



1、2023屆高考英語模擬試卷注意事項1考生要認真填寫考場號和座位序號。2試題所有答案必須填涂或書寫在答題卡上,在試卷上作答無效。第一部分必須用2B 鉛筆作答;第二部分必須用黑色字跡的簽字筆作答。3考試結(jié)束后,考生須將試卷和答題卡放在桌面上,待監(jiān)考員收回。第一部分 (共20小題,每小題1.5分,滿分30分)1Was it from the lake _ he often went fishing _ he saved the drowning girl?Athat; that Bwhere; whereCwhere; that Dthat; where2Whats up? You look wor

2、ried.Well, I _ on the problem for 5 hours but I havent got a single clue.Ahave workedBworkedCwill workDhave been working3Dont let the child who is _ go to schoolAso young as toBnot old enough toCnot old enoughDtoo young to4Where was it _ the road accident happened the other day?AthatBwhenChowDwhich5

3、The teachers voice still remained calm _ she was getting annoyed.Aas long as Beven ifCas if Dnow that6 Joe, what about going to Belgium for our coming holiday? Sorry, honey, I _ on the newly discovered dinosaur site in ArgentinaThere are remains of what is thought to be the largest creature ever to

4、walk the earth.Awas workingBworkCwill be workingDworked7Excuse me, can you tell me where I can find a supermarket?I happen to know _ nearby. Come on, Ill show you the way.AoneBitCthatDsome8He isnt such a man _ he used to be.AwhoBwhomCthatDas9You can ask anyone for help. here is willing to lend you a

5、 hand.AOneBNo oneCEveryoneDSomeone *10_ far in the contest, we are so disappointed.ANot gettingBNot to getCNot having gotDNot got11It really annoys me when a persons cell phone goes off during a movie?Yeah, me too It really _Acosts me an arm and a legBgets on my nervesCbeats my brains outDpulls my l

6、egs12After talking with her teacher for about an hour, she felt relieved and began to know how to this kind of situation.Ahandle Braise Cexplore Dstrengthen13_the safety of gas, the government has checked the citys gas supply system thoroughly.ATo ensure BEnsuringCHaving ensured DTo have ensured14It

7、 was reported that as many as 50% of patients do not take medicine _ directed, _ has drawn doctors attention.Awhen; itBas; whatCas; whichDthat; and15Congratulations!I hear youve won the first prize in the singing competitionYou _ be mistakenIm in the dance classAmustBmayCshouldDcould16It is widely a

8、cknowledged that students should be _ in terms of overall quality.AsupportedBmatchedCevaluatedDcontrolled17I am a better reader this year than I was last year because I _ to hundreds of new concepts and ideas.Ahave exposed Bhad been exposed Chave been exposed Dwas exposed18After nine years working t

9、o protect Siberian tigers, Yang Jun _ his efforts recognized at the annual award ceremony in Beijing where he was named a wildlife protector.AhadBhad hadChas hadDhas19This January will be very precious for us by which time we _ reviewing Senior Book I.Awill finishBwill have finishedChave finishedDwi

10、ll be finished20They had just taken their seats, then _ Athe chairman came Bthe chairman comesCcame the chairmanDcomes the chairman第二部分 閱讀理解(滿分40分)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的A、B、C、D四個選項中,選出最佳選項。21(6分) Sally Dawly is a woman from Auburn, California. Over the last three and a half years, the anti-littering woman ha

11、s spent most of her free time picking up cigarette butts (煙頭) from the streets of her home city.Called the “Butt Lady” by her local community, Dawly began her mission to rid the streets of her city of cigarette butts in October, 2014. The woman looked for cigarette butts, picked them up and threw th

12、em in the trash. To keep a count of how many butts she picks up, the Butt Lady has been using a tablet, and earlier this month, she hit a historic milestoneone million cigarette butts.“I got tired of going on my walks and seeing cigarette butts everywhere,” Sally Dawly said. “Im just shocked that I

13、had to pick up so many. Ive ever picked up 3,000 butts in one day,” she said. “Dont throw away your butts; better yet, stop smoking.”With so many cigarette butts littering the streets, can one persons efforts really make a difference? Surprisingly, the answer seems to be yes. Soon after the Butt Lad

