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1、Inrutin序文is documet s Ford Automoiv peris (AOs) Mterial Manageen SsteAsesmet(MMA).I i intenddto allow an ornzaion to assess their materials anaemen system confrman t FAOMateriasMagment Sytem Reuires (S-9000)本文書、自動車事業(yè)部門(FAOs)材料治理評価(MMSA)。 、自社材料治理O材料治理要求條件(MS90)合致、組織評価目的。FAO gin oerng eMatrias Mangeme

2、nt Syte Assmen(MM) s tormoteth deopm of fudamntal materials managmen ysems hat provdfor osandin deliver perfomc, xtonal custome saiscioancontnuouimprm. FAOntntis to estbish g standad for maerials aagemen systes, inlne thor oal of being he word leadingatomotie omany. orr or AO to aievets als, itis vi

3、a that or suplier artner frimilaryig standards.材料治理評価(MSA)提供FA目的、卓越納入実績、桁外顧客満足及改善提供差不多的材料治理開発推進(jìn)。FO目標(biāo)、世界自動車會社當(dāng)社目標(biāo)従、材料治理高基準(zhǔn)確立。O目標(biāo)達(dá)成、當(dāng)社納入業(yè)者同様高基準(zhǔn)達(dá)不可欠。ord Autmotive Opeation ceatdtheMMS in or o ccomplishseerl ojective:自動車、目標(biāo)達(dá)成、MMA作成。:ssis FAO facis an theF supply base b proving a sumary he ssential elmen

4、ts o obust material magement system.確固材料治理本質(zhì)的要素大要提供、F施設(shè)及FAO補給基地支援。low Fod d suppir manufaturg, vehicle aseml an wrehosingfacilities toef-ases her maeialsanageme sysem gist a recognizedsadard.公認(rèn)基準(zhǔn)従、納入業(yè)者製造部門、車両部門、倉庫施設(shè)、自社材料治理自己評価。Prodeamtod for assesigth materilsmangen apabiitie fpetial newacliiesprior

5、 to souring. 調(diào)達(dá)前可能性有新規(guī)施設(shè)材料治理能力評価方法提供。Srva basi for rconizing Fod upplier acilies it eceptnalaeilsaagmnt sstems AND xceptional Deery performance atngs, hrouh Fords Q1ad QE award. Q1及TQE表彰通、卓越材料治理及桁外納入実績格付、納入業(yè)者施設(shè)認(rèn)知根拠。Te MSA i designe tobeful comptible with he F/GM/Chrslr Qulity Sstem Asssmet (S),which

6、 i se by AO nsupplier atiestoasssstheirulit sstems. FAO bieesthatrot ndapablemarias managemn systemsre riical to tol qlityand csmersaifaction, an thefe ofe hs asessment wic goes beyd aitional pdutqulity sytms to ous on the complmetig mteials syem.t itndedtat tis assessmentbe used in onuction wi, not

7、 in lieu o, thA.MS、/品質(zhì)評価(QSA)完全合致作成、FOA納入業(yè)者施設(shè)、自社品質(zhì)評価使。 FOA、強固有能材料治理全體的品質(zhì)及顧客満足度重要考、材料補完中心伝統(tǒng)的製品品質(zhì)、本評価方法提供。 本評価方法、QSA代用、SA併使用。Fr all wfaiity MSA selfaessment must e imleented andon-gong mrovemtaessmntisaso equeste or currentsuplier toself ss eery ear nAugust 8 ots and n les tha 1 point fr ea quetionare

8、 minmmrquiremnt. Asesmt and plemen Planof Improvemnt ne to be presented tCF MP&Lforeview ifon siteaessment is sary. 全新規(guī)施設(shè)、MMS自己評価実施、現(xiàn)行納入業(yè)者、継続的改善評価毎年8月自己評価。80點及各質(zhì)問點以上最低條件?,F(xiàn)地評価必要場合、CAFP&L改善評価実施計畫提示。TheMMAisa imporat eleen i Fords ewad ad Recgiion ward prams. Bththe 1 Awar fr Excelc and theTaluali Excl

9、lence(QE)ard, Fod ighet war,requr asssmets uig the MMSA. A summay ofte Q1and QE awar proram, ir rquiremnt and ow th MA fit intothe total awd rgram, canb fund n he proam nualfor each,availblefrom ordMotr Qulity Plication T re Q1 ard facility mt ass MS andchiee 100 oin pu easinle questonno ess han 2oi

