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1、最新河南電大商務(wù)英語基礎(chǔ)(2)教學(xué)考一體化網(wǎng)考形考作業(yè)試題及答案100%通過2015年秋期河南電大把商務(wù)英語基礎(chǔ)(2)納入到“教學(xué)考一體化”平臺進行網(wǎng)考,針對這個平臺,本人匯總了該科 所有的題,形成一個完整的題庫,內(nèi)容包含了單選題、判斷題,并且以后會不斷更新,對考生的復(fù)習(xí)、作業(yè)和考試起 著非常重要的作用,會給您節(jié)省大量的時間。做考題時,利用本文檔中的查找工具,把考題中的關(guān)鍵字輸?shù)讲檎夜ぞ?的查找內(nèi)容框內(nèi),就可迅速查找到該題答案。本文庫還有其他教學(xué)考一體化答案,敬請查看。7. What are your plans? (3.00 分)I have arranged to go to see so

2、me of our overseas franchise holders next week.Im going to Italy.I dont want to cancel those meetings.Thanks, Jenny一單選題Offer me a better price and we can do.(3.00 分)A businesscommissioncompromiseconcessionWill it affect their sales? (3.00 分)A Its been a long time.Not much in the first six months, I

3、suppose.Its the first six months that are important.Whats your opinion?Your salary increase was conditional on youraconcession on the car. (3.00 分)A givingmarkingmakingproducingEdward, are you interested in a little foreign travel? (3.00 分)A Thank you.What time?Not bad.D Yes, very.How much cash do y

4、ou think I should take? (3.00 分)A Have a nice day!The more, the betterYes, I dont see why not.Dont spend too muchWe can make the new research anpriority.(3.00 分)A absoluteobviousentireexpensiveIyour company to send someone this morning.(3.00 分)A am askedhad askedhas to askdid askWe always buy produc

5、ts with thesalesperformance. (3.00 分)A mostbestmoremuchLook, can I give you a life back? (3.00 分)A I havent retired yet!Nice to meet you again.Not at all.Thank you very much.ll.Is it feasible? (3.00 分)A No, thank youIf s a pity.Ok.I dont think so.What else can we do in marketing? (3.00 分)A No, I hav

6、e no idea.We must get into Smiths catalogue first.Yes, we do.Sorry, I cant tell you anything.We trust you will do your best to have the matteratonce. (3.00 分)A settlesettledsettlessettle downHow may I help you? (3.00 分)A Of course.Id like to send a fax to London, please.Could I buy a street map of A

7、tlanta?Thank you.Do you know how large their production run s going to be? (3.00 分)Its going to be around 300000 units.NO.Well, let me tell you this.Xbry well.What s the advertising budget? (3.00 分)A Yes, of course.Ybu could say thatC Sorry, I dont knowHow general?How are things at Bibury System? (3

8、.00 分)A Really?Well, are you?Very interesting at the moment.Thafs not exactly true.We can talk about. (3.00 分)how we can work toothertogether how can we workhow work togetherhow can we work together19. I dlike the copierA repairedrepairingto repairrepairtomorrow. (3.00 分)No credit will be offeredyou

9、 place an order formore than 40,000 units. (3.00 分)A aftertillwhenD unlessThe price of our new toys is 30%thanofsimilar toys of American origin. (3.00 分)A lowerthoselowerthatbelowthoseunderthatMr. McNeil asked Mr. Don Bradley to ship the goodsair. (3.00 分)A onforbyatWhat is the XR590? (3.00 分)A In m

10、y opinion its not reliable enough for children.Its not good.I think it has a few weaknesses.XR590 is the power source which drives Dealer DaitHe just learned that all business letters must besigned. (3.00 分)A to handlefor readby markby handThe studentdescribed the beautiful mountains andrivers in hi

11、s home town. (2.00 分)A artificiallyvividlycriticallyviciouslyDo you want to wait here for Don or would you rather lookaround? (2.00 分)If its alright with you ,1d like to look aroundI dont know.Well not really.Exactly.We shouldthis in mind:Dont judge a person by hisappearance. (2.00 分)bearprintputpla

12、ceDo you have time to goall the details in theagreement before you leave? (2.00 分)A offdownontointoHow often do you manage to play golf? (2.00 分)A I like to play twice a week.I have no idea.fery often.Please do it.6.1s this post mine? (2.00 分)A Stop it!Whafs happened?You havent heard the news?D No,

13、this is yours.Experts have found that normal sleep can be divided intofivestages. (2.00 分)distinctadvancedinitialmoderateIt s a terrific idea, but how much will it cost to develop? (2.00 分)A It will be too expensive.I dont know, he didnt say.Not as much as you think.Itwill never sell.If I could touc

14、h on business for a second- (2.00 分)Please do.See you.Sony you dontNo way.Thank you and how was your meeting with Mr Lang in Frankfurt? (2.00 分)A Avery good mealVery successful, I think.No, its too bad.rd like it.How s your trip going? (2.00 分)A Thafs right, I do.Very well, thank you.Thafs voy nice