14、y of Auburn started her mission and word of her efforts spread, cigarette cans started appearing around bars and restaurants in the city. Members of the local community even came out to cheer her on as she approached her one-million-butt milestone.Sally knows her citys cigarette butt littering probl

15、em wont be solved anytime soon, but she hopes her work will inspire people to at least think twice before dropping cigarette butts in the streets. She has decided to continue cleaning up after irresponsible smokers, and already has a new milestone in her sightstwo million cigarette butts.Word of the

16、 Butt Ladys efforts to keep the streets cigarette butt-free has reached neighboring communities as well, and CBS Sacramento reports that other cities have started seeking her help as well.1、Why does Sally Dawly carry an iPad with her while picking up the butts?ATo entertain the crowds.BTo monitor th

17、e smokers.CTo attract peoples attention.DTo record the number of butts.2、How did Sally Dawly feel when picking up cigarette butts?AExcited but upset.BShocked and sorryCFrightened but content.DAstonished and desperate.3、From the text. what can be inferred about Sally Dawly?AShe picks up nearly 3,000

18、cigarette butts every day.BShe will work in other cities in California in the future.CShe has set a new goal of picking up two million cigarette butts.DShe picked up one million cigarette butts with members of her community.4、What is the text mainly about?ACalifornias “Butt Lady”.BFighting against s

19、moking.CCalifornians health problems.DSmoking problems in California.22(8分)Rich as a KingWilliam 1, who conquered England some 930 years ago, had wealth, power and an army. Yet although William was very rich by the standard of his time, he had nothing like a flush toilet (抽水馬桶), paper towels, or rid

20、ing lawn mower (除草機). How did he get by?History books are filled with wealthy people who were poor compared to me. I have storm windows, Croesus did not. Entire nations trembled before Alexander the Great, but he couldnt buy cat food. Czar Nicholas lacked an electric saw.Given how much better off I

21、am than so many famous dead people, youd think Id be content. The trouble is that, like most people, I compare my wealth with that of living person: neighbors, school classmates, famous TV people. The greed I feel toward my friend Howards new kitchen is not reduced by the fact that no kings ever had

22、 a refrigerator with glass doors,There is really no rising or falling standard of living. Over the centuries people simply find different things to feel sad about. Youd think that simply not having disease would put us in a good mood, but no we want a hot bath too.Of course, one way to achieve happi

23、ness would be to realize that even by todays standards the things I own are pretty nice. My house is smaller than the houses of many investment bankers, but even so it has a lot more rooms than my wife and I can keep clean.Besides, to people looking back at our era from a century or two in the futur

24、e, these bankers fancy counter tops and my awn worn Formica will seem equally shabby, I cant keep up with my neighbors right now. But just wait.1、What docs the underlined phrase “get by” in the first paragraph mean?ASucceed as a king.BDeal with complains.CGet some extra money.DLive in a satisfactory

25、 way.2、How many historical figures are mentioned to compare lives in the past and present?A3.B4.C5.D6.3、According to the passage, the author intends to .Atell us to be content with lifeBwarn us to live in a simple wayCleach us to learn lessons from lifeDencourage us lo struggle for wealth4、Whats the

26、 authors attitude towards life?ADoubtful.BOptimistic.CUncaring.DCautions.23(8分)Food storing is common in members of the crow(烏鴉)family. A new study tested the birds outside this naturally occurring behaviour, which may have evolved(進化)specifically because it gives crows a survival advantage. Some cr

27、ow species are known to naturally use tools to recover food. So the researchers tested whether the birds could store and recover a tool so they could get it at their food after a gap of 17 hourssomething we wouldnt expect them to do naturally. But they were able to instantly select the tool out of a

28、 number of unnecessary items.In another experiment, the researchers taught crows to select a token (禮品券)from a number of items so that they could then exchange for food. Again, the birds then showed that they could plan for the future using this new behaviour. This is different from all of the previ

29、ous studies in future planning, which have focused on naturally occurring behaviour. For example, we know that chimpanzees select, transport and save appropriate tools for future needs.These studies have shown that animals can plan for the futurebut they left an important question open for debate. A