10、nts MMS、表彰及認(rèn)証重要。最優(yōu)秀賞、 Q1卓越性表彰全體品質(zhì)卓越性(TQE)表彰両方、MMS使評価必要。 Q1QE表彰概要、要求條件及MMA全體表彰適合、自動車品質(zhì)出版部入手可能、述。1表彰施設(shè)到達(dá)、MMSA合格、10點及各質(zhì)問二點以上達(dá)成。Aplcailit n Scoe 適用性適用範(fàn)囲Appicabili適用性:Thsasessent ma b alied t本評価、下記適用:AO and se facilies spplyig poductonorriceprts FAO.FA生産品及納入FOA及納入業(yè)者施設(shè)wreousewhic store or andleprduct dest

11、ied or FO. FAO仕向地製品保管及運搬倉庫。FA ad aflite hicle asembl facilitieswhich rouce vehis frsal inn AO aeschnl AO営業(yè)販売用車両生産FO及関連車両工場。Scpe 適用範(fàn)囲:h scpe of tissssse s intened t apply t thefality lve, foreah such facility. hre supprhas multile fcilites ivolv in proviingproduct o Frd, uh as afaciit ich prouces pro

12、ducts nd ships them to a areouse,wich n tun shis te to Fod, BTH facltieus complyth th MS-900 requets,ad bot ould self-assess o th MSAseparaty.本評価適用範(fàn)囲、上記各施設(shè)、施設(shè)適用目的。 納入業(yè)者、製品生産、倉庫出荷施設(shè)、製品提供上関係複數(shù)施設(shè)有場合、全施設(shè)S-9000要求條件従、MMSA従個別自己評価。Table o otentsIntoucton 1Applibilitd Scope 1Tabl o onten 2Sorn Gudelne 3ssmen

13、t Questions4anagementReposiblity 44.2Mater MnagemenSst 5.3Contrct Reviw / Cstomr Interface 4.4 Scedulg Syst 64.Docuet Control 74.6 Purhasg SucntractorManaement 74.8 Prd dentifatinand Trae abliy 84.9 iping 10Manuacuring Flexiblity/ Inventor anageent 9411 Inscion, Mesueet anTest 10.14Crecivean Prevena

14、tiveActio 04.15.1 Handlin 114.15. toag an reervation 14.15.3ackagin 1.15. Dlvery 4.1 Cotrol o MaeriaRecrds 124.17 Intrnal MatralsAuds 134.18Trining 1320Statistical eniques MSA Scorin mmary Shet ApediA Glossary 16Soring Gilines 採點ScorgEahIniidalQusion各個別質(zhì)問採點:Assessmntinolveshe reiw of proceures and i

15、mpementatonofeah rquiree, sing the quetion set rh n tisocume as a gide. Te crngytemfr this assesmen is basn that of theForG/Chrsler QaitySystem Assesmnt(QSA).e wods shall, illandmus i the standard (MS-00) idite mandator rquremen. The wodshould iicatsa prferred apoac gaizaos chosig otherappoachems de

16、monrate hat thi approac mees the ntento te tand i order re full pois on th assmen. 評価、本文書述質(zhì)問使、手順検証各要求條件実施含。本評価採點、GM/品質(zhì)評価(QS)採點。規(guī)格(MS-00)內(nèi)“shal”()、“wll”()及“mus”()言葉、必須條件示?!皊houl”()、好手法示。 組織他手法選場合、本評価法満點取、手法規(guī)格意図満足実証。Quson maybe scred N nlyif thatarticularuion doest appyote asssse anition. Th ronalefoe

17、ach qustion scoe NA mutberesetedo a 1 r TQE eifcatio tm urn ericato. The tught proces o oring eaqestion not sordA is detaildbeloan o the oessflow o efacingag:質(zhì)問、特定機(jī)能評価組織適用場合、“A”記載良?!癗”記載各質(zhì)問論理的根拠、Q1TQE検証、検証中提出。“N”記載各質(zhì)問採點考慮過程、下記詳述、次過程図通。 ASSESM 評価QUEO SCOE質(zhì)問採點The requirmntis ot mal, o hr remajor incos

