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1、2022-2023學年高考英語模擬試卷考生須知:1全卷分選擇題和非選擇題兩部分,全部在答題紙上作答。選擇題必須用2B鉛筆填涂;非選擇題的答案必須用黑色字跡的鋼筆或答字筆寫在“答題紙”相應位置上。2請用黑色字跡的鋼筆或答字筆在“答題紙”上先填寫姓名和準考證號。3保持卡面清潔,不要折疊,不要弄破、弄皺,在草稿紙、試題卷上答題無效。第一部分 (共20小題,每小題1.5分,滿分30分)1New policies, _ to insure that compulsory education is truly free, _ by the local government across China sin

2、ce the start of school on September 1.Aintending; have been made knownBintended; have been made knownCintending; are made knownDintended; had made known2- You look happy today. Is there anything good?- Im very delighted _ as one of the exchange students.Ato choose Bto have been chosen Cchoosing Dhav

3、ing been chosen 3The bus would not have run into the river _ for the bad tempered lady.Aif it were notBhad it not beenCif it would not beDshould it not be4Recently, a programmer criticized the “996” work schedule _ employees work from 9 am to 9 pm, 6 days a week, with the prospect of ending up in an

4、 intensive care unit.AwhereBwhenCwhichDwhose5“Do you mind if I look at your notes?”“Of course not. _.”ANo problem BBe my guest CWith pleasure DNot at all6The split between humans and living apes is thought by some scholars _ 15 to 20 million years ago.Ato occurBoccurringCto have occurredDhaving occu

5、rred7_ terrible, the medicine was thrown away by the child.ATastedBTastingCTo tasteDBeing tasted8In spite of _ has been said, quite a lot of people are still uncertain about the state of the countrys economy.AwhatBwhichCthatDas9If you can do what youre weakest _, you can handle any challenge.Afor Ba

6、tCwith Dto10Weneeda spiritual faith, or a philosophy, it shouldincludethis truth: if you choose to find thepositivein every situation, you will be blessed, and if you choose to find the awful, you will be cursed. As with happiness itself, this is_your decision to make.Aabsolutely BtotallyCexactly Dl

7、argely11It is reported that the _ in Libya is hotting up.AstrengthBviolenceCpowerDactivity12The children wrote magical stories together, _ imaginary worlds of romantic and military adventure.Ato spinBspinningChaving spunDto have spun13Jane established a program, _ young people to take part in activi

8、ties _ promote greater concern for the environmentAto encourage; whereBhaving encouraged; whereCencouraging; thatDencouraged; which14A good suitcase is essential for someone who is_as much as Jackie is.Aon the rise Bon the lineCon the spot Don the run15Nicholas was very kind, merciful and generous.

9、This is _ Father Christmas is based on.AwhereBhowCwhatDwhy16 How would you like your tea? _.AVeryquickly BAsitcomes,please CVerymuch DIdontliketea17My sister met him in the street yesterday afternoon, so he _ your lecture.Ashouldnt have attendedBcouldnt have attendedCmustnt have attendedDneednt have

10、 attended18 “Could we put off the meeting?” she asked.“_.” He answered politely. “This is the only day everyone is available.”ANot likelyBNot exactlyCNot nearlyDNot really19A myth is an account of the deeds of a god or supernatural beings, usually expressed in terms of _ thought.AprimaryBcapitalCini

11、tialDprimitive20Youll recognize me when you get out of the station. I_ jeans and a white T-shirt.Awill be wearing Bhad wornCwas wearing Dhave worn第二部分 閱讀理解(滿分40分)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的A、B、C、D四個選項中,選出最佳選項。21(6分) Here are some professions Americans consider to be the most honest. Maybe the rest of us can learn

12、 from what these people do to establish good relationships with others.MEDICAL DOCTORSJack Jacob, Age: 44, Fountain Valley, CaliforniaI try to introduce myself in a pleasant way. I sit down. I dont stand. I make good eye contact with the patient and his or her family. Communication skills are key, a

13、s well as showing understanding and availability. For a physician, the most rewarding thing is when someone who has seen your work chooses you.ENGINEERSChrissy Keane, Age: 41, Crofton, MarylandI dont know that being an engineer means you are automatically trustworthy. However, I do think that most e