30、re animals only able to plan to use abilities that have evolved to give them a specific advantage, or can they flexibly and intelligently apply planning behaviour across various actions? Most critics would say the former, as the animals were tested in naturally occurring behaviours.But the new resea

31、rch provides the first evidence that animal species can plan for the future using behaviour that doesnt typically occur in nature. This supports the view that at least some recognitive abilities in animals dont evolve just in response to specific problems. Instead, it suggests that animals can apply

32、 these behaviours flexibly across problems in a similar way to humans. We need to investigate how flexible behaviour evolved. Then we might be able to see how crows ability to plan for the future fits in with their broader cognitive powers.1、Whats the new finding about some crows according to Paragr

33、aph 1?AThey can store food. BThey can use tools to recover food.CThey can store and recover tools. DThey can select and store food.2、What are crows trained by scientists to do when given a token?AReject it casually. BExchange it for food.CSave it as their food. DBuild a nest with it.3、What do scient

34、ists think of the studies that animals can plan for the future?AThey are controversial. BThey are disappointing.CThey are contradictory. DThey are convincing.4、What can be inferred about recognitive abilities in animals?AThey develop only with age.BIt is unclear how theyve evolved now.CNo animals bu

35、t crows benefit from them.DPlanning for the future helps their evolution.24(8分)Parents and kids today dress alike, listen to the same music, and are friends. Is this a good thing? Sometimes, when Mr. Ballmer and his 16-year-old daughter, Elizabeth, listen to rock music together and talk about intere

36、sts both enjoy, such as pop culture, he remembers his more distant relationship with his parents when he was a teenager.“I would never have said to my mom, Hey, the new Weezer album is really great. How do you like it?” says Ballmer. “There was just a complete gap in taste.”Music was not the only gu

37、lf. From clothing and hairstyles to activities and expectations, earlier generations of parents and children often appeared to move in separate orbits.Today, the generation gap has not disappeared, but it is getting narrow in many families. Conversations on subjects such as sex and drugs would not h

38、ave taken place a generation ago. Now they are comfortable and common. And parent-child activities, from shopping to sports, involve a feeling of trust and friendship that can continue into adulthood.No wonder greeting cards today carry the message, “To my mother, my best friend.”But family experts

39、warn that the new equality can also result in less respect for parents. “Theres still a lot of strictness and authority on the part of parents out there, but there is a change happening,” says Kerrie, a psychology professor at Lebanon Valley College. “In the middle of that change, there is a lot of

40、confusion among parents.”Family researchers offer a variety of reasons for these evolving roles and attitudes. They see the 1960s as a turning point. Great cultural changes led to more open communication and a more democratic process that encourages everyone to have a say.“My parents were on the bef

41、ore side of that change, but todays parents, the 40-year-olds, were on the after side,” explains Mr. Ballmer. “Its not something easily accomplished by parents these days, because life is more difficult to understand or deal with, but sharing interests does make it more fun to be a parent now.”1、The

42、 underlined word gulf in Para.3 most probably means _.Ainterest BdistanceCseparation Ddifference2、The change in todays parent-child relationship is _.Amore confusion among parentsBless respect for parents from childrenCnew equality between parents and childrenDmore strictness and authority on the pa

43、rt of parents3、By saying “todays parents, the 40-year-olds,were on the after side.” the author means that todays parents _.Ahave little difficulty adjusting to the changeBcan set a limit to the changeCfail to take the change seriouslyDfollow the trend of the change4、The purpose of the passage is to

44、_.Adescribe the difficulties todays parents have met withBdiscuss the development of the parent-child relationshipCsuggest the ways to handle the parent-child relationshipDcompare todays parent-child relationship with that in the past25(10分) The Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam has welcomed home two pai

45、ntings by the Dutch master, more than 14 years after they were ripped (扯) off the museums wall in a nighttime theft. Museum director Axel Rueger called their return “one of the most special days in the history of the museum”. The paintings were discovered last year by Italian police while they were

46、searching an Italian criminals farmhouse near Naples for evidence of drug dealing. They were in a box and hidden behind a wall in a toilet when they were found.The paintings were considered among the artworks most searched for in the world. After years in darkness, they can now shine again. They are

47、 back on display at the museum before being taken to the conservation studio for repair. Fortunately, they suffered surprisingly little damage as thieves who had climbed up a ladder and broken a window to get into the museum in 2004 ripped them out of their frames.“It is not only a surprise that the