18、iteces mlementtio 要求條件満足、実施大不一致點。Teequirent i met, t terare mio incsitnie in iemetation要求條件満足、実施上、小不一致點。MThe rqurement s mtan effectivey impmened要求條件満足、効率的実施。CTe reuiemenis t, efetively mplemented, and swsimovemt ovehepast 12 mnths ta ismeanl othe customer 要求條件満足、効率的実施、顧客重要過去12月渡改善示。C Furer defiiono

19、 trutilize n coig ca fnd i th glosar(Aedix A).採點使用用語詳細(xì)定義、用語集(付録A)參照。Oera org Ea lment各項目全體的採點:Eah of the lemets (g.:4.- MngemenResponibiity) is hen vn aovrall scoe frm to 3poi, bsd on the scres r each idvial qeton i that ementThe procss or sorin heleent where all o theqestios are no coe NA is dtald

20、bloand o th processflo onthe fcinge:各項目(例:41-経営責(zé)任)、各項目各個別質(zhì)問得點、通算3點。 全質(zhì)問N記載各項目採點過程、以下詳述、次図通。 INDIVIDUALUESTON SCORS 個別質(zhì)問採點ELEMENT PITS項目得點n (o mor) quesion ita eutf 0, or mre qstions with a reslo O結(jié)果質(zhì)問一(以上)M結(jié)果質(zhì)問4以上 0One to three qusonsith a reslt f M結(jié)果質(zhì)問13 No 0, M or CestO無、結(jié)果 2o 0 o M reultsand one

21、( moe) CI resut M結(jié)果無、及一(以上)C結(jié)果 3verll Asesmntcre an Result全體評価採點結(jié)果:The oerall core on ti assesent iscalctd bytakinhe avergesor pr lemetscored othe thanN and mtipling the eultby50. hi yildcore range orom0 to15 points.本評価全體得點、N以外項目毎平均得點結(jié)果掛計算。、01點得點範(fàn)囲得。An verallevaluaton o PAS wl be give when te vallco

22、reqls oxeds100 oi, wth o eleent scoed ess thn. n PENstatus may be gvewhn no more hanone maornonconmiy ad/o ute minor nonconrmitis xsTis can be covetoaA witin 90 days, or an otherise gred tim fre, with teacceptance f attory eidence of cormit. Th mayinclde on-site vifiatonat the discretoofthe assessin

23、gativity.A ovrallevauationof AL wi be given if mre than oe mar noconormi i dentfied, fo a lacko noncofrmity resolution wiina spcifiedtime frm.“合格”全體評価、2未満項目無、項目全體得點0點以上場合與?!癘EN”(未決)格付、要緊不一致及/複數(shù)小不一致場合、與。、90日以內(nèi)別途合意期限內(nèi)適合十分証拠受入、“合格”変更。、評価活動任意、現(xiàn)地検証含。 複數(shù)重大不適合見場合、指定時間枠內(nèi)不適合対策採場合、“不合格”全體評価與。Asessme Qests 評価質(zhì)

24、問anaemtRonsibilit 経営責(zé)任 Eemen 41esion質(zhì)問Asessor Nes評価者注記esul結(jié)果1 Dos the faciliys anaemet srctuerecogz the imprtanceo nd la approprite hasis onth Material Plnnn n Listics uctio? 施設(shè)経営組織、材料計畫及物流機(jī)能、重要性認(rèn)識且適切重視?2 Areher clarly defined jo desrpons fr all prsnnel ivolv ihe Mteial Plnnng ad ogissucton? 材料計畫及物流

25、機(jī)能関係全擔(dān)當(dāng)者用明確規(guī)定職務(wù)記述書?3 Isanupto-date liing ofcontct personnel, ncludigsniormaagemet, with dannih nmbrs,pvid t tcstomer or manained nh cutomrssystm? Doestheconac infraion coerhe nteperatingime f thesomr? 日中及夜間連絡(luò)先(電話番號)付上級治理職含擔(dān)當(dāng)者最新、顧客提供、顧客保管? 連絡(luò)先情報、顧客全體稼動時間? oe the Marialrganainormally prtiipate n, ad s

