1、補償貿(mào)易合同中文文本本合同于 _年_月_日中國 _市簽訂。甲方:中國 _公司法定地址:電話:電傳:乙方: _國_公司法定地址:電話:電傳:雙方在平等互利基礎(chǔ)上,通過友好協(xié)商,特訂立本合同。第一條貿(mào)易內(nèi)容(一)乙方向甲方提供用于生產(chǎn)的_型機械 _一各種其他輔助機械設(shè)備,并同事提供各類機械設(shè)備所必須的附配件及備用件,以及在生產(chǎn)過程中各種必須的測試一起。具體的各類機械設(shè)備、測試儀器、附配件、備用件之型號、名稱、規(guī)格、數(shù)量、價格、包裝要求、交貨期限等,由雙方另行簽訂設(shè)備進口公司,作為本合同不可分割的一部分。(二)甲方用乙方提供的機械設(shè)備所生產(chǎn)的部分產(chǎn)品以及其他商品,經(jīng)雙方協(xié)商后,也可用_工廠生產(chǎn)的 _
2、 來償付全部機械設(shè)備的價款。具體的償付商品之名稱、數(shù)量、價格、交貨期限等,由雙第 1頁 / 總共 128頁方領(lǐng)行簽訂補償商品供貨合同,作為本合同不可分割的一部分,設(shè)備進口合同與補償商品供貨合同可合并為補償貿(mào)易購銷合同,見附件。第二條支付條件由甲乙雙方對開信用證,即由甲方分期開出以乙方為受益人的遠期信用證,分期、分批支付全部機構(gòu)設(shè)備的價款;乙方開出以甲方為受益人的即期信用證,支付補償商品的貨款。甲方用乙方支付補償商品的貨款,來支付全部機械設(shè)備的價款。當乙方支付的貨款不能相抵甲方所開的遠期信用證之金額時,其差額部分由乙方用預(yù)付貨款方式,在甲方所開的遠期信用證到期前匯付甲方,以使甲方能按時議付行所開
3、的遠期信用證。甲方所開的遠期信用證的按期付款,是基于乙方按規(guī)定開出即期信用證幾按規(guī)定預(yù)付貨款。乙方保證按規(guī)定開出信用證及預(yù)付。第三條付款期限甲方用 _ 年零 _個月,分月用商品償付全部機械設(shè)備的價款。償還日期自第一批機械設(shè)備到貨后約_個月后開始,原則上每月償還日期自第一批機械設(shè)備到貨后約_個月后開始,原則上每月償還的金額是全部機械設(shè)備價款的_分之 _。甲方可以提前償還,但需在_個月前通知乙方。在甲方用補償商品償還機械設(shè)備借款期間,乙方應(yīng)按本協(xié)議項下的有關(guān)補償商品合同的規(guī)定, 開出以甲方為受益人的足額、 即期、不可撤消,可分割、可轉(zhuǎn)讓的信用證。第四條貨幣雙方商品覺用 _幣計價。乙方提供的全部機械
4、設(shè)備及所有儀第 2頁 / 總共 128頁器、附配件用 _幣作價,甲方提供的補償商品則按簽訂合同時甲方出口貨物的人民幣作價,以當時的人民幣對_幣的匯率折算為_幣。第五條利息計算甲方所開的遠期信用證及乙方所預(yù)付貨款的利息應(yīng)由甲方負擔。雙方議定年利息率為百分之 _。第六條技術(shù)服務(wù)貨物到達甲方口岸后, 由甲方自行安裝。 但在主要設(shè)備安裝過程中,甲方認為需要時,乙方必須派出技術(shù)人員進行現(xiàn)場知道,提供必要的技術(shù)服務(wù),在此過程中由于技術(shù)上的問題,所造成的損失由乙方負責。經(jīng)雙方協(xié)商,為完成此項工作,由乙方派出_數(shù)量的技術(shù)人員。在中國的一切費用均由乙方承擔。第七條附加設(shè)備在執(zhí)行本協(xié)議過程中,如發(fā)現(xiàn)本合同項下的機
5、械設(shè)備在配套生產(chǎn)時需要繼續(xù)增添新的機械設(shè)備或測試儀器時,可由雙方另行協(xié)商, 予以增訂。增訂的項目仍應(yīng)列入本合同范圍之內(nèi)。第八條保險設(shè)備進口后由乙方投保。設(shè)備所有權(quán)在付清貨款發(fā)生轉(zhuǎn)移后,如發(fā)生意外損失先由保險公司向投保人賠付,再按比例退回甲方已支付的設(shè)備貨款。第九條違約責任乙方不按合同規(guī)定購買補償商品或甲方不按合同規(guī)定提供商品時,第 3頁 / 總共 128頁均應(yīng)按合同條款承擔違約責任,賠償由此造成的經(jīng)濟損失,并向?qū)Ψ街Ц对擁椏傊档?_%的罰款。第十條履約保證為保證合同條款的有效履行,雙方分別想對方提供由各自一房銀行出具的保函,予以擔保。甲方的擔保銀行為中國銀行_分行,乙方的擔保銀行業(yè) _國_銀行
6、。第十一條合同條款的變更本合同內(nèi)容如遇特殊情況需要變更,須經(jīng)雙方協(xié)商一致。第十二條不可抗力合同一方對由下列原因而導致不能或暫時不能履行全部或部分合同義務(wù)的,不承擔責任:水災(zāi)、火災(zāi)、地震、干旱、戰(zhàn)爭或其他任何在簽約時雙方不能預(yù)料、無法控制且不能避免和克服的時間。但該放應(yīng)盡快地將所發(fā)生的時間通知對方,并應(yīng)在時間發(fā)生15 天內(nèi)將有關(guān)機構(gòu)出具的不可抗力時間的證明寄交對方。如果不可抗力時間之影響超過0 天,雙方應(yīng)協(xié)商 合同繼續(xù)履行或終止履行的事宜。第十三條仲裁因履行本合同所發(fā)生的一切爭議,雙方應(yīng)友好協(xié)商解決,如協(xié)商仍不能解決爭議,則應(yīng)將爭議提交中國國際經(jīng)濟貿(mào)易仲裁委員會(北京),依據(jù)其仲裁規(guī)則仲裁,仲裁
7、裁決是終局的,對雙方都有約束力。仲裁費應(yīng)由敗訴一放承擔,但仲裁委員會另有裁定的除外。在仲裁期間,除仲裁部分之外的其他合同條款應(yīng)繼續(xù)執(zhí)行。第十四條文字、生效第 4頁 / 總共 128頁本合同用中文和英文寫成,兩種文字具有同等效力。上述兩種文字如有不符,以中文為準。本合同自簽字之日起生效,有效期為_年。期滿后,雙方如愿意繼續(xù)合作, 經(jīng)向中國政府有關(guān)部門申請,獲得批準后,可延期 _年或重新簽訂合同。甲方:中國 _公司代表(簽字)乙方:_國 _公司代表(簽字)見證人:中國 _律師事務(wù)所律師(簽字)英文文本compensation trade contractthis contract is hereb
8、y made and entered into between_co.(hereinafter referred to as pattya)and_co.(hereinafter referred to as pratyb)this_day of_,_,in_,china, adheringon the principleof equalityand mutual benefitand throughamicableconsultation.第 5頁 / 總共 128頁party a: _company, china.address: _tel: _telex: _party b: _ com
9、pany, _address: _tel: _telex: _article 1 introductionparty b shall provide party a with _machines of model _to be used in production.along with them shall also be provided various kinds of supporting machinery,accessories andspare parts it needs,and the various kinds of measuring and testing instrum
10、ents required in the course of production,the specificmodels, names,specifications, quantity,unit prices,packing requirements and the deadline for delivery shall be specified in an additional contract to be made between the both parties,which will serve as a integral part of the contract.the total c