14、ngineers like to follow rules and be organized. They tell you what they think, whether you want to hear it or not. Those are important elements in building trust.POLICE OFFICERSG.M.Cox, Age: 64, Fort Worth, TexasAs a police officer, I have the best interests of the people I serve in my heart and in

15、my actions and Im going to treat everyone the same way. I always want to go up to people and speak to them with respect. Dont talk down to them. You have to establish and maintain that trust. Be equal!1、What does Jack Jacob think important to do his job?ABeing communicative.BExperience.CSelf-introdu

16、ction.DBeing open-minded.2、How does G.M.Cox treat people in his job?AActivelyBEquallyCCautiouslyDStrictly3、What do the three people mentioned in the passage have in common?AThey follow rules.BThey are warm-hearted.CThey deserve trust.DThey are good organizers.22(8分) Since App Store was set up, it ha

17、s been selling consumers one simple thing choice. Whether you wanted to play games, read the news, or do a thousand other things, there was something for whatever you desired.Then something funny happened. Logging into the App Store today is like going into a shopping mall with only a coupon(優(yōu)惠券) fo

18、r one thing: Theres so much choice; it might be easier to give up than to choose.It isnt consumers who are burdened, though. Too much content of all kinds also has economic effects. When countless choices are available, it causes pressure, pushing prices down and driving us a bit crazy.So what is th

19、e way forward? It may well be to turn less choice itself to the marketing strategy. There are already signs that this is happening. Firstly content companies are looking to prevent their offerings from getting lost in the tons of stuff. Most obvious is Disney, which is planning to open its own strea

20、ming service next year. The point is to narrow the focus so that those seeking Disney cartoons will have one place to go, rather than being around various services.Yet if that represents a careful first step, there are more extreme options too. Consider the idea of a wine club: from tens of thousand

21、s of bottles each year, subscribers pay someone to select the most interesting ones. Perhaps what comes next for digital content is similar-carefully selected offerings from trusted sources that put choices in the hands of someone else in order to get rid of the anxiety of choosing.Up to now, too mu

22、ch choice in digital media has only one solution: the algorithm(運算法則) But we ve seen the trouble with algorithms on You Tube They feed you only what youve already said you like, not things you may not know you re into. Worse, they have a tendency to serve up disturbing content he way forward cant si

23、mply be more or better algorithms.Instead, its time for digital companies to start thinking about how to put limits on things: on how much we can use a device, or what we are available to choose from.As we move further into the digital revolution, what people ask for is clear: Less.1、What will too m

24、uch choice of content on the market result in?AThe shutdown of companies BThe anxiety of consumersCThe poor quality of products DThe slowdown of economy2、Which of the following statements is TRUE according to Paragraphs 4 and 5?AContent companies should withdraw their offerings onlineBContent compan

25、ies should post their offerings on App StoreCContent companies adopt different methods to narrow the consumers focusDContent companies open their own streaming services on You Tube3、How do algorithms probably respond to consumers needs?AThey make a better choice for them BThey help to remove disturb

26、ing contentCThey change their interest in digital media DThey fail to offer what they possibly like4、What is the authors attitude towards limiting the choice consumers haveAApproving. BSkepticalCOpposing. DNeutral23(8分) Almost none of us have the time to read everything wed like to read. Yet we lose

27、 countless hours to daily activities that bring us little joy like taking buses and waiting in line. What if we could turn these little blocks of unoccupied time into precious and rewarding moments for learning and reflection?Founded in 2012, iReader, a micro-learning app on mobile phones, brings th

28、e biggest ideas from best-selling books through 15-minute audio (音頻) and text. So far, more than 3,000 books have been included, ranging from psychology and parenting to management and economics, with new titles added every day.Reader is pioneering a new method of reading, with over 9 million users

29、enjoying the benefits already. According to the Pew Research Center (PRC), the British read just 4 paper books a year and over 25% havent read a single paper book this year, but reading isnt dying. There are now more ways for the British to read than ever before, due to the widespread use of e-books

30、 and audio books.The books in iReader are rewritten to ensure it is easy to remember the main content. The way the content is edited has been specifically designed to ensure it is useful in practice. Besides, the content is rewritten with relevant examples in real life, which means users are more li

