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1、2022-2023學(xué)年高考英語模擬試卷注意事項(xiàng)1考試結(jié)束后,請(qǐng)將本試卷和答題卡一并交回2答題前,請(qǐng)務(wù)必將自己的姓名、準(zhǔn)考證號(hào)用05毫米黑色墨水的簽字筆填寫在試卷及答題卡的規(guī)定位置3請(qǐng)認(rèn)真核對(duì)監(jiān)考員在答題卡上所粘貼的條形碼上的姓名、準(zhǔn)考證號(hào)與本人是否相符4作答選擇題,必須用2B鉛筆將答題卡上對(duì)應(yīng)選項(xiàng)的方框涂滿、涂黑;如需改動(dòng),請(qǐng)用橡皮擦干凈后,再選涂其他答案作答非選擇題,必須用05毫米黑色墨水的簽字筆在答題卡上的指定位置作答,在其他位置作答一律無效5如需作圖,須用2B鉛筆繪、寫清楚,線條、符號(hào)等須加黑、加粗第一部分 (共20小題,每小題1.5分,滿分30分)1-Hows your tour ar

2、ound the North Lake? Is it beautiful? -It _ be, but it is now heavily polluted.Awill Bwould Cshould Dmust2How about going sightseeing this Saturday afternoon? Sorry, I _ my research report the whole weekend.Awill have writtenBwill be writingChave writtenDhave been writing3For a third-culture kid,it

3、is often easier to a new foreign country than to their home country.Amoving Bto move Cmove Dmoved4Nine in ten parents said there were significant differences in their approach to educating their children compared with _ of their parents.Athose Bone Cthat Dit5Varieties of solutions have been provided

4、 for us to solve the problem. We can choose_ to start with.AitBthatCeachDone6Youll recognize me when you get out of the station. I_ jeans and a white T-shirt.Awill be wearing Bhad wornCwas wearing Dhave worn7The draft regulation on the online protection of minors, _ for public opinions by the cybers

5、pace authorities, has drawn wide public concern.Areleasing Bhaving releasedCto release Dreleased8Word came that 30 firefighters gave their lives to our country _ national property security.Ain exchange forBin response toCin terms ofDin contrast with9It is not how much money you will give us but that

6、 you are present at the ceremony _ really matters.AwhichBitCwhatDthat10We Chinese are drinking _ milk per person today as we did in 1995.Amore than twiceBtwice as muchCtwice as many asDtwice as much as11My friend warned me _ going to the East Coast because it was crowded with tourists.AbyBagainstCon

7、Dfor12The why he is absent today is he has got a bad headache.Areason; thatBreason; becauseCcause; thatDcause; because13The customs officers were insisting that suitcases should be opened and their contents _ for closer inspection.Alaid outBgiven outCsent outDpicked out14Did you meet Mr. Smith?Yes.

8、When I arrived, he _ for New York to attend a press conference.Awas just leavingBjust leftCjust leavesDhad just left15In the students eyes, Mrs Smith is a mother more than a teacher. she treats the students just like her own children.AAs a result BIn other words CWhat is more DFirst of all16Jason wi

9、ll never forget about his 18th birthday, saw his being admitted to Harvard. AwhenBwhichCthatDit 17People expect Shanghai Disneyland Park to offer better service than _ of Tokyos.AthisBitConeDthat18-_ I say something to you? You were really, really something back there. Incredible!-Are you talking to

10、 -me? Whoa!AMustBCanCNeedDShould19Father made a promise_ I did well in the entrance exam, he would take me to Hong Kong in the summer vacation.Aif thatBifCthat ifDthat20They are determined to go into the dark cave, _ my warning of danger.Aregardless of Bbecause ofCapart from Dinstead of第二部分 閱讀理解(滿分4

11、0分)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的A、B、C、D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出最佳選項(xiàng)。21(6分)Researchers say they have developed technology that could predict heart attacks years before they happen. They report using mathematical systems to examine CT images of a patients heart. A CT scan uses X-rays and a computer to make detailed pictures of bones