11、ost of the entire machinery and its supportingequipment shallbe paid to partyb of the part of the productsand/orother commodities produced by party a with the machinery suppliedby partyb.itmay also be paid to partyb of (a certainproduct)turned第 6頁 / 總共 128頁ort by .(this practice is hereinafter refer
12、red to as a make-uppayment).thespecificnames,quantityand unitpriceoftheproductstobe deliveredas make-up payment,andthe deadlinefordelinery,areto be specified in an additional contract between the two partieson products-supplying as make - up payment,which shall be theintegral part of the contract.th
13、e two additional contractsmentioned above may be merged as one calledbuy -and sellcontracton compensation trade.article 2 terma of paymentthe two parties shall open a l/c in favour of eachother.i.e.partya shallopen,atregular intervals,long-terml/c infavour of party b to pay in install ments the enti
14、re cost of themachinery and its supportsightl/c infavourof artya as a paymentforthecostofthe productstobe deliveredby partya.partya shallpay forthetotalcostofthemachineryand itssupporting equipmentwith the sum of money which party b shall pay the products to bedelivered by party a as a make - up pay
15、ment.in case the money tobe paid by pairy b is not enough to cover the value of the long -term l/c is determined by the at - siggt l/c opened by party b andits down payment as stipulated in the contract .party b graranteesto fulfil what is required of it to do as mentioned herein.article 3deadline f
16、or payment第 7頁 / 總共 128頁party a shall pay the total cost of the machinery and itssupportingequipmentsuppliedby partyb by deliveringthe productsit produces topartyb as a make - rppayment on a month -to -monthbasis , and pay is off within a preriod of _ years and_months.the payment shall start approxi
17、mately _months after the first delivery of the machinery is made .inprinciple,the sum to be paid per month shall be _ percentof the total amount due to be paid for the machinery party a canmake its payment ahead of schedule with a notice given to party b_ months in advance.during the compensation pe
18、riod ,partyb shall open al/c infavour ofpartyb,covering the totalamount ,at sight , irrevocable , divisible and assignable ,in accordancewith the relevant provisions in the buy - and - sell contract oncompensation trade.article 4 currency for pricingproducts provided by either party shall be priced
19、in termsof_.all the items supplied by party b,includingmachinery,therequiredapparatus,accessoriesand spare partsshallbe priced directly in terms of _ above mentioned ;while theproductsprovidedby party a as a make -up payment forthemachinerysupplied by party b shall be first priced in terms of rmb as
20、 orhersimilar exportsatthetime thecontractismade and thentheprices第 8頁 / 總共 128頁in rmb shall be turned into those in _ above mentionedaccording to the current exchange rate at the time.article 5 interest ratepartya shallpay the intereston its long - term l/cand thedown payment of party b.the annual
21、interest rate is agreed upon at_%.article 6 technical serviceafterarrivalat the destinationport,themachinery shallbeassembled by party a.when party a believes it is necessary ,partyb shall send its technicians to provide on-the-spot instructionsand other required technical assistance during the cour
22、se ofassembling. party b shall be liable for the losses incurred in thecoures fo assembling as a result of technical default of its prat.after approval by both parties, party b shall send a groupof techniciansto china to faciliatethe completionof the project.the cost incurred in china shall be borne
23、 by party b.article 7 additional equipmentin the course of implementing the contract if it is founnecessary that,inadditionto the machinery and accessoriesalreadylisted in the provisions, some additional items of the equipmentand measuring and testingapparatusare needed, an additionalordershallbe ag
