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1、2021屆高考英語二輪創(chuàng)新復(fù)習(xí)閱讀提速練二練習(xí)含解析2021屆高考英語二輪創(chuàng)新復(fù)習(xí)閱讀提速練二練習(xí)含解析PAGE 2021屆高考英語二輪創(chuàng)新復(fù)習(xí)閱讀提速練二練習(xí)含解析閱讀提速練(二)(限時(shí)40分鐘)對(duì)應(yīng)學(xué)生用書(單獨(dú)成冊)第157頁。閱讀理解A(2020平頂山5月聯(lián)考)Welcome to join us in exploring Tanzania,a beautiful east African country!Travel PlanDay 1:Tour in and around Moshi.Drive from Moshi to Lake Manyara。Afternoon game d

2、rive in Lake Manyara。Day 2: Early morning drive to the Serengeti with lunch boxes.Afternoon game drive around the Seronera area.Dinner and overnight。Day 3: Full。day game drive in Serengeti,lunch boxes at Visitors Center。Day 4: Drive from Serengeti to Ngorongoro。Half。day game drive in the Ngorongoro

3、Crater(火山口)Day 5: Drive from Ngorongoro to the Olduvai Gorge(峽谷)Some Scenic SpotsMoshiMoshi is a city lying near the parks and conservation areas offering views of Kilimanjaro,the highest mountain in Africa。Here you can enjoy historic buildings and pick up souvenirs from your trip to Tanzania。Sereng

4、eti National ParkEqual in size to Northern Ireland,the park contains about three million large animals,most of which join in a seasonal migration(遷徙),one of natures wonders。Ngorongoro Conservation AreaThe huge area has active volcanoes,mountains,forests,lakes and Ngorongoro Crater。On the crater floo

5、r,grassland mixes with lakes,rivers,woodland and mountains。The crater is home to up to 25,000 large animals。Olduvai GorgeTheres a small museum lying at the visitor center.The gorge is full of archaeological sites(考古遺址)filled with fossils,settlement remains and stone artifacts。About BaggageWe suggest

6、 limiting your extra clothing and other things to one suitcase per person.Its a great idea to bring a small bag for things like a camera and a water bottle,which youll use in the front passenger area。For more information,please call 1800。766.3396!語篇解讀本文是一篇應(yīng)用文。主要介紹了坦桑尼亞之旅的行程安排及景點(diǎn)等相關(guān)信息。1When can touri

7、sts enjoy the views of the highest mountain in Africa?AOn the first day。 BOn the third day。COn the fourth day. DOn the fifth day。解析:細(xì)節(jié)理解題.根據(jù)“Day 1:Tour in and around Moshi。Drive from Moshi to Lake Manyara?!奔癕oshi中“Moshi is a city lying near the parks and conservation areas offering views of Kilimanj

8、aro,the highest mountain in Africa.”可知,游客在第一天可以欣賞到非洲最高山的景色。答案:A2Northern Ireland is mentioned to show Serengeti National Parks_Aancient attractions Bbeautiful sceneryCvarious animals Dlarge size解析:推理判斷題。根據(jù)Serengeti National Park中“Equal in size to Northern Ireland,the park contains about three millio

9、n large animals”可推斷,提到北愛爾蘭是為了表明塞倫蓋蒂國家公園很大。答案:D3What are tourists advised to do?APrepare huge bags.BSend emails for details。CAvoid too much luggage.DTake photos of passengers。解析:細(xì)節(jié)理解題.根據(jù)倒數(shù)第二段“We suggest limiting your extra clothing and other things to one suitcase per person.”可知,游客應(yīng)該避免攜帶太多行李.答案:CB(20

10、20邯鄲二模)In January,2017,snow began to fall across the Apennines。For days it came down,and the enormous drifts(雪堆)on the mountain grew taller by the hour.In spite of the bad weather,Matrone and his wife decided to make the trip to the mountain resort and have an overnight getaway.Unfortunately,a small

11、 earthquake broke out that night,which caused an avalanche(雪崩)The avalanche gathered speed and size,grabbing rocks and trees and anything else in its way as it roared down the mountain。The snowand the weight of everything it had brought down the mountain with it swept the hotel from its foundation a

12、nd sent everything flying more than 100 yards away.Matrone was trapped 30 feet beneath the snow and ruins,unable to move。Every time he came to life from faint,he dreamed of walking alongside his wife.Eight hours later,the rescuers arrived。The search work went on slowly.Finally,more than 30 hours aft

13、er the search began,they heard something astonishing: a woman crying for help.Adriana and her son were the first to be rescued alive。Finding the survivors electrified the rescuers.They tunneled quickly in the ruins。The rescue team had been working nonstop for more than two days when they heard a voi

14、ce。It was Matrone. The angled beams had created a cocoon that prevented Matrone from being crushed(壓)to death. Those near him had not been so lucky.Rescuers raised the concrete beams off Matrones limbs and lifted him out。It was some 60 hours since the avalanche。He was one of 11 people out of 40 to h