31、kely to remember and apply what is helpful to them.Holger Seim, German co-founder of this app, declares, “iReader gives you the biggest ideas in the shortest possible time. It transforms great ideas into little packs you can listen to or read in just 15 minutes.”1、What does the author suggest people

32、 do in the unoccupied time?ARead and think.BWrite and share.CAvoid taking buses.DBring joy to daily routines.2、What can we infer from the PRC findings?AThe British benefit a lot from reading.BReading methods are more important than before.CDigital technology are taking the place of paper books.DNew

33、forms of books are changing the way the British read.3、How does iReader make the content easy to remember?ABy bringing fun to it.BBy making it useful.CBy using artistic designs.DBy taking users as examples.4、What is the best title for the text?AiReader Prevents Reading from DyingBiReader Unites Worl

34、dwide Book-loversCiReader: The Best New App CreationDiReader: Big Ideas in Small Packages24(8分)Researchers in China and the United States have developed a new cataract(白內障)treatment with cells that has restored vision in babies in a trial and may eventually be used in adults.The treatment-by doctors

35、 and staff members at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine and Sichuan and Sun Yat-sen universities in China-was published in March 9 edition of the scientific journal Nature.A cataract is a clouding of the normally clear lens(晶體)of an eye. Typical cataract operation involves t

36、he removal of the cloudy lens and the insertion of an artificial one. The new operation has been tested in animals and during a small, human trial. It resulted in fewer complications(并發(fā)癥)than the current harmful operation, and in regrown lenses with superior visual function in all 12 of the baby cat

37、aract patients who received the procedure.A congenital cataract-lens clouding that occurs at birth or shortly after- is important cause of blindness in children. In the new research, K and Zhang, head of ophthalmic genetics at US San Diegos Shiley Eye Institute, and his colleagues relied on the regr

38、own potential of endogenous(同源的)stem cells.According to Zhang, endogenous stem cells are different from other stem cells that are typically grown in a laboratory, transplanted into a patient, and can have risks of immune(免疫的)rejection, infection or cancers. Zhang told CBS News, “We invented a new op

39、eration to make a very small opening at the side of a cataractous lens bag, remove the cataract inside, allow the opening to heal, and promote potential lens stem cells to regrow an entirely new lens with vision.”The human trial involved 12 babies under the age of 2 who were treated with the new met

40、hod, while 25 babies received the standard operation care. The latter group experienced a higher incidence of post-operation danger, early- onset eye high blood pressure and increased lens clouding. The scientists reported fewer complications and faster healing among the 12 babies who has the new pr

41、ocedure.1、What is the text mainly about?AA new cataract treatment with stem cells.BThe concept of the cataract.CBad effects of post-operation in the cataract.DThe reasons why the cataract comes into being.2、Which of the following best describe the new cataract treatment according to the passage?ACon

42、venient. BComfortable.CSafe. DCheap.3、What can we learn about the new cataract treatment?AIt may be used widely. BIt has more risks.CIt has been put into practice widely. DIt can only restore vision in babies.4、What does the underlined word “congenital” in the fourth paragraph mean?AStrange. BBorn.C

43、Serious. DDangerous.25(10分)If you have ever had a cat, or have watched one of the many funny cat videos online, youll know that cats have a mind of their own. A lot of the things they do are hard to understand-they like to climb up tall furniture, fit themselves in small spaces and attack small obje

44、cts for no reason at all.Now scientists have managed to figure out what exactly is going on in the brains of our little friends. According to Tony Buffington, a professor at Ohio State University in the US, cats strange behavior largely comes from their way of life back in the wild. “Cats today stil

45、l have many of the same instincts(本能)that allowed them to live in the wild for millions of years.” he said in a TED Talk. “To them, our homes are their jungles.”In the wild, cats are hunters. Their bodies and great balancing abilities allow them to climb to high spots to better look at the environme

46、nt. Even though they dont have to hunt any more in human houses, they still keep the old habit of viewing the living room from, for example, the top of the refrigerator.Cats hunting instinct is also what makes them attack small things like keys and USB drives. In the wild, they hunt whatever they ca

