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1、Unit 5Canada“The True North”-2-核心詞匯核心句式1.rather than而不是;與其;不愿領悟高考究考法完成句子(1)We can achieve a lot when we learn to let our differences unite, divide us.(2016浙江,單項填空)當我們學著讓我們的差異融合而非將我們分裂時,我們能有很多成就。(2)Today,many Chinese people are learning Western styles and theories focusing on Chinese traditions.(2018

2、全國,閱讀理解C)今天,許多中國人正在學習西方的風格和理論,而不是專注于中國的傳統(tǒng)。rather than rather than-3-核心詞匯核心句式(3)In another restaurant,all of the dishes and desserts it serves are 3D-printed, farm to table.(2018天津,閱讀理解C)在另一家餐廳,它提供的所有菜肴和甜點都是3D打印的,而不是從農場送到餐桌的。翻譯句子(4)According to experts,it is the quality of praise rather than quantity

3、 that matters._(5)Driverless cars may end up being a form of public transport rather than vehicles you own.(2017天津,閱讀理解C)_rather than 專家們認為,重要的是表揚的質量,而不是數量。 無人駕駛汽車也許最終會成為一種公共交通形式,而不是你擁有的交通工具。-4-核心詞匯核心句式聯想拓展記考點(1)would rather do.than do.寧愿做不愿做(2)prefer to do.rather than do.寧愿做而不愿做(3)would rather.寧愿;想

4、(后跟從句,從句謂語常用虛擬語氣)(4)other than不同于;除了(5)or rather更確切地說-5-核心詞匯核心句式2.surround vt.包圍;圍繞 派生surroundings n.周圍的環(huán)境領悟高考究考法用surround的適當形式填空(1)And when he saw the mists rising from the river and the soft clouds the mountain tops,he was reduced to tears.(2020全國,語篇填空)當他看到霧氣從河中升起,山頂被云霧包圍時,他流下了眼淚。(2)They built the

5、mselves large villas in the of the town.(2015湖北,閱讀理解C)他們在城鎮(zhèn)的周邊為自己蓋了大別墅。(3)Steve arrived and sat in the front row, by his family.(2019江蘇,閱讀理解D)史蒂夫到了,坐在前排,周圍是他的家人。surrounding surroundings surrounded -6-核心詞匯核心句式聯想拓展記考點be surrounded by/with 被包圍或環(huán)繞-7-核心詞匯核心句式3.measure vi.&vt.測量;衡量;判定n.計量制;計量單位;措施領悟高考究考法用

6、measure的適當形式填空(1)“Although these are not effective forever,they are vital for now,”he says.(2016北京,閱讀理解C)他說:“雖然這些措施不能永遠有效,但現在它們是至關重要的?!?2)Each of its ears approximately 11.5 inches long.它的每一只耳朵都大約11.5英寸長。(3)You can your success easily.你可以很容易地衡量你是否成功。measures measures measure 聯想拓展記考點(1)beyond/above m

7、easure無法估量地(2)take measures采取措施-8-核心詞匯核心句式4.settle down定居;平靜下來;專心于;坐下領悟高考究考法寫出下列句子中黑體部分的意思(1)Mr.and Mrs.Brown would like to see their daughter settle down,get married,and have kids.(2017天津,單項填空) (2)I settled down in the darkness,and the curtains opened.(201610浙江,語篇填空)(3)I must settle down and do my

8、homework.聯想拓展記考點(1)settle in 遷入;定居(2)settle on/upon 選定;決定(3)settle ones affairs 安排好某人的事情定居坐下 專心 -9-核心詞匯核心句式5.catch sight of看見;瞥見領悟高考究考法誦讀句子,體會黑體部分含義(1)The wind parted the smoke just enough for him to catch sight of Sibson.風吹散濃煙恰好讓他能看到西布森。用sight短語的適當形式填空(2)Finally he the young mans red overcoat in th

9、e distance.他總算在遠處看見了那個年輕人穿的紅色外套。(3)Light pollution causes us our true place in the universe.(2015浙江,閱讀理解C)光污染使我們看不見自己在宇宙中的真正位置。caught sight of to lose sight of -10-核心詞匯核心句式聯想拓展記考點(1)at first sight 一見就;初看時;乍一看(2)at the sight of 一看見就(3)in sight 看得見;在眼前(4)out of sight 看不見;消失(5)in/within sight of 在看得見的地

10、方;在視線內(6)lose sight of 看不見;忘記;忽略-11-核心詞匯核心句式6.have a gift for有天賦派生gifted adj.有天賦的;聰穎的;天才的領悟高考究考法用gift的適當形式填空(1)He has communication,so he managed to mix with all kinds of people in his job.他善于交際,因此在工作中和各種人打交道都應付自如。(2)Brown had a for music when he was a child,and now he is regarded as a musician.布朗小時