12、, organs and other tissue inside the body.The new method was developed by researchers at the University of Oxford in England. A report on their study was published in the medical journal The Lancet. Also taking part in the study were teams from Germany and the US.Most heart attacks result from a bui

13、ld-up of fatty tissue inside arteries(動(dòng)脈)that carry blood from the heart to other areas of the body, thus blocking this flow of blood and causing a heart attack.Currently, doctors use CT scans to learn when a sticky substance called plaque has already built up inside an artery. The new technology is

14、 designed to predict which arteries are at risk for future buildup.The researchers reported using computers to examine CT scans to measure how much fat is present around heart arteries. That fat changes when an artery becomes affected, serving as an early warning system for heart attacks.Charalambos

15、, a professor at Oxford University, said he believes the research shows this method could be very effective in getting patients to take early steps to prevent future problems, adding that researchers had yet to estimate exactly how many heart attacks could be prevented. But he said he believes the t

16、echnique could help identify between 20 to 30 percent of people at risk of having one.He added that the new technology will make such predictions easier because it works together with existing CT technology. The research was based on two large, independent studies of 4,000 patients in Germany, and t

17、he US. A company with ties to Oxford University is developing a service to examine CT scans of patients around the world, Reuters reported.1、Whats the aim of the new technology?ATo predict ways to block fatty issues in heart arteries.BTo provide detailed pictures of how arteries work.CTo build compu

18、ter models of the image of a heart.DTo decide which arteries are likely to have fat built up.2、When does a heart attack generally happen according to the text?AWhen the CT scan affects the flow of blood in the heart.BWhen fat around heart arteries blocks the flow of blood.CWhen a sticky material flo

19、ws into an artery near the heart.DWhen bones and organs of the body begin to be weak.3、What is an early warning for heart attacks?AA change of fat happening around heart arteries.BThe finding of a sticky material in the blood.CThe presence of fat around the bones and organs.DThe aging and failure of

20、 arteries near the heart.4、Whats the main idea of the text?AThe harm of fat build-up to heart arteries.BThe use of CT scans to prevent of heart attacks.CResearch into the early warning of heart attacks.DThe warning the body gives about heart attacks.22(8分) This story happened when I was in Saint Luc

21、ia with my family. My sister, Diane, who also happens to be my best friend and one of the funniest and kindest people I know, went blind in one eye about 9 years ago. Diana sometimes feels concerned about the way her eve look now. The pupil (瞳孔) is no longer black; its sort of “glows” in photos. Dia

22、na recently purchased a special contact lens (隱形鏡片) that makes her eye look like it did before it changed color, but she doesnt wear this lens often because it becomes quite painful after about an hour.One night during our holiday, a hotel photographer was taking pictures of the guests as they enter

23、ed the area set up for dinner. Diana casually said if she had known there was going to be pictures taken to capture this special memory, she would have worn her contact lens so her eye wouldnt be so shiny in the picture.The next day, I was sitting with Diana and her husband Ted. While we were talkin

24、g, the photographer who had been at the dinner the night before, handed her a photo, leaned in and quietly said, “I matched the color of your eyes in the picture.”As he walked away, my sister happily said to me and Ted, “Look! He fixed my eye!” The photographer stopped. He turned around and walked b

25、ack to our table. He put his hand on Dianas shoulder, leaned in again and gently said, “Just to be clear: I didnt fix your eye. There isnt anything wrong with your eye. I simply matched the color.” Her eyes filled up with tears. It was very healing for: her heart to hear these beautiful words. It di

26、dnt take much time but made so much difference. It helped her change the way she feels about herself.I have always loved the quote: “The world is full of good people. If you can1 find one, be one!” Your acts of kindness can impact the world in pro found ways!1、My sister bought a contact lens in orde

27、r to _.Akeep the pupil comfortableBshow off the beautiful color of her pupilCprotect her eye from the strong sunlightDavoid the pupil being too bright and shiny2、Diana felt _ when she knew there was a photo taken for the dinner.AexcitedBproudCregretfulDshocked3、Tears welled up in Diana s eyes becaus