26、ignff duig theganizatins vanced roduct altylingrocess? 材料部門、通常、社內(nèi)先行製品品質(zhì)計畫過程(AQP)參加、承認(rèn)?5. s he inc ofgnmicsued to sure efficiet empoyeeopratios ie materials anaeeaea? 材料治理場所、効率的従業(yè)員作業(yè)保証、人間工學(xué)使用?6. Aekey trialmesublefined and trcked? r eyeiwed y seniormaaemn ona utinebasis?Have esmsurebeecoelatdwith uom

27、er epctaton? Ahemos impotat masrabler ot facltysQuality Oerag Syst (QS)?測定可能要緊材料明確、追跡?、日常業(yè)務(wù)上級治理職検証?測定可能、顧客期待內(nèi)容合致? 測定可能最重要、施設(shè)品質(zhì)作業(yè)(QOS)一部?7. Dos e eneral lvelof housekeein in th fility sen stron ositie mesage to he worforcegadigmanageents commitet a qulty o enronment? I there an ficient rash rmvalsyte

28、 t suprthis goal? 施設(shè)內(nèi)一般的清掃業(yè)務(wù)、質(zhì)良作業(yè)環(huán)境対経営陣點、作業(yè)者強力前向送?本目標(biāo)支援効果的排除?Assnt Qusions Mteial Mnagemt Sye 材料治理 Elemen 2 QuestionAssesor os Result1.Itere adocumnte merials mangemen syse fr hefaility?oes the fcity have a Mateal Manent manualhat clrlarticuates theaerisManaemnt poiy te facility? 施設(shè)用文書化材料治理? 施設(shè)、施設(shè)內(nèi)材

29、料治理方針明確規(guī)定材料治理持?. Dethe fcilit have ocumeted proceduresconsistet it terequirees f the S-9000? Aretes produres ffeively iplemented?施設(shè)、-90要求條件合致手順文書化? 手順効率的実施?oe he pplerhaveatera fo ayt diaga or the acilty? Does the acliy design otiz the flo of materialroughth opratin?Hve atineen kentimprve fciit ayot

30、 frmtalflw? 納入業(yè)者、施設(shè)材料図持? 施設(shè)設(shè)計、業(yè)務(wù)通材料最適化? 材料施設(shè)改善活動行? QuetnAssssor Noes ResutArepoentalem, incdn rquiremens, wich y not b mt, mmunicted to th cutor asoon ase areientfied at the upplieslocato? oes the fcilitmeitly oify te customer rgading ny requiemetsdata,wih ear t erneous? 要求條件含、満足潛在的問題、納入業(yè)者施設(shè)明顧客情報伝達(dá)?

31、 施設(shè)、間違明條件関、迅速顧客連絡(luò)?2 Isthere disposal rewrof tolig r past model oinivparts withutprope uthorization byl affected ustomer? 影響受顧客事前承認(rèn)無、過去使用部品関、金型(toling)廃棄手直?3. Ariteactiveiveory management sytems, suc asDrt Data in (DD), uiiedwherevailablefrothe ctome? 顧客利用可能場合、直接(DDL)雙方向在庫治理使用?4(Whe inrcive ietoyysem

32、s a in use)Are dail shrtagesand ew odel anchiformaion rquiementsaeredcratly an icordanc withFord rurs?Is coeraeprovid throughot ustomoring hurs?(雙方向在庫使用場合)毎日不足分新規(guī)立上情報要求條件、正確回答、手順書合致? 対象範(fàn)囲、顧客稼動時間全體提供?5 s ther aproces to assure tha inial hipnt of ew odel maeral are ot mad wthou cutomeapproval? 新規(guī)材料初回出

33、荷、顧客承認(rèn)無行保証?6Is hee a rousprocess fr assuin that (cumulatie ship) qutt agrmns witthe cutoere dtectedad reconcil i a iml mannr? (累積出荷)顧客數(shù)量不一致検出、適時調(diào)整保証確固?Cntrat Review / Custmr Interfa 契約見直/顧客窓口 Eleent 4.3Assessmen Quests Quetisessor ots Reult. Does th aily hve theapbility toreive reuimt ping doment (s

34、uch s welyreleae,dahip schedues, and equece sh scls( reque by the custome) elctronicaly? 施設(shè)、(顧客要求)電子要求數(shù)量計畫文書受領(lǐng)能力?(週次、毎日出荷、及出荷日程)2. re cstomer Elctronic t Inchange (EDI) requreents processe irectlyino thefalitys Materl laninand Schdligcopterystem?顧客電子交換(EI)條件、直接、施設(shè)材料計畫部門及日程計算加工?3. Doesthe facilityhed