24、reed upon throughnegotiation.theitems thus added shall第 9頁 / 總共 128頁be incorporated in the contract.article 8 insuranceafter being delivered in china, the machinery and itssupporting equipment shall be insured by party b. the unforeseenlosses in connection with the equipment shall be indemnified for
25、by the insurancecompany firstto the insurer(partyb) in case theequepment has already been paid off for and thus transferred intoparty as possession.then a proportional part of the sum paid bythe insurance company shall be allotted to party a to cover thepayment partya has alreadymade forthe items of
26、 equipment involvedthe losses.article 9 liability for breacheither party shall be liable for a breach of contract inaccordance with theprovisionsin the contractand shall indemnifyfor all the losses thus if party b should fail to make purchase ofthe products to be delivered by party a as make - up pa
27、yment , orparty a should fail to deliver the products for compensation . insuch case, the breaching party shall pay to the other a sum as afine , which shall account for _ % of the total cost theproducts in question.article 10 performance guaranteeto guarantee the implementation of the contract, eac
28、h party第10頁 / 總共 128頁shall submit to the other a performance guarantee issued by a bankagreed by both parties. the guarantee bank of party a is bank ofchina, while that of party b is _ bank.article 11 amendment of the contractwhen the contract needs to be amended in certain particularcases, the amen
29、dment can be effected only after it is agreed uponby both parties through consultation.article force majeureeitherpartyshallnot be held resposibleforfailureor delayto perform all or any part of the contract due to flood, fireearthquake , drought , war or any other events which coule not bepredicted
30、at the time of the conclusion of the contract, and couldnot becontrolled, avoidedor overcome by the parties. however,thepartyeffectedby the event of forcemajeure shallinformthe otherpartyof itsoccurrencein writtenas soon as possibleand thereaftersend a certificate of the event issued by the relevant
31、 authorityto the other party but no later than 15days after its occurrence.in the event of force majeure last over 0 days, both partiesshallnegotiatethe performanceor the terminationof the contract.article 13 arbitrationall disputes arising from the performance of this contractshould be settled thro
32、ugh friendly negotiations. should no第11頁 / 總共 128頁settlement be reached through engotiation, the case shall then besubmitted for arbitration to the china international economic andtrade arbitration commission(beijing) and the rules of thiscommission shall be applied. the arbitration fee shall be bor
33、ne bythe losing party unless otherwise awarded by the arbitrationorganization.in the event of force majeure last over 0 days, both partiesshallnegotiatethe performanceor the terminationof the contract.article 13 arbitrationall disputes arising from the performance of this contractshould be settled t
34、hrough friendly negotiations. should nosettlement be reached throuhg engotiation, the case shall then besubmitted for arbitration to the china international economic andtrade arbitration commission(beijing)and the rules of thiscommission shall be applied. the arbitration fee shall be borne bythe los
35、ing party unless otherwise awarded by the arbitrationorganization.during the course of the arbitration, the contract shall beperformed except for the part under arbitration.article 14 language and effective datethe contractshallbe writtenin chinese and in english.bothlanguages are equally authentic.
