1、電子商務(wù)務(wù)教學(xué)日日歷信管0611.062, 管理學(xué)院院, 華中科科技大學(xué)教師 :馬馬輝民(博博士、副教教授) 20009.4電話: 8755564477(O) 6255597700(PHS)辦公室: 管理學(xué)院院532# E-maiil: huimmin_mma1663.coom學(xué)分: 22.5 (40 學(xué)時(shí)/100周:400學(xué)時(shí)講授授)時(shí)間:周一一:34節(jié)( 東東9D3309) 1012,114200周四:12節(jié)( 東東9D3309) 10012,114200先修課程名名稱:計(jì)算機(jī)概論論、計(jì)算機(jī)機(jī)網(wǎng)絡(luò)技術(shù)術(shù)及應(yīng)用、市場營銷銷、Webb應(yīng)用技術(shù)術(shù)、管理信信息系統(tǒng)、數(shù)據(jù)庫管管理系統(tǒng)課程的性質(zhì)質(zhì)和任
3、配送問題題、企業(yè)流流程再造問問題、網(wǎng)頁頁開發(fā)、網(wǎng)網(wǎng)站建設(shè)、稅收與法法律等方面面的一些基基本知識,了了解在現(xiàn)實(shí)實(shí)生活中電電子商務(wù)的的一些基本本應(yīng)用,如如網(wǎng)上購物物、網(wǎng)上拍拍賣、網(wǎng)上上交易、網(wǎng)網(wǎng)上保險(xiǎn)、網(wǎng)上旅游游、網(wǎng)上教教育、網(wǎng)上上醫(yī)療、網(wǎng)網(wǎng)上銀行、信息服務(wù)務(wù)和網(wǎng)上政政府等,并并結(jié)合我國國國情,了了解企業(yè)或或個(gè)人在網(wǎng)網(wǎng)上開店以以及企業(yè)開開展電子商商務(wù)的一些些解決方案案。電子商商務(wù)是一門門實(shí)踐性很很強(qiáng)的學(xué)科科,學(xué)習(xí)本本課程尤其其要注意理理論聯(lián)系實(shí)實(shí)際,要結(jié)結(jié)合我國開開展電子商商務(wù)所面臨臨的國際及及國內(nèi)環(huán)境境進(jìn)行學(xué)習(xí)習(xí)。使用的教材材:1、Efrraim Turbban, Jae Lee, Davvid
4、 KKing, andd H.MMichaael CChungg. Ellectrronicc Commmercce: AA Mannagerrial Persspecttive (4thh Ediitionn). CChinaa Macchinee Preess.評分上機(jī)實(shí)踐與與平時(shí)作業(yè)業(yè) 20 %課程論文 40 %考試 40 % 1100 %課程進(jìn)度Week 10 (4.1224.188)Chapp 01 Fooundaationns off Eleectroonic Commmercee1.1 CCommoodityy traadingg moddel1.2 DDefinnitioon1
5、.3 CCateggoriees1.4 FFrameeworkk of Elecctronnic CCommeerce1.5 EElecttroniic Coommerrce iis Innterddisciiplinnary1.6 BBusinness Modeel off EC1.7 TThe bbeneffits of EECWeek 11 (44.194.255) 11.8 TThe LLimittatioons oof ECC1.9 TThe ddriviing FForcees off EC1.10 EC iin ChhinaChap 02 RRetaiilingg in Elec
6、ctronnic CCommeerce2.1 EElecttroniic Maarkettplacces2.2 WWhat sellls onn thee Intterneet2.3 BBusinness Modeel off E-MMarkeetplaaces2.4 DDirecct MaarkettingWeek 12 (44.265.022) 22.5 OOnlinne Cuustommer SServiices2.6 AActivve Ellectrronicc Inttermeediarries2.7 RReacttive Elecctronnic DDeparrtmennt Stt
7、ore2.8 PProceedurees foor Innternnet SShoppping2.9 AAidinng Coomparrisonn Shooppinng2.10 Impaact oon Trradittionaal Reetailling Systtem2.11 The poteentiaal Wiinnerr & LLoserrWeek 14 (55.105.166)Chaap 033 Intterneet Coonsummers and Markket RReseaarch3.1 MModell of EC CConsuumer Behaaviorr3.2 VVariaab
8、less Inffluenncingg Deccisioon Maakingg Proocesss3.3 CConsuumer Purcchasiing DDecission-Makiing3.4 MModell of Inteernett Connsumeer Saatisffactiion3.5 OOne-tto-Onne Maarketting and e-looyaltty3.6 IImpleementting Custtomerr Serrvicee in Cybeerspaace3.7 TToolss of Custtomerr Serrvicee3.8 MMarkeet Rees
9、earrch ffor EEC3.9 IIntellligeent AAgentts foor CoonsummersWeek 15 (55.175.233)Chaap 044 Advvertiisemeents in EElecttroniic Coommerrce4.1 DDescrribe the objeectivves oof Weeb addverttisemment, itss typpes aand ccharaacterristiics4.2 DDescrribe the majoor addverttisemment methhods usedd on the Web, r
10、anngingg froom baannerrs too chaat roooms4.3 DDescrribe variious Web adveertissemennt sttrateegiess4.4 DDescrribe variious typees off proomotiions on tthe WWeb4.5 DDiscuuss tthe bbeneffits of ppush techhnoloogy aand iintellligeent aagentts4.6 UUnderrstannd thhe maajor econnomicc isssues relaated to
11、WWeb aadverrtiseementt4.7 DDescrribe the issuues iinvollved in mmeasuuringg thee succcesss of Web adveertissemennt ass it relaates to ddiffeerentt ad priccing methhods4.8 CCompaare ppaperr andd eleectroonic cataalogss andd desscribbe cuustommizedd cattaloggs4.9 DDescrribe Web adveertissemennt immple
12、mmentaationn isssues rangging fromm ad agennciess to the use of iintellligeent aagenttsWeek 16 (5.245.300)Chapp 05 EC in SServiice IIndusstriees5.1 UUnderrstannd hoow brrokerr-bassed sserviices are perfformeed onnlinee5.2 DDescrribe onliine ttraveel toourissm seervicces aand ttheirr bennefitts5.3 DD