47、n get, and most of the animals they kill are small.However, cats can also be prey. This explains why they like to stay in small spaces like drawers or washing machines-they are hiding, or they think they are hiding, from more dangerous animals. This is also why cats prefer a clean box: a smelly one

48、could easily show enemies where they are.Knowing how cats minds work is not only useful for better understanding them. It may also help cats owners to better meet cats needs. For example, owners could try to make climbing easier for cats by moving their furniture around. They could also use “food pu

49、zzles” to make eating feel more like hunting instead of just giving food to the cats.1、According to Tony Buffington, _.Acats strange behavior is hard for people to understandBcats are more used to living in the wild than in humans homesCcats behave strangely mainly because of some instincts in the w

50、ildDcats instincts are as helpful to them today as they were millions of year ago2、Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?ACats like to climb up high because they want to hide from dangerous animalsBCats attack keys and USB drives because they have a habit of hunting small a

51、nimalsCCats enjoy staying in small spaces because they usually live in small caves in the wildDCats preference for a clean box probably has something to do with their hunting instincts3、The underlined word “prey” in Paragraph 5 probably means _.Aan animal that is too lazyBan animal that likes hiding

52、 gamesCan animal that keeps itself cleanDan animal that is hunted4、This article is mainly written to _.Aexplore the reasons behind cats strange behaviorBdescribe cats past wild experience to readersCtell cat owners how to make life easier for catsDcompare cats behavior in human homes with that in th

53、e wild第三部分 語言知識運用(共兩節(jié))第一節(jié)(每小題1.5分,滿分30分)閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的A、B、C和D四個選項中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項26(30分)About 30 years ago, Marie Roth taught a painting class. When some of her 1 expressed an interest in purchasing her works, she turned painting into a profession.Shes 70 now, an age when many folks are starting t

54、o be 2 on the sofa in front of the TV. But 3 are if theres a (n) 4 barn (谷倉) coming down somewhere in northeastern Illinois, Marie will be there. Wearing leather gloves, Marie will pick through the piles of wood and 5 pieces that, as she describes, “whisper” to her. Shell remove the 6 boards to her

55、home, where shell 7 them and allow them to dry out before 8 the pieces together and gluing them into place. But its only when Marie 9 painting them in the eye-catching, beautiful colors loved by every American that it becomes clear what shes 10 . From the broken-down barns, she constructs fine woode

56、n reproductions of the American 11 .“The wood is continually 12 by animals, or sometimes nailed and hammered by humans,” she said. “Recently, I had a piece of wood from the floor of a barn that was 13 by hooves (蹄子). I used it to paint flags from the Civil War erathe marks made me 14 all those brave

57、 soldiers.”Marie comes by her love of barn wood 15 because her father is a carpenter. She painted her first flag on a shipping pallet (托盤) more than 30 years ago. The old pallet, she 16 , “ 17 looked like a flag.”The self-taught artist paints American flags 18 she is really good at drawing straight

58、lines. Creating art is 19 she has to do. She sometimes 20 that she hopes one day she dies with a paintbrush in her hand.1、Astudents Bemployees Ccustomers Dmanagers2、Abravely Bmodestly Cgratefully Dcomfortably3、Atasks Bprocesses Cchances Dpurposes4、Asmall Bold Cordinary Ddangerous5、Alook for Bwait fo

59、r Cwork on Dget through6、Aborrowed Bselected Climited Dcarved7、Awash Brepair Ccut Dstore8、Afitting Bfounding Creplacing Dholding9、Acontinues Bstarts Cavoids Drisks10、Acollecting Bshowing Cwriting Dcreating11、Aflag Bpicture Cscene Dtoy12、Achewed Bkicked Csmashed Dmade13、Adisturbed Bspotted Cprinted D

60、marked14、Athink of Bcare for Cattend to Dbring back15、Afrequently Bnaturally Cquickly Dsecretly16、Aimagined Bnodded Cpretended Dremembered17、Ajust Byet Ceven Dstill18、Abecause Bor Cthough Dso19、Aanything Bnothing Csomething Deverything20、Aadmits Bdeclares Ccries Djokes第二節(jié)(每小題1.5分,滿分15分)閱讀下面材料,在空白處填入


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