15、of you.I dont remember it.Which product would you prefer? (2.00 分)A No, theres notNo, not really.Personally I like the Boss better.Well, I have to reconsider it.Would you likethat for you? (2.00 分)A that I orderme orderme orderingme to orderCan you bring over your designs so Don can see them? (2.00

16、分)They are not finished yet, but Til bring everything I have.Everything will be ok.Its bad news.Sorry, no.15.This resultmy research Can you see it?(2.00 分)provesapprovesvalueswelcomesThe spokesman occasionally his speech with gestures. (2.00 分)A acknowledgesaccompaniesanticipatesattributesWhat her g

17、randfather said left aimpression on hermind.She still remembers it. (2.00 分)A vaguefinalmaindeepWould you like a word in private? (2.00 分)A Can you talk?Oh, thanks.If you dont mindIm notEven after decades of, the two brothers recognizedeach other immediately. (2.00 分)A communicationcooperationsepara

18、tioncorrespondence20.Our sales brochure for this summer should be by the end of July. (2.00 分)A ingeniousexactexcitingreadyHow large a discount does he want? (2.00 分)A It will be too expensive.It will never sell.No as much as you think.D I dontknow he didnt say.Do you have any idea how many units ar

19、e defective? (2.00 分)A We spent the day checking the whole consignment Unfortunately it looks like batch numbers 993 and 994 all have the same problem.Thafs vo*y well.Til deal with it later.Its amazing., three months ago I could not have negotiated this deal. (2.00 分)A EspeciallyObviouslyEntirelyPar

20、tially Do you know our company at all?No, its the first timehere. (2.00 分)A I wasI have beenI had beenI am comingDon, what are your plans for this weekend? (2.00 分) A I couldnt tell you the truth.Yes, very interesting.C Nothing speciaLGot it?Please hold the line, and I will the right number. (2.00 分

21、)A meanassuretellmarkHow soon will this be camera-ready? (2.00 分)A Its very clear.At 7:00 oclock!short.By next liiesday.We agreedin front of the building thisafternoon. (2.00 分)A metmeetsmeetingto meetWe have greatly the procedure according to thechairmans suggestion (2.00 分)A perceivedobscuredsimpl

22、ifiedstimulatedI want to speak to Edward Green right away-please. (2.00 分)A What?Thats impossible.Do you have an appointment sir?Oh really?By the end of next year the bridge. (2.00 分)A is to completehas been completedwill have been completedwill be completingCan I speak to Phil Watson, please? (2.00

23、 分)A Yes, you can.Hi.Of course.Hello, this is Phil Watson speaking.The volleyball match was televisedon CCTV(3.00 分)A lifeyou B. livelyaliveliveThe furniture in her bedroom is quite different from in the living room. (3.00 分)A itthatonewhichHaving decided to rent a flat, we contactinghousing agencie

24、s in the city. (3.00 分)A set upset aboutset outset downBecause of the bad weather, the sports meet had to be . (3.00 分)A shut downdone awaycalled offtaken offThe central theatre has a seating of more than3,000 people. (3.00 分)A facilitycapabilityabilityD capacityWhat s the earliest you can deliver?

25、(3.00 分)A Its a secretToo soonWe cant do it before Friday afternooiLNo, we really need it today.In order to follow fashions, the girl has togreatdiscomforts. (3.00 分)A catch up withput up withfall in withkeep up with8.1 feel r ve made good progress here over the last six months. What do you think? (

26、3.00 分)Well done!Yes, you do.I agree. Were very happy with what you have done.Ybu are quite right.He Ip yourself to the phone if you want to make a call. (3.00 分)A No, thanks.Yes, please.Yes, thanks.Thanks.Before we begin, are you sure that you are in a position to conduct this negotiation? (3.00 分)

27、A No, Im not sure.Of course.Yes, I have the authority to negotiate with you.Yes, very well.It is difficult tothe implication between thelines. (3.00 分)A get withget toget downget at12.1 have never seen Derek look so angry What s going on? (3.00 分)A Its too bad!Ifs too terrible!I dont know Have they

28、had an argument?Sorry.13.1s Clive back yet? (3.00 分)A Okay.Heres a message from Clive.He said he was on his way.Go ahead.Before I go, shall we have a chat? (3.00 分)A Sorry, you cantSpeak, please.Sure. What about?Sorry, I have no idea.Which of our product lines are you particularly interested in Mr M

29、cNeil? (3.00 分)A I want to hear what you say about discounts.Both.Lets talk specifically about Big Boss.I could be interested in these ones that I have outlined here.I think that offer will be acceptable. So all we have to do now is finalise the delivery arrangements. (3.00 分)Well, lets discuss the

30、details tomorrowYbu are right.fery good.Congratulations!The book fair has received a positivefrom readers.(3.00 分)A resultsettlementC responsesolutionJenny complained that the hospitalher too muchfor the treatment. (3.00 分)A chargedpaidexpendedcostSally, we very much appreciate your efforts to make