35、ulnsyste crrelatwhhecstoerssprequiremnts?Is t robt eug to iniize the nesity for exces transptatn shipents?Dsthe chedung system pojectrequirents foradsffiely to detct potnal rbles in me to ake orrectivacinandinsulate te pact to tecutomer?施設(shè)日程、顧客出荷要求條件相関?、余分輸送出荷必要性最小限可能?日程、是正処置取顧客影響遮斷間合、十分潛在的問題検知今後必要數(shù)

36、量予想?4Ds the faili perform comaron of theircaacity aginttecusters projectedrquements ch eek? Is te lning horz minimumosix oths? thea robust procsstasra thecutoers advisd searly aspossblo ycapctysorfalls?施設(shè)、毎週、顧客予想必要數(shù)量対比較行? 計畫展望、最小六月?不足顧客連絡(luò)保証確固?5. oes theitys sheduing ystm re unauthorized ov-shpment o

37、f arts o te cumer? 施設(shè)日程、顧客部品未承認(rèn)出荷防止? De t faiiy ha arst pross to asure ta pe-Jb 1uremesare conitenly available in meanner? s futona buil ateria lways avaiablein tiely manner for rnnin chge pars,hrrequired bythe cusomer? 施設(shè)、-1要求數(shù)量常適時入手可能保証確固有? 顧客必要場合、機(jī)能組立材料、部品常適時入手可能?7. Des t fcility routinly ak init

38、itivein cordinatdulsuring balncets an egieerin chage,ad inii osolenceexposue?Does te faciltys schedling system sure tat sufficnt maeal is available tcoer final usor order? Does the facilt shipthe qutity quieto te piece and nt to the pack forhis ial sipmnt beforepart blance ou? 施設(shè)、blnce-us技術(shù)変更時日程調(diào)整上指

39、導(dǎo)権発揮、舊式化最小限?施設(shè)日程、最終的顧客注文數(shù)量十分材料準(zhǔn)備可能保証?施設(shè)、部品balanceout前最終出荷用、梱包単位、単品必要數(shù)量出荷?8.r shipens f ewmdlseviceasrelee rior to iniilsipments producton? 新規(guī)出荷、量産用初回出荷前?Scedlng Sytem 日程 Elet 44ssesent QuestionDocmnt Cntrl 文書治理 Elemnt 4.5 uestionsessor NotesResult1. Ae new and revisedaterils dcuments revewed ndappro

40、vby utorzeprsonel pro o iss? I ther a mase lst (requialent)dentiying documet rvsin atus? Is ter tey review, dsrbuton ad ilementtf uso standards ndchng? 新規(guī)及改訂材料資料検証、発行前権限者承認(rèn)? 文書改訂特定(同等品)? 顧客規(guī)格変更適時検証、配布、実施?. Are chngs t materias docues ad data eiew dpprove b iung authorit? othe apprin auhritieshave cc

41、ess to pertinent backgound information n whichto se thi evew?材料文書変更検証、発行権限者承認(rèn)? 承認(rèn)権限者、検証基礎(chǔ)関連背景情報対権有?Puchasin/ SuconractorManaemen 購入下請業(yè)者治理 Eemet46 ues ssesor NotesRlt. o what etent ae subctro eures ranstedusngElectrnic ata Itechange (EDI)? I freuency f reqiremntansmision adquat for te cmmodity manuat

42、ure? 下請業(yè)者條件、電子交換(ED)使程度伝送? 伝送條件頻度、製造適切?2. s here contiuoiprovement prs for the deliver performnc and capaility of he sbcntractobase? Are mey reuiremet adequtly coordinaewithsubcontractors? 納入実績及下請納入業(yè)者工場能力、継続的改善? 緊急出荷、下請業(yè)者適宜調(diào)整?3. reincoming mteraleale to assur tht the pakging used is rbst? Ar correte

43、 tions tken whe roblems aeencunteed? Doesth fciliy ae proacivcntnousmont progrm for coing pckagng, stresing impoed rusbili/recyclability, et? 受入材料、使用梱包保証評価? 問題発生時是正処置講? 施設(shè)、改善再利用性性等強調(diào)、受入梱包関前向継続的改善?4. Whereincomingmaterl snot accomid by an electronirecod o shipmecoten, isthe rciving proess adequate to