48、 works have been recovered but its even more surprising they are in relatively unharmed condition,” Rueger said.The museum director was on vacation when the call came last year from Italian authorities who believed they had recovered the paintings. He didnt celebrate right away. Hed had calls like t

49、his before.“I was hopeful but also a little hesitant. Over these years, we had so many occasions when people phoned us, contacted us, claiming that they knew something about the whereabouts (下落) of the works and each time it was false, the trace went cold,” he said. “So the way has been full of disa

50、ppointment.” But museum experts sent to Italy to check the authenticity (真實性) of the works quickly turned Ruegers doubts into delight.Rueger said the paintings are now back at the museum, which is home to dozens of works by Van Gogh. “Im very confident that everything is safe in the museum from now

51、on,” he said.1、How were the stolen paintings found?AThe police found them by accident.BThe arrested thieves gave information.CSome drug dealers offered clues.DThe police knew the hidden place.2、What surprised Rueger most about the lost paintings?AThey were stolen at night.BThey were found at last.CT

52、hey suffered little damage.DThe search took 14 years.3、When Rueger got the call, he _.Adidnt believe it at allBfelt quite satisfiedCplanned to celebrateDdoubted the news4、What does the underlined part in Paragraph 6 probably mean?ARueger gradually lost interest in the search.BThe number of false cal

53、ls was greatly reduced.CRueger felt cold because of too many false calls.DThe chance to find the paintings became small.第三部分 語言知識運用(共兩節(jié))第一節(jié)(每小題1.5分,滿分30分)閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的A、B、C和D四個選項中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項26(30分)第三部分:完形填空閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意,然后從36-55各題所給的四個選項(A、B、C和D)中選出最佳選項。 One day I took a bus with my girlfriend

54、. It was so_36_ that we stood for several stops until a vacant seat was _37_ for her. Then a pretty girl rushed towards me, saying, “Hi, where are you going?” I was so struck by the stranger that I had a hard time trying to _38_ her. Clearly she had taken me _39_ somebody else. I returned her greeti

55、ng with politeness, _40_ to give explanation to my girl later. Noticing my dialogue with somebody else, my girl _41_ her eyes and found she was pretty. She asked jealously, “Whos she?” The pretty girl, quite _42_ of the situation, spoke out first, “Hi, let me _43_ myself. I m Nancy, used to be _44_.

56、 Very glad to meet you.” She behaved very _45_. But I was _46_ to search in my memory for someone called Nancy among my neighbors. I was worrying how to explain this to my girlfriend _47_ the pretty girl again turned to me, “Will you give me your cell phone number so that we _48_ keep contacts(聯(lián)系) l

57、ater?”I had to submit to her _49_. Then the girl got off the bus at the next stop. A minute later I got a short _50_ on my phonefrom a stranger. My girlfriend _51_ my phone and read the note. It was from the girl, who said, “Just now, two thieves tried to _52_ your pocket. I had to act as an acquain

58、tance to draw your attention. I should have left at the _53_ stop but gave up as I noticed these two thieves also _54_ to leave at the same stop. Because of the _55_ I delayed my departure. Now you ll understand all I have done to you. Wish you luck.”.com1、Atiring Bslow Ccrowded Dmessy2、Aready Bavai

59、lable Cspecial Dsuitable3、Aidentify Brealize Cremind Djudge4、Aon Bby Cwith Dfor5、Apreferring Bplanning Cmanaging Dpromising6、Afixed BOpened Craised Dfocused7、Aproud Bcareful Cafraid Daware8、Aexplain Benjoy Cintroduce Dhelp9、Apartners Bneighbors Cfriends Dcolleagues10、Anaturally Bgenerously Ccautious

60、ly Dnormally11、Ain a hurry Bat a loss Cat ease Din time12、Awhile Bbefore Cwhen Duntil13、Awould Bcan Cshould Dmust14、Arequest Bquestion Ccommand Dopinion15、Asuggestion Bwarning Cnotice Dmessage16、Aremoved Bseized Cfound Dcaught17、Asteal Breach Cget Dpick18、Aterminal Bformer Cprevious Dlatter19、Aprete


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