31、this product possible. I have a small token of our gratitude which I would like you to have. (3.00 分)Thats very kind of you.Yes, please.No, thanks.Ok.What s the soonest you can deliver? (3.00 分)A I dont know.I dont know.Who knows.You can have the first five thousand units before the end of the month

32、.If the operationcarefully prepared, it would nothave been successful.(3.00 分)A had not beenhas not beenwas notwere notAre we talking about salary. Edward? (3.00 分)A Yes, you are right.Its not just a question of money, Don. I want to look at the whole package.I beg you pardon?I think we should sit d

33、own.The newspaper will have to close down if it cannotincrease its onsiderably. (3.00 分)A contributionB. prescriptioncirculationdistributionThere is something wrong with my mobile phone.I must have it. (3.00 分)A repairingrepairto repairrepaired二判斷題We shall need a consultant to help set things up.Her

34、e set up” means to arrange something, to put things into a proper or systematic order (3.00 分) 錯誤 正確We know that JK Toys are playing to win. And we know that right now they have the edge.Here “have the edge” means have an advantage that makes them stronger or more likely to be successful than anothe

35、r thing or person. (3.00 分) 錯誤 正確It will be very tight, but I am sure that we can make this deadline.This sentence means because of the time limit, we can t do it on time. (3.00 分) 錯誤 正確I would like you to reconsider your decision in the light of the following.This sentence means I want you to rethi

36、nk your final decision upon the following statements. (3.00 分) 錯誤 正確I bought you back a little souvenir.Here “souvenir means something which you buy or keep to remind you of a holiday, place, or event. (3.00 分) 錯誤 正確We can increase our advertising budget and bring forward the launch date.Here “bring

37、 forward v means arrange something to take place at an earlier date or time than had been planned. (3.00分) 錯誤 正確m put through to Mr Harriss secretary.Here “put throughn means making the connection that allows the telephone call to take place. (3.00 分) 錯誤 正確Should I entertain any of the clients?Here

38、“entertain means provide food and drink for guest, for example, when you have invited someone to your house. (3.00 分)錯誤 正確I have just finished typing up your itinerary.Here “ type up means write something over by hand. (3.00 分)錯誤 正確They wont crack the American market.This sentence means they will en

39、ter into the American market successfully. (3.00 分) 錯誤 正確The technology is the same as ours. I have never seen two products which are so similar.This sentence means the technology is the same as our company s, I once saw two products which are so similar.(3.00 分) 錯誤 正確Its too early to say.This sente

40、nce means it s time to say something. (3.00 分) 錯誤 正確At first I thought I would never get used to the weather.Here “ get used to ” means in the habit of. (2.00 分) 錯誤正確2.Its essential that they deliver on time, on spec and on price. nOn spec” here means according to the specification. (2.00 分) 錯誤 正確Th

41、e crucial factor is how quickly they can deliver.Here “crucial ” means unimportant. (2.00 分) 錯誤 正確I hope you realize that we must have a much larger discount than whafs on the table now.Whats on the table” here according to our video indicates money on the table. (2.00 分) 錯誤 正確Big Boss is going to b

42、e coast to coast at peak hours every day in the new yearThis sentence means the toy Big Boss will be sweeping over the whole America in the new year. (2.00 分) 錯誤 正確Can I offer you a lift?Here lift” means raise something from a lower to a higher position. (2.00 分)錯誤正確By the end of the hour you will b

43、e able to see why Bibury Systems are so committed to this new venture and why we are so confident that we can capture the American market.Here “ committed to ” means devoted oneself to something. (2.00 分)錯誤 正確Ybu should buy Mr. Lang in Germany a meal.This sentence means you should treat Mr. Lang to

44、a dinner. (2.00 分)錯誤正確We can increase our advertising budget.nAdvertising budget11 here means the money spent for advertising. (2.00 分) 錯誤正確The engineer hasnt got time to track down the problem.To track down means to find out. (2.00 分) 錯誤 正確I dont think price can be a factor at this stage.The senten

45、ce means to consider the price matter now. (2.00 分)錯誤正確There is a super upmarket shop in the newly-developed area.An upmarket shop is the place where expensive and better goods are being sold. (2.00 分) 錯誤 正確It does look ingenious.Here ingenious ” means something marked by independence and creativity

46、 in thought or action. (2.00 分) 錯誤 正確Please stay in touch and let me know how the campaign goes.This sentence means let s keep in touch with each other and let me know the latest situation. (2.00 分)錯誤 正確Everything indicated that the market was ready for a hi-tech product, a product that would appeal

47、 to both parents and children.This sentence means the market was ready for the new toy, which was attractive to adults and children. (2.00 分) 錯誤 正確We have prepared some refreshments so that you can talk informally about how we can work together to make Big Boss a success.Here urefreshmentsn means something to drink. (2.00 分) 錯誤正確We alway


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