人教PEP四年級英語下冊Unit5 My clothes第三課時課件_第1頁
人教PEP四年級英語下冊Unit5 My clothes第三課時課件_第2頁
人教PEP四年級英語下冊Unit5 My clothes第三課時課件_第3頁
人教PEP四年級英語下冊Unit5 My clothes第三課時課件_第4頁
人教PEP四年級英語下冊Unit5 My clothes第三課時課件_第5頁
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1、歡迎來到英語課堂Unit 5 My clothes第三課時PPT模板下載:/moban/ 行業(yè)PPT模板:/hangye/ 節(jié)日PPT模板:/jieri/ PPT素材下載:/sucai/PPT背景圖片:/beijing/ PPT圖表下載:/tubiao/ 優(yōu)秀PPT下載:/xiazai/ PPT教程: /powerpoint/ Word教程: /word/ Excel教程:/excel/ 資料下載:/ziliao/ PPT課件下載:/kejian/ 范文下載:/fanwen/ 試卷下載:/shiti/ 教案下載:/jiaoan/ A song This old hatThis old hat,

2、 this old shirt,These old jeans, and this old skirtPut them away! Its a sunny, sunny day.Its time to wear your shorts to play.Lets talkcoatQuestion: What are they doing?videoWhose is this?coatIts mineWhose coats are these?Theyre mine Lets find outFill in your wardrobeboysgirls Lets learnLook! Whats

3、in my wardrobe?w teraea/e/sjacket/dkit/shortssocksWhat colour are they?redyellowbluepurplegreenwhiteA: Can you help me, please?B: OK.A: Whose is this?B: ItsA: Whoseare those?B : TheyreA: But where is my ?B: What colour?A: Free talk(1)單項選擇 Whose coat _ this?A. am B. is C. are Its _.A. I B. my C. mine

4、 What colour are the _?A.sweater B. shorts C. shirtExercises BCB(1)單項選擇 Whose coat _ this?A. am B. is C. are Its _.A. I B. my C. mine What colour are the _?A.sweater B. shorts C. shirtExercises BCB(2)選擇合適的答語( ) What colour is your new coat?( ) Whose hat is this?( ) Can you help me, please?( ) Where are my socks?( ) Are these yours, Amy?( ) Whose pants are these?A. I dont know.B. Yes, they are.C.OK.D. Its my sisters.E. Yellow.F. Theyre Miss Whites. EDCABF Homework (1) Listen to and repeat “Lets talk” and “Let


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