36、 in the events of any discrepancy第12頁 / 總共 128頁between the two abovementioned versions,the chinese version shallprevail.the contract shall become effective when the contract issigned by both parties. the effective period of the contract shallbe years. based on the willingness to continue the contrac
37、t, bothpartiesshallsubmit a applicationto relavantdepartment of chinesegovernment forthe extensionof the contractor reach a new contractwhen the contract expires.partya : (signature)on behalf of (company)partyb: (signature)on behalf of (company)witnessed by (signature)?相關(guān)推薦:協(xié)議未約定經(jīng)濟補償與協(xié)議的效力合同解除和終止時的經(jīng)
38、濟補償金問題轉(zhuǎn)讓技術(shù)秘密和補償貿(mào)易合同轉(zhuǎn)讓技術(shù)秘密和補償貿(mào)易合作生產(chǎn)合同(三)房屋裝修補償合同范本涉外補償貿(mào)易的合同范本2017 年房屋拆遷安置補償合同房屋拆遷安置補償合同樣本征地補償安置協(xié)議書房地產(chǎn)合同:拆遷補償?shù)盅簠f(xié)議2017-18中文文本本合同于 _年_月_日中國 _市簽訂。甲方:中國 _公司第13頁 / 總共 128頁法定地址:電話:電傳:乙方: _國_公司法定地址:電話:電傳:雙方在平等互利基礎(chǔ)上,通過友好協(xié)商,特訂立本合同。第一條貿(mào)易內(nèi)容(一)乙方向甲方提供用于生產(chǎn)的_型機械 _一各種其他輔助機械設(shè)備,并同事提供各類機械設(shè)備所必須的附配件及備用件,以及在生產(chǎn)過程中各種必須的測試一起
39、。具體的各類機械設(shè)備、測試儀器、附配件、備用件之型號、名稱、規(guī)格、數(shù)量、價格、包裝要求、交貨期限等,由雙方另行簽訂設(shè)備進口公司,作為本合同不可分割的一部分。(二)甲方用乙方提供的機械設(shè)備所生產(chǎn)的部分產(chǎn)品以及其他商品,經(jīng)雙方協(xié)商后,也可用_工廠生產(chǎn)的 _ 來償付全部機械設(shè)備的價款。具體的償付商品之名稱、數(shù)量、價格、交貨期限等,由雙方領(lǐng)行簽訂補償商品供貨合同,作為本合同不可分割的一部分,設(shè)備進口合同與補償商品供貨合同可合并為補償貿(mào)易購銷合同,見附件。第二條支付條件由甲乙雙方對開信用證,即由甲方分期開出以乙方為受益人的遠期信用證,分期、分批支付全部機構(gòu)設(shè)備的價款;乙方開出以甲方為受益人第14頁 /
40、總共 128頁的即期信用證,支付補償商品的貨款。甲方用乙方支付補償商品的貨款,來支付全部機械設(shè)備的價款。當乙方支付的貨款不能相抵甲方所開的遠期信用證之金額時,其差額部分由乙方用預(yù)付貨款方式,在甲方所開的遠期信用證到期前匯付甲方,以使甲方能按時議付行所開的遠期信用證。甲方所開的遠期信用證的按期付款,是基于乙方按規(guī)定開出即期信用證幾按規(guī)定預(yù)付貨款。乙方保證按規(guī)定開出信用證及預(yù)付。第三條付款期限甲方用 _ 年零 _個月,分月用商品償付全部機械設(shè)備的價款。償還日期自第一批機械設(shè)備到貨后約_個月后開始,原則上每月償還日期自第一批機械設(shè)備到貨后約_個月后開始,原則上每月償還的金額是全部機械設(shè)備價款的_分之
41、 _。甲方可以提前償還,但需在_個月前通知乙方。在甲方用補償商品償還機械設(shè)備借款期間,乙方應(yīng)按本協(xié)議項下的有關(guān)補償商品合同的規(guī)定, 開出以甲方為受益人的足額、 即期、不可撤消,可分割、可轉(zhuǎn)讓的信用證。第四條貨幣雙方商品覺用 _幣計價。乙方提供的全部機械設(shè)備及所有儀器、附配件用 _幣作價,甲方提供的補償商品則按簽訂合同時甲方出口貨物的人民幣作價,以當時的人民幣對_幣的匯率折算為_幣。第五條利息計算甲方所開的遠期信用證及乙方所預(yù)付貨款的利息應(yīng)由甲方負擔。雙第15頁 / 總共 128頁方議定年利息率為百分之_。第六條技術(shù)服務(wù)貨物到達甲方口岸后, 由甲方自行安裝。 但在主要設(shè)備安裝過程中,甲方認為需要
42、時,乙方必須派出技術(shù)人員進行現(xiàn)場知道,提供必要的技術(shù)服務(wù),在此過程中由于技術(shù)上的問題,所造成的損失由乙方負責。經(jīng)雙方協(xié)商,為完成此項工作,由乙方派出_數(shù)量的技術(shù)人員。在中國的一切費用均由乙方承擔。第七條附加設(shè)備在執(zhí)行本協(xié)議過程中,如發(fā)現(xiàn)本合同項下的機械設(shè)備在配套生產(chǎn)時需要繼續(xù)增添新的機械設(shè)備或測試儀器時,可由雙方另行協(xié)商, 予以增訂。增訂的項目仍應(yīng)列入本合同范圍之內(nèi)。第八條保險設(shè)備進口后由乙方投保。設(shè)備所有權(quán)在付清貨款發(fā)生轉(zhuǎn)移后,如發(fā)生意外損失先由保險公司向投保人賠付,再按比例退回甲方已支付的設(shè)備貨款。第九條違約責任乙方不按合同規(guī)定購買補償商品或甲方不按合同規(guī)定提供商品時,均應(yīng)按合同條款承擔違