11、候就有音樂天賦,現在他被認為是一位有才華的音樂家。聯想拓展記考點have a gift for=be gifted in=show a talent for 對有天賦a gift forgiftgifted-12-核心詞匯核心句式7.mix vt.&vi.混合;調配派生mixture n.混合(物);混合狀態(tài)領悟高考究考法用mix的適當形式填空(1)Why should the students avoid liquid with paper? (2017全國,聽力)為什么學生們要避免將液體與紙混合?(2)This creation attracted a lot of attention t

12、hanks to its of modern and traditional Chinese elements.(2018全國,閱讀理解C)由于它把現代和傳統(tǒng)的中國元素融合在了一起,這一創(chuàng)作吸引了很多人的關注。mixingmixture -13-核心詞匯核心句式聯想拓展記考點(1)mix.with/and.把和混合(2)mix up(.with.)(將與)混淆-14-核心詞匯核心句式8.confirm vt.(尤指通過提供證據)證實;證明;批準;確認領悟高考究考法用confirm的適當形式填空(1)The last wild pigeon in the United States was sh

13、ot by a boy in Pike County,Ohio,in 1900.美國最后一只被確認的野生旅鴿于1900年在俄亥俄州的派克縣被一個男孩射死了。(2)Before choices are finalised,parents will be asked to sign _ their childs choices.(2018全國,閱讀理解A)在最終選擇決定之前,父母將被要求簽字以確認他們孩子的選擇。(3)When asked,she that she was going to retire.有人問她時,她確定她要退休。confirmed to confirmconfirmed-15-

14、核心詞匯核心句式聯想拓展記考點(1)confirm sb.in sth.使某人確信某事(2)confirm sth./that.證實(某事)(3)confirm whether.or not 確認是否 (4)It has been confirmed that.已經確定-16-核心詞匯核心句式9.impress vt.使印象深刻;使銘記派生impressive adj.給人深刻印象的;感人的impression n.印象領悟高考究考法用impress的適當形式填空(1)The audience by his amazing performance.(2014廣東,閱讀理解A)他神奇的表演給觀眾

15、留下了深刻的印象。(2)The phrase her so much that she copied it down.這個短語給她留下了如此深刻的印象以至于她把它抄下來了。(3)Youll have to play better if you really want to make a good .你如果真的想給人留下好的印象,就得表現得更好。 was impressed impressed impression -17-核心詞匯核心句式(4)Their Chinese peers in the typical Chinese dress would be highly .他們的中國同齡人穿著

16、典型的中國服裝會給人留下印象深刻。聯想拓展記考點(1)be impressed with/by.對印象深刻(2)leave/make/give an impression on/upon sb.給某人留下深刻的印象impressive -18-核心詞匯核心句式Its too bad you cant go as far as Ottawa,Canadas capital.很可惜你們不能一直走到加拿大的首都渥太華。分析提煉究考法as far as“直到;遠至”。其中,第一個as是副詞,第二個as是連詞。類似結構還有:(1)as far as I know 據我所知(2)so/as far as

17、I can see 依我看(3)as/so far as.be concerned 就而言(4)as far as.can see/reach就所能及-19-核心詞匯核心句式領悟考法用考點用含as far as的短語替換黑體部分或完成句子(1)In my opinion(= ),not only does outdoor exercise get us close to nature but it also gives relaxation from heavy schoolwork.就我個人而言,戶外運動不僅能使我們接近大自然,而且能讓我們從沉重的學習任務中擺脫出來得以放松。(2),it i

18、s convenient to do shopping in that small town.據我所知,在那個小鎮(zhèn)上購物很方便。As far as I am concerned/As far as I can see As far as I know -20-.單句填空1.A mans character can (measure) by the types of his friends with whom he stays.2.The (tradition)breakfast in this area includes bacon and eggs.3.I saw a car appeare

19、d in the (distant).4.(impress) by the beautiful scenery,I forgot to go back home in time.5.The city is a (mix)of old and new buildings.6.His interest in study is fading away (slight).be measuredtraditional distance Impressedmixture slightly -21-7.The young man grew up in a (wealth)family.8.I came to

20、 realize that the key to success lay in trying to surround myself creative people.9.We must confirm it is true or not.10.He would rather you (do)that for the time being.wealthy withwhether did -22-.單句改錯1.Many students prefer to communicate with their Internet friends other than their parents._2.The tourist attractions are in easy reach of the hotel,maki


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