13、iscuuss tthe iimpacct off EC on tthe ttraveel inndusttry5.4 DDescrribe the onliine jjob mmarkeet, iits ddriveers aand bbeneffits5.5 DDescrribe the elecctronnic rreal estaate mmarkeet5.6 UUnderrstannd hoow sttock tradding is ddone onliine aand iits bbeneffits5.7 DDiscuuss ccyberrbankking, itss driive
14、rss andd cappabillitiees5.8 DDiscuuss iimpleementtatioon isssuess of onliine ffinannciall serrvicees annd itts fuuturee5.9 DDescrribe elecctronnic aauctiions, theeir bbeneffits, impplemeentattion, andd imppactss5.10 Desccribee somme innnovaativee appplicaationns inn thee serrvicee inddustrries5.11 D
15、isccuss the futuure oof inntermmediaariess andd theeir rrole in ccyberrspacceWeek 17 (5.3116.066)Chapp 06 B-BB Eleectroonic Commmercee6.1 DDistiinguiish bbetweeen BB2B aand BB2C6.2 IIdenttify the relaationnshipp bettweenn B2BB andd suppply chaiin maanageementt6.3 CClasssify the cateegoriies oof B22B
16、 moodelss andd arcchiteecturres aaccorrdingg to the natuure oof thhe ellectrronicc stoores and mallls6.4 DDescrribe typiical casees off Suppplieer, BBuyerrs, aand IInterrmediiary-Orieentedd Marrket Placces6.5 OOutliine tthe ccurreent aand nnext-geneeratiion ccharaacterristiics oof B22B Ellectrronicc
17、 Commmercce6.6 DDistiinguiish bbetweeen VVAN-bbasedd an Inteernett-basse EDDI6.7 DDescrribe the rolee of Justt-In-Timee in B2B Elecctronnic CCommeerce6.8 DDescrribe how softtwaree ageents can faciilitaate ccommuunicaationn bettweenn selllerss andd buyyers6.9 DDescrribe how markketinng iss donne inn
18、B2BBWeek 18 (6.076.133)Chapp 07 Elecctronnic PPaymeent SSysteems aand SSecurrity7.1 DDescrribe typiical elecctronnic ppaymeent ssysteems ffor EEC7.2 IIdenttify the secuurityy reqquireementts foor saafe eelecttroniic paaymennts7.3 DDescrribe the typiical secuurityy schhemess useed too meeet thhe seec
19、uriity rrequiiremeents7.4 IIdenttify the playyers and proccedurres oof thhe ellectrronicc creedit cardd sysstem on tthe IInterrnet7.5 DDiscuuss tthe rrelattionsship betwween SSL and SET prottocolls7.6 DDiscuuss tthe rrelattionsship betwween elecctronnic ffund trannsferr andd debbit ccard7.7 DDescrri
20、be the charracteeristtics of aa stoored valuue caard7.8 CClasssify and desccribee thee typpes oof ICC carrds uused for paymmentss7.9 DDiscuuss tthe ccharaacterristiics oof ellectrronicc cheeck ssysteemsWeek 19 (6.146.200)Chapp 08 EC SStrattegy and Impllemenntatiion PPlan9.1 DDescrribe whatt a bbusin
21、ness straategyy andd impplemeentattion plann is9.2 UUnderrstannd thhe prrocesss off forrmulaatingg EC straategiies9.3 EExplaain tthe iissuees innvolvved iin ECC impplemeentattion plannningg9.4 EExperriencce thhe roole oof inntellligennt aggentss in the straategiic peerspeectivve9.5 CCharaacterrize h
22、ow the straategiic pllanniing eevolvves tthrouughouut thhe buusineess ccyclee9.6 DDescrribe the key manaagemeent iissuees inn thee strrateggic pplannningWeek 20 (66.216.277)Chaap 099 Inffra-struucturre foor Ellectrronicc Commmercce9.1 DDescrribe the prottocolls unnderllyingg Intterneet cllientt/serr
23、ver appllicattionss9.2 CCompaare tthe ffuncttionss andd strructuures of WWeb bbrowssers and servvers9.3 DDiscuuss tthe ssecurrity requuiremmentss of Inteernett andd e-commmercee appplicaationns, aand hhow aare tthesee reqquireementts fuulfillled by vvarioous hhardwware and softtwaree sysstemss9.4 DD
24、escrribe the funcctionnal rrequiiremeents for onliine sselliing aand wwhat are the speccialiized servvicess andd serrverss thaat peerforrm thhese funcctionns9.5 DDescrribe the busiinesss funnctioons tthat Web chatt cann fullfilll andd lisst soome oof thhe coommerrciallly aavaillablee sysstemss thaat
25、 suupporrt chhat9.6 UUnderrstannd thhe waays iin whhich audiio, vvideoo andd othher mmultiimediia coontennt arre beeing deliivereed ovver tthe IInterrnet and to wwhat busiinesss usees thhis cconteent iis beeing applliedChap 10 Ecconommics, Gloobal, andd Othher IIssuees inn Eleectroonic Commmercee10.1 Idenntifyy thee majjor iimpaccts oof Weeb-baased econnomiccs10.
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