44、assure ecord itegrity? 受入材料出荷內(nèi)容電子記録添付場合、受領(lǐng)、記録完全性確認(rèn)適切?Assest QuetosPrduct Idntiftio and eability Eeen 48QuionAssess otesslt1. Areal nainers shipped t the customerleled csomer exectation? 顧客出荷全、顧客要求通表示?-redabilit (mechanical a uman)ofbrde?読易?(機(jī)械及人間)- uefapproprit(suh a AutomotivIndus Action Grou AIA i

45、n North Aeria, Odt i uroe, t) ndstrysandrd hippinglaels? 適切(自動車業(yè)界活動-北米AIAG、歐州Odet、他)業(yè)界標(biāo)準(zhǔn)出荷使用- s of speil labs (uh frihtcnsolidaton label,et.) equiredbyte uomer? 顧客要求特別(運送統(tǒng)合、他、等)使用2. Ishere apocess to diret pea ttentin to ne ode ars shpments tossureathey are labee t te custome seifcains? 新規(guī)部品出荷顧客従表示保

46、証、特別注意向?3 Does t failtyutilize a rbust roces fopreventig islng of stck? Ar es pracices adherto? 施設(shè)、在庫誤表示防止強固使用?“成功事例”忠実?4 Does the facilitae aequat cntrl f n-poces leling? I nrocs prdu ufficl iffrentae? I ba-ing used on n-proces mrial wereaproprat? 施設(shè)、工程內(nèi)表示関適切治理行? 工程內(nèi)製品、十分區(qū)別? 必要、工程內(nèi)材料付行?5 Itheea pre

47、ss for controlingpartil ots?re prtial osaquael gegatedfrom other prouco, aconted f correctly in materal recrs and dniiedappropritely. 不完全治理?不完全、他生産品適切隔離、材料記録正確説明、適切表示?6. Doeshefacilithve aprocess t assurehe apoate entifico ofalunable or damagemteril(scrp, rturns, eto, etc.)? Arsage andor holdigrs la

48、yard an easily dstinguishabl? s themteriarcord uat in atilyannr torfctthis stts? 施設(shè)、使用、損傷材料(廃棄物、返卻物、卻下物、他)全適切表示保証有?保存及/保管場所表示、容易區(qū)別可能?材料記録、狀況反映適時方法?Assessment Qustoshippng 出荷 Eleent .9Qusonssessor NoesReult1. rethe approite fieds of advanced shipment tices (SNs) geerated ere by canning baroded-shpng

49、abes? Ithe abel cae at te last ossie pont in e ippin rocess? 先行出荷連絡(luò)書(Ss)該當(dāng)欄、出荷、作成検証?、出荷可能最後地點?.Istere a rout proess in pace t asrht the taoen ofASNsis 00%aute, includingall rquid elds? AN內(nèi)容全必要記載內(nèi)容含10%正確保証適切?3. Dos the process asue theach ASN i input nolatetanconveyane depature, 24 hus/7days? 、各AS週七日

50、24時間、輸送出発後保証?4. Does tilt ave a robus proces to assure thatoutging shipmets ompy t applicabe customs egions? 施設(shè)、出荷物該當(dāng)関稅規(guī)則合致保証有?5. I theshipinarea ecure? Issipi pprorkppared locatin condcivefor efficient pein?Are cust tandards fo ckig slipsand bi oflin olowed?出荷安全?出荷手続、効率的業(yè)務(wù)助、場所準(zhǔn)備?梱包伝票船荷伝票関顧客基準(zhǔn)合致?Maa

51、cturng Feity /InvenryManee lement .10生産柔軟性/在庫治理Qetionsesso tesRest1 Is te flexiity ad responsiveness of theprodutin proces trkd, ing a measurment su a ManufacturingCycle Te (CT),ad hve ctins betaken to continuouslimroveth asure vr tme? 製造(MCT)測定値用、生産工程柔軟性反応性追跡、長期渡測定値継続的改善処置講?2. r bot lue/mix flexibi