43、約責任,賠償由此造成的經(jīng)濟損失,并向?qū)Ψ街Ц对擁椏傊档?_%的罰款。第十條履約保證為保證合同條款的有效履行,雙方分別想對方提供由各自一房銀行出具的保函,予以擔保。甲方的擔保銀行為中國銀行_分行,乙方第16頁 / 總共 128頁的擔保銀行業(yè) _國_銀行。第十一條合同條款的變更本合同內(nèi)容如遇特殊情況需要變更,須經(jīng)雙方協(xié)商一致。第十二條不可抗力合同一方對由下列原因而導致不能或暫時不能履行全部或部分合同義務(wù)的,不承擔責任:水災(zāi)、火災(zāi)、地震、干旱、戰(zhàn)爭或其他任何在簽約時雙方不能預(yù)料、無法控制且不能避免和克服的時間。但該放應(yīng)盡快地將所發(fā)生的時間通知對方,并應(yīng)在時間發(fā)生15 天內(nèi)將有關(guān)機構(gòu)出具的不可抗力時間
44、的證明寄交對方。如果不可抗力時間之影響超過0 天,雙方應(yīng)協(xié)商 合同繼續(xù)履行或終止履行的事宜。第十三條仲裁因履行本合同所發(fā)生的一切爭議,雙方應(yīng)友好協(xié)商解決,如協(xié)商仍不能解決爭議,則應(yīng)將爭議提交中國國際經(jīng)濟貿(mào)易仲裁委員會(北京),依據(jù)其仲裁規(guī)則仲裁,仲裁裁決是終局的,對雙方都有約束力。仲裁費應(yīng)由敗訴一放承擔,但仲裁委員會另有裁定的除外。在仲裁期間,除仲裁部分之外的其他合同條款應(yīng)繼續(xù)執(zhí)行。第十四條文字、生效本合同用中文和英文寫成,兩種文字具有同等效力。上述兩種文字如有不符,以中文為準。本合同自簽字之日起生效,有效期為_年。期滿后,雙方如愿意繼續(xù)合作, 經(jīng)向中國政府有關(guān)部門申請,獲得批準后,可延期 _
45、年或重新簽訂合同。第17頁 / 總共 128頁甲方:中國 _公司代表(簽字)乙方:_國 _公司代表(簽字)見證人:中國 _律師事務(wù)所律師(簽字)英文文本compensation trade contractthis contract is hereby made and entered into between_co.(hereinafter referred to as pattya)and_co.(hereinafter referred to as pratyb)this_day of_,_,in_,china, adheringon the principleof equalityan
46、d mutual benefitand throughamicableconsultation.party a: _company, china.address: _tel: _telex: _party b: _ company, _第18頁 / 總共 128頁address: _tel: _telex: _article 1 introductionparty b shall provide party a with _machines of model _to be used in production.along with them shall also be provided var
47、ious kinds of supporting machinery,accessories andspare parts it needs,and the various kinds of measuring and testinginstruments required in the course of production,the specificmodels, names,specifications, quantity,unit prices,packingrequirements and the deadline for delivery shall be specified in
48、an additional contract to be made between the both parties,whichwill serve as a integral part of the contract.b) the total cost of the entire machinery and its supportingequipment shall be paid to partyb of the partof theproducts and/orother commodities produced by party a with the machinery supplie
49、dby party b.itmay alsobe paid topartyb of (a certainproduct)turnedort by .(this practice is hereinafter referred to as a make-uppayment).thespecificnames,quantityand unitpriceofthe productsto be deliveredas make-up payment,andthe deadlinefordelinery,areto be specified in an additional contract betwe
50、en the two partieson products-supplying as make - up payment,which shall be the第19頁 / 總共 128頁integral part of the contract.the two additional contractsmentioned above may be merged as one calledbuy - and sellcontracton compensation trade.article 2 terma of paymentthe two parties shall open a l/c in
51、favour of eachother.i.e.partya shallopen,at regularintervals,long-terml/c infavour of party b to pay in install ments the entire cost of themachinery and itssupportsightl/cin favourof artya as a paymentforthecostof the productstobe deliveredby partya.partya shallpay forthetotalcost ofthemachineryand