28、e_.Ashe was touched by the photographerBshe felt her eyes were so painfulCshe was hurt by the gesture of the photographerDshe felt so sad that she didnt wear her lens4、Whats the best title of the passage?AA Shiny PupilBA Considerate PhotographerCThe Act of Kindness CountsDThe Contact Lens Makes a Di

29、fference23(8分)When somebody gets sick or is hurt in an accident, there are several different ways that doctors can try to help them. One of these is to give medicine that fights the sickness or helps the sick persons body to fight it. However, if some parts of a body are very sick or damaged, then d

30、octors might need to remove them. Another way doctors can help is to grow new tissue to replace what is sick or damaged. This is called regenerative medicine (再生醫(yī)學(xué)). Regenerative medicine sounds like something from a science fiction movie but it is not a new idea. Inside our bones, we have something

31、 called marrow, which makes our blood and keeps us healthy. Doctors have been giving sick people the bone marrow from other healthy people for the last 30 or 40 years, and this is a kind of regenerative medicine.Newer developments in regenerative medicine include growing new skin in a laboratory and

32、 using it to help people who have been hurt in fires or accidents. Another example of regenerative medicine is a technique developed from studying frogs and mice. When cells are old, like in adults, they cant change what they do in our bodies. For example, a skin cell cant change into an eye cell. B

33、ut when cells are very young, they can become any cell type. These young cells are called stem cells, and doctors can use them to grow any type of tissue, such as skin, heart or eye. John Gurdon and Shinya Yamanaka won the 2012 Nobel Prize for their studies in this area.Professor Fiona Watt, from th

34、e Centre for Regenerative Medicine at Kings College London, believes that regenerative medicine is so exciting because many different kinds of experts need to work together. New bones may be printed by expert 3D printers, who need to work closely with university scientists and the surgeons who do th

35、e operations in hospitals.We cannot yet grow new arms or legs for people, but the science fiction dream of regenerative medicine may be closer than we think. Perhaps in the future, doctors will be able to grow whole new bodies for us.1、Why is marrow in bones very important in regenerative medicine?A

36、It can grow into new skin for those who have been hurt in fires.BIt can be used to grow new tissue.CIt makes blood for our body.DIt has been used for 40 years.2、Which of the following is right according to this passage?ARegenerative medicine is a new science in medicine.BFiona Watt and Shinya Yamana

37、ka won the 2012 Nobel Prize for medicine.CStem cells, very young cells, can be used to grow any type of tissue.DDoctors and scientists now cooperate to grow new skin for frogs and mice.3、Whats the writers attitude to the development in regenerative medicine?APessimistic. BOptimistic.CDoubtful. DSubj

38、ective.24(8分) It began as a game: High school and college students studying computer technology figured out they could use personal computers to break into telephone company computers and make free, long-distance telephone calls. These young computer talents soon gained the name hackers.Police arres

39、ted a few hackers, but many went on to even more complex hacking. One of them was arrested for making illegal telephone calls and later he used a phone to change a police officers credit records to get back at the officer for arresting him. He also used a computer to change his college records to gi

40、ve himself better grades.As hackers gained experience, they began invading computers at banks, airlines and other businesses. In one case a hacker instructed an airline s computer to give him free airplane tickets.The U.S. government is worried that hackers may break into its networks of defense com

41、puters. The governments secrets are easily attacked because thousands of government computers are connected by telephone lines that hackers can get into.In November 1988, a college student entered a U.S. Defense Department computer network called Arpanet. The hacker injected a computer program that

42、made copies of itself throughout Arpanet. Some hackers use viruses to destroy all the data in a computer. But in this case, government officials shut down the network before the program reached every computer in the system. Shutting down the system angered many researchers who were using the compute

43、rs. The hacker turned himself in to the police and he was charged with a crime.The incident put the spotlight on computer hacking in the United States. Many companies have hired experts to protect their computers from hackers, and many computer experts now advise companies on how to protect their co

44、mputers.The U.S. government believes foreign governments have hired hackers to try to break into top-secret defense computers.Experts disagree over whether a computer network can ever be safe from hacking. But in the future, some of the most outstanding minds in the U.S. will be working to frustrate