15、ave survived.Soon after,he was airlifted to a hospital in a nearby town。Five days after his rescue,Matrone was given the heartbreaking news that his wife had died.Her body had been found near where Matrone had been trapped。The angel who had appeared in his dreams had never left his side。語篇解讀本文是一篇記敘文

16、。Matrone和他的妻子在山中度假時(shí),遇上雪崩,他的妻子不幸遇難,而他在被埋60多個(gè)小時(shí)后,終于獲救.4What directly caused the hotel to be destroyed?AThe snowfall。 BThe earthquake.CThe avalanche. DThe rocks and trees.解析:細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)文章第三段“The snowand the weight of everything it had brought down the mountain with it swept the hotel from its foundation a

17、nd sent everything flying more than 100 yards away。”可知,賓館被毀的直接原因是雪崩,降雪和地震只是雪崩的前提條件,巖石和樹木是雪崩的部分.答案:C5What is the probable meaning of the underlined word “electrified” in Paragraph 5?AMade people feel satisfied。BMade people feel excited.CEquipped people with electronics。DSupplied people with electrici

18、ty。解析:詞義猜測題.根據(jù)下文“They tunneled quickly in the ruins.”以及常識(shí)可知,救援人員在救出活人之后應(yīng)該感到振奮,于是加快了救援行動(dòng)。A選項(xiàng)干擾較大,satisfied與語境不相符。答案:B6How long was Matrone trapped in the ruins?AMore than 30 hours。BAbout five days。CLess than 40 hours。DAbout two and a half days。解析:細(xì)節(jié)理解題。本文出現(xiàn)的時(shí)間詞比較多,根據(jù)第六段中“It was some 60 hours since th

19、e avalanche。”可知,當(dāng)Matrone被救時(shí),距離雪崩發(fā)生已經(jīng)60個(gè)小時(shí),也就是兩天半左右。答案:D7What can be the best title for this text?AA Narrow Escape BA Scary NightCA Perfect Rescue DA Dawn Avalanche解析:標(biāo)題歸納題。本文主要講述了Matrone在雪崩之后陷入困境,并最終獲救的故事。答案:AC(2020山東省日照市第三次??迹?As the novel coronavirus epidemic continues,one school after another has

20、 organized online classes.The most common form is live streaming,in which all participants,teacher and students alike,sit in front of a computer camera and see each other via the platform。Many teachers and students simply wear casual clothing for the class,and jokes emerge about each others appearan

21、ce。After all,most of the time it is the teacher appearing on screen,and the students,even if called on by the teacher,will only show their faces.Yet Shijiazhuang No。1 Middle School in Hebei Province recently triggered heated discussion by requiring teachers to wear formal suits and students to wear

22、uniforms while attending online classes.By Saturday morning,the related topic has become one of the hottest topics on Sina Weibo,with 180 million views?!癟he practice can improve students sense of formality in the online classes and make them more attentive,”said Yao Haibo,a head teacher of the schoo

23、l in a video clip.“It can also grant students a sense of honor and make them remember their identities as students.”However,in the comment sections,some micro bloggers claiming to be students disagreed.“Not useful。Whether one works hard or not is not decided by a uniform” was the most highly voted c

24、omment,with 31,000 “l(fā)ikes”“Maybe a good move,but unnecessary” was another highly voted comment.Whatever the argument is,the problem might be solved in the notso。distant future。 According to official data,the number of newly confirmed diagnosed cases was 397 on Saturday.The students and teachers migh

25、t,hopefully,see each other in classrooms soon。語篇解讀本文是一篇議論文.講的是在新冠肺炎疫情肆虐的大環(huán)境下,各級(jí)學(xué)校推行網(wǎng)課,而上網(wǎng)課穿不穿校服引發(fā)了爭議.8We can infer from the passage that_Aonline classes are popular in schoolsBteachers have classes online as the novel coronavirus epidemic continuesCteachers and students can see each other via the pl

26、atformDteachers mostly appear on screen while students not解析:推理判斷題.第一段直接提到因?yàn)椴《镜睦^續(xù),師生們一直上網(wǎng)課并且他們可以從平臺(tái)上互相見面;第二段的第二句也直接提到主要是老師出現(xiàn)在屏幕上,而學(xué)生不是,這些都是直接提到的信息,而非推斷,排除B、C、D三項(xiàng)。但根據(jù)這些內(nèi)容,我們可以推斷現(xiàn)在網(wǎng)課正在學(xué)校盛行,A項(xiàng)正確.答案:A9Requiring students to wear uniforms while attending online classes is not because _ in Shijiazhuang No。

27、1 Middle School.Ajokes emerge about teachers and students appearanceBit can improve students sense of formalityCit can protect students from the novel coronavirusesDit can make students remember their identities as students解析:細(xì)節(jié)理解題.本題問“要求學(xué)生上網(wǎng)課穿校服的原因不包括哪些”,根據(jù)第二段第一句中的“jokes emerge about each others ap

28、pearance、第五段第一句中的“The practice can improve students sense of formality”與第五段最后一句中的“make them remember their identities as students”可知,A、B、D三項(xiàng)是原因;C項(xiàng)說法文中未提及。故選C。答案:C10Official online classes in schools may _ soon because the number of newly confirmed diagnosed cases is dropping.Acontinue BstopCdisappea

