation (Erliying, Beijing, China)Sellers: Hongton Chemicals Ltd. Co. (1025 Catherine Street, New York, NY)This Contract is made by and between the buyers and the sellers, whereby the buyers agree to buy and the sellers agree to sell the under-mentio

33、ned goods subject to the terms and conditions as stipulated hereinafter.Name of commodity and specifications:Quantity: 15,000 cansUnit price: CIF US$6.00 Ningbo, ChinaTotal value: US$90,000 altogetherPacking: sealed cansCountry of origin &Manufacturer: IraqTerms of payment: irrevocable LC at sightIn

34、surance: to be covered by the buyersTime of shipment: Nov.25, 2006Port of loading: New York, United StatesPort of destination: Ningbo, ChinaShipping marks: on each package shall be stenciled conspicuously: port of destination, package number, gross and net weights, measurement and the shipping mark shown on the right side. (for dangerous for poisonous cargo, the nature


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