52、 its supportingequipmentwith the sum of money which party b shall pay the products to bedelivered by party a as a make - up payment.in case the money tobe paid by pairy b is not enough to cover the value of the long -term l/c is determined by the at - siggt l/c opened by party b andits down payment
53、as stipulated in the contract .party b graranteesto fulfil what is required of it to do as mentioned herein.article 3deadline for paymentparty a shall pay the total cost of the machinery and itssupportingequipmentsuppliedby partyb by deliveringtheproductsitproducesto partyb as a make -rp payment on
54、a month -to - monthbasis , and pay is off within a preriod of _ years and_months.the payment shall start approximately _第20頁 / 總共 128頁months after the first delivery of the machinery is made .inprinciple,the sum to be paid per month shall be _ percentof the total amount due to be paid for the machin
55、ery party a canmake its payment ahead of schedule with a notice given to party b_ months in advance.during the compensation period ,partyb shall open al/c infavourof partyb,coveringthe totalamount ,at sight , irrevocable , divisible and assignable ,in accordancewith the relevant provisions in the bu
56、y - and - sell contract oncompensation trade.article 4 currency for pricingproducts provided by either party shall be priced in termsof_.all the items supplied by party b,includingmachinery ,therequiredapparatus,accessoriesand spare partsshallbe priced directly in terms of _ above mentioned ;while t
57、heproductsprovidedby partya as a make - up payment forthe machinerysupplied by party b shall be first priced in terms of rmb as orhersimilarexportsat the time the contractis made and then the pricesin rmb shall be turned into those in _ above mentionedaccording to the current exchange rate at the ti
58、me.article 5 interest ratepartya shallpay the intereston its long - term l/cand thedown payment of party b.the annual interest rate is agreed upon at第21頁 / 總共 128頁_%.article 6 technical serviceafterarrivalat the destinationport,themachinery shallbeassembled by party a.when party a believes it is nec
59、essary ,partyb shall send its technicians to provide on-the-spot instructionsand other required technical assistance during the course ofassembling. party b shall be liable for the losses incurred in thecoures fo assembling as a result of technical default of its prat.after approval by both parties,
60、 party b shall send a groupof techniciansto china to faciliatethe completionof the project.the cost incurred in china shall be borne by party b.article 7 additional equipmentin the course of implementing the contract if it is founnecessary that,inadditionto the machinery and accessoriesalreadylisted
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