29、r Dbe forbidden解析:推斷判斷題。根據(jù)最后兩段的內(nèi)容,可以判斷出學(xué)生們不久就開學(xué),言外之意網(wǎng)課也即將停止了.故選B.答案:B11Whats the writers attitude towards wearing uniforms while attending online classes?ANegative. BOptimistic。CSupportive。 DObjective.解析:觀點(diǎn)態(tài)度題。作者開始先講述新冠疫情大環(huán)境下,上網(wǎng)課穿不穿校服引發(fā)了爭議,然后講述了正反兩方面的觀點(diǎn),沒有作者的觀點(diǎn)態(tài)度,這說明作者是客觀地說明這個(gè)問題,因此答案是D項(xiàng)。答案:DD(2020河南

30、大教育合作學(xué)校6月聯(lián)考)Wang Zhonglin started playing table tennis only four years ago.But last year,he and other researchers came up with a clever way to up their game:Build a smart table。Now theyve built a prototype(樣品)It can measure where a ball lands,how fast the balls going,where its headed and the angle i

31、t was traveling。The table can do that because its special wood surface forms the top layer(層)of a novel self.powered sensor。The data it acquires could guide players to perform better。Importantly,the new smart table wont need a battery to detect the ball。When a ball hits the wood,it sets off a chain

32、of events that can both produce a small electric current(電流)and record measurements of the balls behavior.What makes the new game table truly unique is its use of wood as one of the layers because wood can produce electricity by rubbing against it.But Wangs group realized they couldnt rely on wood t

33、hat comes directly from a tree。Its too hard and too easily broken。They needed a kind of wood that could bend.So they boiled the wood in chemicals for seven hours.Then they dipped the wood in boiling water.Once it came out of the boiling baths,the wood bent easily。The scientists then cut the treated

34、wood into small squares。Each measured just 1.8 inches on a side.Those squares became the top layer.Beneath this wood,they added a layer of metal to conduct electricity.They attached that layer to a metal wire。Then,instead of using a table.tennis ball,they hit the surface with a type of hard plastic.

35、When it registered an electric current,they moved on to building a test table。“It is amazing。To me,selfpowered sensors of wood is the first move toward using energy harvesting and sensing in sports,”said Askar,an engineer in Canada。And it need not end with table tennis,he added.語篇解讀本文是一篇說明文。文章主要介紹了一

36、種新的發(fā)明智能乒乓球桌面。它可以感知乒乓球的速度、方向等,從而幫助人們提高球技。12What can we know about Wangs invention?AIts battery lasts very long.BIt sells well in the market.CIt can accelerate the balls speed.DIt can judge the balls direction。解析:細(xì)節(jié)理解題.根據(jù)第二段中的“where its headed”可知,智能乒乓球桌能夠感知球的方向.答案:D13Why did Wang use wood surface?AIt

37、is easy to get。BIt can produce electricity.CIt is hard enough.DIt is environmentally friendly.解析:細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第三段末句可知,科學(xué)家之所以使用木頭,是因?yàn)槟绢^在敲擊下會(huì)產(chǎn)生電流.答案:B14What was the wood like after being treated?AIt bent easily。 BIt shrunk greatly。CIt broke easily。 DIt became harder。解析:細(xì)節(jié)理解題.根據(jù)第四段末句可知,經(jīng)過處理的木頭變得容易彎曲。答案:A15W

38、hat can be inferred from Askars words?ASports meets will end with a table tennis match.BThe technology will be used in other sports。CTable tennis isnt the first to use self。powered sensors.DThe table tennis ball will be self.powered in the future。解析:推理判斷題。根據(jù)短文可知,加拿大工程師認(rèn)為木頭的自供電傳感器是在運(yùn)動(dòng)中使用能量收集和傳感的第一步,以

39、后會(huì)逐漸應(yīng)用到其他運(yùn)動(dòng)中。答案:B.閱讀七選五(2020東北三名校聯(lián)考) We all wish for the arrival of Sunday。_1_The hard work of a busy week is soothed(撫慰)by a good sleep that lasts,in most cases,till the Sunday afternoon.But after that,too much sleep can make the rest of the day generally end in lazing around the sofa,without doing

40、 anything。Therefore,to really relax on a Sunday,the answer doesnt lie in sleep,but in doing things that provide a soothing touch.Most often we get so lost in work that when Sunday comes,we really dont know what to do with the free twenty.four hours weve got._2_Luckily,there are many things you can d

41、o to enjoy your Sunday。_3_An early morning jog would restore your tiredness caused by the daily schedule。After the morning walk,youll have more energy to face the day head on。You must have bought a lot of books on your last visit to the bookstore,but lack of time must have prevented you from reading

42、.Spend the Sunday afternoon reading any book that interests you。_4_With life being filled with too much work,finding free time during the working days is surely a struggle。_5_ In such a case,Sunday is the best day to pull up your sleeves,and get to work on the house。Clean the house,wash the clothes or mend anything that is broken。In short,maki


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