52、lit androuct/changeoer lexbity incrporated to th failty advced quaiy plannng? avactonsbeentak impove manufactuig flxibiliy wthah eent new prduct aunh? 數(shù)量混合柔軟性製品/切替柔軟性両方、施設(shè)先行品質(zhì)計畫組込?最新製品立上製造柔軟性改善、処置講? Ar lvel of inentor, incldng finished oods,ork in prcess, rawmaterialnd/ purcased prtsontored,d e acti

53、os being taken to mprv leves or time? 完成品、仕掛品、原材料及購入部品含在庫監(jiān)視、長期渡改善処置講?4. oes te inventor vesuppr lin o sight management? 在庫、一連(視覚的治理?)支援?Asesnt uestionssction, Mearmnt &Tt 検査、測定&試験 Elemnt 4.1QuesiAsessNoesRest1. Is thre a ocedure describin heproperuseof shipment ntity detrinationepnt, uch a cals? 秤、出

54、荷數(shù)量測定機(jī)器適切用述手順書?2.Deste quanity etrmntin roedu accoutforthe variatininconinrs? 數(shù)量測定手順書、內(nèi)説明?3Is shienquntit detrminationquipenalibrated t anacceptabl accuracy el n routie basi? 出荷數(shù)量測定機(jī)器、常日頃、受入可能精度従目盛公正?4 Is the inspecion tatuanddt o hipmen uantty deterition equipmnt cealy indictedo theequipmet? 全出荷數(shù)量測

55、定機(jī)器関、検査狀況、機(jī)器上表示?Coete ndPreventative ction 是正処置予防処置 Elen .1Qetionssessr otsRslt1 Doe the facilty posess robust process t asure th eventioof dlr filres (ustomeunts flinshort ars o poduction ses)? 施設(shè)、納入不良防止保証有?(顧客部品不足生産損失)2 s her effective solutiof suply prolems wthout cost penalie to the cser? o ha t

56、ent doesth facily reac immdiatel to problems idenied bthe cstomer? 顧客増無供給問題効果的解決方法?程度、施設(shè)顧客見問題迅速対応? 3. teamoieted proem solving ethod,uch Fod 8d, utilized to determine rot as and prevntrurece ofmateralsproblems? 全然緣故付止、材料問題再発防止使用、8D、問題解決手法?4. I thera poces in place whch prvens shpping diceacies t the

57、ustmr?顧客出荷物不一致防止適切?5. oshfcii aeafalbck prcess forsurin cstomr satifction drng eergenc situatns(sch compute ysemailres, tephne li faiur,etc.)? Are hey etedregual? 施設(shè)、緊急狀況(顧客不良、電話回線不良、他)顧客満足保証代替有?、定期的試験?AessmnQeonHadng 運搬 Eeent4.15.QuetionAssssr NoteRst.Are adeuatcntos i lace to control th handln of

58、ontainers nd unnage? Do th otl mpize the avoidance of dageto thcntairsan dunae? 適切治理、荷敷取扱治理?治理、荷敷損傷回避重視?2 Isrecyce o usabl dunnaeued werever pratical? Isdunnagemade frorecyl matrl? 可能、再利用可能荷敷、使用可能必使用?新規(guī)荷敷、材料作?Stogean Peservation 保管保存 Elemnt.3QuestonAsseor Nesesut1. e th facilityuilize adeqatewrehous

59、 cotrols nal storae areas? Are god record integity prctices followed? Is there an ffetiv st rotatonprgra?re tc segregaioaeas cleay mard? 施設(shè)、全保管場所適切倉庫治理使用?良好記録保全運用行? 効率的在庫回転?在庫隔離場所、表示?2. here appliab, des thefaclity mntain these onrolat any extrnalarehouss? 該當(dāng)場合、施設(shè)外部倉庫治理実施?Packaig 梱包 Element 15.uestn

60、Asseso NoteRel1.Are shpmens madinuni pack quatitie unlessresslythorzd byhectome?出荷、顧客明白承認(rèn)無場合、単品梱包數(shù)量行? Isthre a procssue taaccuatpacgindtaal rts on relase scirmenthcustmers ystems? s the accracyof te confimedpakaggda hyscaly vrified atleas nce nally? 全部品関正確梱包顧客確認(rèn)保証?確認(rèn)梱包精度、少年一回、実際検証?3. o te faciliy pr


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