45、 the attempts of computer hackers.1、What did the first hackers do?AThey broke into government computers.BThey destroyed airplane ticket systems.CThey played computer games.DThey made free phone calls.2、Why can U.S. government computers be easily hacked into?AThey have no defense systems.BThey are co

46、nnected by telephone lines.CThey are partly accessible to the public.DThey lack complex processing programs.3、What happened to the government computers in November 1988?AThey lost all of the important data.BThey were shut down by researchers.CThey were invaded by a college student.DThey got totally

47、ruined by a computer program.4、What did companies decide to do to protect their computer systems?AEmploy computer talents.BBuild secret defense systems.CAsk the government for help.DCollect and analyze the data of hackers.25(10分)Taking on the task of producing a short movie might seem like an imposs

48、ible feat, but if you can assemble a good team and if you break down each stage of production into small blocks of tasks, youll come to realize that producing a small-scale movie isnt too bad. Just follow these steps and youll be on your way to Kevin Smith-like fame in no time.Assemble a production

49、crew. If you run out of friends or people you can get to work for screen credit, offer people “points”, which is a percentage of the movie profits.Get a director of photography. You need someone who knows a lot about films cameras to make the movie come out right. Local film schools are the best pla

50、ce to find them,Assemble the props and costumes. Costume shops and local theater groups can definitely help you here. But you can also borrow from friends and family or check out thrift stores for bargains.Choose filming locations. Make sure you have permission from the owners of the property you ch

51、oose to film on.Get the film processed. Find the right processor with the help of your director of photography. You may need to send the film to Los Angeles for this.Edit the film, You need to find someone who can transfer your film to video and arrange the completed scenes in the right order. You c

52、an likely find one in the same place as your director of photography,Obviously, this is just a basic overviewthe thing about producing a short independent movie is that the whole process is unpredictable. You can only set yourself up for the basics, but as long as you know things will go wrong every

53、 day, at least youll be prepared to deal with the difficulties.1、What can we know about directors of photography?AThey must be from film schools.BThey know everything about films.CThey can send films to Los Angeles.DThey can help get the right processor.2、Where can you most probably find a person to

54、 edit the film?ALos Angeles.BCostume shops.CLocal film schools.DLocal theaters.3、What does the author agree with?AAll the process of film-making is quite controllable,BWe should make full preparations before film-making.CProducing an independent movie is an impossible task,DFollowing the steps, you

55、must become a famous director,4、What may be the best title for the text?AHow to be a good directorBHow to produce a short filmCSecrets of being a successful directorDMethods of making your film a hit第三部分 語言知識(shí)運(yùn)用(共兩節(jié))第一節(jié)(每小題1.5分,滿分30分)閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的A、B、C和D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng)26(30分) A hospital is ne

56、eded by every living person at the time of birth, death, physical injuries, or sickness. It is always a 1 place where family members can gather around the person who needs the 2 of well trained medical doctors and nurses.As Nicole Hagen and Ricky Beebe were born into the Hagen family in 1998, the pa

57、rents were both in the delivery (分娩) room. This is a 3 as the tradition has been for the father to be in the next room. 4 hospitals have a birthing room where there is an extra sofa and a chair for the father to either sit or even to sleep on next to his wife. Many 5 are taken of the new baby within

58、 a few minutes of his or her 6 . Even a video can be made with the proud father taking pictures of the doctor, nurses, mother, and baby. A nurse may take a 7 picture of the father, mother, and baby. Young children will not see the baby 8 the doctor and nurses allow them into the room many hours late

59、r.At the death of Grandma Hagen, the adult children 9 at her bedside. As she was dying, her children talked to her, read the Bible, and even sang some of her 10 songs. The nurses would check on her very often and the doctor came as his time 11 . She was given pain pills 12 her last few hours would b

60、e as 13 as possible. When she died the family cried together in sorrow for the loss of their mother. Grandpa Hagen had died fourteen years 14 . Grandma Hagen was 82 when she died.Doctors operate on broken bones 15 by accidents in factories or car accidents. Children sometimes fall down stairs where


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