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1、Module 2 My favourite thingsUnit 5 SportsPeriod 11.詞匯:sport; football; join; tell; about; basketball; volleyball2.句型:(1) Theres a new football club in our school. (2) I like playing football. 3.能力目標(biāo):能夠用英語詢問和表示運動項目學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo)課堂導(dǎo)入看圖說一說,這是什么運動?play basketballplay footballplay volleyball名詞:體育運動例句:I do sports i

2、n the morning. 我早上做運動。單元新詞名詞:足球例句:Do you like playing football? 你喜歡踢足球嗎?單元新詞單元新詞名詞:俱樂部;興趣小組 例句:Lets join the music club. 讓我們加入音樂俱樂部吧。單元新詞動詞:加入 例句:Come and join us. 來加入我們。單元新詞動詞:告訴 例句:Let me tell you sth about this book. 讓我來告訴你一些關(guān)于這本書的事。單元新詞介詞:關(guān)于 例句:What about you? 你呢?單元新詞名詞:排球 例句:They are playing vo

3、lleyball. 他們在打排球。單詞鞏固basketball看圖,說出對應(yīng)的單詞單詞鞏固volleyball看圖,說出對應(yīng)的單詞單詞鞏固football看圖,說出對應(yīng)的單詞Listen and sayListen and sayJoe: Look, Peter. Theres a new football club in our school.Peter: I like playing football.Joe: I like playing football too. Lets join the club.Peter: Thats a good idea!Listen and sayLis

4、ten and sayJoe: Lets tell Alice about the football club.Peter: Does Alice like playing football?Joe: Yes, she does.Peter: Great! We can join the club together. Theres a new football club in our school. 我們學(xué)校有一個新的足球俱樂部。本句是 there be 句型,用于描述某地存在某事物。 there be 句型的主語是 be 后面的名詞,如果 be 后面的名詞為可數(shù)名詞單數(shù)或不可數(shù)名詞, be

5、動詞用 is ;如果 be 后面的名詞是可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù), be動詞用 are 。例: There is a new basketball over there. 那邊有一個新的籃球。知識講解1 I like playing football. 我喜歡踢足球。當(dāng) like 后面直接接某物表示“喜歡某物”時,結(jié)構(gòu)為“ like+ 可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)或不可數(shù)名詞”,一定不能出現(xiàn)“ like+ 可數(shù)名詞單數(shù)”的情況;當(dāng) like 后面接動詞時,動詞需要變?yōu)閯釉~ -ing 形式,結(jié)構(gòu)為“ like doing sth ”,一定不能出現(xiàn)“ like do sth ”的情況。例: I like strawberri

6、es and strawberry juice. 我喜歡草莓和草莓汁。知識講解2 Does Alice like playing football? 愛麗絲喜歡踢足球嗎? Yes, she does. 是的,她喜歡。問句為一般疑問句,當(dāng)詢問的對象是第三人稱單數(shù)時,助動詞用does ,一般疑問句的結(jié)構(gòu)為“ Does+he/she/ 人名 +like sth/doing sth ?”,用于詢問某人是否喜歡某物 / 做某事??隙ɑ卮馂椤?Yes, he/she does. ”,否定回答為“ No, he/she doesnt. ”。 doesnt 是 does not 的縮寫形式。例: Does J

7、oe like Maths ?喬喜歡數(shù)學(xué)嗎? No, he doesnt. 不,他不喜歡。知識講解31. Peter likes _ basketball.A. play B. playing the C. playing2. Peter and I want _ the new table tennis club.A. join B. joining C. to join3. Lets tell him _ the new volleyball club.A. to B. about C. on隨堂練習(xí)單項選擇課文回顧Peter and Joe meet Alice in the class

8、room.Peter & Joe: Hello, Alice.Alice: Hello, Peter. Hi, Joe.Joe: Theres a new football club in our school. Peter and I want to join the club. Would you like to come with us?Alice: Sure. I like playing football!Peter: How about Kitty? Does she like playing football?Alice: No, she doesnt.Joe: What does she like doing?Alice: She likes playing table tennis.Peter: Theres a table tennis club in our school too. She can join that club. 本課需要掌握的單詞:sport; footbal


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